Vord Wolrd Series - Tumblr Posts

Vore World

In this world, vore is common thing. Every predators and preys live normal.

Predators are men and women, and they have same organ in their body as preys.

But the predators can open their mouth wide than prey. And Preys themselves are normally people that can get eaten by predators as some time.

Predators's gene come down to their children as the next generation of preds.


Matthew is a handsome South Korean guy, that he's born in America. He has brown hair and a white skinned body with buff muscle on his body.

He's height 192 centimetres tall , and has a 10 inch cock, he has a buff muscle on his chest , thighs and legs. He's 25 years old, and his job is bodybuilder because he loves to workout at the Gym with his best friend Brian.

Brian is handsome American tanned skin guy, with a black hair and he is prey. He has a buff muscle on his body ( Bodybuilder) as the same as Matthew.

He's height 183 centimetres tall, and has a 8 inch cock, and he's Matthew's buddy. And Brian himself wanted to get eaten by his best friend Matthew.

Lucy is a Beautiful American woman with brown hair and she has height 179 centimetres tall , and she's Matthew's girlfriend, she falls in love with Matthew at the first day of the school. That they study in the same school. She's a beautiful girl with D-cup chest. She's a predator as the same as her boyfriend Matthew.

Alice is Lucy's best friend , and she's prey as the same as her boyfriend Brian. And she has body structure as her best friend Lucy but she's a 174 centimetres tall. And she wanted eaten by her best friend Lucy.

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