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4 years ago

Retrouvailles (part 3)

Jumin x MC fanfic (1215 words)

Part 1

Part 2

over all summary: MC is the Singer at her Family’s wine bar called “retrouvailles”. Jumin Han corporate heir has fallen for her voice and decided to pursue a relationship with the Jazz and swing singer despite his usual distaste for romance. they face the challenges of press interference and hearsay, as they explore the waters of new romance.

Chapter summary: Jumin and MC enjoy pleasant conversations while enjoying wine and music. before parting ways they make plans to meet again and exchange phone numbers. 

Retrouvallies feature song presentation: lady armstong cover of royals

authors note:so this is just me indulging in their dialogue cuz i really enjoy writing it. honestly the dialogue is one of the main reason i wanted to writ the fic seriously there’s something very appealing about old timey formal jumin han. I have the plot pretty much set out but i have no idea how long it'll take to get there ya know? like i know what i want to happen but sometimes it takes a bit of working to actually get it to happen. anyway i hope y’all enjoy this cute little back and forth between them cuz i really had fun writing it. 

The night’s music seemed impossibly quiet as Jumin felt MC trail her fingers along the ridges of his knuckles.

“have you ever heard of palm reading?” she asked suddenly. he smirked a bit and nodded splaying his hand out before her so she could run her finger along the lines of his palm instead. “to be honest I don’t know much about it really, but I have a friend that can fake it, like a parlor trick you know.” he chuckled at that before curling his fingers around her hand.

“I’ve read a little on the subject of palmistry. I’m sure I could teach you at least a small bit” he didn’t even try to hide his smirk at her surprise.

“do you believe it’s accurate?” she asked dubiously.

“as accurate as any other fortune telling method”

“you know Jumin that isn’t an answer” she chided coyly

“I believe,” he paused for a moment brows creasing in thought as he drew a thumb along a line on her palm “fortune telling, prophecies, fate, it all seems like an excuse. a means for people to accept poor circumstances and lack of motivation.”

“you don’t believe in fortune telling, but you know about palmistry?”

“you must learn about something before you can form an opinion on it” he remarked settling his eye’s on her hand in his. Her hands where warm against his skin and he wondered if her warmth was indicative of some inner light that he lacked.

“well then humor me? what do you read in my palms”

“well the most common belief is that the left hand maps your potential, what God has given you, while the right shows what you do with it, your choices.” MC’s eyes were locked on his as he explained each line and what they were supposed to signify. he ran his index finger over each line as he did and he could have sworn he felt her pulse quicken under the pads of his fingers. as he finished his explanation she glanced down at their connected hands.

“may I be honest with you Jumin?” she asked gently

“I would prefer it” he responded brows furrowing in mild concern.

“when I brought up the palm reading, I may have been looking for an excuse to hold your hand” Jumin didn’t know what to say to that it was a strange thought. that someone would invent a reason to touch him so innocently and yet he couldn’t find it in him to be mad. In the midst of his reverie he registered the final notes of music fading as the nights show ended “I did enjoy the lesson though maybe next time you can tell me about how tarot cards are supposed to work” MC added tilting her head to catch Jumins’ downturned eyes.

“I’m not nearly so familiar with tarot as I am with palmistry” he admitted pulling taking another sip of wine to hide a bit of annoyance at his own lack of knowledge.

“then I suppose we can learn together. Unless, perhaps there’s another subject that you’d prefer?”  

“recently I’ve been reading about vampires” he said ready for the same teasing chides he received from several of his friends when he mentioned his latest choice of reading material.

“spooky.” She commented raising an eyebrow “you know I once heard that the reason they didn’t have a reflection in old mirrors was because silver reflected the soul and since they were undead they had no soul”

“modern mirrors don’t use silver” he mused moving to poor himself a bit more wine. It really was a fantastic vintage.

“exactly!” she chirped. “so doesn’t it stand to reason that a vampire in modern times would have a reflection”

he chuckled, no one had ever humored his more outlandish interests like this. “I can see your logic but I raise you this counter” he said letting a smile creep across his face “your right about past mirrors using silver and about vampires lacking souls, but if a silver mirror only reflected the soul why would chair, walls, and art be reflected? they have no soul.” He enjoyed this banter. A back and forth of ideas and logic even in regards to such fantastical creatures as vampires.

“good point though I’m sure some would argure about art having a bit of soul.  Also in Dracula I believe that Dracula’s clothes were also reflection-less which implies even objects touching the vampire are rendered invisible to the mirror”

“truly a curious mystery that requires more research” Jumin teased. his smile held a lopsided and easy going confidence. MC laughed at that, a joyous lilting sound that had Jumin chuckling before he even realized it. he liked when she laughed at his teasing jokes and made note to tell them more often.

as the night wore on they continued to talk quietly occasionally pouring each other a fresh glass of wine until as mc poured for jumin she found the bottle empty.

“it seems our time for this evening is up jumin” she said holding the empty bottle by its neck and shaking it slightly to listen for any remaining liquid.

“had I known we were limited to one bottle I would have taken my time a bit more. savored the taste and good company.”

“sorry Jumin rules are rules. One bottle of wine for a first date”

“so this was a date then?”

“I suppose that depends on if you’re comfortable with the woman paying for the first date. I’m sure we could work something out next time if you are but I’d like to treat you tonight”

It wasn’t the first time tonight that Jumin had felt a bit taken aback by MC but nevertheless he found himself wholly in foreign territory. he was so used to paying for himself and to others expecting him to pay for them as well. certainly he could afford it after all. money was no object in his life, and yet MC wanted to treat him. He was quite sure that his wealth vastly outweighed her own, making money all the more precious to her still she wanted to spend it on him. he would let her this time of course though he vowed to repay her tenfold at their next meeting if she would allow it. “that sounds perfect shall we meet after your show on Thursday? perhaps I could take you to a late dinner.” He offered.

“I would love that. oh here I should give you this” she said taking a pen from her purse and scribbling a number on a small notepad.

she tore the page out and handed it to Jumin as she stood. “call me if our plans change okay?”

He was about to reply when he felt her lips on his cheek and froze. She had kissed him, just a peck on the cheek but a kiss none the less. For his part Jumin Han did not flush the light crimson that MC did but he did wear a sly smile for the better part of the next two days despite a weekend business trip he had been dreading for the first time in what seemed like a very long time he found himself looking forward to a social excursion.

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4 years ago

the RFA + Saeran with a clumsy MC

so i’ll admit i’m pretty clumsy. like broken ankle when i accidentally stepped off the curb wrong and knocked out teeth from face planting it into cabinet. so I decided to write about the RFA dealing with the walking disaster that is my completely lack of grace. 

also master list


-        legitimately worried about you constantly

-        he traces worried fingers around every new bruise scratch or cut

-        blames the body guards that are supposed to protect you

-        when you point out they can’t possibly protect you all the time his shoulder sag

-        he just hates to see you hurt

-        that being said he has to admit he likes catching you mid fall or stopping you from running into something

-        the way you laugh and thank him when he saves you from getting hurt (again) makes it worth it

-        a few times you’ve taken him down with you and ended up on top of him (to which he can’t complain much)

-        in these rare instances you always apologize profusely and worry over him while he chuckles and reminds you he’s more than happy to take a bruise or two if it meant you didn’t get hurt


-        he wants to help he really does but he’s a teensy but clumsy himself

-        every time he tries to catch you mid fall all that happens is your tumble takes him with it and you both end up as a tangle of limbs on the floor

-        most of your time is spent kissing each other’s bruises after one of your miss fortunes hurt both of you

-        on one hand he is deeply concerned about your safety on the other he is not disappointed in how many times you accidentally end up on top of him on the floor

-        he turns bright red every time but he can’t say he’s unhappy

-        he slowly but surely amasses a collection of super cute ice and heat packs to help with any swelling from your falls


-        look if he thinks you might actually be hurt of course he’ll be serious and help you

-        but most of the time it’s just freaking funny

-        he is laughing as he helps you up and this makes him vulnerable to being pulled down

-        a big part of the relationship bonding comes in the form of you pulling him to the floor and tickling him for laughing at you

-        he teases you constantly making all your electronics “mc proof” which basically translates to near indestructible

-        at one point you ask him to teach you self-defense and he says your clumsiness IS self-defense since you tend to take down whoever your next to as you fall


-        listen the first time he sees you is with unknown and you have bruises and scrapes and he sees red

-        he swears murder and it’s only by the grace of God and your shaking voice asking him to get you out of there that he leaves without bloodshed

-        after you explain he calms down a bit but still frets over you to make sure your okay

-        when you two are together he keeps a protective arm around you or holds your hand, anything so he’s always right there to catch you if you stumble

-        he’s fast and strong so honestly no matter how hard you fall against him you never knock him down

-        at one point a rouge fan tries to trip you and he catches you with a practiced skill while casting her the evil eye

-        he rants about how you shouldn’t have to worry about fans and glares at you a little when you mention you probably would have fallen either way


-        she quickly learns the cafe will need shatter proof dishes with you working there

-        and she makes sure your cashier, barista, or chef never waitress (it only took one day to see that role would not work how do they balance those trays?)

-        she loves you she really does but we all have limitations we must work around

-        she makes sure you don’t feel bad though because you are so helpful with cleaning and cooking and drink mixing she wants you to know your VITAL

-        you ask her to teach you to walk in heels and she tries but you straight up break your ankle and end up in a boot for 2 months

-        she may or may not sell her heels after that >.> (she was never a huge shoe person anyway)

-        she’s slowly but surly learning how to catch you without being knocked off balance so easily

-        she never considered herself graceful but you always say she is and she supposes that comparatively she is (it’s a confidence boost sure but it won’t go to her head she’s to humble for that)


-        he’s actually really good at helping you to not trip “careful MC the curbs right there you could trip”

-        like he’s always vigilant and gently pulling you to the side so you don’t run into something or trip over a cord or stumble off the sidewalk accidentally

-        he’s also super gentle when he tends to your bruises and cuts you suspect he has a lot of practice (oh I made myself sad)

-        he would never admit it but he likes how needed he feels when he stops you from hurting yourself again

-        he does NOT like it when other people catch you mid-fall or laugh at your clumsiness

-        it’s one of the few times when you can still quite clearly see “unknown” Saeran in his death glare

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4 years ago

the RFA with a sound effect artist MC

master list 


- he had a studio built in the pent house so you could work from home and partly because of how often you sit straight up in bed with a new idea of how to get the perfect sound for a specific moment

- he enjoys watching you work because he finds all your methods really interesting he especially likes how creative you are when making the more outlandish sounds

- adores when you bring home weird instruments like the water phone and the nightmare machine but his favorite so far is the theremin he just thinks you look very elegant playing it 

- you’ve enlisted his help only once and you had a blast watching him stiffly walk in place to help you create the foot step sounds

- several times you use Elizabeth the 3rd’s purring and meows in your work editing it to create quite a few different types of sounds

- Jumin may or may not use this to mess with zen saying Elizabeth the 3rd is an actress “zen perhaps Elizabeth could give you some pointers she is a wonderful actress after all. her voice did just appear in its fourth movie 


- your a what? that’s a job? he thought they just ya know used the sound they got when they filmed the movie and added music

- you take him to work one day and he’s awestruck at all the editing equipment there are so many buttons

- you tell him to press the big blue one and giggle when it plays a recording of you saying “I love you yoosung” he turns bright red and cant hide the embarrassed smile on his face its too cute

- until you show him the studio and he’s so confused by all the weird stuff you have in there. is that a car door and a bowl of corn? why do you need a fridge with lettuce and crab legs? WHAT DO YOU DO?

- after you show him all the strange ways they make sound effects he asks you about the sound effects in his favorite movies and games wondering if you could recreate them

- he does NOT appreciate when he comes hone one day to you playing a water phone and making some of the most disconcerting sounds he’s ever heard in real life


- when he did the background check he saw all the movies you’d done sound effects for and flipped out he thinks its so cool 

anytime you too watch a movie you worked on he pauses at your name in the credits and takes pictures to send in the chat and brag “guys look at this! that’s my girlfriend! that name right there is the woman that chose to date ME!”  jaehee: ”well i suppose anyone can have a laps in judgment”

- he’s more into the editing software and computer part of the sound design and editing than the literal making of the sound but he absolutely cant take certain scenes seriously after knowing how the sounds were made

- you help him make prank voicemail messages to send the RFA with realistic sound effects and everything

- his favorite moments are when your trying to figure out how to create a new sound and he can just run around messing with stuff in your studio until you say “stop that’s it that’s what i need”

- “you need light up sneakers stepping on corn on the cob?” “yes”


- his dream job is movies and you work on them! he doesn’t know much about sound design at first but he’s sure it’s amazing!

- then he see’s it and okay so maybe it’s not as glamorous as he thought but it’s still cool to see behind the scenes like that. 

- you offer to help his plays with their sound effects too and he is so grateful because you somehow manage to elevate the performance even more!

- you show him your editing equipment and he is so confused. he can work out the play button and the pause button but the rest is beyond him. you try to explain but after about 30 minutes of making no progress he just hugs you and says “jagi you must be a genius this is all so complicated” 

- you help him edit his youtube videos and when you notice he only has singing and acting video you introduce him to ASMR role play videos its the perfect combo of his acting and your sound design!

- his fans love the asmr videos and it boosts his popularity through the roof


- is super curious about how you manage to create such realistic sounds for things that aren’t real like alien sounds and fairy flying

- will systematically watch every movie you’ve done the sound for and focus solely on sound design

- does a ton of research so she can talk in depth with you about your job

- brings you coffee on your late nights and watches you work while you scramble to meet deadlines

- sometimes you make her soundscapes to help her relax and she adores it.

- she really enjoys hearing what you think about zen’s movies because you always have something to say about the sound design how creative it was or how it could have been improved 

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4 years ago

jumin reacts to someone forcing a kiss on mc

so uh yeah no one asked for this. 

also trigger warnings for sexual assault so this is going under the cut.

You were dressed to the nines to attend a business meeting meant to honor Jumin as his branch reported record breaking numbers for the fiscal year. You couldn’t hide how proud you were of Jumin as his father toasted to his fantastic leadership.

After the dinner Jumin introduced you to each of the C&R branch heads that came to congratulate him. a little flustered you couldn’t help but notice how much it seemed Jumin enjoyed showing you off, it seemed that every compliment he received was met with some sort of counter about how you had inspired, encouraged, or taught him something.

If someone mentioned the increase in his employee’s productivity, he told them that you had recently suggested an employee satisfaction unit to promote stress reduction which had greatly improved employee productivity. If they mentioned his foreign business dealings he cited your love of overseas culture as a major positive impact on each one. You couldn’t help but blush at all his praise.

As the night wore on you noticed several eyes on you from across the room and slowly you began to wonder if they were truly friendly. One pair in particular felt unpleasantly voyeuristic. Turning you head suddenly you caught the shifting gaze of a man who looked to be nearing his 60’s you tried to shake your suspicions as you watched him approach you both. He spoke jovially to Jumin about his branches newest projections but you could smell the alcohol on his breath from where you stood. When Jumin’s phone rang part of you wanted to follow as he excused himself to take the call.

This man made you uncomfortable no matter how you tried to forget your earlier suspicions. Then as Jumin turned his back you felt the man pull you forward his lips wet against your obvious grimace. You pushed him away spluttering your distaste. Jumins hand was on your shoulder immediatly pulling you backwards a little roughly. His eyes were cold, his face grim and you could feel the slightest tremble of anger in the fierce grip on you shoulder.

“it would be prudent for you to excuse yourself” he almost growled to the man you had just shoved away “now” he added when the man seemed too shocked to move. You had to admit the sight of Jumin so angry was rare and had it been directed at you, you may have frozen as well. The man scrambled backwards towards the door and you saw Jumin nod sharply to a bodyguard that moved to meet the man at the door “he will be charged with assault by the morning of course.” Jumin assured you before guiding you to a side exit.

Within minutes you and Jumin were in route to the penthouse his eyes fixed on you as you wiped at your mouth you felt gross, the feel of the man’s lips still vivid against your mouth.

“darling, are you okay?” the gentle concern in Jumin’s voice was in stark contrast to the icy anger it had before.

“I’m sorry.” You mumbled forcing yourself to stop trying to rub away the memory of the kiss. Then Jumin’s arms where around you gently pulling you to his chest as he shushed you.

“that man is scum but no matter what he does or did, it could never change how pure and perfect you are.” Jumin’s warmth helped you relax but you couldn’t stop the tears. He held you all the way home and once in the penthouse he made you tea. He assured you that it wasn’t your fault, you weren’t any different for what had happened and most of all he promised you that you would never see that man again.

You weren’t entirely sure what happened to the man who had tried to assault you. You knew he did not work at C&R or any of its affiliates. You knew that the police took your statement as well as security footage from the party. You knew Jumin would keep his promise.

And that, was everything you needed to know.

You felt safe.

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4 years ago

morning showers with jumin include

- his hands on your shoulders absentmindedly kneading the muscles there while you sleepily wait for the water to warm up

- him washing your hair, gently humming whatever classical piece of music you both fell asleep to the night before

- you reaching up (possibly standing on your tip toes while he stabilizes you with 1 big hand on your hip) and washing his hair (probably styling it into a spike and giggling)

- his deep throaty chuckle when he see’s your content and still a little sleep addled smile

- woody scented soap in wash clothes run chastely along your skin before he leans down to kiss your forehead

- fingers tracing love bites and accidental bruises from the day before

- him groaning appreciatively as your fingers work some of the sleepy tension from his neck and back

- quick and innocent kisses before turning the water off and continuing the rest of your morning routine


on his days off his arms wrap around your waist from behind as he watches you put on your makeup a content and lazy smile in his face. his chin is resting on the top of your hair pulled up into a towel. every now and then he asks you a question to keep you talking to him. “how did you sleep?” “what did you dream about?” “what would you like to do today?” “have you finished that book you where reading?” he likes hearing your voice and seeing you pause in your routine while you consider your response.

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4 years ago

the RFA react to mc’s pad leaking and staining her pants


- poker face and no shame not embarrassed at all

- simply excuses the both of you and discreetly walks behind you so no one can see

- once in private he’ll tell you and comfort you if your feeling embarrassed

- he either has someone get you a change of clothes or you and he simply go home so you can change

- honestly 10/10 for his calm cool and collected vibe and the fact that most people don’t question him when he says something


- panics 110%

- he didn’t even know it was that time of the month since you never got moody like his sisters or had cravings like his mom

- now he’s worried you’ve been in pain and not telling him and there’s a moment or two when he’s frozen by all these concerns

- once he comes to his senses he hugs you from behind and with a bright blush whispers what’s going on

- gives you his hoodie to help you hide the stain and makes some excuse to get you out

- unfortunately it isn’t very smooth or subtle he’s really bad at lying so it’s something like “oh i forgot we um had that thing at the you know place” (this boy needs improv lessons or something cuz that was just sad)

- 7/10 everyone can tell somethings up but he did try and the care he gives after saves it


- when he notices he shoots you a quick text simply reading “stealth exit strategy 606: sneak away while i cause a distraction and await further instruction”

- he then winks and begins his plan by making literally the biggest spectacle he can (and with saeyoung that’s saying something)

- when you make it to his car it’s already unlocked for you so you can wait for him inside

- your just managing to shut the door when he’s sprinting toward the car laughing like a maniac

- on the ride home he’ll explain the why behind his “stealth exit” plan and comfort you if your embarrassed assuring you that not only did no one notice but no one would remember even if they did, not after his distraction

- solid 8/10 since no one would ever guess YOU where the reason ya’ll left early but it won’t work all the time and your pretty sure saeyoung is now banned from wherever ya’ll were


- the second he notices he wraps his jacket around you without a word

- his face is a little red and he can’t make eye contact when he leans in and whispers so quietly even you can barely hear him

- “jagi I um, I think your pants are stained. we should head home so you can change”

- it takes a while for both of you to make your exit simply because of how popular he is

- and the second he wrapped his jacket around you every girl around was equal parts jealous of you and in awe of his more revealed figure

- 4/10 because the struggle to get out made the stain worse and also all those eyes on you where uncomfortable even if they didn’t know what was up (damn his popularity)


- she a girl so she definitely caught you before it got bad (and totally not because she was staring at your butt >.>)

- very discreetly passes you a new pad and directs everyone to a new very eye catching very important thing way over there so you can sneak away

- once your out of public eyesight she’ll help you sneak the rest of the way home and provide you with EVERYTHING you could need

- let’s be real here she’s the best one to rely on cuz she legit gets it she’s been there and knows what she wishes had been done for her

- 100/10 beahee is best. period. end of story. pun intended.

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4 years ago

the RFA w/ mc who’s practically blind without her glasses

why am i posting this? because i’ve decided to clean out my phone and that means getting rid of all the mysme headcannons i have written in the notes during work and class breaks. this is how i write now guys during lunch breaks and between classes because i over book myself and have no actual free time


- congratulations you now have prescription glasses to match EVERY SINGLE OUTFIT

- there’s a drawer dedicated to the organized display and storage of your glasses (with him around you never have to worry about losing your glasses)

- he keeps a glass cleaning cloth in his pocket for you and if he see’s you go to clean your glasses he always offers to do it for you

- too him it’s one of those little intimacies he cherishes like when you choose his tie and tie it for him

- never lets you go with out if you forget, lose, or break them there is ALWAYS a back up close by.

- of course he’ll offer to pay for lasic or contacts but he won’t push it

- he definitely thinks the glasses make you look dignified and elegant


- after his injury you two are twinsies!

- your glasses bump against each other sometimes when you kiss but honestly it adds to ya’ll’s innocent puppy love type feel so you don’t mind to much

- he’s horrendous about misplacing his own glasses so if you can’t keep up with yours either there’s gonna be problems

- he thinks your glasses make you look so smart and pretty! he hopes he looks half as good in his glasses as you do in yours (hah! jokes on him he looks better in your opinion!)

- once he’s gotten his surgery he completely forgets you still can’t see and wants to show you things while you don’t have your glasses on

- listen take your glasses off and shake your hair out of a bun like those sexy librarian cliches. it does something to this poor babe and his brain legitimately short circuits.


- his glasses are practically indestructible (his agency job made that a requirement)

- he gets you the same kind ( but in your style) so you don’t have to worry about breaking yours either

- considering how often he tosses both your glasses to the side carelessly while dragging you to the bed mid make out that’s a very good thing

- he definitely does the glasses swap thing and comments about how bad your eyesight is (“MC your almost as blind as I am!”)

- you are both notorious for losing your glasses be it because of him tossing them away or mistaking yours for his and setting them down wherever he starts getting a headache from wearing the wrong glasses

- the amount of times one of you have accidentally stepped on your glasses makes you thankful for the extra durability


- thinks your glasses are sexy and make you look smart

- steals your glasses for selfies and gives himself a headache wearing them

- has absolutely shattered your glasses by stepping on them after a “wild” night

- dramatically says your poor eyesight is a shame because you can’t fully appreciate his looks without glasses

- uses cleaning your glasses as an excuse to show off his abs by holding them up to the light and using the bottom edge of his shirt to wipe them

- do the glasses hair shake thing and unleash the beast


- she has a special stand on her bedside table for both of your glasses

- keeps cleaning liquid and cloths in her purse so you both have perfectly clean smudge free glasses constantly

- she is super strict about wearing your glasses all the time and getting your prescription updated regularly

- blushes WAY too much when you use your breath to clean her glasses the one time she forgot her purse

- listen the glasses hair shake thing may not affect her but when she does it. damn

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4 years ago

guys the more i look at this the more in love i fall like just look at the details he’s reading lonnie and occult book and their in her victorian style living room even jumins collar stripes are right (which is a feat and a half since he buys those custom)

gah i’m just so happy with it i can’t recommend @sentimentaleidolon enough guys!

Commission @joy1579

commission @joy1579

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4 years ago

RFA React to an mc that uses pet names for EVERYONE

so fun fact where i come from pet names are used for everyone all the time no exceptions. I call EVERYONE “hun” unless they specifically ask me not too and even then it takes actual effort for me to break the habit (I might slip up every now and then but i catch myself and do try really hard) my coworker calls everyone “boo” and my mom calls everyone sweetie. its just something that was always very normal to me. so when I began chatting with someone NOT from my home it kinda threw him for a loop. he thought i was flirting with him and i though we where just ya know chatting (tone doesn't always travel well through text) any way that got me thinking. how would the RFA react to an MC that does the same thing.

so without further ado.


- surprised and confused why would you do that you don’t know them they aren’t your “hun” he doesn’t get it

- then he notices the pattern hun = anyone; child = admonishing a friend; love/darling = him and only him; sweetie = warning; ect...

- treats every pet name like a puzzle to figure out why that specific one at that specific time

- eventually he will know more about the pet names you choose than you do

- might write down his findings

- will definitely try out every different pet name on you to find your favorite


- shook at first, why is his pre-girlfriend calling zen “hun”?

- but then you call jaehee saeyoung and even jumin hun too and he’s so confused

- is high key jealous for the first few weeks until you explain it’s a habit from your family it doesn’t mean anything

- will still get insecure from time to time

- he talks (whines) to zen about it one night until zen points out you call everyone “hun” but you only call yoosung “love” and “puppy” so he does technically have his own private pet names

- after that he starts to finally chill and will get all bubbly and happy when you call him by HIS pet names


- he may joke around a lot but observation and intelligence is his job. he’s quite literally a pro.

- so of course he knows right away that not all pet names are created equal and isn’t fazed at all by your casual use of them

- when the others mention it or tease you he doubles down and starts calling everyone WAY over the top pet names yoosung = baby cakes, jumin= daddy han, zen= angle face, jaehee = mamacita

- but when you use a brand new one for him and him alone he panics he’s not sure he’s ready for that level of intimacy

- cue him freaking out in the chat room while everyone is like “she uses pet names for everyone you ain’t special” but he his and we all know it

- once everything’s settled he’ll make fun of your pet names a bit (only he’s allowed to tease you about them) but he’ll still blush when you call him love and boo


- look this man is the king of pet names BUT he’s also possessive af so when he hears you call jumin of all people “honey bun” he see’s red

- he doesn’t even register the slight pity and condescension in your tone as he scowls at jumin and protectively pulls you tightly against him

- you don’t even skip a beat before telling zen about the fact that you just learned jumin special orders his striped shirts to have parallel stripes on the collar rather than perpendicular ones

- then it clicks. the tone of your voice the look in your eyes. but most of all the fact that he had never, NEVER heard you use the pet name “honey bun” before tonight.

- it was not quite as complimentary a term as he had thought

- once he understands he gets that all pet names are not created equal he is so on board the pet names train

- he takes a lot of pride in being the only one you call love and prince charming


- she’s so formal at first she doesn’t even realize your talking to her

- it also makes actually dating her a bit more difficult because she just assumes the compliments and special pet names are just how you treat everyone

- it never occurs to her that it could be romantic until you actually physically kiss her

- that’s when she asks and you have to laugh “didn’t you suspect something when I started calling you angel? or love?”

- “you use pet names for everyone” “maybe so but no one else has ever been my angel!” you laugh

- now she’s blushing so hard it hurts and re-evaluating EVERY SINGLE INTERACTION you two have ever had

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4 years ago


hey sooooo I have a bad habit of working myself too hard. by this i mean i will work and keep accepting new responsibilities until I either have a mental breakdown (panic attack, depressive episode, or something else I cant work through) or a physical breakdown (pneumonia, broken bone, passing out) its a really bad habit that I’m sure stems from low self esteem or some BS but I don't really wanna FIX it I’d much rather just write a story about MC doing the same thing and being comforted by Jumin.

and since that's cheaper and easier to schedule than an appointment with my councilor, that's what I did. 

hope ya’ll enjoy!!!

you where working harder than ever. you were helping yoosung study, helping connect Zen with new roles, promoting V’s newest collection, you had even taken over most of the RFA party planning from jaehee. then every evening when jumin got home you would greet him with your biggest smile rushing into his arms like a man in the desert rushes to water. he could see how hard you where working and he watched you accept more responsibility every day. it seemed like every evening you were telling him about one more thing someone had asked of you. you stayed up later woke earlier and he would have said something if it weren’t for your smile, so brilliant and dazzling. you seemed so eager to please so happy to help and he knew you enjoyed working. you, like him didn’t cope well with boredom. so he let it slide choose simply to do everything he could to support you.

until one day he got a call from zen. “get over to my place now. MC is, she’s locked herself in the bathroom she won’t talk to me. you know I hate to ask for help but i think she needs you”. jumin was there in a flash knocking gently on the door to zens bathroom.

when you didn’t answer he called to you “MC I know your in there it’s me can you let me in”

“I’m fine jumin”

“darling I can hear your voice shaking it’s okay to be upset but I’d like to hold you. will you let me do that?” he heard the lock click and was inside in an instant door closed behind him. you were in his arms and he was gently rubbing your back as you sobbed into his chest. “you don’t have to talk now but you should know you can tell me anything”. it took nearly an hour for you to calm down and in that time jumin had moved you to zens couch where you sat in his lap and burried your face in his suit. zen had let himself out when he saw the scene worried his presence might make things awkward for you. you heard the door open as zen returned and you wiped hastily at your cheeks trying to make yourself at least semi presentable.

“i’m sorry zen i was supposed to help you practice but all i did was cause trouble” you where still trying to calm your breathing but at least the tears had stopped. jumin stood with you as you tried to straighten yourself out.

zen set a hand on your shoulder “MC don’t apologize just, tell us what’s up. jumins so worried you can almost see him frown”. you wanted to tell zen everything was fine but the words caught in your throat and you stopped short to blink back the fresh tears in your eyes.

“if i’m right zen, MC is simply exhausted i believe it’s been quite some time since she was able to rest. i’ll escort her home so i can help her relax some. thank you for calling me.”

jumins voice had an air of finality but his hands were gentle as he began to lead you away.

at the door jumin turned to zen and said a little gentler “I’ll call you if anything happens, and again, thank you for calling me.”

zen was frozen as the door shut behind you and jumin.

“damn trust fund kid! she’s may be his wife but she’s my friend too!”

at the pent house jumin drew you a bath and added one of your favorite bathbombs all the while never letting go of your hand

“jumin?” you asked. his head shot up from pouring you a glass of wine betraying just how concerned he really was under his calm and collected facade. “what if it’s my fault?” you asked shakily.

“what if what is your fault?”

“we’ve been trying for over a year to have a baby and, what if it’s my fault we haven’t been able to?”

“is that what’s been bothering you?” he asked handing you the wine and leading you to the edge of the bathtub to bathe.

“i didn’t want to think about it so,” you trailed off letting him fill in the blanks.

“so you decided to work. I understand that.” he sighed nodding somberly.

“probably better than anyone right?” you said offering a broken chuckle as he stripped you of your shirt. he began to undress as well before replying.

“you were helping zen with his new role today right? may i ask what it’s about?”

“that’s just it, zen is playing the husband of a woman who, she looses her baby jumin, and i thought” you could feel the tears threatening to return and jumin pulled you into the hot bath with him guiding you to lean back against his chest. he shushed you gently pressing a glass of chilled wine into your hand.

“i’ll make an appointment for a fertility specialist tomorrow. you know it’s just as likely to be my fault we’ve yet to conceive”

“no way my husband is as close to perfect as they come” you joked shakily before leaning your head back to nuzzle into his neck “thank you”

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4 years ago

fun fact

i truly believe one of the reasons jumin takes so much pleasure in tiny every day intimacy’s (you picking his tie, him brushing your hair, cooking together) is because it’s these things that highlight long term relationships. they emphasize slow comfort and familiar domesticity. they aren’t the newlywed heated puppy love he’s seen in his fathers short dime a dozen relationships. they say “it’s okay, we have a lifetime to do whatever we need, take your time” it’s a reassurance that your here to stay.

the more tangled you two become in the small everyday routines of life the hard it is to separate from eachother.

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4 years ago

footsie with the RFA

this one is short and kinda silly but I had fun writing so I hope you'll have fun reading it 


- he does not move his legs because he knows for a fact he is not taking up more than his allotted space

- when you continue what your doing while locking eyes with him he gets it and decides to play along (as long as he’s sure no one can see what your doing)

- his piercing stair and impossibly impassive face daring you to go farther as it becomes a battle of wills.

- will you back down first and stop teasing him, or will he break first and excuse you both to someplace private >.>

- slowly it stops being the innocent romantic game of footsie and gets progressively more suggestive just to get a rise out of him >.> if you know what i mean


- surprised and worried at first is he taking up to much room? he better tuck his legs under the chair just in case

- when he gets it he turns bright red and sputters a bit loosing track of what he was saying

- as long as you keep it innocent though he can keep some semblance of cool sure he’s nervous and a bit giddy but nothing too obvious

- listen though if you get too risqué you will have to either escort him away or stop teasing him because he is dying and doesn’t have the coherency to slip away with you himself

- and then everyone knows what’s going on. table 3b all the way across the restaurant heard his yelp and can see his beacon bright cheeks


- he is so down to play your game doesn’t even miss a beat in the conversation but you do catch a slight smirk when he asks you a question

- your not sure how he managed to catch your ankle in his hand without blowing both your covers but it’s infuriatingly gentle and your blushing

- you already know what that raised eyebrow means. it’s time to admit defeat he won this one

- his fingers are skimming up your calf though and you suppose turnabouts fair play

- your in for a lot of teasing when you two get home


- boi has no chill

- so when you start playing you can IMMEDIATELY see his eyes darken a little

- he calls upon his acting abilities to keep a straight face and a steady voice but you can see the struggle in his eyes

- he tries to stop you either by hushed and murmured warnings or simply by pulling away from you a bit

- if you keep pushing he’ll end the event early just to get you two alone

- like i said boi ain’t got no kinda chill


- blushing and shy but she does play along

- honestly though the best part is her face. her small shy smile as she pretends to read the menu or a text coupled with the little blush in her cheeks *chef kiss*

- it’s all playful and innocent with her though because you know better than to push it she’s a very private person when it comes to the bedroom

- okay but you both slipped off your heels under the table to play and when you get up have to double check that you slipped back on the right heel

- it only happened once but mismatched heels are a dead giveaway that some kind of funny business took place

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4 years ago

seayoung likes pictures. he likes photo evidence and keepsakes. i have this head cannon that saeyoung is really likes the hard physical evidence thing

give this man a scrapbook with poloroid pictures of you two and handwritten captions he’ll treasure it FOREVER

and why? because so much of his life was eraseable, his job, his family, hell even his birth was something he was supposed to hide and was told the world wanted to erase.

then you come along and you collect keepsakes, photos, memories, everything he hasn’t been allowed to have his whole life and you cherish them organize them share them with him the scrap book has the ticket stubs from your first movie date together the hospital bracket from when his brother got out of the hospital and a receipt for your first meal as a family you saeyoung and saeran each one with a picture and handwritten paragraph about the day.

it’s his life in hardcover physical form. proof he existed that no hacker can edit or delete. you made this for him and it took hours upon hours or meticulous work focused on creating a record of his new life with you.

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4 years ago

in my brain I know the rfa are like taller leaner and stronger than my short chubby baby face self but all I can think about is getting my short ass a step stool just so i can reach their face pet their head and remind them that no matter how strong, tall, independent, stubborn, or old they get they are always and forever my precious babies and I will hold them and protect them no matter what!

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3 years ago

hi! idk if requests are open now but i'm feeling kind of sad about some trauma (the police got involved in what happened to me by the way) and i was wondering how seven would react to finding out about about some trauma that still really messes with mc when he's doing a background check on them - like he's going through their files and finds this almost 10 year old file about something that happened... how would he confront that? tysm you're an amazing writer and i love your stuff sm <333

hey hey i’m so sorry this took so long i haven’t been writing much lately because my life has been going through a lot of changes (all good tho)

as for the request i want to say first that I’m sorry your feeling sad but I’m so proud of you for staying strong and searching for positive things to make you feel better i have depression and i know how easy it can be to simply stay in the sad so your strength is really inspiring! I hope my writing can help even just the teensiest bit! so without further ado

seven reacts to finding trauma in MC’s background check

·        by in large it would be the same. At first at least.

·        He doesn’t want to bring it up in chat because he knows from experience that some people (read as him) prefer to keep trauma and painful pasts secret

·        If someone brings up something similar to the incident than he not so subtly changes the subject

·        For example, if it happened on a specific holiday and someone brings up that holiday he suddenly spams the chat with meme’s and ads for sevenstar drink until everyone gets distracted

·        If for whatever reason he can’t change the subject to spare you potential triggers than he’s watching the CCTV extra carefully for any changes in your behavior, he can tell how tense you are how shallow your breathing is he’s been trained to notice high stress

·        Soon enough your kicked from the chat as he’s calling you up his tell-tale singsong voice bouncily greeting you

·        Plan A cheerful distraction! He’s turning up his energy and humor to a ten just for you. He’ll be your personal rainy day clown. Laughter is the best medicine after all.

·        If you tell him, you don’t feel like joking around however he’ll quietly admit to what he’s doing.

·        He’ll tell you, well, everything and suddenly all the meme spamming and ADHD-esque shenanigans make sense

·        You’ll laugh, that broken half sob kind of laugh that happens when things suddenly make way too much sense

·        And when he sees your shoulders shaking on the CCTV he can’t do this anymore there’s a new edge to his voice when he says “hang on” then the line goes dead

·        You figure that’s just one more person who thinks your past is too much to handle (you’ve lost a couple people this way, after all why would anyone want “damaged goods”)

·        Slowly you set about the arduous task of coming down from a panic attack when you hear a knock at the door and a familiar voice announcing that he’s coming inside

·        You make it to the entryway as he enters and the world freezes. He has your favorite snacks and drinks his arms full of everything you two had talked about in the chat. Every off handed reference to something you loved, every mention of an obscure childhood candy, every anime, manga or book you had chatted with him about. he remembers every single one and he’s standing before you now holding them.

·        “I can’t change the past.” He says lamely, like he’s admitting a great fault “but I hope I can make your present a bit better”

·        You know that meme where one person says “if I run at them right now they’ll definitely catch me” well you run at him and he does in fact drop everything to catch you.

·        You see Saeyoung knows trauma, knows it like the back of his hand, he knows trauma better than he knows himself. He knows he can’t fix it knows he can’t change or control it but he can make sitting with it a bit easier.

·        He’ll you want you want and do anything to make it easier on you. Need to sit on his lap he’ll blush and sputter and think of a hundred and one reasons that’s a VERY bad idea, but he’ll let you all the same.

·        Need to talk a mile a minute about everything that happened back then, well no matter what the RFA thinks he does in fact know how to sit down shut up and pay attention. Especially when it’s a topic he’s passionate about and there isn’t a single thing in the world he’s more passionate about than you.

·        He’s honestly surprised by the difference between reading a file and hearing your firsthand account. The details are the same of course but your version is so much more visceral, so real and vivid and horrifying. The exact opposite of the cold clinical unflinching facts of the case file.

·        If in ten years you were to ask him when he fell in love you he’d say it was in this moment. When your voice is shaking and your makeups messy from tears and your expression was as raw and honest and real as a person could possibly be.

·        Of course he loved you before but something in that moment brought it into focus. Like taking the protective film from a camera lens. When you trusted him, when you believed that he was worthy of absolute trust and capable of absolute protection. When you chose him to share your trauma with he knew in that moment that not only did he WANT to live up to that but that he HAD to live up to that.

·        You are his inspiration for change. His catalyst and muse. You make him want to be better.

·        He does not love you BECAUSE of your trauma. He does not love you IN SPITE of your trauma. He loves you through your trauma, amidst it, inside and around it. He loves you, past present and future.

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3 years ago

my current diet plan is apparently to spend my entire ass lunch break texting my fictional boyfriend until i accidentally run out of time to eat the lunch i brought … jumin won’t be happy i missed a meal but he did tell me to prioritize what’s important to me soooooo

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3 years ago

here me out guys

jumin likes soap operas imagine him and MC pretending to fight/divorce then get back together again with all the drama of a soap opera because one day MC was like “it’s been pretty quiet and peaceful lately hasn’t it jumin? how about we play a game?”

like MC ham’s it up big time but jumin being the professional he is, is actually pretty believable. maybe they just do it at home because MC like being a drama queen… maybe the press finds out and buys into the whirlwind of drama who know but at the game ends with them saying “do you really want to go?” “the only reason i’d ever leave is just so i could experience coming back to you again and again” and a sweet kiss

i think it was parks and rec where the couple said they where getting a divorce just so they could get remarried to each other and yeah that idea but over the top because jumin doesn’t do anything half way

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3 years ago

all i want is to marry jumin han and run interference for him at every dinner he has to have with his dad and his dads new girlfriend like i worry that jumin is so sweet and diligent and hardworking there isn’t much I can give him but what i can do is pull chairman hans new girl aside for “girl talk” and pretend to like literally anyone for the express purpose of jumin getting to spend more genuine quality time with his dad. i don’t think chairman han is a bad dad he just losses himself when it come to girls


HE DOESSS. he's done very questionable things but when he's outside of jumins route, all he wants is to find love 😭😭

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3 years ago

i want to run jumins shoulders

i want him to sit on the floor in front of the couch while i massage his shoulders and he tells me about some absolute jackleg trying to do business with C&R and making jumins life harder

i want him to relax against my legs as his head falls back into my lap and he smiles up at me saying “thank you for listening my love” and then chuckling when i blush before leaning down to kiss him

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3 years ago

super cute & soft!

Ive been thinking about how Saeyoung’s love language is definitely physical touch so i thought i’d make a little drabble list about it 👉👈

(btw i think pt as a love language can run both ways, both as they love being touched and they love touching you because both release the same sensations so this will reflect that!)

-Theres very very few moments during the day where the two of you aren’t somehow touching each other.

-He loves playing with your fingers when you hold hands. he’ll play with your fingers absentmindedly while talking to people because it comforts him.

-The first time you cuddled he cried, overwhelmed by the feeling of you molded against him so perfectly and oh you’re so naturally warm and soft and he can’t believe he’s going to be able to hold you so close to him for hours.

-You initiating kisses either makes him melt or drives him absolutely wild

-Lots of soft PDA wherever you are

-He loves when the two of you bathe together and you offer to wash his hair.

-Speaking of his hair that man absolutely wants you to pet him sometimes

-I headcanons him getting back, shoulder pain from always being hunched over at computers so massages from you are something he’s incredibly thankful for.

-Holding hands everywhere (and yes he does the thumb rub) and Zen is positive you two glued your hands together because he doesn’t remember the last time he saw the two of you not holding hands

-Longggggg makeout and kissing sessions because neither of you know when to stop (nor do you want to)

-With the tip of your finger you’ll trace little shapes or pictures into his skin

-His fave (non mouth) places to be kissed are his shoulder/bicep, just under his collarbones, nose, the heel of the palm of his hand. Also when you pepper his cheeks with kisses

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