Milk - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Caramel Walnut Milkshake Recipe

Caramel Walnut Milkshake Recipe

Walnuts, Caramel Sauce, Milk, Vanilla Ice Cream. Enjoy the sweet and nutty flavors of this delectable milkshake. This drink, made with creamy vanilla ice cream, rich caramel sauce, and crunchy walnuts, is ideal for any time of day.

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1 year ago

Chocolate Donuts with Heart Shaped Sprinkles Recipe

Chocolate Donuts With Heart Shaped Sprinkles Recipe

Baking Soda, Egg, Baking Powder, Unsalted Butter, All-Purpose Flour, Vegetable Oil, Cocoa Powder, Vanilla Extract, Sprinkles, Salt, Semisweet Chocolate Chips, Granulated Sugar, Milk. These chocolate donuts are a sweet and festive treat, ideal for Valentine's Day or any other occasion when a little extra love is required. The heart-shaped sprinkles add a whimsical touch, while the rich chocolate flavor is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

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1 year ago

Mini Marshmallow Doughnuts Recipe

Mini Marshmallow Doughnuts Recipe

Mini Marshmallows, Granulated Sugar, Baking Powder, Salt, Plain Yoghurt, Powdered Sugar, All-Purpose Flour, Milk, Vanilla Extract, Baking Soda, Egg. Mini Marshmallow Doughnuts are a unique take on traditional doughnuts. The mini marshmallows give the doughnut a delicious gooey texture, making it ideal for a sweet breakfast or dessert.

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1 year ago

Homemade Red Currant Muffins Recipe

Homemade Red Currant Muffins Recipe

Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Granulated Sugar, Red Currants, Vanilla Extract, Egg, All-Purpose Flour, Milk, Vegetable Oil, Salt. These red currant muffins are a delicious way to enjoy the bright, tangy flavor of fresh red currants. Every bite is moist, tender, and bursting with juicy currants.

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1 year ago

Chocolate Frappe Milkshake Recipe

Chocolate Frappe Milkshake Recipe

Milk, Chocolate Syrup, Whipped Cream, Brewed Coffee. This Chocolate Frappe Milkshake is a tasty and refreshing drink that is ideal for a hot summer day. For a decadent treat, it's made with milk, chocolate syrup, brewed coffee, and ice, then topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

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1 year ago

Moka Pot Iced Coffee Recipe

Moka Pot Iced Coffee Recipe

Sugar, Milk, Ground Coffee. On a hot summer day, Moka Pot Iced Coffee is a simple and delicious way to enjoy coffee. A Moka pot produces a strong, flavorful coffee that is ideal for serving over ice. Make it your own by adding milk and sugar, or leave it black for a stronger flavor.

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1 year ago
Chocolate Clair Dessert - DessertsThis Chocolate Clair Dessert Is An Easy, No-bake Cake Recipe With Layers

Chocolate Éclair Dessert - Desserts This chocolate clair dessert is an easy, no-bake cake recipe with layers of graham crackers and vanilla pudding, topped with chocolate frosting.

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11 months ago
'King Of Rock' Frozen Pudding Pops - Frozen DessertA Frozen Dessert Fit For A King Or Your Kids, This

'King Of Rock' Frozen Pudding Pops - Frozen Dessert A frozen dessert fit for a king or your kids, this is a banana and peanut butter frozen pudding pop.

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1 year ago

Crepes with Almond Slivers and Peach Marmalade Recipe

Crepes With Almond Slivers And Peach Marmalade Recipe

Crepes with Almond Slivers and Peach Marmalade. These crepes make a delicious sweet and nutty breakfast or dessert. The almond slivers give the delicate crepes a crunchy texture, while the peach marmalade adds a fruity sweetness. It's ideal for a lazy weekend brunch or a warm dessert at home.

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6 years ago

Touch the fashion, change your life

Touch The Fashion, Change Your Life

This immediately popped into my head upon seeing Aquaria’s Martian look

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5 years ago

Drink while you eat

To be honest, I don't know how to translate it, because the russian language is so complicated...


Packaging and general information

As you can see, It's a small packet with a lot of little things which look like pills. There were 3 flavours: strawberry, chocolate and ice cream (but in reality it's just vanilla). I decided to buy strawberry and vanilla.

Vanilla/Ice cream flavour (left) and strawberry flavour (right)


These pills are supposed to replace normal milk (here's the meaning of the title). They are made of powdered milk, so you just eat them and at the same time you drink milk 🧐

The brand's name is 'Three cows, two cats'.
Pills are not big, their size is the same as Coca-Cola's cap.

The taste

The taste is the same as real milk, it's not so bitter sweet as I thought. However, sweetness appears as an aftertaste, and that makes you thirsty at some point.


One packet costs ≈43 rubles (0.64 USD, 0.53 GBP)


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7 months ago

@EVERYONE ! THE EGG HAS HATCHDE! Look at who was inside! 🥳

🥛🤰🏻(<- that's Egguius drinking from his trough to help him lay more eggse!)

To the untrained eye, it may seem Egguius has somply abandoned his young. And while you are partially right, he has, and he doesn't want to ever see Gamzees face ever again, but,

look closer.

Do you see it?...

The nourishment.

Furstly, that green crap on Gamzeez body?

Yeah, that's slime.

What's so special about slime you ask? Whatever, trolls sleep in it and eat it. Bit u see, where did the slime come from?

That's right --

The egg.


Egguius grew 👏 that 👏 slime 👏 in his own smol bean body. His own egg womb produced it, like gsmzee will later produce pies in the oven. He was in a state of intoxication the whole time from his own slime cells, all for this egg! (It's called "Egg Madness" in Alternian culture).

And now let's look at the rest of the nourishment -- milk, faygo, corrn dog.


hat's so special about that?

Well first off, the mulk, yes, onciously it is from Egguius. His left beeast--

And the fatgo?

From his right breast! 🤯

Yes! That's right --

Egguius began lactating Faygo just for Fetus Gamzee. 🤱🏻

The cirn dog may seem quite ordinary. But notice it's color...

Blue!? 🤨

That is becayse is from Egguius' flesh!

WOW. Just freaking wow. Motheehood for the win. Way to go Egguius! 🏆 🙌 💪 👏 😎 ✨

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6 years ago
Latte Di Mandorla Almonds Milk

🇮🇹Latte di mandorla 🇬🇧Almonds milk

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4 years ago
 Hi Everyone! This Delicious Almond Milk Is Perfect To Drink For Breakfast! Try To Prepare It At Home.

🇬🇧 Hi everyone!😉🌞 This delicious almond milk is perfect to drink for breakfast!😋 Try to prepare it at home. It's child's play!😍😉

🇮🇹 Buongiorno a tutti voi!😉🌞 Questo delizioso latte di mandorla é quel che ci vuole per cominciare al meglio la giornata! Preparatelo a casa, é un gioco da ragazzi!😉

ALMOND MILK – Denise Ippolito

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3 years ago

🇮🇹 Si può preparare il latte di mandorla in casa? Certo che si!😉 Non solo, con le mandorle siciliane otterrete una bevanda squisita! Ecco qui la ricetta👇

🇬🇧 Have you ever prepare almond milk? It's really healthy and delicious. 😉 This one is made with Sicilian almonds. It's fantastic! Here you are my recipe👇

 Si Pu Preparare Il Latte Di Mandorla In Casa? Certo Che Si! Non Solo, Con Le Mandorle Siciliane Otterrete

ALMOND MILK – Denise Ippolito

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2 years ago

🇮🇹 Morbidi, sfiziosi e delicati sono i panini delle feste di compleanno e dei buffet! Li potete imbottire come preferite, io ho scelto di creare una farcia con un mix di tre ingredienti davvero spettacolare: tonno affumicato, ravanelli ed erba cipollina. Una delizia!😉

🇬🇧 These little milk buns are soft and very tasty! They're the main dish of birthday parties and buffet! You can stuff them as you prefer, I chose to prepare a filling with three delicious ingredients: smoked tuna, radishes and chives. It's a delight!😉👇

 Morbidi, Sfiziosi E Delicati Sono I Panini Delle Feste Di Compleanno E Dei Buffet! Li Potete Imbottire

MILK BUNS – Denise Ippolito

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1 year ago

I've created a sexy little beverage that I like to call Supreme Milk Surprise™ .

It consists of every different kind of milk I can find in the fridge at work. At the moment this means cow, almond, oat, coconut, and soy milk. I dream of the day I will have all the milks in the world, so I can finally make the Ultimate Supreme Milk Surprise™

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