Vikings Valhalla X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Under The Moonlight

Under The Moonlight

Request: Yes or No

Don't kill me pls I love y'allllllllll if it helps i have three parts already writtennnnn! look at the pretty man

CW/TW: Violence, implied homophobia, Christianity, bashing Christianity (idk if that should be a warning), Vikings being Vikings, men being men

Apologies to any ppl from Greenland or people with a lot of knowledge on Norse culture and their gods, I will get some things wrong.


The sail to Kattegat had proven to be a difficult feat, though most trips across open ocean typically were. The ocean had shown mercy at first; when the waves would only brush against the side of the boat gently, beckoning curious eyes to gaze into its depths.

But upon sailing closer to Kattegat, a storm began brewing above. The sky turned a dark shade of gray as the waves began to grow, slamming against the boat harder and harder, threatening to capsize it with each powerful hit. The other boats traveling alongside them began to disappear until the drenched man could no longer see more than a foot ahead of him through the pouring rain. With the roaring waves and claps of thunder hounding his senses, (Y/N) could hardly hear the instructions his siblings shouted in an attempt to keep the boat from sinking into the darkness below. But in the end, Leif's experience allowed everyone to escape the storm without losing a single person.

Rising from the wooden seat, (Y/N) stared at the harbor settled between the mountains, a horn blaring through the air to signal their arrival. The town appeared large and heavily occupied. Far more occupied than he had expected. Kattegat was a seemingly well-known town but the man hadn't expected to see so many Vikings gathered in just one harbor. His half-sister seemed to share similar thoughts. She stared at the town, gaze lingering for a moment before she looked back toward her brothers with uncertainty but after meeting (Y/N)'s eyes, her lips pulled into a warm smile and her shoulders relaxed.

Freydis Eriksdotter. Only younger than him by a few weeks. With her long blonde hair and tender blue eyes, Freydis had been a shining light in his darkest moments. While she physically resembled her mother, her stubborn and fierce personality could be attributed to their stubborn and infamous father, Erik Thorvaldsson. She had proven to be the perfect combination of her parents; her idle hands that could weave thread and mend injuries also knew how to handle a sword. And with a father like theirs, it was imperative they knew how to defend themselves, from animals and people alike. 

"Stay close and out of trouble," A voice rumbled from behind him as the boat neared the docks.

Then there was his older half-brother, Leif Eriksson. With his broad structure, long brown hair, and bright blue eyes, Leif resembled their father in more ways than one. And yet, he tried to be everything their father wasn't; gentle, forgiving, and merciful. He and Freydis easily adapted to (Y/N)'s presence after his mother brought him to their home. They gleefully took him in, calling him their brother within days and growing to love him within weeks. Leif proved to be the older brother anyone could ever wish for.

"I'm not the one you should be telling that to." (Y/N) muttered, folding his arms over his chest and feeling the boat slow to a stop. The Vikings on the docks were quick to help secure the boat and one took a moment to examine the condition of it and its passengers. 

"How in Odin's name did you avoid the storm?" He questioned curiously as he rested his hands on his hips

Brushing off his question, Leif addressed the man. "Did any ships from the west make it in last night?" 

"No, just two ships before the storm." He answered and nodded toward the shore, drawing (Y/N)'s attention to it. Littered across the sand were bodies, flags, and pieces of wood. Few searched through the wreckages for valuables or familiar faces while others treaded into the waters to pull the corpses onto land. A saddening sight for anyone. Lives lost to the rage of the ocean. Leif studied the shore and exhaled softly, shaking his head lightly before turning to his crew. 

"Toke, Ulf, you stay here with the boats and resupply," Leif instructed the two men and then turned his sights onto siblings. "Freydis, (Y/N), check with the captains at the harbor. The rest of you will come with me to search the town." 

Freydis frowned but before she could protest, (Y/N) gently grasped her arm. "The time will come." He assured her gently. Freydis pursed her lips and nodded, gazing after their brother as he and the others disappeared into the crowded town. She heaved a sigh and turned back to look at their messy boat.

"You know, I do not need you watching over me," Freydis muttered and retrieved some more rope from the floor, squinting up at their sail to check for anything else that had possibly gotten loose in the strong winds.

"It's my job as your big brother." (Y/N) reminded teasingly, a grin appearing on his face when she scoffed softly and rolled her eyes. Freydis expertly tied the rope in her hands around the mast, glancing at the men as (Y/N) took the things Toke and Ulf had quickly retrieved. (Y/N) looked over their supplies, ensuring they had everything they needed. 

"Where are you from?" Someone called out, pulling the Greenlanders' attention away from their tasks and onto the man watching them from the dock.

He was tall with broad shoulders and muscular arms. His brunette hair had been tied back into a bun, allowing them to gaze at his bearded face and dark eyes. He regarded the crew with mere curiosity and a boyish smile that screamed trouble, exuding an aura of friendliness. But even with his kind eyes and relaxed posture, (Y/N) couldn't find it in himself to trust him. They were newcomers on strange land. Easy targets for vultures. 

Slipping his fingers around his sheathed dagger, (Y/N) allowed his eyes to sweep over the man once more, taking note of the axe holstered to his hip. When he turned his attention back onto the stranger's face he found the man already watching him. The brunette tilted his head to the side expectantly, presumably awaiting an answer from him but he received silence in return as (Y/N) turned his back to him and focused on taking count of their food supply, or rather lack of.

Chuckling softly under her breath, Freydis peered over her shoulder and answered, "Greenland."

"What kind of journey was it?" The man inquired, gaze lingering on the quiet man.

"Long. Five weeks. No stops." Freydis answered once more and watched the man closely as he finally tore his eyes away from her brother and stepped closer to asses the boat. Upon finishing with the mast, she finally faced him.

"Five weeks across open ocean in this?" He peered down at Freydis with twinkling eyes and a wolfish grin. "I'm impressed."

"Then you are easily impressed." 

"Not true. My standards are quite high." The man objected playfully, watching his sister with an all too familiar look. (Y/N) had been no stranger to that dance, especially when it came to Freydis and the other women of the crew. And seeing as his sister appeared rather taken with the handsome stranger, (Y/N) doubted she'd only flirt with him. 

"So are mine." Freydis pulled herself up onto one of the seats, wrapping her hand around one of the ropes attached to the mast to maintain her balance. She smirked at him, blatantly looking him over to feed into their little flirtatious game. "Are you from Kattegat?"

"No, from Ringerike. I'm Harald Sigurdsson." Harald spoke his name proudly, almost as if he were important. It made (Y/N)'s eyes roll. "Who are you?"

"My name is Freydis." The blonde answered before motioning toward (Y/N) with a nod. "And this is my brother."

"Ah." Harald leaned back, hand resting on the hilt of his axe as he looked back at (Y/N). "Then, I believe after such a long voyage, I would think a hot bath would sound good to your sister." Bold words slipped from his mouth and (Y/N) found himself raising his brows at him, hearing Ulf and Toke snickering quietly from their spots. Freydis looked at her brother with widened eyes but the corners of her lips twitched upward in amusement. Meeting her gaze, (Y/N) knew Leif would be far from pleased if he allowed her to leave the boat with a stranger, but he'd be unable to blame (Y/N) for it. Freydis had a habit of doing whatever she wanted, with and without permission. So, with the knowledge Freydis could easily defend herself if it came to it, (Y/N) hesitantly nodded.

"Well then," Freydis turned back to Harald and stepped onto the dock, turning her chin up at him and quirking a pale brow. "Where could I get one of these hot baths?"

"Come." Harald chuckled, shooting the man one last glance before he placed his hand on Freydis's lower back and led her down the dock until they disappeared from view.

"With that attitude, he's asking for someone to dig an axe in his back," Ulf said as he stood up, casting a glance over the boat.

Shaking his head, (Y/N) looked at him and offered a smile. "We've come for other reasons." He reminded, watching Toke finish securing everything.

With the boat taken care of, the two men followed (Y/N) down the dock and looked around as he led them into town. Sellers shoved varying items in his direction, shouting off prices and rambling about their products. Amongst the perfumes, clothes, and weapons being sold, there were slaves. Shackled and shivering. (Y/N) felt his throat tighten at the sight of them.

"There's Liv!" Ulf pointed out and (Y/N) tore his gaze away from the slaves, turning his back to them as his friends slipped from the crowd one by one. 

"No luck." Yrsa sighed. Before (Y/N) could speak, another horn sounded off, signaling the arrival of more ships and it only took a moment for Lief to slip out of the crowd and join the group, looking over everyone with newfound determination.

"The cross belongs to an English Viking." He revealed, eyes searching for Freydis's familiar face and frowning when he didn't spot her. Turning to his brother questioningly, his frown only deepened when (Y/N) avoided his eyes and sheepishly rubbed the side of his neck.

"She left with someone. A so-called Harald Sigurdsson."

Sighing heavily, Leif nodded. "I'll find her. We'll meet up at the docks."

When Leif disappeared back into the crowd, (Y/N) faced the crew and motioned for them to start heading back. On the short walk to the docks, it began to rain lightly but the wind picked up considerably. They just couldn't seem to stay dry for long. It didn't take long for Leif and Freydis to join the crew, eyes trained on the ships sailing into the harbor. Upon getting closer, (Y/N) spotted two of the men on one of the ships, crosses dangling from their necks. Considering the loud cheering from the docks, the two were loved, perhaps even worshipped. 

"It's him," Freydis confirmed, looking back at her brothers when the men stepped off the ships. She looked back at the sound of a familiar voice and her eyes narrowed upon seeing Harald greeting them, appearing to know the men on a personal level. 

"Isn't that-"

"Yes." Freydis breathed, jaw clenching. Grasping the handle of her knife, Freydis took a step forward, ready to get her revenge on the man who had fled from justice. But she didn't get far before (Y/N) took her arm and pulled her back. Too many eyes, too many Christians. They'd see her coming from a mile away if she brazenly rushed at them and he doubted they'd only pray for her if she were caught.

"Not here," Leif told her, keeping an eye on the men as they strode deeper into town. Grunting softly, the blonde sheathed her knife and stepped back, eyes bright with rage. "Toke, Yrsa. Go get our things."

The men stopped briefly to eat, giving Toke and Yrsa enough time to gather everyones' belongings and bring them back, handing them off just as the men got on horses and began leaving town. The crew followed them out of town, keeping a safe distance away and being mindful of the other Vikings with the men. Leif led everyone into the dense forest, stepping over fallen logs and foliage as they climbed up the side of the mountain. A tiresome trek but a necessary one. Freydis needed to bring justice down on the man who had hurt her and her brothers had vowed on helping her. So, (Y/N) ignored the way his muscles ached for rest and marched on.

The winds lashed furiously on the mountain but it was the least of (Y/N)'s worries as he took in the sight below. A whole camp filled with more Vikings than he could count. Tents perched in just about every corner, horses roaming around, carts filled with supplies. It looked like an army preparing for something, but what exactly? (Y/N) swallowed and looked at Leif, taking in the concentrated look on his face.

"We'll set up camp in the forest." Leif decided, turning to his equally perplexed and surprised friends. "We'll keep an eye on him until the time is right." Leif nodded to his sister and Freydis returned it, eyeing the camp one last time before she turned and began heading back down the mountain, the others following close behind and exchanging glances. (Y/N) strayed for a moment, looking over all the Vikings present. A need for so many warriors could only mean something big, something important.  Part of him didn't want to find out what it was.

Turning his attention away from the camp, he caught up with the others and headed down the mountain where they could rest until a solid plan was created. Yrsa and Ulf worked together to prop their furs on long sticks, Liv and Leif collected some sticks to create a small fire and Njal left to watch the camp. (Y/N) explored the forest, gazing up at the tall trees towering over them. While he was no stranger to a lush forest, he'd been used to seeing vast snow-covered plains for most of his life. He missed the openness of his home... He missed his parents and brothers. Sighing softly, he turned his sights onto the bright green brush and grass, searching for fallen branches and sticks to help feed the fire Liv and Leif had started. He'd have to take in the sights of nature another time. They had more important matters at hand. 

Returning to camp with a handful of sticks and crouching down by the fire, he set the pile down beside Liv and brushed his hands free of dirt. Liv gave him a thankful smile, picking up a few and tossing them into the fire, the crackle growing louder. (Y/N) lifted his head to look at the others, noting Skarde seemed awfully quiet and upset. Yrsa had settled down on a blanket made of furs whilst Ulf and Toke conversed and his sister sat by herself, looking out in the direction of the camp. She perked up at the sight of Njal, watching him return with a conflicted expression.

"He must be important. He hasn't come out of the main tent." Njal informed them, gaze cast onto the ground as glances were exchanged.

Running a hand over his face, Skarde shook his head and spoke shakily, fingers toying with the thread wrapped around his hand. "This changes things."

"This changes nothing," Freydis spoke, snapping her head toward him and narrowing her eyes when he scoffed.

"Really? What is your plan then? Go down there and simply take your revenge?" He questioned, raising a brow at her as she stood and faced him.

"If I have to, yes." Noticing the growing animosity, Leif stood up from his spot beside Liv, glancing between his sister and friend as they went back and forth, both Greenlanders growing more annoyed with each passing second.

Skarde slowly nodded in disbelief, rolling up the thread in his hands and tossing it to his feet. "I won't be a part of such a plan." He spat, pushing himself off the tree he'd been sitting against. 

"Then you break your oath to my father?" Leif furrowed his brows as he walked forward, placing himself between the two and staring up at him. (Y/N) rose up from his hunches and stepped around the brunette to stand beside his brother, briefly pulling Skarde's attention off his siblings and onto him. 

Clenching his jaw, Skarde spoke, "I didn't promise your father to be a part of foolishness."

"What do we know of this place?" Njal's deep voice interjected, his tone full of uncertainty. "Trees, cities, and giant armies? These Norse are not our people."

"They are Viking... Just like you." Freydis raised her brows, pointedly looking between Njal and Skarde as she spoke.

"No." Skarde asserted with a light shake of his head. "We are Greenlanders. As are you." He said, inhaling deeply before he continued. "Until this morning, no one among us had ever seen more than 40 people together in one place. Now, I look at more men than in Iceland and Greenland together. We must be able to admit that what we came here for is now hopeless." 

Silence fell over the crew and when nobody countered his argument, Freydis scoffed in disbelief and turned away from them, stalking off in the direction of the camp. (Y/N) didn't hesitate on following his sister through the foliage until they came across the tree line. Freydis stared out at the camp with crossed arms and a frown on her face. The crunching of leaves signaled Leif's presence, having followed his younger siblings as well.

"You shouldn't have stopped me at the harbor," Freydis muttered bitterly. "It would be done."

"And you would be dead," Leif stated bluntly, gazing out at the camp. 

"Then I'd be in Valhalla with the other Einherjar, feasting with Odin and the Gods. And Father would be proud."

"We are not here for Father, Freydis." (Y/N) spoke up, hand reaching out to gently touch the back of her arm. She looked down at his hand, her tense figure slowly relaxing at her brother's touch. "We came here for you. Besides, Father didn't think of-"

"What are you trying to tell me?" She asked defensively, tilting her head up to look into his eyes. "Do you believe it's hopeless? Because I will not stop until I get my revenge." 

"No, Freydis. We're asking you to trust us." Leif said, softening his gaze as he looked at his sister. Freydis swallowed and looked back at him, lips pressing together. She released a shaky sigh and nodded, loose curls bouncing against her speckled skin.

"I trust you."

"Good. Because I have a plan."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" (Y/N) questioned, eyeing the Vikings walking around with their weapons close to their sides and crosses hanging proudly from their necks. When night had fallen, Leif had pulled him away from the rest to take him to the camp. Leif wished to infiltrate the camp and figure out what exactly so many of their people had been gathered.

"If you'd like, you can return to camp," Leif glanced back at him, shoulder roughly bumping against another Viking walking by. (Y/N) stepped closer to his brother, listening to the soft prayers oozing from tents and groups of Vikings. Unease bubbled in his stomach. Too many Christians for his liking. Leif lifted his hand to his face, brushing back some hair before an older man suddenly reached out, snatching his wrist and staring at the tattoo Leif had on his wrist.

"What you doing over here?" He hissed quietly, voice thick with an English accent. He spared a look around before releasing Leif's wrist and glancing at (Y/N). "Come with me before one of these damn Christians catches sight of the both of ya." He sucked his teeth, shoving the brothers forward and away from the other Vikings. (Y/N) stumbled out onto an open area and looked back at the man, watching him warily glance back.

"If that Jesus bunch caught you two prowling around over there, you'd be lucky to get back." He shook his head, leading them toward a cart and pulling their hands up. He began stacking folded blankets and coats made of fur on their hands until the sound of drums began echoing through the air and everyone began heading in the direction of the sound.

"Stay close," Leif whispered to his brother, following the older man through the crowd. Men on horses led the way with their torches held in the air, only stopping once the crowd stood in front of those beating the drums. (Y/N) handed the blankets off to the older man, nodding to him and keeping close to Leif as they slipped through the crowd until they reached the front. A few Vikings stood on top of a hill overlooking the crowd. Harald Sigurdsson among them. He appeared to be quite important.

"Welcome, friends!" The man standing beside Harald began, voice echoing through the valley. Murmurs erupted through the crowd and a name seemed to be passed around: King Canute of Denmark.

"Over a hundred years ago, a great Viking army set off for England to avenge the death of Ragnor Lothrok. It achieved its goal. And after many great victories, our people were invited to settle into communities there. With time, we sent our loved ones to live and work there. The Danelaw became their home." King Canute spoke, allowing a brief moment of silence to pass as the information settled in. 

"A year ago, all that changed. And a slaughter began. A massacre. Unknown in the long history of our people. An attack. Not warrior to warrior, but waged on innocent women and children." The more he spoke, the rowdier the crowd got, murmurs growing louder. "Waged for only one reason; to cleanse England of our people. You have been summoned here for a purpose, to avenge the death of our people and to show the English that they cannot murder Vikings and expect us to do nothing!" The crowd erupted in cheers, swords being slammed against shields in support. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortably as shoulders bumped against his, adrenaline beginning to pump in the veins of those around him.

"Our ancestors would not. Ivar the Boneless and Bjorn Ironside would not. I will not. Will you?" The crowd roared their response. It was not in a Viking's blood to simply ignore an attack against themselves, against loved ones. But many of the Vikings present weren't there to avenge a loved one. A blind and unexpected attack was an easy way to bruise someone's ego. "You are here for your families! You are here for your honor! You are here because you are Vikings!" King Canute finished, hearing the overwhelming shouts and roars of agreement, metal swords slamming against shields. Leif and (Y/N) exchanged a look, arms brushing against each other and providing the brothers with some sense of comfort in a sea of furious men and women.

"We will fight the English." One man staggered forward, head turning to sneer at the others. "But not with Christians!" He bellowed, motioning toward them with his axe as others cheered in agreement. Despite the years, (Y/N) could feel his scar ache as he looked toward the gathered Christians, a certain disdain swirling in his chest. "Christians killed my family. They are my true enemy."

"And you are mine, Pagan." One of the Christian men responded, stepping forward from the rowdy crowd. "These men are nothing but idolaters. Worshippers of Satan!" 

With a war cry, the first man ran at the other, swinging his axe at him but his blow was blocked by the second man's shield. The two continued swinging at each other, urged on by both crowds alike. Swiftly going down the hill, Harald got in between them, blocking with his shield and swinging at the men in an attempt to push them away from each other. Releasing a cry when a sword cut him, Harald sneered at the men and spread out his arms to prevent them from attacking each other.

"Enough!" Harald snarled at them, heavy pants leaving him. He turned toward the first man, dropping his arms to his sides as he addressed him. "Jarl Gorm, you say you'll never fight with Christians but what am I? Did I not spend every summer of my youth with your family? Did you not love me like a son?" He questioned, whipping his head to look at the second man. "Jarl Nori, a pious Christian. I saw your sister the night of the massacre. What would she say about your refusal to fight with your brothers here? Would she not call you a coward?" Harald looked between the two before taking a step back and facing the crowd.

"That your God is Odin or Christ means nothing to me! Only your honor does! Only your courage does!" He shouted into the night. Heaving softly, he touched a hand to his sliced arm and lifted his blood-soaked fingers into the air. "This blood is not my blood. It is our blood, it is Viking blood! And it will always be!" His words garnered cries and shouts of agreement, flags swinging back and forth. The two men nodded to Harald and retreated to their previous spots in the crowd, content with keeping the peace for the time being.

"It is going to be a long night," Leif whispered as the cheers continued. (Y/N) could only sigh in return.

                    ➸        ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸

"Did you sleep at all?"

"You know very well I can't sleep around strangers." (Y/N) answered with a yawn, trying to push away the exhaustion clinging to his body. Leif frowned, using his fingers to comb his hair back into a bun but before he could lecture his brother, (Y/N) turned his back to him and looked out at the bustling Vikings.

"What now?"

"We find him and we keep an eye on him," Leif answered and walked forward, the sound of singing filling the camp as Vikings went about their day. Men and women collected supplies, heaving them onto carts and helping one another. (Y/N) searched for the man, eyes flickering from face to face, never allowing his gaze to linger to avoid attracting attention to them. Feeling fingers lightly tap his arm, he followed Leifs' gaze and spotted the man walking through the ground. However, before the two could follow, Leif's shoulder was roughly grabbed and his body turned to face a stranger.

"It's them, all right." The man nodded to his friends and sneered at the brothers. "Your father is Erik Thorvaldson, yes? Erik the Red?"

"And what is that to you?" Leif asked, eyeing the men around them. (Y/N) brought his hand to his dagger's handle, looking over his shoulder at the men behind them, their shields up to block them from leaving. 

"Our name is Becken. Your father killed our brother Sven." The man revealed, motioning between himself and the other Viking standing beside him.

"Our father's history has nothing to do with us." Leif retorted, reaching out to grab (Y/N)'s arm and gently push him forward, hoping to avoid a fight but one of the men cut in front of them, blocking them from getting too far and cockily grinning at them.

"Your father is a killer. Run away to escape justice. It has everything to do with you." The first man asserted bitterly. (Y/N)'s grip on the dagger tightened and he looked back at Leif, searching his face for permission to swing at the man in front of him. Leif grimaced and turned toward the man who had begun it, raising his brows.

"You're making a mistake." He warned.

Scoffing, the man in front of (Y/N) shook his head. "No, Eriksson. The mistake was yours." He declared, charging forward but before he could bring the sword down on the younger brother, (Y/N) grabbed his attacker's forearm and turned his body, slipping his dagger out while simultaneously elbowing the man directly in the nose. The man cried out in pain and stumbled backward, hand raising to touch his now bleeding nose. The pain, however, only fueled his rage and he charged again with an enraged cry. (Y/N) quickly dodged the following swing and slammed his foot into the back of his knee, sending the man toppling downward. He rolled over onto his back and attempted to get up but (Y/N) kicked his face, causing more blood to spill from his nose as his head slammed back into the grass. Retrieving the man's discarded axe from the ground, (Y/N) threw it at one of the men charging at his brother, successfully hitting him and causing the man to fall. 

"Brother!" Turning, (Y/N) caught the shield Leif tossed at him and blocked a swing from a sword, using the shield to shove the man onto the ground. He spun around and leaned back, narrowly getting cut by an axe swinging in his direction. Lifting his leg, (Y/N) kicked the man in the stomach and made him stumble backward, using his momentary loss of balance to charge forward and dig the dagger into his arm. Pulling it out and panting softly, (Y/N) stepped back and briefly pressed his back against Leif's.

The man that had attacked him first blindly charged, face soaked in red. (Y/N) raised the shield to block his punch and lowered it just as quickly, swinging the dagger at his face and cutting his cheek. Moving his hands down to the bottom of the shield, he swung it sideways and hit the side of the man's face, knocking him down again. When another one charged, he did similarly, aiming at his wrist and knocking the sword from their grasp. Releasing the shield and charging, (Y/N) tackled the man onto the grass and pinned his arms down with his knees, lifting his dagger above his head and bringing it down.

"Enough!" Leif called, and (Y/N) froze, blade frighteningly close to his attacker's eye. Panting heavily, (Y/N) peered over his shoulder and spotted his brother holding a sword to the first man's throat.

"Just like your father." The man cursed, spitting out some blood and saliva.

"You're wrong." Leif lifted the sword, using the side of it to knock him out. "If I were like my father, you'd all be dead." He breathed and turned toward (Y/N), tossing the sword aside and motioning for him to stand. (Y/N) looked down at the man writhing beneath him and huffed softly, standing up and trailing after Leif. 

"Taking another's life would've complicated things, (Y/N)," Leif scolded, looking back at him with a disappointed frown.

"They attacked first." (Y/N) argued with a huff. "They would've had it coming."

Sighing, Leif shook his head and looked forward. "You sound like Father." He muttered, leading his brother to a stream near the camp and crouching down by the water. (Y/N) joined him, letting the cool water wash his hands before he dipped his dagger in and cleaned it. Once satisfied, (Y/N) rose and wiped the blade against his pant leg, sheathing it and drying his hands on his pants. He caught sight of figures in his peripheral and gently kicked his brother's leg to catch his attention.

"Eriksson from Greenland. Not the sons of Viking warrior, Erik Thorvaldson, banished from Norway and Iceland for murder?" Harald tilted his head, regarding them with an amused smile. Leif stood up, shaking his hands off, and sharing a cautious glance with his brother.

"The same." He confirmed, eyes flickering to the men beside Harald. Most wore crosses.

"I suppose when you have a father like Erik the Red, you learn to fight like that." Harald chuckled, not catching the distaste that passed over Leif's features at his words.

"My name is Leif." He walked closer, tilting his head up to look at Harald.

"I'm Harald Sigurdsson. We met yesterday, though I didn't quite catch your brother's name." Harald said, tilting his head to look at (Y/N). His cocky and playful smirk made whatever respect (Y/N) had gained for him the night before wash away in an instant. His lip pulled back and he couldn't help but roll his eyes, a soft scoff escaping him. Harald merely chuckled at his distaste, eyes slowly raking over the Greenlander.

"I believe that's none of your business." (Y/N) responded, eyes trailing down from his face to the cross he wore. Harald's hand raised to toy with it, fingers wrapping around it and blocking it from view. (Y/N) lifted his gaze and met Harald's, holding eye contact for a moment before he looked away. Leif's brows furrowed slightly, glancing between his brother and Harald.

"His name is (Y/N)," Leif piped up after a moment of silence, climbing up the short hill to be at eye level with Harald. "We heard you last night. You're a good speaker. You moved many." 

"Did I move you?" Harald asked, eyes remaining on the younger brother. His lips quirked into a small grin when (Y/N) refused to meet his gaze, only begrudgingly getting closer when his brother motioned for him. Crossing his arms over his chest, (Y/N) looked back at the men and briefly looked into Harald's dark eyes. When neither brother responded, Harald finally tore his eyes away and looked at the rather perplexed Leif, hand dropping from his cross. "Freydis said you captained your boat all the way from Greenland. Could use good ship captains who can fight. I can promise great glory if you join us in England."

"Glory?" Leif repeated, curiously glancing back at (Y/N). "I thought you were going to England for revenge?"

"We are. But true Vikings always reach for glory. It's what defines us."

"Like I said, you're a good speaker. I'll think about it." Leif answered grimly, although his tone made his answer rather clear and obvious. Harald's jaw clenched but he nodded, watching the brothers brush past him. (Y/N) paused, reaching out to touch Harald's cross, studying the metal and designs carved into it. Harald reached up to pull his cross out of (Y/N)'s grip, pausing when their fingers brushed against each other. His eyes lowered to look down at their hands.

"I wish you luck with our sister. You'll need it." (Y/N) murmured, releasing the cross and joining Leif in heading back to camp. 

The rest of the day had gone by uneventfully as the army began moving toward Kattegat where Jarl Haakon allowed them to set up camp outside the walls of her city. She graciously opened the main hall for them, hosting a feast for the warriors ready to fight. (Y/N) and Leif wandered around the hall, keeping to the sides and mostly out of view as they waited for Freydis to slip inside and enact her revenge. A risky plan but they were aware of the dangers. Death is not the end, his mother would say to him whenever he grew afraid.

"There's Skarde." (Y/N) whispered upon spotting the man slipping into the hall. Just in time for another speech from King Canute.

"Friends!" He called from the table settled at the end of the hall, rising to his feet as the Vikings fell silent and turned toward the king. Leif walked forward, heading toward the other side of the hall as quietly as possible. (Y/N) remained on the other side, glancing at Leif as he kept to the wall but made sure to remain within their view, or rather Harald's view. It proved easier than expected seeing as Harald's eyes found him almost instantaneously.

"This is a historic occasion. Our thanks to Jarl Haakon for opening her city to our righteous cause. It is an honor to be here in Kattegat, in the great hall of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons. To eat from the same table as Lagertha and all the heroes who came before. We are humbled and inspired by their legacy. But now is our time to make history. To show the cowards in England, that Vikings, despite our differences, are still one people. One heart. One soul." He concluded his speech and (Y/N) slipped out toward the middle of the room with Leif joining him midway as the Vikings dispersed. Finally meeting Harald's eyes, (Y/N) tilted his head at him and lifted a hand to his dagger, watching Harald's eyes narrow as they flickered to his hand. His eyes left the Greenlander for a moment.

"That's close enough, Greenlanders." One of the Christians who never seemed far from Harald spoke, stepping toward them and gripping Leif by the collar. Harald rose from his spot at the table and approached them as more men surrounded them. With his attention on the brothers, he didn't spot the cloaked figure descending upon the table with a knife in hand.

"Whatever you are planning, do not act on it. I'll kill you if I must." 

"We're not the ones you should be worried about." And then, a frightened scream broke the tension.

Tags :
1 year ago

Under The Moonlight

Under The Moonlight

Part 5

Request: Yes or No


Carefully setting the body down on the boat, (Y/N) reached out to delicately place his hand over Skarde's cold cheek. The bodies had turned a sickly white with cracked lips and darkening nails. They no longer had soft, warm skin kissed by the sun from all their days working outside. (Y/N)'s teeth dug down onto his bottom lip, sharply inhaling and tearing his eyes away before the tears could overwhelm him again. His brother looked at him sadly and he picked up their friends' weapons before stepping closer to the boat. Leif held onto them, staring down at the corpses. His jaw tensed and relaxed, eyes looking over each detail of their faces, details he hadn't noticed prior. Details he should've noticed before their hearts were pieced and their lungs filled with water. 

"Leif..." (Y/N) called out softly and Leif cleared his throat, blinking a few times and setting the weapons down at the sides of the bodies. (Y/N) picked up the grass Leif had cut down moments prior and began setting them over the bodies, covering them and ensuring they wouldn't fall off the boat. Leif retrieved a torch next, lighting it and setting it on the boat before pushing it further into the river.

"Goodbye, my friends... You've come so far for us." Leif muttered. Dark smoke began to rise rapidly into the air as flames engulfed the small boat.

"May you sleep in the embrace of Ran and be reunited with your departed loved ones." (Y/N) recited faintly, words he had been taught as a child. Words he never expected to utter for his dear friends. "We'll miss you and look forward to seeing you again... in Valhalla." 

Leif breathed in the cold air and gazed upon the burning boat, an arm reaching out to wrap around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "We must continue on... For the dead and for the living." He whispered comfortingly. 

"Liv needs you." (Y/N) cleared his throat, offering Leif a small smile and turning to trudge out of the water. Leif followed him shortly after and they made their way back to camp. Leif broke away from his brother to enter the healers' tent to check on Liv. She'd been speedily recovering from her injury and the healers had predicted she'd be up and walking in the coming days. With that in mind, (Y/N) headed toward their tent, head immediately turning toward the horse Harald had gifted him. She grazed on the grass around her, her long dark tail occasionally raising and brushing against her sides to swat away at buzzing insects.

"Skarde wanted to name you, didn't he?" (Y/N) hummed, wrapping his hands around her reins and looking into her dark brown eyes. She huffed softly at him and leaned her head towards him, snout rubbing against his chest as she sniffed and nipped at his clothes. (Y/N) chuckled at her curious nature and ran his hand over the white marking on her head. His eyes trailed down to her neck and then to her belly, noticing it'd grown in size over the course of a week. His lips quirked and he breathed another chuckle. "Seems like you'll be expecting a little one soon, love." He murmured gently, watching her drop her head down to the grass once more after losing interest in his clothes. 

"(Y/N) Eriksson?" Looking over his shoulder, (Y/N) eyed the three men staring at him. 

"What do you want?" He asked, voice coming off more coldly than intended. But if it bothered the men, they didn't show it.

"Come with us, it's an order."

"From who?"

"King Canute." The man narrowed his eyes, his thining patience apparent. Grinding his teeth together, (Y/N) released the reins on his horse and stepped toward them, hand coming to rest on the hilt of his dagger. The man who spoke led them through the camp, stopping briefly to enter the healers' tent and drag out Leif. His brother glared at the man, annoyance shifting to confusion when he spotted his brother.

"What is this about?"

"I know as much as you." (Y/N) responded with a sigh.

They were led to the entrance of the castle, past the moat and the tall walls meant to protect it. The castle appeared larger in person but still, it remained a prison in appearance. Within the walls, however, different colors added vibrancy to the castle in the form of paintings, vases, curtains, and rugs. Torches were lined up on the walls to provide light in places the windows didn't. The armor-clad Vikings looked wildly out of place in comparison to everything else with their chainmail and weapons. The brothers were taken into a large hall with three long tables in the center and a lone table towards the front where Harald, Jarl Olaf, King Edmund, and a man from Mercia sat at. The tables were lined with food and drinks that were quickly grabbed and taken by Vikings as they began to settle in. When the men turned, they were pointed toward the lone table. 

"The feast?" (Y/N) heard Leif ask as they approached the table but his eyes were trained on the necklace around Harald's neck being proudly displayed. The bear tooth. He sat down beside Leif, tearing his eyes away as a smile tugged at his lips and a fluttery feeling entered his stomach. But when he lifted his eyes and made eye contact with Jarl Olaf, his smile shifted into a frown and he scoffed. Jarl Olaf rolled his eyes at his reaction, muttering quietly under his breath. Cups of wine and empty plates were set down in front of the brothers but neither made any move to grab food or drink.

"Friends! We have won a great victory!" King Canute's voice echoed through the hall and he lifted a cup of ale, walking down between two of the tables. "Saint Brice's Day and the blood spilled of our kinfolk has been avenged!" Loud cheering erupted from the Vikings and they drummed their hands against the table. King Canute set his cup down and licked his lips, approaching the table the others were sitting at.

"And for you who have so faithfully supported me in this sacred mission, your payment has come." King Canute grinned widely, resting his hands on the top of a chair. The doors beside them opened and many men and women stepped out with chests of gold and coin. But despite the prospect of gold, none of the men sat at the table apart from Jarl Olaf looked thrilled. Harald glared holes at King Edmund and in turn, the young king avoided looking in his direction. The man from Mercia seemed annoyed and Leif still appeared confused. The wine had begun looking awfully tempting to (Y/N), especially as all eyes in the room turned to them.

"But let us not be ungenerous in victory. Young King Edmund was entitled to defend his father's honor and he did so with courage. Let us toast to his bravery." King Canute spoke again and the silence that followed couldn't have been louder. Reaching across, (Y/N) picked up his cup and leaned back, finally getting a closer look at the boy who sat across from him.

King Edmund looked like no king at all. He had a boyish face with short brown hair and bright eyes that darted around at any sudden movement. His figure appeared small compared to King Canute and while he tried to appear calm, the nervous fidgeting of his hands and the anxious bounce of his knee spoke for him. He remained clad in brown armor, a smart move considering the stares he had been receiving throughout the feast. Nevertheless, a child or not, he had attempted to defend his home and for that, (Y/N) drank from his wine in toast to him. 

"More importantly, let us recognize one whose battle plan almost defeated us all." King Canute continued and turned toward the doors, nodding to the men standing by them. They opened the doors and a woman called in, head held high and face stoic of emotion. "Queen Emma of Normandy."

Queen Emma was a tall and slender young woman with long brown hair pulled back into a bun and cold almost gray-looking eyes. She wore a black dress that covered most of her neck, a golden crown, and long earrings that brushed against her shoulders when she walked. Her presence alone demanded attention and respect. If King Canute's words were true, it meant Queen Emma was strategic and intelligent, but nothing else could've been expected from a Norman. Viking blood flowed through her veins.

(Y/N) couldn't help but notice the angered look Jarl Olaf gave Harald, a look the young prince returned with an equal amount of fury and betrayal. Queen Emma didn't appear affected by their presence as she took King Canute's hand and allowed him to lead her to the empty seat beside (Y/N). She regarded the Greenlander with a small nod before softly thanking King Canute. She leaned back in her seat and rested both her arms on the armrests, looking forward at the man from Mercia, the same kingdom that had turned its backs on London. He icily stared back at her.

"Before I honor my warlords with these spoils, there are some debts that must be settled. I ask you: what would you call a man who would put brotherhood before obedience to a king?" King Canute asked, circling the table and stopping across the brothers. "We would call him... a Greenlander! This is a man who dreamed of pulling down London Bridge. And he couldn't have done it without the support of his brother. Leif Eriksson, (Y/N) Eriksson.." King Canute eagerly encouraged them to rise as cheers erupted through the hall. "Your sister's debt is paid in full. What more would you ask of me? What lands? What spoils of war?" 

Relief washed over (Y/N) like a tidal wave. Freydis's life and freedom no longer hung over them. Meeting his brother's eyes, (Y/N) lightly shook his head so Leif turned back to King Canute and smiled thankfully. "We got what we came here for."

"Yes, you did. And more. May their names never be forgotten amongst our people... or thought of again as someone's sons." King Canute raised his brows at Leif and Leif's shoulders lowered, letting out a breath that he'd been holding in for years. (Y/N) sat back down in his seat, picking up his cup as he leaned back in his chair. King Canute's words played over and over in his head and he stared at his brother questioningly.

Moving onto the man beside them, King Canute stood beside the prince. "And Harald Sigurdsson. Leif's brave brother-in-arms who promised me victory, and delivered. My gratitude is worth more than gold."

"More than gold? Did you all hear that?" Harald called out playfully, earning laughter from the other Vikings. Tilting his head up to look at his friend, his smile faltered considerably and he spoke lowly. "I'll hold you to it." King Canute smirked at his words and nodded.

"And another debt," King Canute lifted his head, staring directly at the stranger sitting at their table. "Our honored guest from the North, the Ealdorman of Mercia, Eadric Streona, who will always have my gratitude for holding back his army. Although, I think he would prefer something more than gratitude. Speak, Eadric Streona." 

Eadric Streona was a tall muscular man clad in brown and gold, the colors of the Mercia flag. With long brown hair reaching down to his shoulders and piercing blue-green eyes, he had a youthful face and a scruffy beard. The way he had spent the feast studying each and every face at the table told (Y/N) he valued people based on their worth to him, based on how they could help him. And seeing as he turned his back on his allies, he was not a trustworthy individual. 

Eadric rose from his seat, flashing one forced smile before clasping his hands in front of him and looking around the table briefly. Addressing King Canute, he spoke with a deep voice. "Thank you, King Canute. What I ask of you is also my gift to you. When you and your great warriors return to Scandinavia, you will need an ally in these lands you can depend on for support. A ruler you can count on."

"Are you suggesting this role for yourself, Eadric Streona?" King Canute questioned with raised brows, a hint of mockery in his voice that Eadric failed to pick up on.

"I am." Eadric nodded, dropping his gaze onto Queen Emma before moving onto King Edmund. "You'd do worse than have a strong friend at your back, as opposed to an impetuous boy."

"Hmm... This... This is a gift. It is good to listen to a man who knows his own mind and has the courage to speak it." King Canute nodded and Eadric bowed his head before sitting back down. King Canute turned his gaze onto the last man right across from him. 

"And Jarl Olaf, bravest of the brave." Jarl Olaf had been quick to hop to his feet and bask in the praise. "Whose mighty ships rowed against the tides and pulled down the great bridge. Smile for once." King Canute chuckled. "We've had our differences, but tonight we are brothers in victory, and-" Retrieving one of the many chests, King Canute approached the stocky man and set it in his arms. "-no gift is too great for such a brother and friend." 

"See, this feast is not about old quarrels, but new beginnings!" King Canute paused briefly as Jarl Olaf went through the contents of the chest. Gold cups, gold jewelry, just about everything in gold. "But new beginnings cannot happen with a traitor in our midst." The doors swung open and one of his men rolled in a tree trunk. Perfect height and size to take someone's head clean off. Tensions rose as everyone stiffened and straightened up, sobering up within seconds as King Canute observed everyone. He turned and stopped the trunk from rolling too far with his foot, taking his axe. Turning back to the table, he smirked and began circling it.

"A person that brings with them the stench of betrayal and threat. Here, in the very room where Æthelred turned against his Viking ally, there is once more an oathbreaker among us. I can smell their ambition. I can smell... disloyalty. I can smell..." King Canute stopped in between Leif and Harald, staring daggers at Eadric. "Their greed." He hissed and Eadric was quickly surrounded and hurled out of his chair by King Canute's men.

"Stop! Stop! My men will kill you for this!" Eadric shouted frantically, squirming in a desperate attempt to break free.

"Your men are dead, and your army is surrounded."

"Why? Why are you doing this?" His arms and legs were held down and one Viking grabbed a handful of his hair, pinning his head firmly against the trunk. King Canute stepped toward him, placing the blade of his axe against the man's throat.

"Because, it is I, Eadric Streona, not you, who will be the next King of England!" Eadric only had seconds to scream before King Canute brought his axe down on him, slicing his head off his body. Jarl Olaf and Harald turned away as Eadrics head was raised for all to see but Queen Emma watched, her chest quickly rising and falling although her face emotionless. Couldn't be a proper Viking feast without bloodshed. (Y/N) grimaced at the sight and finished his wine in one big gulp.

"Did you say you intend to claim the throne of England?" Jarl Olaf questioned, a frown spreading across his lips.

"I did. And I will rule jointly with King Edmund." King Canute nodded, still holding his bloodied axe. Leaning forward, he stared Jarl Olaf down. "Is that a problem?"

"Yes." Jarl Olaf answered simply, rising from his seat and setting the chest down with a thud. "You just made raiding England that much harder." Jarl Olaf laughed heartily and picked up his cup, raising it up in the air. "To Canute! The first Viking King of England! An accomplishment not even Ragnor Lothbrok or Ivar the Boneless could claim!" 

Raising his axe in the air, King Canute nodded triumphantly as cheers and chants echoed through the hall. "Now, we feast!" He bellowed and stepped back, making a point of resting his axe against King Edmund's chair and taking his seat between the two royals. Leif softly cleared his throat and straightened up, getting some food for himself. (Y/N) did similarly, noticing Jarl Olaf leaning over and angrily whispering to Harald while trying to subtly motion to Queen Emma. Brotherly disputes. (Y/N) wondered if they were common with a brother like Jarl Olaf. 

"I must check on Liv after this," Leif said quietly, cutting the turkey meat and eating. 

"You should bring her food, just in case." (Y/N) leaned back in his seat, rolling the fork between his thumb and index finger. He stared at his brother, eventually drawing his attention.


"Do you love her?" 


"Liv," (Y/N) clarified, pushing himself up in his seat and leaning against the armrest. "Do you love Liv? You have not been able to sleep properly since she was hurt." 

"I..." Leif closed his mouth and sighed, eyes falling down onto the table. "I-I don't know. Maybe." 

"She'd be good for you." (Y/N) smiled. With Leif's attention constantly on his family, it was rare for him to form romantic connections with others. (Y/N) would be a fool to discourage him. "You deserve a good woman by your side." 

"And what about you?"

"Me?" (Y/N)'s brows furrowed. "What about me?"

"The necklace." Leif dropped his voice into a soft whisper, blue eyes flickering around the room in search of any nosy listeners. But everyone at the table appeared busy with conversation. "You've gotten closer to Harald, have you not? Does this mean you-"

"It means nothing, Leif. I am... making a friend. Nothing else." Leif's eyes flickered back to his and he tilted his head, a strand of wavy hair falling over his face. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. He's just a friend." (Y/N) affirmed, and with one last look, Leif returned to his meal.

After having their share of food and drinks, Leif did as he said he would and left to check on Liv. (Y/N) chose to linger and explore the castle, looking over the paintings hung on the walls. He'd seen only one up close before so to see many in just one place... It was marvelous. The castle held so many things, primarily things of beauty. Having grown up in a cottage in the wilderness, (Y/N) hadn't even seen a castle in his youth, let alone be inside one. All the halls looked the same at first glance but they each held something new, something unique. (Y/N) eventually found himself on a balcony overlooking the marsh. The moon shone brightly in the night, its reflection sparkling in the water. 

"The stars look better from up here, don't you think?"

(Y/N) hummed and tilted his head back to look at them. "They do."

"They seem to shine brighter in Ringerike. You should come with me sometime." Harald offered but his attention hadn't been on the stars. No, it had fully and completely been on the Viking standing beside him. The Greenlander chuckled softly under his breath, shaking his head and looking at the prince.

"Is Ringerike so boring that all you have to offer are stars?" (Y/N) asked and tilted his head, a teasing twinkle in his eyes. Harald smirked lazily and stepped closer to him, lifting his hand to press it against (Y/N)'s lower back. A chill shot up (Y/N)'s spine and he tried to repress the shudder that followed. Harald's thumb began to run circles around the clothes covering his skin.

"We've got many things to offer... My bedroom among them." Harald spoke lowly and (Y/N) couldn't help the breathy laugh that escaped him. His lungs seemed to squeeze out all the air from them and his skin warmed considerably when he noticed Harald inching closer and closer until his soft breath fanned against his face. (Y/N) swallowed, tongue darting out to wet his lips, an action that drew Harald's attention to them. The fluttery feeling from before returned when Harald pressed his lips against (Y/N).

Harald's kiss was oddly gentle for such a forward prince. He remained slow and sweet, testing how long (Y/N) would allow him in his space. But he couldn't help himself. A groan rumbled in his chest and Harald's arms snaked around (Y/N)'s, body pressing against his and pushing him toward the stone wall. Placing one hand on (Y/N)'s hip, he lightly dug his fingers into him while his other hand reached down to grab (Y/N)'s thigh and hoist it around his hip. The action drew a flustered noise from (Y/N) and he placed his hands on Harald's shoulders, tilting his head to break the kiss and catch his breath. The prince grunted softly and buried his face in (Y/N)'s neck, teeth brazenly dragging across his skin in search of more contact.

"You know there are women here... Who will gladly lay with you, Harald." (Y/N) panted softly, inhaling the smell of blood and wine clinging onto Harald. Of course, he had to kiss a Christian of all Vikings. A Christian with a royal title.

"I do not want them. I want you." Harald breathed and leaned back, lips brushing along (Y/N)'s jawline. "If you'll have me... If you want me." 

(Y/N) swallowed, fingers digging into the fabrics of Harald's shirt. His stomach twisted and turned with worry and want. Sleeping with a Christian man would surely put both their lives at risk. But for a single night, (Y/N) wanted to enjoy himself. And so he leaned in and whispered, "I do."

                    ➸        ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸

Exhaustion clung onto him like wet clothes, making his eyelids heavy as consciousness crept up his body. His brows furrowed from the lack of noise around him. The camp had a tendency to be loud with the sound of carts moving, horses walking, and Vikings strolling about. How could it be so oddly quiet? It was then he noticed he felt awfully comfortable. The ground he slept on typically felt card and made his muscles groan with soreness. His pillow felt softer and squishier than usual as well. Cracking open his eyes, he squinted and blinked away the blurriness until his vision adjusted. He was in a... room? Within the castle, perhaps? A confused sigh escaped him and then...

He felt the bed shift underneath weight. 

Any exhaustion left escaped him in an instant and he snapped his head to his right, realization setting in when he saw the Viking beside him. "Harald..." He breathed his name and Harald hummed, smiling at him sleepily. The prince raised a hand to his face, clumsily rubbing at his eyes as he yawned. His hair had been freed from the braids and buns he typically kept it in and the endeavors of the night had turned it messy and wild. (Y/N)'s eyes trailed down from his hair to his exposed chest to the ink covering Harald's arm. He could see Harald's exposed hips out of the corner of his eye but chose to ignore it. Harald would become insufferable if he caught him looking. Harald propped himself up onto his elbow and leaned down toward him, peppering his shoulder with fleeting kisses as his beard gently scraped against his skin. "I stayed the night?"

"From the looks of it." Harald gazed at him with warm brown eyes that began to twinkle with mischief. Shifting closer, Harald moved his kisses up from his shoulder to his neck and onto his jaw. And with a cheeky grin, he nipped (Y/N) and reeled back before (Y/N) could swipe at him. "But we mustn't sleep in. We're headin' back to Kattegat today."

"Fuck-" (Y/N) squeezed his eyes shut. "Leif... He must be looking for me." Groaning, (Y/N) pressed his forearm against Harald's collarbone and promptly pushed him back. Tossing the blanket aside and rising from the bed, he quickly collected his clothes and slipped them back on. The bed creaked when Harald stood from it, watching (Y/N) as he collected his pants and put them back on. (Y/N) paused for a moment, eyes searching the room until he found his dagger set aside on a chair. Picking it up, he hoisted it back around his hips and sighed heavily, the events of the previous night beginning to catch up to him. 

"Hey-" Harald's arm shot forward when (Y/N) made a beeline toward the door, catching him by the forearm and tugging him close. His arms firmly slipped around his waist and his lips formed a small pout. "Where in God's name are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to find my brother, Harald. I need to help him pack and check on Liv." (Y/N) answered, feeling Harald's muscle flex against his clothed body.

"They can wait, (Y/N)," Harald murmured and pressed his lips against the back of his neck. (Y/N) reached up, pressing the bottom of his palm against Harald's forehead and effectively shoving his head back. Harald huffed childishly, keeping one hand planted firmly on (Y/N)'s hip while the other rubbed his forehead. "Why are you so eager to leave?"

"Why do you want me to stay?"

"Why do you constantly answer a question with another question?" Harald tilted his head, small crinkles forming near his eyes as a wide smile spread across his face. Dropping his hand from his forehead, he turned (Y/N) around and pulled him closer.

"Because it is in my nature." (Y/N) shrugged, hands coming up to rest on Harald's shoulders. He didn't mind being in Harald's arms, he realized. Being held by strong yet gentle arms felt... nice. Comforting even.

"I like that about you."

"You like everything about Greenlanders." (Y/N) felt his lips quirk. "Even their sisters."

"Ah, this is about Freydis, aye?"

"I want to see my brother, Harald." (Y/N)'s eyes briefly shut, forcing the image of Freydis and Harald out of his mind.

"And I want to see you again," Harald admitted softly. (Y/N) felt his body stiffen at Harald's words and he opened his eyes to look into Harald's soft chocolate-colored one. Harald leaned in, kissing him once more before pulling away to speak. "Please, let me see you again." He pleaded gently.

"Why? You can have anyone you want, Harald. You're a prince."

"And I want you."

Tags :
1 year ago

Under The Moonlight

Under The Moonlight

Part 7

Request: Yes or No


Many days had passed since they had returned to Kattegat from London. Freydis settled into her new position, Leif and Liv into their blossoming relationship, and (Y/N)... Well, he settled into Harald's bed on most nights.

He hadn't intended to, truly. The third time they had found themselves giving in to their desires, (Y/N) had slipped away from Harald's slumbering body and left his lodgings, going back to the room he'd been freely given by Jarl Haakon for his part in the war efforts. The following morning, Harald had easily found him during breakfast. But he simply sat down beside him as if all was well and picked up conversation with Leif. (Y/N) had told himself he'd make a point to Harald: that they were far better off as friends. But Harald was good with words, and even better with his hands.

So when he found himself waking up in an all-too-familiar bed, he merely buried his face in the feather-stuffed pillow and wished the day away. His movements, however, caught the eye of the waking Viking beside him. Fingers danced up his spine and soft lips kissed the back of his shoulder. When (Y/N) didn't stir, Harald pressed his palm against his back and slipped his hand underneath his body, scooping the Greenlander into his arms and pulling him against his chest. His response came in the form of a disapproving groan. Harald chuckled softly, nuzzling his nose into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. (Y/N) couldn't understand why Harald insisted on being so affectionate. How the man remained unwed was still a mystery to him.

"You must want to meet God, Harald." (Y/N) grumbled. Harald laughed against his skin.

"Did I wake you, love?" He asked and (Y/N) grew still. Harald continued to nuzzle into his neck, burying his face into his skin and tickling him with his beard. He was testing him. (Y/N) could tell. Harald would've lifted his head to look at him properly otherwise. (Y/N) shut his eyes and sighed deeply. He could tell. Gods, he'd been spending so much time around Harald that he had picked up on his habits. His face warmed considerably and he wanted to desperately bury his face in the pillow until slumber took him away.

"No," (Y/N) answered, shoving down the eruption of butterflies in his stomach. 

"Good." Harald rested his chin on his shoulder and ran his hand down (Y/N)'s arm. Slipping his fingers between (Y/N)'s, he pulled their hands to his face and kissed the back of (Y/N)'s. "I wanted to speak with you."

"What about?" (Y/N) shifted, laying on his back and gazing up at Harald curiously. Harald ran his lips over (Y/N)'s hand in concentration- or perhaps deliberation- before sighing softly. (Y/N) pressed his lips into a line, eyes flickering all over Harald's face.

"Us," Harald whispered.

"Us?" (Y/N) repeated breathlessly, brows furrowing. Harald nodded and pushed himself up with his arm, his other hand slipping under the covers to nudge (Y/N)'s legs apart. Heat bubbled in (Y/N)'s stomach but it soon faded once Harald lied down on top of him, his weight pressing him into the bed in an oddly comforting way. Resting his head down on (Y/N)'s chest, Harald allowed his eyes to flutter shut, one finger softly stroking the beginning of his scar while (Y/N)'s fingers slipped into the wavy brown locks brushing against his chin, gently scraping Harald's scalp and eliciting a soft rumble of contentment from the prince. 

"I feel strongly for you, (Y/N). More strongly than I've ever felt for anyone else." Harald revealed quietly, listening to the sound of horns blowing in the distance. (Y/N)'s gaze rose up onto the ceiling, running over the woodwork and beams keeping the structure up. He wondered if Harald could hear his heartbeat quicken. "I know our people would judge us and you deserve more than to be hidden away. But, I cannot help how I feel and... I needed to know if you felt the same."

Feelings... such bothersome things. They made his skin burn hotter than the sun and nauseated him until he could no longer think straight. His heart would threaten to burst out of his chest and his lips would pull into a smile, no matter how sour of a day he had. He hated it. He hated not having control over his own body. It reacted so wildly to a man, a Christian prince, who had a cheeky smile and kind eyes. (Y/N) hated the invisible rope that drew Harald to him over and over, hated how easily his eyes found Harald in a room, and he loathed the fluttery feeling that sunk its teeth into his stomach. Loki must've been having a field day with him, that mischievous little God. Or perhaps... Freya had bestowed him with a gift.

"I don't know how I feel." He answered honestly after a beat of silence. "I... I've never felt anything for anyone before." Greenland had a habit of isolating her islanders, keeping them contained to their lands in a constant state of survival, even more so when one lived far from the villages. (Y/N) had been raised in the wilderness, only seeing others when they traveled into the village or were visited by their neighbors. Romance in Greenland was rare, especially if one wasn't actively seeking it, and it certainly never crossed (Y/N)'s mind before. 

Harald propped himself up onto his elbows, tenderly gazing down at him. He ran his thumb over (Y/N)'s jawline and then his lips, his eyes sweeping over every detail on his face. "I want you to know I would give anything for my love. I would do anything for them. I'd even toss aside my quest for the throne. But only if my love feels the way I do." 

"All you've wanted since we met is to be King of Norway, Harald. I don't believe you'd give it up so easily."

"It won't be easy, you're right. But if it's what my love wants..." Harald trailed off and then inhaled deeply, nodding to himself and smiling down at him. "I will gladly do it. I can prove it to you." 

"Why?" (Y/N)'s hand slipped down from Harald's hair, traversing over back muscles that flexed slightly at his touch. "I'm just a Greenlander. I am not someone you toss away the crown for."

"But you are." Harald objected, lips ghosting over (Y/N)'s chin. "And if you do not wish for me to leave my destiny, then I beg of you to be with me in court. When I am King, I will follow in Jarl Haakon's footsteps. Norway will turn into an open country where any and all faiths can be worshipped. No more hatred, no more violence." 

"That's an honorable plan, Harald." (Y/N) mumbled, brushing back one of Harald's curls. 

"What do you say?" Harald asked, tilting his head to gently kiss (Y/N)'s hand. "Will you be mine?"

"Yes." Laughter soon followed as Harald leaned back onto his knees, pulling (Y/N) along with him and peppering kisses all over his neck and shoulders. And then, the kisses turned needier and hungry, and (Y/N) knew he'd be stuck in bed a little while longer.

Later, when the day began to slip into the afternoon, Freydis informed them of a disturbance at the harbor that had unsettled the townsfolk and those visiting Kattegat. (Y/N) and Harald followed Freydis and Leif through town as the morning fog began to lift, allowing them to see much clearer. But when they stepped on the beach, (Y/N) wished it hadn't left. 

A boat had neared the shore. Empty. Unless you counted the multiple spiked heads littered around the boat or the body of a woman tied to the mast, her arms outstretched to either side in the form of a cross. White and red traditional paint covered the faces of a few of the deceased, telling those on shore that they were priests and priestesses, or more specifically, worshippers of the Old Gods. But it hadn't been the heads or the body that truly made bile rise in the back of his throat. It'd been the piercing wails of a baby.

Trudging into the cold water with his brother, he stood by the boat and inhaled the smell of dried blood. He avoided looking at the faces of the deceased and instead whispered a prayer for them. Leif carefully boarded the boat and stepped toward the mast where a basket sat, gingerly picking up the swaddled baby and handing them off to his brother. (Y/N) mimicked the way he'd seen his mother hold a child once and held the baby close to his chest, lightly bouncing the baby to keep them from fussing. The cold had turned their cheeks and nose rosy pink, a startling contrast to their pale skin and the red cross painted on their forehead with blood. If starvation didn't take them first, the chill certainly would. With that in mind, (Y/N) turned and walked back onto the beach, allowing Freydis to take them into her arms and gaze upon them.

"I know this child." She grimaced and looked up at Jarl Haakon. "Kåre did this."

At her words, Jarl Haakon's breath seemed to hitch. "Uppsala..." She whispered in cold realization, her eyes moving away from the baby and onto Freydis.

"Go. Now."

                    ➸        ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸

Riding over the hill, (Y/N) tugged on the reins of his horse and saw it in the distance; gray smoke rising through the trees. Jarl Haakon's suspicions had been right. Freydis didn't think twice in clicking her tongue and applying pressure to the sides of her horse with her calves, making it run forward toward the treeline. The others followed, the smell of burnt wood filling their senses within minutes as they arrived at the remains of the temple. Scattered around the ground were debris and bodies. Some appeared to have been cut down while fleeing, others had been tied up to posts and trees, their clothes soaked in blood and their heads limp. Nobody had been spared. Not even the children, women, or elderly. But the sight that made Freydis stop was the sight of the temple itself, nearly burned to ashes but parts of it still stood, unbroken by the rage of Christians. 

"Spread out," Leif instructed, watching his sister solemnly. "Look for survivors."

Tossing one leg over the horse, (Y/N) landed firmly on the ground and walked forward, placing his hand on Freydis's thigh to break her out of her thoughts. She glanced down at him, eyes glossed over with tears, and slipped off the saddle. (Y/N) sighed heavily and followed her up the trail leading to the temple. His gaze roamed over the carnage. The bodies seemed endless. Whenever he looked away from one, he spotted another, and then another. So many lives. So many innocents who had visited the temple seeking the wisdom and love of the Gods, only to be slaughtered. Breaking away from Freydis and Liv, he caught up with Harald and Leif, grimacing at the sight of more bodies. Crows and bugs had already begun to scavenge the remains, taking their fill. 

"Have you been here before?" Leif asked Harald, gazing at one of the bodies. It appeared smaller than the others around it. A child. They continued on, searching- hoping- for survivors. 

"No." Harald shook his head, voice soft. "I'd only heard stories."

"All of these lives lost... and all they'll be to their killers are distant memories." (Y/N) whispered and looked at the temple as they neared it. The pillars that remained had turned black from the fire, smoke still rising from the structure. He could see what remained of the inside. Just more broken and burnt debris. No longer a place of prayer and worship. 

Crouching down by the corpses of a couple and their child, Leif swallowed thickly and shook his head. "Who could hate something so much?"

"They're not killing people," Harald spoke, fingers curling into fists. "They're cleansing the land. Rubbing away all signs of our pagan past, like a stain." 

(Y/N)'s jaw clenched, unable to tear his eyes away from the fallen boy. His mother's arm had been draped over him, almost as if she had attempted to shield him from the incoming attack. Beside them, the father's hand lay stretched out toward them, perhaps reaching for them in his last moments. The sound of a twig snapping turned their attention away from the gruesome sight and Harald stood in front of (Y/N), sliding his sword out of his sheath. The three cautiously approached the large tree where the sound had come from, eyeing the disturbed branches laying on the ground. Leif reached out toward it, grasping it and quickly moving it, only to hear soft gasps from the people hiding. Three young girls. Suvuiors covered in dirt and ash. They trembled and flinched, avoiding the eyes of the men in fear.

"It's alright. We won't hurt you." Leif assured softly and offered his hand, helping the girls out of the hole one by one. 

"Come, you're safe now." Harald sheathed his swords, hands hovering over their backs to avoid further discomfort for them. They took the girls back toward the temples, stepping into the rubble of the building and toward Freydis and Liv. The two women sat on a fallen beam and stared forward at the single totem pole still standing. The Allfather. 

Jumping to her feet at the sight of the girls, Freydis breathed a sigh of relief and offered them comforting smiles. "Do not be afraid." She cooed at the youngest girl, reaching a hand out to gently touch her arm. "We are friends here."

"You are Freydis?" The little girl asked timidly.

Freydis blinked, brows furrowing. "How do you know my name?"

"Their leader told us you would come. He only spared us so we could give you his message." She explained softly and the other girls nodded to confirm her words. 

"What message?" 

"He said that God has ordered him to destroy Kattegat," She paused briefly and looked up at Freydis. "And to kill you."

Freydis leaned back and stared down at the girl, inhaling sharply. Her gaze fell onto the burnt wooden boards beneath them, a million thoughts racing through her mind no doubt. (Y/N) lifted a hand to his necklace and ran his fingers over the bones, unable to stop himself from fidgeting with them. They'd just returned from one war only to be forced directly into another. Would the violence ever end? The question repeated itself in his head when Altora, the leader of the shieldmaidens of Kattegat, approached them and shook her head. The three girls were the only survivors.

"What are we waiting for? I say we ride after Kåre and make him pay!"

"From his tracks, he has at least a hundred horsemen. We must be smart." Harald objected, glancing between the siblings. Taking his words into consideration, Freydis nodded and turned back toward Altora and the others.

"Go back to Kattegat and tell Haakon what we've found. We'll take care of the dead and follow up with the survivors." Freydis told them and Altora nodded, clicking her tongue and riding away with the rest of the shieldmaidens. 

"We need to know where Kåre is. I'll track him and meet you in Kattegat." Leif piped up, meeting his brother's eyes and giving him a reassuring smile. (Y/N) couldn't find it in himself to return it when Leif was going off on a risky mission. Kåre and his people had slaughtered a whole temple and its worshippers. Only the Gods knew what would happen to Leif if he were caught.

Noticing the look on (Y/N)'s face, Liv placed a hand on his arm. "I'll go with him. We'll watch each other's backs." She said, giving his arm a squeeze before turning toward Leif and taking in a small breath. Together, the two headed off toward the last spot they'd seen tracks. (Y/N) and Freydis watched them go before turning toward each other. 

"We camp here tonight," Freydis said, reaching out to gently cup her brother's cheek. Her eyes shifted onto Harald and they turned cold. "Build fires for the dead." Dropping her hand, she moved to walk past them.

"Freydis." Harald frowned, catching Freydis's arm and gently pulling her back. "Kåre will pay for this. I promise you justice."

"I don't need your promises. I can deliver justice myself." She muttered bitterly, ripping her arm from his hold and walking towards the girls to take them elsewhere. (Y/N) sighed and stepped toward him, resting his hand over Harald's chest and gazing into his eyes. Despite playing no hand in the slaughter, he still appeared guilty. 

"She doesn't hate you, Harald. She's hurting and taking it out on you because-"

"I'm a Christian. In her eyes, we are all the same." Harald muttered, eyes closing when (Y/N) pressed his hand against his cheek. He leaned into (Y/N)'s touch, nuzzling his cheek against his palm. 

"Well, I believe you're different, Harald." (Y/N) smiled softly and Harald's eyes opened, a small smile spreading across his face. Glancing over his shoulder, Harald surveyed the area for any eyes before looking back at (Y/N) and leaning in, giving him a kiss. When he pulled back, he pressed their foreheads together and looked deep into his lover's eyes.

"It pleases me to hear you say that." He whispered.

"Good. Come now. These people deserve a proper funeral." 

It took hours to gather the bodies as only a couple were light enough for one person to carry. The rest either had to be dragged or heaved onto the wood by two people. Slowly, fires were lit and prayers for the deceased were said. The smell of burnt meat began filling the air, drawing ravens and other scavengers that began picking at the bodies that hadn't been moved yet. It'd been a tiresome yet necessary feat. Even if the people were with their Gods, their bodies on Earth still deserved to be treated with respect. Harald kept his distance from Freydis during the funeral rituals, fearing her patience with him would snap and she'd bury her sword in him for the acts of Kåre. (Y/N) didn't blame him. He knew his sister well enough to know the thought probably crossed her mind every time she looked at him. But she refrained from hurting Harald because when she looked at her brother, she saw happiness. And that was enough for her.

                    ➸        ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸

Standing amongst the others in the Great Hall, (Y/N)'s head turned toward the doors as Leif and Liv entered, the people parting to let them pass forward. Jarl Haakon turned to look at them expectantly, but from the look on her face, she hadn't been expecting good news. 

"Olaf joined forces with Kåre," Leif revealed as he stopped before them, chest heaving. Harald's head snapped in his direction at the mention of his half-brother, brows furrowing in disbelief. (Y/N) couldn't say he was surprised when Jarl Olaf had made his distaste for them clear in the very hall they were standing in.

"Olaf?" Harald repeated and Leif nodded.

"We recognize his banners, but there are many other clans I do not know. It's a large force and growing." 

"What about appealing to friendly cities for help?" Freydis proposed, frown growing when Jarl Haakon answered her with silence.

"We have." Altora glanced at Jarl Haakon. "But many have already been crushed by Kåre."

"Then we should prepare immediately, and learn what we can about their numbers and strength."

Turning to Altora and the other shieldmaidens, Jarl Haakon ordered, "Send spies and see what they can find." But her gaze didn't remain on the women for long. Instead, it drifted onto Harald and she arched a brow. "Prince Harald. I am glad you have chosen to stay and fight with us, but it has placed you against your brother." 

At her words, (Y/N) turned his head to look at Harald. Harald's features hardened and his back straightened, hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "My brother has made his choice. And I have made mine." His eyes briefly flickered to (Y/N). "I am not fighting for the throne of Norway. I am fighting for Kattegat." Harald assured her. Jarl Haakon stared at him for a moment longer, eyes squinting slightly as she searched his face for any hint of deception. When she found none, she gave a satisfied nod and turned away from him, heading deeper into the hall to speak with some of her people. 

Turning to look at them, Freydis pressed her lips together and sighed heavily. "There's much to be done." 

Preparations for the incoming invasion included many things; setting up a line of spikes in front of the tall wooden gate leading into town, arrows and bows being prepared on the wall along the gate, and food and supplies being stocked. With mountains looming on either side of Kattegat, it only left the harbor and gate as points of entry. Many of Kattegat's protectors were primarily experienced in two weapons: bows and swords. As a result, there was confidence the archers would hold back the first wave of attackers, and hopefully the second and third. (Y/N) worked alongside the others on setting up the spikes, ensuring the ropes would hold no matter how many bodies pushed and crawled over them. 

"You should take a break, (Y/N). There are many available hands to help with defenses." 

"You didn't come here to tell me that, Harald." (Y/N) murmured and rose up, giving the wooden spike a shake and humming when it proved sturdy enough. Tilting his head up to look at Harald, he spoke, "What did you wish to speak about?"

"If my brother sets eyes on you, he'll go after you. I don't want you getting hurt because of him." Harald stepped closer, glancing at the others working around them. "Olaf will surely try to kill you or your brother and sister. He's a vain, self-centered, power-seeking man. He'll do anything to get the upper hand, even if it means hurting me."

"Vain, self-centered, and power-seeking... I can see why you're brothers. You've got a lot in common." Patting Harald's chest, (Y/N) headed back into town, approaching the large logs set up to be shaped into spikes. Harald followed after him, picking up one of the axes laying beside the logs. 

"You're not taking this seriously." Harald hissed softly.

"I am, Harald. Kattegat is in danger and your brother has joined forces with the enemy, and they just so happen to share the same hatred toward my family. But I am not going to worry about what could happen." Placing the log to lean against the table, (Y/N) took the axe from Harald's hands. "If you're so worried about me, just stay by my side."

Gaze softening, Harald brushed his hand against (Y/N)'s. "I always do." 

A horn sounded off and their attention turned upward to one of the men stationed on top of the gate. "Riders approach! Our scouts are returning!" He bellowed. (Y/N) stepped forward with Harald, his grip on the axe tightening as the horses passed through the gates. Their riders were limp against them, arrows sticking out of their backs. Harald stepped in front of the horses, calling out softly to the frightened animals. They came to a slow stop in front of him, huffing and whining. (Y/N) looked over each rider, checking for signs of life but finding none in all of them.

"We must find out their strength. If they are weak, we should not be waiting in here, but attacking before their forces grow stronger." Harald voiced, staring after the horses as they were led to the stables and their riders were dragged off them.

Freydis nodded. "I'll go with you."

"We can spare neither of you." Leif gave them both hard looks and the two frowned but remained silent. "Let's get back to work."

Despite his disappointment and irritation in being denied, Harald resumed work with (Y/N), silently cutting the logs until they sharpened enough to cause damage. While his unusual silence worried (Y/N), he didn't wish to press on the issue and irritate Harald further. Their relationship was still fresh and while (Y/N) lacked experience in romance, he knew Harald would need some space and a distraction. They worked until the sun began to lower down and Jarl Haakon called a gathering for everyone to meet her in the center of town, asking someone to serve as a messenger to Odin and when someone offered, Harald's nerves only increased. So, after some convincing, (Y/N) and Harald returned to the inn and settled in for the night.

Harald, however, waited for (Y/N) to fall asleep before getting dressed again and sitting down beside the bed. He watched him peacefully sleep, occasionally sighing into his pillow and shifting around. The sight made a smile tug at his lips and his worries ceased for a second before he remembered what loomed over them, what loomed over him. There was so much to lose for him. And so much to possibly gain. With his mind made up, he stood up from the bed and fastened his sword to his hip. Slipping off his necklace and setting it on the bed near (Y/N)'s hand, he whispered an apology and kissed his temple.

Then, he left Kattegat.

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1 year ago

Under The Moonlight

Under The Moonlight

Part 14

Request: Yes or No


Mountains and forests stretched out on either side of the large lake, rich and covered in luscious green. Winter had begun releasing its vicious claws on the land. The days became warmer, the snow melted faster, and there were more sightings of animals. Spring would soon settle in nicely, providing relief from the freezing nights and numbing snow. A welcome season for them all. Especially with the prospect of fishing and plants blossoming. More food, more comfort. 

But while the first signs of spring had lifted everyone's moods, (Y/N) found himself thinking of something else. Of someone else. His sister. 

The last time he'd seen Freydis had been months ago when her belly became noticeable. He remembered how long it had taken for his younger brothers to be born, and if his line of thought was correct, it meant Freydis had likely had her child by now. He smiled at the thought of his sister being a mother. She'd always been a natural with children, but she'd never shown any interest in having her own. Though, there was always the knowledge that many mothers passed during childbirth. He could only pray to Freya that she had kept Freydis safe and strong during her labor. 

"It is beautiful out here." He turned his eyes away from the ripples in the dark water and onto the woman beside him. Eleana, the daughter of the late Lord Vitomir. After the passing of Lord Vitomir, Mariam explained that the man had his daughter pose as a boy to grant her safe passage to Constantinople. And seeing how Gestr eyed her now, he'd been right in doing so. Eleana kept to herself on most days, speaking either with (Y/N) or Mariam, occasionally with the other girls and Harald. But she primarily stuck to (Y/N). He couldn't tell if she merely trusted him more or clung to him since he'd been the first face she'd looked at after losing her father.

"It is... peaceful. But the quiet leaves you alone with your thoughts." (Y/N) said quietly and she nodded, her thumb running back and forth over a line in the wood. She sighed quietly and longingly looked back in the direction they came from. Before (Y/N) could attempt to provide some words of comfort, the boat jerked and shook lightly, a scraping sound coming from underneath them.

"We hit something!" Kaysan hollered and Leif tore himself from his spot beside Mariam, rushing to the front of the boat and peering over the side as Kaysan held the bobbling rudder. 

"The rudder is broken!" Leif called, briefly turning to look at Harald. "Lower the sail!" 

Doing as instructed, Harald and Batu got the sail lowered before watching Leif for any other instructions. Leif and Kaysan held the steering rudder together, directing the boat toward land so they could properly check the damages done. (Y/N) strode across the boat and picked up some rope, waiting for Kaysan to hop down onto the grass and put down wood in the dirt so he could toss the rope and get the boat tied safely. Once done, (Y/N) climbed over the ledge with Harald and Leif, landing on the grass with a soft thud. Leif and Harald stepped into the shallow water, picking up the small pieces of wood floating around. The others gathered around on the boat to watch the men.

"We need a metal band to hold it together," Leif explained, reaching into the cold water and checking the damages underneath the rudder.

"Can you fix it?" Harald asked, tossing the pieces of wood aside. 

"Without a forge, no." 

"There is one in Kodak." Kurya piped up. "It is a day by water, but reachable over the mountain in a few hours." 

"Leif, (Y/N), and I will go then." Harald spoke and helped Leif detach the broken rudder from the boat, carefully setting it on the grass and climbing back onto the bank. 

"Do they have a market? Perhaps we can all go." Eleana proposed as she toyed with the ends of her braid, her eyes occasionally flickering over to (Y/N). 

Shaking his head, Harald wiped his wet hands on his pants and looked back at the blonde. "No. You must watch the boat and be alert. It is dangerous on shore." He told her. Eleana frowned and sighed again, pushing herself off the side of the boat and disappearing out of view for a moment as Batu and Gestr got the platform set up so they could walk on and off the boat with ease. Eleana reappeared with a bow and a quiver full of arrows. She carefully walked down the platform and offered the bow to (Y/N).

"Be careful."

"I will." (Y/N) smiled reassuringly, slipping the bow over his shoulder and placing his hand on her shoulder to squeeze it gently. Harald stared at them with furrowed brows, exchanging a glance with Leif but the older Greenlander merely shrugged and climbed back on the boat to collect his axe.

(Y/N) nodded to Eleana once Harald and Leif were ready before turning around to begin their trek through the forest and over the mountain. Birds chirped and fluttered around, flying into their nests where softer squeaks and chirps could be heard. They'd hear the occasional rustle of an animal moving through the brush and the distant sound of animal calls. Noises that had disappeared during winter due to the cold and scarcity of food. Now, the forest felt lively and full. The wilderness offered much to those who survived its trials and tests. Harald couldn't see that. He knew how to hunt and camp but he belonged in cities and villages. 

The hours went by quicker than expected and they arrived at Kodak, or rather what was left of Kodak. The market that once likely held many things now had nothing but whispers and memories. Things had been burned down, notable by the charred wood and ashes scattered around. Seeing as there was no smoke or the smell of burning wood, (Y/N) could assume whatever group had raided and destroyed the market had done so days prior.

"We should be quick about this. The people who did this may return." 

"(Y/N)'s right." Leif agreed, nodding as he looked over the debris and rubble with a small frown. "We will need to find metal if the forge still remains standing." He told them, walking deeper into the desolate market in search of the forge.

(Y/N) hummed softly in acknowledgment, looking over the remains of the market. It appeared big and housed many merchants. Anything of value had been likely stolen or burned. (Y/N) listened to Harald and Leif rummage through the wood, collecting any metal they could get their hands on. (Y/N)'s interest, however, shifted to the small dock near the market overlooking the shimmering lake. He glanced back at the other two, spotting them by the still intact forge.

With them occupied and working, (Y/N) approached the dock and stepped on it, careful to avoid the areas where the planks were missing. The sound of crackling fire and hammering of metal filled the air, disturbing the peace of the scenery. 

Tilting his head up toward the vibrant blue sky, (Y/N) closed his eyes and whispered a prayer for Freydis. For her and her child. For a safe delivery. And for them to have a safe passage to Constantinople. The sharp cry of a raven flying overhead interrupted his prayer but it only made him grin and peer up at the dark bird. Allfather had acknowledged his prayer. At least the Gods still watched over them. He inhaled the fresh air as twigs and leaves crunched behind him, arms soon slipping around his waist and pulling him against a strong chest. 

"I miss you," Harald whispered, his beard brushing against the back of (Y/N)'s ear. His rough hands found (Y/N)'s, enveloping them and holding them gently. "And I am thankful you have remained by my side through this journey. I understand if you are still upset. I... I know I needed to hear those words. My mother always told me I can be... stubborn."

"That's one word for it." (Y/N) muttered and Harald chuckled, lips pressing against his temple. (Y/N) stared forward at the water. His chest twisted and turned with feelings he couldn't identify. 

"(Y/N), I am aware we can never be like this in front of others but... I still wish to be yours and for you to be mine. When I retrieve my fleet and take the throne, I will have enough riches to prove I am a suitable and capable husband. I can provide your family with as much coin as they desire. They will not have to live out in harsh lands and will have a full belly each night." Harald spoke softly, looking out at the forest across the river. (Y/N)'s brows furrowed slightly and he shook his head, slipping out of Harald's hold and facing him. 

"My family survives well enough. Greenland is our home. The cold, the danger... is part of who we are. We do not care for riches. I do not care for riches. You have done enough to prove yourself capable of caring for a family, Harald. You do not need a fleet or a crown to prove that. You are a warrior and a good hunter. That is enough for anyone. Only nobles would care about how much coin one has. The fact you are not king has nothing to do with your capability. Your arrogance does. Your pride does. It is not your stubbornness that makes you undesirable. You care about riches and power and you cannot accept anything but those things. You need those things. I was happy in the wilderness, even if all we had was a cabin. Yes, I saw how each day you grew more dislike for it but I thought you'd adapt to it. I know now that... you were not made for the type of life I wish to have. And I was not made to be in a court."

Swiping his tongue over his lips, Harald swallowed and stepped forward, taking (Y/N)'s hands into his. "I enjoyed our time at the cabin because you were there. You may find court enjoyable after you see what it is like. Warm food, the finest clothes, a proper bed. You do not know what it is like yet. You have proven you can adapt to changes. I love that about you. I love you." Harald smiled, bringing (Y/N)'s hands to his lips. But when (Y/N) only stared at him with watery eyes, his smile began to crumble.

"I care about you." (Y/N) whispered, voice nearly cracking. Harald's face fell and he shakily exhaled. "I care about you, Harald. I wish to help you and-"

"You do not love me anymore?" 


I have made mistakes but I am going to fix them. The riches, the power. I can give it all to you. I-I want to support you and help you and care for you. I cannot do that like this. I am nothing right now. But when we arrive at Constantinople, I will be someone. I will give you whatever you ask for, (Y/N). I promise you that. I will earn back your love-"

"You want to buy my love, Harald. All you think about is that throne. All you think about is coin. All you care about is-is..." (Y/N) trailed, ripping his hand from Harald's and scoffing softly as the tears flooded his eyes. Wiping away the tears when they slipped down his cheeks, (Y/N) sniffled and shook his head. "You cannot seem to understand this so I will speak clearly. I did not care for your royal blood when I fought with you or feasted with you or shared your bed. I did not care about how rich you were. I fell in love with you because you were kind and loyal and showed strength. I fell in love with who you were. Your titles and power had nothing to do with it. But I am sure some noblewoman will care about those things and you will be able to buy her affection with whatever riches you obtain." 

"I do not-"

"I promised to help you so I will. But once that is done, I will return home to Greenland, with or without my brother." (Y/N) stated firmly and wiped away the last of his tears. With a weight off his shoulders, he brushed past Harald and walked off the dock, approaching Leif who watched them with a grimace.

Ignoring the quiet questions from his brother, (Y/N) checked the metal they had created and motioned for them to head back. Harald silently joined them a few minutes later and they headed back through the forest and over the mountain. A newfound tension settled with the three and no matter how many times Leif tried to speak with either man, it remained.

But the silence didn't last long when (Y/N) approached the tree line and abruptly stopped, forcing Leif and Harald to nearly topple him over. 

"There are men." (Y/N) whispered, drawing an arrow from his quiver and getting his bow ready. Some of the men had been killed but four remained. One held Mariam with a knife to her throat while the other two restrained Kurya. The last one staggered behind the first man appearing injured. Aiming at the man holding Mariam, he released the arrow when Harald and Leif charged forward. The man collapsed to the ground as Harald took out two men and Leif buried an axe in the back of the last one. (Y/N) quickly joined them, heading up the platform and checking on the disheveled Eleana. She wrapped her arms around him and panted softly, the medallion around her neck pressing against him. 

"I own you! This is my boat and they are my property!" Gestr's voice roared and (Y/N) turned to look at the tied-up man. Brigtoc, Dorn, and Cadlin held him still as he squirmed and yelled. Batu swallowed thickly and lifted his arm, offering his blade to Dorn. She took it and glared back at Gestr, driving the blade into him. Cadlin went next, stabbing his shoulder blade and listening to him cry out in pain. Finally, Brigtoc took the blade and gave the killing blow to his neck. The three girls panted and let him slump over, glaring down at his body. 

"We have to reattach the rudder," Leif breathed, turning away and walking toward the wooden piece laying on the grass. (Y/N) climbed down into the boat, untying the deceased man before nodding for Batu to help. Together, the two tossed Gestr overboard and into the flowing water before doing the same to the other man onboard. Kaysan took care of the men on shore, similarly tossing the bodies into the water. 

"Kaysan, go collect the food they had on their horses." (Y/N) called down to him, watching the fighter nod and jog over to the horses. Eleana climbed down into the boat and stepped forward toward him, glancing over at Kurya. 

"Kurya's the brother of the Khan. There's apparently a bounty on his head." Eleana revealed. Raising her hand, she touched the sun-shaped medallion she had kept hidden underneath her shirt. Moving closer, she leaned in toward his ear. (Y/N)'s gaze flickered to Harald who watched them with a frown. "And I am to be the Emerpeor of Constanipole's new wife."

                    ➸        ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸

They traveled for a while before stopping again at the Dnipro River. The land was rich and Mariam had pointed out the soil was perfect for planting. Without the presence of Gestr, the red-haired girls had become more open and sociable, laughing and smiling more without the fear of being harmed looming over them. Cadlin and Kaysan's relationship had notably blossomed into romance. With everyone occupied at their camp, Harald had asked the Greenland brothers to accompany him to the waterfall they'd have to go down once they got moving again. (Y/N) and Harald acted courteously with each other but the tension remained. 

Nearing the rushing water, (Y/N) could hardly hear his own thoughts over the roar of the waterfall. He stepped closer to the ledge, debating moving further but a hand caught his and held it. Looking back at Harald, the prince shook his head and spoke but his words were drowned out by the sound of the water. (Y/N) tilted his head at him and Harald chuckled in defeat, keeping his fingers around (Y/N)'s wrist and standing beside him. 

"It's a long drop," Harald spoke loudly in an attempt to get his voice to carry over the noise. He laughed again and looked back at the giant waterfall, clearing his throat for a moment before suddenly yelling into the air. (Y/N)'s brows raised at how quiet it sounded compared to the waterfall, an amused smile pulling at his lips. Leif laughed and stood beside them, taking out his disk and holding it up in front of his face to toy with it. Harald watched him before his gaze lifted and he stepped back, accidentally tugging (Y/N) along with him. He paused and turned his head, peering down at their intertwined hands and slowly releasing his hold on him. (Y/N)'s amused smile fell. Harald's lips pressed into a thin forced smile and he motioned for the brothers to follow him a bit further up the mountain. 

(Y/N) saw it in the distance, peeking out between two mountains. Camps across the plains. A thin strip of smoke slipped out from a clearing in the forest, catching (Y/N)'s eye. A rather close camp of Pechenegs. They were far enough for it to take days to reach the boat but they were camped near the river below the waterfall that led to Constantinople. They'd likely have weapons, and if their reputation was true, the crew would be in for a painful time if caught. 

"If we survive the falls, then we have to survive them." Harald sighed heavily, tightly gripping the hilt of his sword with his hand. "We must move on. The faster we get this over with, the sooner we'll be out of their territory." He said and turned, heading back up the river. (Y/N) lingered on the camp for a moment before his gaze drifted downward. Harald was right. It was a long drop from the top of the waterfall. High enough to destroy the boat if they got unlucky. (Y/N) looked away and followed Harald back to the boat.

Once the boat came into view, Harald called out to them, "Pack up! We're moving on."

"You have seen the falls?" Batu asked.

"We have." Harald nodded, waiting as everyone gathered around. "I'm not going to lie to you. It will be a challenge. We will have to prepare ourselves to go down it." 

"When do we leave?" Kaysan asked next, one arm wrapped securely around Cadlin's waist. She leaned against his chest with a big smile, gazing up at him lovingly.


"What? Why so soon?"

"The water level is dropping. If we wait much longer, the boat will not make it over the falls." Kurya explained, turning his head in the direction of their voices. 

"And we would all be trapped here," Harald added. Catching the look Batu and Kaysan exchanged, he continued. "The longer we stay here, the greater the chances the Pechenegs will find us."

"Then we portage. The men said the Pechenegs have moved east." Brigtoc proposed. (Y/N) frowned. Most of the crew appeared comfortable at the river. They'd need to be convinced to leave.

"They lied. There are many camps visible from the falls. We could see fires in the plains further ahead." Leif revealed with a light shake of his head. 

Huffing, Harald placed a hand on his hip. "We've risked enough camping here the last few nights. The sooner we move, the better." Harald told them and walked toward the platform to get on the boat. However, Kaysan stepped in front of him and gave an apologetic look.

"Then, I am not sure we will be joining you." He said, wrapping an arm around Cadlin when she moved closer to him and nodded in agreement. Harald blinked at them, brows furrowing as he glanced back at the brothers. 

"Why not?"

"I am not ready to die," Cadlin answered, resting her head against Kaysan's chest. Harald scoffed in disbelief and stepped back, looking over each of the crew members. 

"You would all rather risk the Pechenegs?"

"They haven't found us yet. And you can't tell us the fall is without risk." Brigtoc responded with a light shrug.

"Nothing is without risk! All we have done for the last two moons has been with risk!" Harald rebutted angrily.

"But before we had no choice! Now we do." Cadlin pointed out.

"I choose to stay." Brigtoc stood up from her spot on the boat. Dorn stood up and moved beside her, signaling her agreement with Brigtoc. Batu bowed his head when Harald looked at him and Harald's shoulders slumped. He turned toward Eleana but she shook her head at him. With no one appearing to be on his side, Harald groaned.

"What is all this? We have known for months this day will come. And now, when it is finally here, you are not willing to meet the challenge? I will not wait here and let the Pechenegs make a flute out of my coward's bones! I'll go by myself if I must." Harald barked, moving onto the platform and making his way onto the boat. 

"You can't," Leif called and walked forward, making Harald look at him. "We need at least six rowers, and we must lessen the weight of the boat by 50 skippund or it will not clear the base of the falls."

"50 skippund?" Harald repeated softly, lightly tapping his foot and looking over the boat. "So we lose the mast."

"The mast weighs about 15 skippund," Leif told him, his eyes flickering onto the stacks of fur but Harald shook his head.

"No, if I lose my furs I have no reason to go on."

"Then you are just like everybody else." Leif shrugged. Harald stared at him, jaw clenching as he inhaled sharply. Storming off the platform, he stalked off into the forest while cursing softly under his breath. (Y/N) stared after him and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and walking through the grass, following the imprints Harald left. 


"I'll be back." (Y/N) called back to Eleana and continued into the forest, tracking Harald down to a boulder. The prince sat on it, holding his head in his hands. He didn't move when (Y/N) got closer, only sighing quietly when (Y/N) sat down beside him. They stayed quiet and listened to the sounds of the forest until Harald lifted his head and leaned back. 

"Everything has gone wrong... I've lost you and now everyone else has abandoned me." Harald whispered, looking down at the dirt and pushing it around with his foot. "Have you come to lecture me more? Tell me how useless this sulking is?"

"I only tell you the truth, Harald. And the truth is that you cannot expect them to follow you when you refuse to sacrifice something of yours first. Those people may lose their lives going down that waterfall. They're afraid... and they're afraid because they do not trust you. You have not given them a reason to. Cadlin, Dorn, and Brigtoc are experiencing freedom for the first time in a long time. Mariam is dying. Kurya risks being captured and put in front of his murderous brother. Batu and Kaysan are happy because they're surrounded by friends. Eleana... Eleana is the key to Constantinople because she was promised to the emperor." His words made Harald look at him and (Y/N) sighed softly, delicately placing a hand on Harald's cheek. "You are better than this Harald. You are a man of many talents. You will find a way to make money in Constantinople without those furs. It will just take a long time." 

"How do you know?"

"Because you are an intelligent and strong man. And you know I'm right about everything. About us, about them. You mustn't live in denial anymore, Harald. I wanted us to be happy on this trip and in Constantinople. I wanted us to have good memories of each other that we could think about after we part ways. I was never meant to be in court, Harald. I see it in your eyes that you know this is true. You do not want to accept it but you must. Making hard decisions will be part of being King of Norway. This pain will make you stronger." (Y/N) told him softly, using his thumb to stroke Harald's cheek. Rising to his feet, (Y/N) cupped Harald's face and kissed his forehead. "They are not abandoning you. They are trying to make you see their side of things."

With that, he left Harald with his thoughts and returned out to the clearing by the river. Eleana rose from his seat with a bowl of berries in hand, offering him some and glancing back at the forest. (Y/N) quietly thanked her, taking some berries and popping them into his mouth. "Will Harald agree to get rid of the furs?" Eleana asked with a tilt of her head. 

"I'm not su-" Looking back at the forest, Harald reemerged with a concentrated look on his face. Everyone turned to watch him get on the boat and approach his stack of furs. Picking one up, he tossed it overboard and looked back at the others, gaze lingering on (Y/N).

"I cannot guarantee anyone's survival. What is over the falls, I do not know. I can only guarantee my best efforts to keep us alive. And I cannot do that if we remain here." He said and looked back at his furs, continuing to toss them in the river one by one. Leif approached him first to help then Cadlin then Brigtoc and then everyone else. They took the furs and tossed them into the water.

By the end, Harald appeared pleased with himself, smiling widely as everyone worked together to get the mast off and into the water. They packed the tents and other belongings that were on the shore into the boat and turned to Harald and Leif with newfound determination. 

Getting seated, they tied ropes to their oars in hopes it would keep the oars from drifting downstream when the boat went over the falls. Leif wrapped Mariam in a coat and kissed her before taking his place at the back with the rudder. Harald got the boat moving and instructed everyone to row. (Y/N) and Eleana remained with Harald at the front, looking for any large rocks in the water and checking for when the waterfall grew closer. The river began pushing the boat harder and the waterfall came into view, sending a wave of anxiety into (Y/N). He felt rang a finger over his necklace and took in a deep breath.

Once the boat entered the rapids, he ducked down with Eleana and Harald, pressing his back against the boat and holding onto whatever he could. Leif called for the oars to be pulled in and everyone ducked down, holding on for dear life. (Y/N) squeezed his eyes shut, hearing the roar of the waterfall grow closer and closer. Eleana wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest fearfully. When the boat went over the fall, screams followed. Water lashed at (Y/N)'s face and body, the force and air lifting him.

And then he felt himself being flung from the boat.

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