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5 years ago

Drink while you eat

To be honest, I don't know how to translate it, because the russian language is so complicated...


Packaging and general information

As you can see, It's a small packet with a lot of little things which look like pills. There were 3 flavours: strawberry, chocolate and ice cream (but in reality it's just vanilla). I decided to buy strawberry and vanilla.

Vanilla/Ice cream flavour (left) and strawberry flavour (right)


These pills are supposed to replace normal milk (here's the meaning of the title). They are made of powdered milk, so you just eat them and at the same time you drink milk 🧐

The brand's name is 'Three cows, two cats'.
Pills are not big, their size is the same as Coca-Cola's cap.

The taste

The taste is the same as real milk, it's not so bitter sweet as I thought. However, sweetness appears as an aftertaste, and that makes you thirsty at some point.


One packet costs β‰ˆ43 rubles (0.64 USD, 0.53 GBP)


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