Vi Interactions. - Tumblr Posts
@seccndchances asked : “ youre soaked! what were you doing out there? did you forget an umbrella? come inside so we can dry you off. “ vi & aayla.

vi had been in far worse then some rain , but she appreciated the girls worry for her. ‘ thanks but i think i can handle a little bit of rain. ‘ vi had been heading out to the bar hopefully should could find anyone from home but everyday she lost a little bit more hope. ‘ i wouldnt want to be a burden. ‘

vi thought about it for a moment , normally if a hot women was being nice to her than she tended to flirt back. but since vi got her memories back , all she could think about was finding caitlyn or maybe ekko. vi hesitated for a moment trying to think if she was better off running for the bar or just staying here. vi decided ultimately to take her up on the offer , ‘ okay , ill come in. im vi by the way. ‘

"It's not being a burden if I offer." Aayla explained, "Besides you won't be much help to anyone if you catch your death out here in a storm." Aayla had spent her time contemplating in way worse conditions, it didn't mean she worry for others doing the same. "Besides who are you going to find wandering around right now? most people are probably in doors.. come rest till the storm passes."

vi admittedly wasnt too surprised to see the robot standing next to the other , back home things like this were everywhere. ‘ you can understand him? ‘ vi asked , curiosity spiking in her. things like this always reminded her of her brothers , they would have loved something like this and would have been freaking out. ‘ back home robots werent super common but they werent uncommon either. ‘
❝ have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again ? ❞ vi & anyone

"What Chopper?" he asked, all too aware that the droid was having one of his moments. The best thing there would usually have been Hera calming him down. Right now, he wasn't sure that was an option. "As tempting as making him shut down would be, it usually just makes him a lot worse. I'd say he's harmless, just annoyed I guess" and also definitely not harmless, but who needed to know that.

vi had been looking for any sign of home or people from home , but had come up empty handed at every turn. but vi wasnt going to stop looking , the island wasnt that big eventually someone had to show up. so when vi spotted the familiar blue hair in the corner of the cafe. vi walked up in front of the table , ‘ cait? ‘ / vi & caitlyn : @allthatglxtters

vi didnt think twice before hugging caitlyn back tightly , she was so relieved to know that caitlyn was alive and well. vi really didnt want to let her go but didnt push it when caitlyn pulled away from her. ‘ i thought the same thing , im glad youre okay. ive been looking for you since i got my memories back. ‘

Caitlyn had been coming up empty on anything or anyone familiar in awhile now. She wasn't not looking anymore, it was slowly starting to feel hopeless. That is until suddenly the person she'd been looking for most appeared in front of her at a cafe table. "Vi?" Without skipping a beat, Caitlyn was on her feet and hugging the other close, so relieved and happy to see her. That is until her thoughts caught up and she realized she was being clingy, Caitlyn gently shifting back with a blushing smile. "Sorry, I...I can't believe you're here! I was starting to think I was alone."

vi gave the beeping robot and apologetic smile , ‘ sorry not robot , what would you prefer i call you? ‘ vi asked since she really ddint have much experience with stuff like this. ‘ im not surprised , i should have been more aware. ‘ vi assured since it really didnt bother her.

"Unfortunately I do" and perhaps he would have a lot less headaches if he didn't. Actually he might have more, least sometimes he got a heads up over what the droid was planning. As she spoke he could hear Chopper start going off on one. Oh he was going to have a headache from this. "Yeah Chop, I know. Not a robot" he replied, wondering if he could actually just turn him off. "Sorry, he's... opinionated. You had robots in your home?"

vi was pissed to be honest , she had finally gotten her memories back and found caitlyn only to be tossed into some new world again. she was starting to believe that someone was fucking with her and having fun at her expense. vi had been sitting outside of their tent trying to process what was going on when she heard her roommate coming outside. ‘ did i wake you up? ‘ / vi & feyre : @hcpefuldreaming

vi walked over to stand next to caitlyn , wanting the other to feel more at ease. vi could tell that something was wrong , although vi wasnt the best with dealing with emotions but it didnt stop her for wanting to be there for caitlyn. ‘ you didnt wake me up , do you wanna talk about the nightmare? ‘ vi assured and offered tryin to ease her a bit.
@sunshiinefades || vi&caitlyn ❛ what are you doing out here by yourself ? ❜

"Oh! Hey." Caitlyn straightened from the wall she was leaning on, knowing it was likely odd, her out here alone this late at night. "Sorry, had a nightmare and I didn't wanna disturb you. But what has you our here? Wanting to take in some night air too? I hope I didn't wake you up.."