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1 year ago

Under The Moonlight

Under The Moonlight

Part 7

Request: Yes or No


Many days had passed since they had returned to Kattegat from London. Freydis settled into her new position, Leif and Liv into their blossoming relationship, and (Y/N)... Well, he settled into Harald's bed on most nights.

He hadn't intended to, truly. The third time they had found themselves giving in to their desires, (Y/N) had slipped away from Harald's slumbering body and left his lodgings, going back to the room he'd been freely given by Jarl Haakon for his part in the war efforts. The following morning, Harald had easily found him during breakfast. But he simply sat down beside him as if all was well and picked up conversation with Leif. (Y/N) had told himself he'd make a point to Harald: that they were far better off as friends. But Harald was good with words, and even better with his hands.

So when he found himself waking up in an all-too-familiar bed, he merely buried his face in the feather-stuffed pillow and wished the day away. His movements, however, caught the eye of the waking Viking beside him. Fingers danced up his spine and soft lips kissed the back of his shoulder. When (Y/N) didn't stir, Harald pressed his palm against his back and slipped his hand underneath his body, scooping the Greenlander into his arms and pulling him against his chest. His response came in the form of a disapproving groan. Harald chuckled softly, nuzzling his nose into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. (Y/N) couldn't understand why Harald insisted on being so affectionate. How the man remained unwed was still a mystery to him.

"You must want to meet God, Harald." (Y/N) grumbled. Harald laughed against his skin.

"Did I wake you, love?" He asked and (Y/N) grew still. Harald continued to nuzzle into his neck, burying his face into his skin and tickling him with his beard. He was testing him. (Y/N) could tell. Harald would've lifted his head to look at him properly otherwise. (Y/N) shut his eyes and sighed deeply. He could tell. Gods, he'd been spending so much time around Harald that he had picked up on his habits. His face warmed considerably and he wanted to desperately bury his face in the pillow until slumber took him away.

"No," (Y/N) answered, shoving down the eruption of butterflies in his stomach. 

"Good." Harald rested his chin on his shoulder and ran his hand down (Y/N)'s arm. Slipping his fingers between (Y/N)'s, he pulled their hands to his face and kissed the back of (Y/N)'s. "I wanted to speak with you."

"What about?" (Y/N) shifted, laying on his back and gazing up at Harald curiously. Harald ran his lips over (Y/N)'s hand in concentration- or perhaps deliberation- before sighing softly. (Y/N) pressed his lips into a line, eyes flickering all over Harald's face.

"Us," Harald whispered.

"Us?" (Y/N) repeated breathlessly, brows furrowing. Harald nodded and pushed himself up with his arm, his other hand slipping under the covers to nudge (Y/N)'s legs apart. Heat bubbled in (Y/N)'s stomach but it soon faded once Harald lied down on top of him, his weight pressing him into the bed in an oddly comforting way. Resting his head down on (Y/N)'s chest, Harald allowed his eyes to flutter shut, one finger softly stroking the beginning of his scar while (Y/N)'s fingers slipped into the wavy brown locks brushing against his chin, gently scraping Harald's scalp and eliciting a soft rumble of contentment from the prince. 

"I feel strongly for you, (Y/N). More strongly than I've ever felt for anyone else." Harald revealed quietly, listening to the sound of horns blowing in the distance. (Y/N)'s gaze rose up onto the ceiling, running over the woodwork and beams keeping the structure up. He wondered if Harald could hear his heartbeat quicken. "I know our people would judge us and you deserve more than to be hidden away. But, I cannot help how I feel and... I needed to know if you felt the same."

Feelings... such bothersome things. They made his skin burn hotter than the sun and nauseated him until he could no longer think straight. His heart would threaten to burst out of his chest and his lips would pull into a smile, no matter how sour of a day he had. He hated it. He hated not having control over his own body. It reacted so wildly to a man, a Christian prince, who had a cheeky smile and kind eyes. (Y/N) hated the invisible rope that drew Harald to him over and over, hated how easily his eyes found Harald in a room, and he loathed the fluttery feeling that sunk its teeth into his stomach. Loki must've been having a field day with him, that mischievous little God. Or perhaps... Freya had bestowed him with a gift.

"I don't know how I feel." He answered honestly after a beat of silence. "I... I've never felt anything for anyone before." Greenland had a habit of isolating her islanders, keeping them contained to their lands in a constant state of survival, even more so when one lived far from the villages. (Y/N) had been raised in the wilderness, only seeing others when they traveled into the village or were visited by their neighbors. Romance in Greenland was rare, especially if one wasn't actively seeking it, and it certainly never crossed (Y/N)'s mind before. 

Harald propped himself up onto his elbows, tenderly gazing down at him. He ran his thumb over (Y/N)'s jawline and then his lips, his eyes sweeping over every detail on his face. "I want you to know I would give anything for my love. I would do anything for them. I'd even toss aside my quest for the throne. But only if my love feels the way I do." 

"All you've wanted since we met is to be King of Norway, Harald. I don't believe you'd give it up so easily."

"It won't be easy, you're right. But if it's what my love wants..." Harald trailed off and then inhaled deeply, nodding to himself and smiling down at him. "I will gladly do it. I can prove it to you." 

"Why?" (Y/N)'s hand slipped down from Harald's hair, traversing over back muscles that flexed slightly at his touch. "I'm just a Greenlander. I am not someone you toss away the crown for."

"But you are." Harald objected, lips ghosting over (Y/N)'s chin. "And if you do not wish for me to leave my destiny, then I beg of you to be with me in court. When I am King, I will follow in Jarl Haakon's footsteps. Norway will turn into an open country where any and all faiths can be worshipped. No more hatred, no more violence." 

"That's an honorable plan, Harald." (Y/N) mumbled, brushing back one of Harald's curls. 

"What do you say?" Harald asked, tilting his head to gently kiss (Y/N)'s hand. "Will you be mine?"

"Yes." Laughter soon followed as Harald leaned back onto his knees, pulling (Y/N) along with him and peppering kisses all over his neck and shoulders. And then, the kisses turned needier and hungry, and (Y/N) knew he'd be stuck in bed a little while longer.

Later, when the day began to slip into the afternoon, Freydis informed them of a disturbance at the harbor that had unsettled the townsfolk and those visiting Kattegat. (Y/N) and Harald followed Freydis and Leif through town as the morning fog began to lift, allowing them to see much clearer. But when they stepped on the beach, (Y/N) wished it hadn't left. 

A boat had neared the shore. Empty. Unless you counted the multiple spiked heads littered around the boat or the body of a woman tied to the mast, her arms outstretched to either side in the form of a cross. White and red traditional paint covered the faces of a few of the deceased, telling those on shore that they were priests and priestesses, or more specifically, worshippers of the Old Gods. But it hadn't been the heads or the body that truly made bile rise in the back of his throat. It'd been the piercing wails of a baby.

Trudging into the cold water with his brother, he stood by the boat and inhaled the smell of dried blood. He avoided looking at the faces of the deceased and instead whispered a prayer for them. Leif carefully boarded the boat and stepped toward the mast where a basket sat, gingerly picking up the swaddled baby and handing them off to his brother. (Y/N) mimicked the way he'd seen his mother hold a child once and held the baby close to his chest, lightly bouncing the baby to keep them from fussing. The cold had turned their cheeks and nose rosy pink, a startling contrast to their pale skin and the red cross painted on their forehead with blood. If starvation didn't take them first, the chill certainly would. With that in mind, (Y/N) turned and walked back onto the beach, allowing Freydis to take them into her arms and gaze upon them.

"I know this child." She grimaced and looked up at Jarl Haakon. "Kåre did this."

At her words, Jarl Haakon's breath seemed to hitch. "Uppsala..." She whispered in cold realization, her eyes moving away from the baby and onto Freydis.

"Go. Now."

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Riding over the hill, (Y/N) tugged on the reins of his horse and saw it in the distance; gray smoke rising through the trees. Jarl Haakon's suspicions had been right. Freydis didn't think twice in clicking her tongue and applying pressure to the sides of her horse with her calves, making it run forward toward the treeline. The others followed, the smell of burnt wood filling their senses within minutes as they arrived at the remains of the temple. Scattered around the ground were debris and bodies. Some appeared to have been cut down while fleeing, others had been tied up to posts and trees, their clothes soaked in blood and their heads limp. Nobody had been spared. Not even the children, women, or elderly. But the sight that made Freydis stop was the sight of the temple itself, nearly burned to ashes but parts of it still stood, unbroken by the rage of Christians. 

"Spread out," Leif instructed, watching his sister solemnly. "Look for survivors."

Tossing one leg over the horse, (Y/N) landed firmly on the ground and walked forward, placing his hand on Freydis's thigh to break her out of her thoughts. She glanced down at him, eyes glossed over with tears, and slipped off the saddle. (Y/N) sighed heavily and followed her up the trail leading to the temple. His gaze roamed over the carnage. The bodies seemed endless. Whenever he looked away from one, he spotted another, and then another. So many lives. So many innocents who had visited the temple seeking the wisdom and love of the Gods, only to be slaughtered. Breaking away from Freydis and Liv, he caught up with Harald and Leif, grimacing at the sight of more bodies. Crows and bugs had already begun to scavenge the remains, taking their fill. 

"Have you been here before?" Leif asked Harald, gazing at one of the bodies. It appeared smaller than the others around it. A child. They continued on, searching- hoping- for survivors. 

"No." Harald shook his head, voice soft. "I'd only heard stories."

"All of these lives lost... and all they'll be to their killers are distant memories." (Y/N) whispered and looked at the temple as they neared it. The pillars that remained had turned black from the fire, smoke still rising from the structure. He could see what remained of the inside. Just more broken and burnt debris. No longer a place of prayer and worship. 

Crouching down by the corpses of a couple and their child, Leif swallowed thickly and shook his head. "Who could hate something so much?"

"They're not killing people," Harald spoke, fingers curling into fists. "They're cleansing the land. Rubbing away all signs of our pagan past, like a stain." 

(Y/N)'s jaw clenched, unable to tear his eyes away from the fallen boy. His mother's arm had been draped over him, almost as if she had attempted to shield him from the incoming attack. Beside them, the father's hand lay stretched out toward them, perhaps reaching for them in his last moments. The sound of a twig snapping turned their attention away from the gruesome sight and Harald stood in front of (Y/N), sliding his sword out of his sheath. The three cautiously approached the large tree where the sound had come from, eyeing the disturbed branches laying on the ground. Leif reached out toward it, grasping it and quickly moving it, only to hear soft gasps from the people hiding. Three young girls. Suvuiors covered in dirt and ash. They trembled and flinched, avoiding the eyes of the men in fear.

"It's alright. We won't hurt you." Leif assured softly and offered his hand, helping the girls out of the hole one by one. 

"Come, you're safe now." Harald sheathed his swords, hands hovering over their backs to avoid further discomfort for them. They took the girls back toward the temples, stepping into the rubble of the building and toward Freydis and Liv. The two women sat on a fallen beam and stared forward at the single totem pole still standing. The Allfather. 

Jumping to her feet at the sight of the girls, Freydis breathed a sigh of relief and offered them comforting smiles. "Do not be afraid." She cooed at the youngest girl, reaching a hand out to gently touch her arm. "We are friends here."

"You are Freydis?" The little girl asked timidly.

Freydis blinked, brows furrowing. "How do you know my name?"

"Their leader told us you would come. He only spared us so we could give you his message." She explained softly and the other girls nodded to confirm her words. 

"What message?" 

"He said that God has ordered him to destroy Kattegat," She paused briefly and looked up at Freydis. "And to kill you."

Freydis leaned back and stared down at the girl, inhaling sharply. Her gaze fell onto the burnt wooden boards beneath them, a million thoughts racing through her mind no doubt. (Y/N) lifted a hand to his necklace and ran his fingers over the bones, unable to stop himself from fidgeting with them. They'd just returned from one war only to be forced directly into another. Would the violence ever end? The question repeated itself in his head when Altora, the leader of the shieldmaidens of Kattegat, approached them and shook her head. The three girls were the only survivors.

"What are we waiting for? I say we ride after Kåre and make him pay!"

"From his tracks, he has at least a hundred horsemen. We must be smart." Harald objected, glancing between the siblings. Taking his words into consideration, Freydis nodded and turned back toward Altora and the others.

"Go back to Kattegat and tell Haakon what we've found. We'll take care of the dead and follow up with the survivors." Freydis told them and Altora nodded, clicking her tongue and riding away with the rest of the shieldmaidens. 

"We need to know where Kåre is. I'll track him and meet you in Kattegat." Leif piped up, meeting his brother's eyes and giving him a reassuring smile. (Y/N) couldn't find it in himself to return it when Leif was going off on a risky mission. Kåre and his people had slaughtered a whole temple and its worshippers. Only the Gods knew what would happen to Leif if he were caught.

Noticing the look on (Y/N)'s face, Liv placed a hand on his arm. "I'll go with him. We'll watch each other's backs." She said, giving his arm a squeeze before turning toward Leif and taking in a small breath. Together, the two headed off toward the last spot they'd seen tracks. (Y/N) and Freydis watched them go before turning toward each other. 

"We camp here tonight," Freydis said, reaching out to gently cup her brother's cheek. Her eyes shifted onto Harald and they turned cold. "Build fires for the dead." Dropping her hand, she moved to walk past them.

"Freydis." Harald frowned, catching Freydis's arm and gently pulling her back. "Kåre will pay for this. I promise you justice."

"I don't need your promises. I can deliver justice myself." She muttered bitterly, ripping her arm from his hold and walking towards the girls to take them elsewhere. (Y/N) sighed and stepped toward him, resting his hand over Harald's chest and gazing into his eyes. Despite playing no hand in the slaughter, he still appeared guilty. 

"She doesn't hate you, Harald. She's hurting and taking it out on you because-"

"I'm a Christian. In her eyes, we are all the same." Harald muttered, eyes closing when (Y/N) pressed his hand against his cheek. He leaned into (Y/N)'s touch, nuzzling his cheek against his palm. 

"Well, I believe you're different, Harald." (Y/N) smiled softly and Harald's eyes opened, a small smile spreading across his face. Glancing over his shoulder, Harald surveyed the area for any eyes before looking back at (Y/N) and leaning in, giving him a kiss. When he pulled back, he pressed their foreheads together and looked deep into his lover's eyes.

"It pleases me to hear you say that." He whispered.

"Good. Come now. These people deserve a proper funeral." 

It took hours to gather the bodies as only a couple were light enough for one person to carry. The rest either had to be dragged or heaved onto the wood by two people. Slowly, fires were lit and prayers for the deceased were said. The smell of burnt meat began filling the air, drawing ravens and other scavengers that began picking at the bodies that hadn't been moved yet. It'd been a tiresome yet necessary feat. Even if the people were with their Gods, their bodies on Earth still deserved to be treated with respect. Harald kept his distance from Freydis during the funeral rituals, fearing her patience with him would snap and she'd bury her sword in him for the acts of Kåre. (Y/N) didn't blame him. He knew his sister well enough to know the thought probably crossed her mind every time she looked at him. But she refrained from hurting Harald because when she looked at her brother, she saw happiness. And that was enough for her.

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Standing amongst the others in the Great Hall, (Y/N)'s head turned toward the doors as Leif and Liv entered, the people parting to let them pass forward. Jarl Haakon turned to look at them expectantly, but from the look on her face, she hadn't been expecting good news. 

"Olaf joined forces with Kåre," Leif revealed as he stopped before them, chest heaving. Harald's head snapped in his direction at the mention of his half-brother, brows furrowing in disbelief. (Y/N) couldn't say he was surprised when Jarl Olaf had made his distaste for them clear in the very hall they were standing in.

"Olaf?" Harald repeated and Leif nodded.

"We recognize his banners, but there are many other clans I do not know. It's a large force and growing." 

"What about appealing to friendly cities for help?" Freydis proposed, frown growing when Jarl Haakon answered her with silence.

"We have." Altora glanced at Jarl Haakon. "But many have already been crushed by Kåre."

"Then we should prepare immediately, and learn what we can about their numbers and strength."

Turning to Altora and the other shieldmaidens, Jarl Haakon ordered, "Send spies and see what they can find." But her gaze didn't remain on the women for long. Instead, it drifted onto Harald and she arched a brow. "Prince Harald. I am glad you have chosen to stay and fight with us, but it has placed you against your brother." 

At her words, (Y/N) turned his head to look at Harald. Harald's features hardened and his back straightened, hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "My brother has made his choice. And I have made mine." His eyes briefly flickered to (Y/N). "I am not fighting for the throne of Norway. I am fighting for Kattegat." Harald assured her. Jarl Haakon stared at him for a moment longer, eyes squinting slightly as she searched his face for any hint of deception. When she found none, she gave a satisfied nod and turned away from him, heading deeper into the hall to speak with some of her people. 

Turning to look at them, Freydis pressed her lips together and sighed heavily. "There's much to be done." 

Preparations for the incoming invasion included many things; setting up a line of spikes in front of the tall wooden gate leading into town, arrows and bows being prepared on the wall along the gate, and food and supplies being stocked. With mountains looming on either side of Kattegat, it only left the harbor and gate as points of entry. Many of Kattegat's protectors were primarily experienced in two weapons: bows and swords. As a result, there was confidence the archers would hold back the first wave of attackers, and hopefully the second and third. (Y/N) worked alongside the others on setting up the spikes, ensuring the ropes would hold no matter how many bodies pushed and crawled over them. 

"You should take a break, (Y/N). There are many available hands to help with defenses." 

"You didn't come here to tell me that, Harald." (Y/N) murmured and rose up, giving the wooden spike a shake and humming when it proved sturdy enough. Tilting his head up to look at Harald, he spoke, "What did you wish to speak about?"

"If my brother sets eyes on you, he'll go after you. I don't want you getting hurt because of him." Harald stepped closer, glancing at the others working around them. "Olaf will surely try to kill you or your brother and sister. He's a vain, self-centered, power-seeking man. He'll do anything to get the upper hand, even if it means hurting me."

"Vain, self-centered, and power-seeking... I can see why you're brothers. You've got a lot in common." Patting Harald's chest, (Y/N) headed back into town, approaching the large logs set up to be shaped into spikes. Harald followed after him, picking up one of the axes laying beside the logs. 

"You're not taking this seriously." Harald hissed softly.

"I am, Harald. Kattegat is in danger and your brother has joined forces with the enemy, and they just so happen to share the same hatred toward my family. But I am not going to worry about what could happen." Placing the log to lean against the table, (Y/N) took the axe from Harald's hands. "If you're so worried about me, just stay by my side."

Gaze softening, Harald brushed his hand against (Y/N)'s. "I always do." 

A horn sounded off and their attention turned upward to one of the men stationed on top of the gate. "Riders approach! Our scouts are returning!" He bellowed. (Y/N) stepped forward with Harald, his grip on the axe tightening as the horses passed through the gates. Their riders were limp against them, arrows sticking out of their backs. Harald stepped in front of the horses, calling out softly to the frightened animals. They came to a slow stop in front of him, huffing and whining. (Y/N) looked over each rider, checking for signs of life but finding none in all of them.

"We must find out their strength. If they are weak, we should not be waiting in here, but attacking before their forces grow stronger." Harald voiced, staring after the horses as they were led to the stables and their riders were dragged off them.

Freydis nodded. "I'll go with you."

"We can spare neither of you." Leif gave them both hard looks and the two frowned but remained silent. "Let's get back to work."

Despite his disappointment and irritation in being denied, Harald resumed work with (Y/N), silently cutting the logs until they sharpened enough to cause damage. While his unusual silence worried (Y/N), he didn't wish to press on the issue and irritate Harald further. Their relationship was still fresh and while (Y/N) lacked experience in romance, he knew Harald would need some space and a distraction. They worked until the sun began to lower down and Jarl Haakon called a gathering for everyone to meet her in the center of town, asking someone to serve as a messenger to Odin and when someone offered, Harald's nerves only increased. So, after some convincing, (Y/N) and Harald returned to the inn and settled in for the night.

Harald, however, waited for (Y/N) to fall asleep before getting dressed again and sitting down beside the bed. He watched him peacefully sleep, occasionally sighing into his pillow and shifting around. The sight made a smile tug at his lips and his worries ceased for a second before he remembered what loomed over them, what loomed over him. There was so much to lose for him. And so much to possibly gain. With his mind made up, he stood up from the bed and fastened his sword to his hip. Slipping off his necklace and setting it on the bed near (Y/N)'s hand, he whispered an apology and kissed his temple.

Then, he left Kattegat.

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