VINNY - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


i'm sorry it took so long guys i've been in a bit of a funk these last few days BUT i really wanted to post this!! i have much more planned for them but i am trying to pace myself because i've been struggling a little bit!

this also counts for early whumperless whump event day 23: well, that doesn't taste right @whumperless-whump-event (allergic reaction / anaphylaxis)

word count: 2507

see this post for info on the scarabs crew!


In hindsight, Hari probably should have told the team his allergies to start.

There just wasn’t a convenient time for him to do it. It felt weird.

He already felt their judging eyes on him because he was human. Humans weren’t necessarily looked down upon, but it was quite the common consensus that they had more biological flaws than most other races.

This was, of course, made worse by Hari’s precarious condition. 

Introducing himself as the human missing a leg with a blood circulation disorder, an inflammatory lung disease, and food allergies was not something Hari imagined would get him much in the way of respect.

So, he stayed quiet.

After all the introductions and mission briefings came and went, everyone retreated to their respective rooms to settle in. A message over the intercom told Hari that Nyla, the pilot, was going to start making dinner.

He supposed now could be a good time to mention it. He remembered how to get to the kitchen, and Nyla should be in there cooking already, but Hari had just taken off his prosthesis. He didn’t feel like going through the trouble.

Besides, what were the chances that, out of all the things in the galaxy, Nyla made something Hari couldn’t eat.

An hour came and went before Nyla’s chipper voice came over the intercom once again.

“Food’s ready, everyone! Come on down to the kitchen!”

Hari perked up. Now that he thought of it, he was hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything more than protein bars and yogurt cups since the initial launch. An actual meal sounded wonderful.

He grabbed his crutches and began making his way to the kitchen. 

As he walked through the halls of The Scarab, he couldn’t help but feel a bit astonished. Just a few days ago, he was on his home planet, Earth. Then, he was shipped off to Asto’is. Now, here he was, floating in space with a group of strangers towards countless unexplored territories and potentially dangerous star systems.

What a story he was going to have to tell.

He arrived at the kitchen and quickly saw he was the last to do so.

Captain Nieven Alaric, the Asto’isian, was sitting at the head of the table, typing away on his detpad. A cigarette was held loosely in his free hand, and he brought it up to his lips with a deep inhale. His brow was furrowed, like he was trying to figure something out. 

Zel, the Huelxcan, was sitting towards the middle of the table, but her entire body was tensed up. She looked terribly awkward, like she’d rather be anywhere but there. Her gaze remained trained at a spot on the table, but upon Hari’s entry, she lifted her head. Hari met her eyes on accident and flashed a small smile, and he could have sworn she snarled at him.

Vinny, the Z’edin, was sitting opposite to Zel, but they looked significantly less uncomfortable. On the contrary, their knees were pulled up to their chest with their own detpad balancing on top. A peek over their shoulder told Hari that they were reading.. a scientific article? On biochemistry? For fun? That was perhaps scarier than the Huelxcan staring daggers at him from across the table.

And finally, indicated by the soft humming from the kitchen, Hari caught a glimpse of Nyla plating the final dish with her back turned to him.

Hari hadn’t seen many Haryen in his time. The race preferred not to make too much contact with the other PAGE territories, so seeing one out in the open felt odd.

Still, Hari didn’t need to know much about the race to know their signature trait—large crimson wings on their back with a span almost longer than their full height. Hari also didn’t need to know much about the race to know that this particular Haryen’s wings were not paradigmatic of her people’s.

Nyla’s wings were small and curled tight against her body. The muscles in them looked atrophied and shriveled, and even the way they moved with her body seemed off.

Nyla didn’t offer much of an explanation. She simply stated that she was born differently and left it at that. She didn’t owe anyone an explanation anyway; Hari figured. Still, it was not something someone saw every day.

Hari finally took a seat beside Vinny and rested his crutches against the edge of the metal table. Vinny’s gaze flitted to him before coming back to their detpad.

Hari risked another glance at their screen, and saw that not only were they finished with the first article, but they had moved on to another longer one. Hari had to ask.

“What’cha reading about?”

Vinny’s ears flicked at his voice. “Botany.”


“Mhm. The first planet on the course is a forest planet, so I wanted to brush up.”

“I see—”

“Do you know much about botany? You’re the medic, after all. Figured you’ve at least taken some life science classes, but I don’t know how much time the curriculum would have spent on botany specifically.”

“Well, I was in highschool when—”

“I guess if it was a general biology class, the content would be broader, so you probably spent a little bit on each subsection. Still, I think botany is underappreciated. There’s so much to learn about a planet based on what kind of flora thrives in it.”

“I agree—”

“Plus, it can tell you so much about culture! Your planet, for example, has such a diverse ecosystem with so many different biomes. The different ways your people use the plants in each area is fascinating!”

“Thank you?”

“Not to mention—”

“Dinner is ready!” Nyla chirped, padding into the room with plates precariously balanced on her arms. Hari silently sighed in relief.

Nieven set down his detpad immediately and stood up to take two of the plates from Nyla.

“Thank you very much for making dinner, Nylath... Nylathrania.”

The syllables sounded clumsy on the Captain’s lips and a slight flush creeped up his cheeks at his fumbling.

“Oh please, just call me Nyla. Nylathrania is a hard one, even back on Harye.”

Nieven cleared his throat. “Very well. Thank you, Nyla.”

“It’s my pleasure! What better way to welcome you all onto my ship than good food?” She smiled and set a plate in front of each person at the table before taking her own seat next to Zel.

Hari smiled right back at her and, he figured he could try probing about the ingredients. Subtly, of course. “Yes, thank you, Nyla. This looks good! What is it?”

“Oh! I wanted to start with something pretty universally liked. It’s noodles with a darzel nut sauce, wozoik leaves, and some poultry from Earth! It’s pretty simple. I didn’t want to try anything too wild on the first night.”

Vinny, finally, lifted their head from their detpad and faced Nyla. “You took the meat out of mine, right?”


Vinny’s tail swayed slightly and a slight smile overtook their face. “Thank you, Nyla.”

Hari suddenly felt very stupid. If the kid could let Nyla know about their dietary preferences, why couldn’t Hari? 

Still, it was fine. Nothing she said was on his allergy list. He’d just let her know after this meal and everything would be fine.

Nyla picked up her fork. “Well, dig in everyone!”

And with that, they did.

Zel sniffed the food experimentally and swirled a forkful of noodles onto the prongs of the utensil before lifting it to her mouth. The usual scowl on her face lessened greatly and she turned to Nyla.

“You made this?” She said softly.

“...I did. Why? Is something wrong with it?” Nyla almost looked sheepish.

Zel said nothing. She simply turned her face back down to her plate and began scarfing down the noodles.

Vinny was following suit, tail swaying freely as they forked mouthful after mouthful into their mouth.

Nieven was a bit more polite. He ate slowly, and in small bites, but the enjoyment of the food was written all over his face in the way his eyes shone.

Alright, now, Hari needed to try it.

He scooped some of the noodles onto his fork, took a bite and—wow. If this was the kind of food he’d be eating for the next few years, he had no complaints.

The nutty flavor of the sauce was light and fresh, enhanced further by the aromatic greens. The chicken was juicy and flavorful, and the noodles were cooked to perfection. Hari’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head. 

Nyla swallowed a mouthful of food and tapped her finger idly on the table. “So... How is everyone feeling about the trip so far?”

Vinny perked their head up. “So far it’s been interesting. Your ship is really cool. I can’t believe you fly it yourself.”

“I do! She’s my pride and joy.” She turned to Hari. “You’re somewhat of an aerospace engineer, right? What kind of ships have you worked on?”

Hari startled at his name and glanced up. 

“Me? I’ve worked on a few. I worked mostly on airplanes, though.”

“Oh? So a bit different, then?”

Hari nodded and opened his mouth to respond, but found that his tongue didn’t move the way he intended it to. It felt tingly, like it was swollen in his mouth. He furrowed his brows.

“Sorry. I just— My throat feels weird.” He swallowed convulsively. 

Nyla tilted her head and leaned forward to get a better look at him. Zel followed suit, sharing a glance with Nieven.

“Are you okay?” Nyla asked.

“I’m fine... I’m...” Hari swallowed again as an abrupt wave of nausea had him clamping his mouth shut.

Nieven suddenly turned his gaze to meet Hari. “Hari? Are you sure? You’re quite... flushed.”

Hari nodded and scratched at the side of his neck. Stars, when did it get so itchy?

And then it occurred to him. The way he was feeling—the way it felt like his throat was swelling and the way his skin felt too hot for his body—stars, he was allergic to the damn food.

Of all the foods in the galaxy! This delicious meal was one his body decided was a threat! He would have groaned if he could.

Instead, he let out a vaguely choked whine and clawed at his throat, desperately pulling at his collar to get some air. Hives were starting to break out along his arms and shoulders rapidly, and the heat was searing.

Everyone was staring at him now. Even Vinny, who had set their detpad on the table, was in a hurry to get a proper look at Hari. 

“Hari?” Vinny questioned. 

They stood and leaned over, scrutinizing his face. They looked like they were racking their brain for something. Hari truly hoped they were as smart as they came across, because he wasn’t sure he had the faculties to explain what he needed. With their knowledge on Earth and biology, they were probably Hari’s best bet.

They suddenly jolted with thought. “Anaphylaxis! Allergic reaction! That’s what's going on, isn’t it? Your symptoms match!”

Bingo. Hari nodded frantically, pulling in a wheezing breath. Shit, it really was getting difficult to breathe. He needed to do something—and fast.

“Allergic?! Why didn’t you say something earlier!” Nyla shrieked, practically leaping over the table to reach Hari. “What do we do?! You’re the medic!”

Hari wanted to tell her to relax and that it would probably be fine once he got his epi-pen, but he could quite literally feel his airways shrinking and he figured that might not be true for long.

Vinny tapped away on their detpad before whipping their head back up. “We have to give you epinephrine, don’t we? Where the hell are we going to get that?!”

Hari vaguely gestured to the bedrooms, hoping someone would get the hint. He had a small bright red first-aid kit in his luggage, left out in the open. Never had he ever been so grateful for his disorganized unpacking.

“On it,” Nieven muttered, racing toward the hall. Hari tugged at his collar once again, wheezing desperately. It felt like his head was going to explode now. He was sure he was quite the sorry sight with how red he felt his face getting. Not a very good first impression.

Finally, the captain came sprinting back with the little red pouch. He all but threw it onto the table and ripped it open, before realizing he had no idea what he was even looking for.

“Epi..pen..” Hari managed to rasp out, doubling over when another awful wave of nausea overtook him. 

Vinny watched Nieven frantically search for a few more moments before grumbling and lunging over to snatch the pouch from him. They procured the item immediately and began to read over it.

“It’s a needle?”

Hari nodded, wondering why that mattered. He didn’t care if someone had to cut his other damn leg off to get the epinephrine in him—he just wanted to breathe.

Vinny uncapped the needle and hesitantly crouched beside Hari. They were moving at far too leisurely a pace. Hari shot a weak glare.

He would have done it himself, if he could. It’s just that his hands were numb. He could barely lift his arm, let alone have the dexterity to administer it properly. Maybe he should start having his epi-pen with him for every meal. Stars, his head was spinning.

“I can’t do it!” Vinny cried, suddenly pulling away.

“For fuck’s sake—” Zel plucked the pen from their hands, skimmed the directions, and plunged the needle directly into Hari’s right leg with no hesitation.

Hari had never been so grateful in his life.

In just a few moments, Hari felt his breath starting to come easier. He slumped back against his chair and gulped down sweet, sweet oxygen.

No one said anything for a beat. And then, Nyla smacked the back of Hari’s head.

“You idiot! If you’re allergic to something you need to tell me! What was your plan if we didn’t get the epi-pen in time?! I would have been responsible for manslaughter!”

Hari blinked. “I didn’t know I’d be allergic to it.”

Vinny stepped in and crossed their arms. “But you have existing allergies, yes? I could have done some research on how similar the food was to your allergens. Darzel nuts, for example, are remarkably chemically similar to peanuts.”

Oh. That explains it, then. Hari felt a blush creep up on his cheeks. He said nothing.

Nyla let out a soft hmph and pointed a finger at Hari. “After we clean up here and I make you something else to eat, you’re going to sit down with me and make a list of your allergies. All of them. This won’t happen again.”

Hari could tell she meant to be vaguely reassuring, but with the way she said it, it sounded like a threat. He gulped and nodded.

Vinny let out a soft laugh that doubled as a sigh of relief. “Welcome to the expedition, I suppose.”


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3 years ago

I believe in you ( ˘ ³˘)♥️



One day!!!

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Day 2: Finding A Date!!
Day 2: Finding A Date!!

Day 2: Finding a date!!


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1 year ago

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9 years ago
My Friend Made Vinny And She Feels Really Proud Vinny Belongs To Dapper-deoxys

My friend made vinny and she feels really proud vinny belongs to dapper-deoxys

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5 years ago

Be prepared indeed

Be Prepared
Be Prepared
Be Prepared
Be Prepared
Be Prepared

Be prepared…

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5 years ago

I'm so ready, you have no idea 😁😮

How do you guys feel about this match you guys have? Do you think you can win?

“Oh, actually.. the match already happened a few days ago… But I’m sure I kept the tape somewhere here…”


Highlights: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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12 years ago
Urgh, I'm So Sorry For This Derp Of A Thing Takin' So Long, Susan Dear. ; _ ;

Urgh, I'm so sorry for this derp of a thing takin' so long, Susan dear. ; _ ; 

I actually finished this a while back, but a lot of shiz has been goin' on. ^^; But it's here now, so I hope you like it! If ya wish, I can do somethin' else to make up for my lateness. ;w;

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3 years ago

A vida é muito curta pra se arrepender

Por isso, faça o que você quiser...

(Te encontrar de novo - Vinny)

A Vida Muito Curta Pra Se Arrepender

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9 years ago
So I Ran Into Vinesauce At Buffalo Wild Wings And This Happened

so I ran into vinesauce at buffalo wild wings and this happened

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6 years ago
Got Some Refs Done Of OCs.
Got Some Refs Done Of OCs.

Got some refs done of OCs.

These Ocs were inspired from @youronlydrpepper’s drink characters.

First one is Vinny Nella Bean. I know that he’s not a drink, but I really wanted to make a character based off ice cream. He works in a ice cream parlor that is run by his elderly mother and his mother’s brother. He is a very calm character, has a very chill/sweet personality. Not to mention really prefers to see the flaws of things rather than things force into being prefect.

Second one is Jack Rosealime. He is based of the drink, a Jack Rose Cocktail which is alcoholic beverage. He runs his own Pub and is a part time bartender at the place. A note to keep in mind is that he’s a mute due to a past bar fight, damaging his vocal cords. He is sometimes a grumpy/short temper character which can be funny at times since he’s a mute and has to interpretate with sign language.

Anyways, I hope you like.

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6 years ago
YASSS!!! My Bois!!! Thank You So Much Peeps! This Really Made My Day.

YASSS!!! My bois!!! Thank you so much Peeps! This really made my day. ♥

@nijiomii Your Bois Are Too Fun To Draw, I Had To Doodle Fan Art
@nijiomii Your Bois Are Too Fun To Draw, I Had To Doodle Fan Art

@nijiomii Your bois are too fun to draw, I had to doodle fan art

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5 years ago
Ever Since Peeps Drew Roy And Sanders As Kids, I Wanted To Do The Same With Jack And Vinny.
Ever Since Peeps Drew Roy And Sanders As Kids, I Wanted To Do The Same With Jack And Vinny.
Ever Since Peeps Drew Roy And Sanders As Kids, I Wanted To Do The Same With Jack And Vinny.

Ever since Peeps drew Roy and Sanders as kids, I wanted to do the same with Jack and Vinny. 

Vinny is much older than Jack, Roy, and Sanders. He is around 12 or 13, making him two to three years older than Sanders. (Peeps told me Sanders is around 10 years old when she drew him as a kid). He also was very interested in ballet and dancing rather than typical boy things like sports or video games. During this time he also let his hair grow out to look more like the rest of the girls in his dance class. This worked, and many times people confused him for a girl. He is still a kind person and doesn’t mind. Especially like in the bottom pic, he doesn’t mind being seen as a girl for a tiny soda child to make him feel less embarrass.

As for Jack , he is around 8 to 9 years old. Making him 2 to 1 years younger than Sanders. He is also very small compare to Roy and Sanders. He may be small, but he can put up a fight. He is one of the school’s bullies. Tho he’s a bully who carries a toy bunny named Lemoney. Take her away and he will bite your ear off.

Jack and Vinny- Belongs to Me

Roy- Belongs to @youronlydrpepper

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5 years ago
Sanders: I'm Nauseous Jack: I'm Nauseous Roy: Im SimpleVinny: Im Jewish GAY
Sanders: I'm Nauseous Jack: I'm Nauseous Roy: Im SimpleVinny: Im Jewish GAY

Sanders: I'm Nauseous Jack: I'm Nauseous Roy: I’m Simple Vinny: I’m Jewish GAY

God, I love this musical.  Since I’m a fan of Falsettos and I made Peeps a fan as well, I’m so sorry XD, I decided to doodle our favorite item boys involving in one of the songs called, ”Four Jews In A Room”. Great Song. Jack and Vinny Belong to Me Roy and Sanders Belong to @youronlydrpepper

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5 years ago

AH! The good babs! Love it Peeps!

Since The Tea Has Been Spilled On These Two Being Together Plus Jack And Sanders I Thought Id Doodle

Since the tea has been spilled on these two being together plus Jack and Sanders I thought I’d doodle some ship art of these babies.

Vinny belongs to @nijiomii

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5 years ago

At first I was gonna say this is all so cute, but then I saw the goddamn muppet work.....I lost hope in you again. XD

You Have No Idea How Much Ive Doodled Jack And Sanders Before I Revealed The Ship On Tumblr
You Have No Idea How Much Ive Doodled Jack And Sanders Before I Revealed The Ship On Tumblr
You Have No Idea How Much Ive Doodled Jack And Sanders Before I Revealed The Ship On Tumblr
You Have No Idea How Much Ive Doodled Jack And Sanders Before I Revealed The Ship On Tumblr
You Have No Idea How Much Ive Doodled Jack And Sanders Before I Revealed The Ship On Tumblr

You have no idea how much I’ve doodled Jack and Sanders before I revealed the ship on Tumblr–

You Have No Idea How Much Ive Doodled Jack And Sanders Before I Revealed The Ship On Tumblr

Bonus image of Roy and Vinny

Vinny and Jack belong to @nijiomii

Roy and Sanders belong to me

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5 years ago

The struggle is real when it comes to MSPaint

Still very good tho Peeps 👌

Couple Of MS Paint Doodles That I Messed Up The Colors On
Couple Of MS Paint Doodles That I Messed Up The Colors On

Couple of MS Paint doodles that I messed up the colors on

Vinny- Belongs to @nijiomii

Roy- Belongs to me

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5 years ago

The sweetest bois Thank you again for drawing this Peeps!  They look so adorable! And Roy’s nose is glowing! Rudolph Baby!

Some Babies For The Winter Season :)

Some babies for the winter season :)

Roy belongs to me

Vinny belongs to @nijiomii

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5 years ago
Did Some Drawings Of My Ocs, Patty And Vinny.I Said Before That They Have A Brother And Sister Relationship.In

Did some drawings of my Ocs, Patty and Vinny. I said before that they have a brother and sister relationship. In Highschool, Patty was a shy girl with low confidence in herself and had no friends. But that all changed when she met Vinny who became her dance partner in class, a kind motivator, a really close friend, and someone in general that cares for her. Vinny will stand up for his lil sis at any time.

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