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in time || non-idol! jungwon x reader
synopsis: your bsf jungwon is in love with you (he has been for a while) but you’re in a toxic relationship & need help finding your way out
note: this was a little rushed but i literally came up with this out of nowhere and i kinda (?) like it + i’ve just been wanting to write for jungwon for so long now so yeahh anyway i hope you guys enjoy please leave comments & suggestions bc it rly does encourage me to keep writing ^_^ muah!

to say jungwon was mad would be a bit of an understatement at this point. and it wouldn't be a problem if this was the first time. but being woken up in the middle of the night by his best friend (who he definitely had no particular feelings for) sobbing and asking him to come pick her up?
it gets tiring after the third time. and no jungwon would never say, 'i told you so', but he did... many times. you just don't seem to take his advice and your current (or maybe not, he doesn't know since you're always on and off) boyfriend has proved time and time again to be a piece of shit.
either way, jungwon loved you you were his best friend so he wasn't going to leave you hanging, especially when he could hear the loud party music behind your sniffles and the way your voice sounded when you told him 'i need you here'.
so there he goes straight through the front door of a house he's never seen before and through the dancing crowd in the living room. as he's going up the stairs he catches a glimpse of your excuse of a boyfriend pressed up close to another girl in the crowd and he swears he can feel his blood boiling.
still, he keeps going until he arrives at the bathroom you had locked yourself in and knocks on the door, "y/n, it's me... open up."
you open the door and feel more tears fall when your eyes meet his. though your mind was still foggy from the number of drinks you had, you wrapped your arms around his neck out of instinct. there was a tightness in his chest seeing you like this again.
he stepped into the small space, closing the door behind him but never letting you go. his hands soothing your back as he gave you time to calm your breathing before he spoke again, "c'mon let's get out of here."
you felt dizzy when you dropped your arms from his shoulders and the lack of support made you lose your balance a bit. he quickly put his hands on your waist as you began to lean towards the sink. and it felt natural for his hands to be on you but definitely not like this.
"how much did you have to drink?" he sighed, trying to ignore how warm you felt at his fingertips. you shook your head.
"i didn't even drink that much... please just take me home," you said, knowing that he'd scold you if he knew how much you really drank. he nodded and led you all the way out to his car.
he opened the door for you and helped you into the car. you felt your eyes swell up again as he reached over to buckle your seat belt.
"are you okay?" he asked, his eyes filled with worry. he wiped away the tear that managed to slip out and lifted your chin so that you'd meet his gaze.
"we argued so badly on the way over here that i broke up with him. so he told me to go ahead because no one could ever fall in love with someone like me and when i realize that, i'd just come crawling right back to him," you said, lips quivering as you tried to hold back your tears.
jungwon doesn't know what came over him then. maybe it was your face, mere inches away from his, or how your face had never held so much sadness before. but he knew if there was ever a time you needed to hear this it was now.
"well, that's how i know he doesn't know anything about you because i've been in love with you from the moment i met you. every part of you..." he said, holding eye contact for just a moment before backing and gently shutting the door.
the car ride home was silent. his words hit deep, even in your drunken state. you knew how much he cared about you, you could feel it through his actions and you could see it in his eyes but never once had you considered that it was just love.
all this time your ex had convinced you that you were unlovable and unworthy of anything good. but here was your best friend, answering your every call and showing you the treatment you truly deserved.
once you stepped into the cool air of jungwon's apartment, you immediately felt better. you felt lighter. and every one of his actions felt even more comforting than they usually did.
he held your hand as he kneeled down and helped you out of your heels. his hand cold against your warm fingertips. when he stood back up he took a moment to scan your face and make sure you were still doing okay.
"wonnie..." you let out, just above a whisper, your throat suddenly very dry. and he swore if he wasn't already looking at you he would've missed it. just when he was about to respond you gently pulled him towards you.
your face was hot and you felt like crying again. but not because you felt sad like before, you just felt so overwhelmed by how kind and gentle he was being to you.
you put a hand on the nape of his neck then leaned in a bit more to place a kiss low on his cheek. "thank you... for everything," you whispered close to his ear still holding him close.
when you backed up, his cheeks were just as red as yours. he looked down before muttering a small 'of course' and leading you to his bedroom. where he sat you on the side of the bed you always slept on and excused himself to go get you some water.
a comfortable silence settled between the two of you when he returned with your glass. and you drank it as he searched through his drawers for something you could wear to sleep.
he walked over to you with the clothes and handed them out to you. but you stood in front of him and asked him to unzip your dress, which he did obediently before you turned back around to face him.
you watched his throat bob as you let the dress fall to the ground and he forced himself to look away as you put on his oversized tee. you placed a hand on his cheek making him look you in the eyes again. and you pressed your lips to his.
you kissed him once before you pulled away, and he was already chasing after your lips right away. connecting your lips again and guiding you back down onto the bed with him above you, careful to not break the kiss.
the kiss escalated quickly. with your fingers tangled in his hair and his hands all over you, on your thighs that were propped up on either side of him and right up under his shirt to grip at your waist.
but he pulled away to catch his breath and he could feel his heartbeat pulsing through his veins as he held himself up. he stared down at you in awe, taking in your glossed-over eyes and red lips.
suddenly he stood up, conflicted, as he tried not to look at where he bunched up his shirt around your waist. he let out a deep breath, "we should get some sleep..."
so you nodded and pulled his shirt down to cover yourself again, bringing his blanket over your body. and jungwon went around to his side of the bed, still unable to believe what just happened. he slipped into the blanket beside you, making sure to keep his distance.
it was wrong, kissing you just now when he still didn't know how sober you were. also, the fact that you'd just broken up with your ex. or maybe these were just excuses he was making up to avoid the fact that he was undeniably in love with you and couldn't stand the thought of you not feeling the exact same way...