Voteblue - Tumblr Posts
Your local voter registration website should have information on when, where, and what identification you’ll need to vote. If not, reach out to your local party organization for information!
America, history has its eyes on you. The Midterm Elections will be held on November 6, meaning you must register to vote by the end of September. Some states are more lenient than others, but there is no reason to delay! If you think you’re already registered, check your registration here: If you need to register, register to vote here: You have a little more than ten weeks left to register. Again, your state may be lenient but the history books will not, do not delay, do it now!

This is just sick and disturbing #immigrant #immigrants #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #immigrantchildren #immigrantrights #politics #political #politicalissues #migrant #migrantchildren #migrants #sexualassault #borderpatrol #borderpatrolagent #usborderpatrol #borderpatrolpolice #women #womenempowerment #womenhelpingwomen #feminism #democrat #democrats #voteblue #voteblue2020 #votebluenomatterwho #votebluenomatterwhoin2020 #votedemocrat #votedemocratic #votedemocrat2020 #fucktrump #fucktrump🖕 #fucktrumpsupporters #fucktrumpandfuckyouforvotingforhim

I can't believe there's still red cap wearing Maga farters in nyc. He got a nice tuchus though. Get out the vote peeps! Before more rights are taken away. 😵 (at New York City, N.Y.)

Lee Zeldin brought Ron DeSantis to campaign with him on Long Island.
Florida is the worst in every category, as compared to NY. Both lied about NY being worse.
What's the real connection? The Republican racism and misogyny in Suffolk County is massive. White dickbags thrive out there.
Vote for current Democratic Gov Kathy Hochul.
Hello Tumblr-ites. I know I don't post much. Even at my height on the dead rotting blue bird I was never all that vocal. Every so often though I jump up on my soapbox and wax eloquent, well, eloquent in my own mind at least. Today it is not so much eloquence as merely an observation: I've been streaming Boston Legal recently. Never saw it in its' original broadcasts but I decided I had a hankering for some of James Spaders' monologues and so starting streaming them the show on Prime. The thing that really spins me up though is that this show was from '04-'08 and SO MANY of the cases are about issues that are current today. Sure, Big Tobacco is no longer big, but Big Pharma is worse, schools that refuse to teach sex ed are worse, and SCOTUS is FAR worse (they even predicted Roe v Wade being struck down). I really thought that after the 2018 election when corrupt fascists (I'm sorry, Republicans) lost virtually every race that things were turning around. Then 2020 where President Biden had far too close an election, and worse, 2022 where we lost the House of Representatives to the likes of Bobo and Monkey Taylor Greene and McCarthy. When is the populace at large going to wake TF up to the lies they are being brainwashed with?! I know, probably never, which means it is crucial that those of us who DO realize the crisis we are in make sure to vote blue every chance we get. Yes, Democrats are not perfect, and yes, I would prefer being able to vote both red and blue, but until such time as Bobo et al are never voted for again we need to suck it up and vote all blue all the time. (climbs back down from soapbox)