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new fanfic has been posted!!

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took a little bit but i finally uploaded the latest addition to my ever-growing vds fanfics - this post is a bit late considering itโs been out for a few hours now.
to those of you who are taking your time out to read, i wish you all nothing but endless forehead kisses and your favourite drinks made perfect each time :) all the love to you, and ty very much <33
The Hoodie Is Red And The Jacket Is Blue.
a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.
( @ apolloswords )
feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!
When Lucas moves away to Utrecht for a year, he decides to keep in contact with Jens through the writing of letters.
This one shot is based off the exchange of letters within the novel "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" by Benjamin Alire Saenz. Jens is loosely based off of the character Aristotle Mendoza while Lucas is loosely based off of the character Dante Quintana.
P.S. It's also one of my favourite books - read it if you ever get the chance! :)
Dear Jens,
I'm writing this on the train ride to Utrecht. My father thinks I'm rather theatrical for not going on the drive with him as he moves all my belongings across the border, but I think I am being completely rational. Okay, maybe I am neither theatrical (my father had other choices of words to describe me) nor am I rational. But it feels weird to watch the distance between us in the inner workings of the moving truck my father rented. It's rickety, doesn't always drive straight and well, leaves me in a confined space with well, you already know who.
Anyway, the train ride is neat. Good scenery, I have my sketchbook open with me as well. My father did manage to get me a first class train ticket, so the leg room is wider and I get complimentary drinks and snacks to keep me company. I know you're laughing. Stop laughing. I mean it. I know, the leg room is rather ironic. I get it. Jens, I'm serious, quit laughing. Maybe you should be here. Maybe all this extra space for my legs should have been for yours. Not all of us can be lanky giraffes.
I think Utrecht will be nice. My father says there are some neighbours with kids my age. Ha, kids. What a weird way to describe me. As if I'm not graduating next year. As if I couldn't have just moved in with you or something for a year. Maybe my father was right in using the word theatrical.
There are two things you're right about. One, the use of the word "theatrical" to describe yourself. In the years I have known you, I think your father may actually have been right this time around. What? I know that look. There's a first time for everything. Second, I wasn't laughing. What? You know this look? It's my lying face? Well, it's not like you can do anything about it all the way in Utrecht.
School starts tomorrow. Last first day. I keep thinking about how things will be different. University applications, graduation and graduating traditions. And it won't be with you. How the hell am I going to pass math now?
I think you were also right about a third thing. We aren't kids anymore. Our summer as boys had been far too short.
Dear Jens,
Oh, how I have missed your pessimism. Has the rain cloud over your head stopped its downfall? Cheer up Jens, summer will come soon enough. By the way, it feels rather new to hear everyone speak in Nederlands Dutch. I thought Milan prepared me for this but now it is like speaking to many Milans and not just one.
I met my neighbours. But my father was wrong (does that surprise either of us?). There is only one "kid". I say that loosely, because this kid has a full grown facial hair. Not a lot, but enough to make him look way more than just a kid. And I guess there isn't just one kid. He has many siblings, three I think. But I'm betting my father chose this "kid" because he's in my year. Oh yeah, his name is Kes by the way.
On the first day of school, Kes walked with me, on his skateboard. I must say Jens, it is quite weird to see a version of you here. But don't worry, he's not all like you. He's much cooler. Don't give me that look. You know I'm only joking. Have you grown to miss my sarcasm? Anyway, school. It's fine, normal place. But it is weird without you. I'll have less math homework to do.
Sorry it took me so long to write back. I got your letter awhile ago. I couldn't figure out where my mail was being sent. Turns out it was just in my flat's lobby. And to think I took a bus all over the city to find a postal office.
I had wondered if you left me hanging. And then after reading your sarcasm, this comparison of myself and this Kes character and all this Dutch talk, I realized that maybe I could've done without a response. That was a joke. See? Little pessimistic Jens and his rain cloud know how to tell a joke.
Well at least your life sounds exciting. Mine hasn't been. Everything is pretty much the exact same. Robbe is still in love with Sander. Aaron can't keep his eyes (or hands) off Amber. Moyo well, Moyo and I have been smoking a lot of weed. Probably not the Dutch amount and definitely not the Dutch strain. But there isn't much to report on my life.
I think it was more exciting with you in it.
Dear Jens,
Have you ever wondered how the universe worked? I have. A lot. My room in the flat has this window nook, so I spend a lot of time looking out of it and the people who walk by. I used to want to draw whatever I saw, but then I realized how much I only ever draw about my life. My world. But with each passerby, I realize that so many lives and worlds exist outside of our own. And then I wonder, how many worlds exist within the realm of our universe? And not just people, because that is an easily estimated seven billion. But how many planets we have yet to discover, stars that have yet to be born and asteroids that have yet to just pass Earth, making us the lucky ones.
I've realized how small we are as opposed to the infinite realm of possibilities and things so much bigger than us. Do you believe in parallel universes? My friend Liv spoke about them once. She told us that in these universes, every possible outcome that could've happened in our life occurs in them. Maybe you choose to wear a blue shirt instead of a red one the day that girl with blue eyes and light hair notices you in the cafe window as she crosses the street. Everything is about the exact same way, but maybe the curtains are a different colour. Or maybe you do wear the red shirt and instead, a girl with dark eyes and dark hair notices you instead. Maybe you actually pass math. But there's something that stays the same in each one. Your soulmate.
A soulmate. What a deep thing to conceptualize. Both the universe you find within the person and the universe you find the person in. But do you ever wonder what it would be like to never find your universe? To go along life as the rest of these parallel versions of yourselves do and you're the only one who never finds their soulmate? What a lonely universe that must be.
The whole idea has been plaguing me for awhile. I wish I understood more of what Liv had told us. Too bad I was high.
Maybe in another universe, the curtains are yellow. And maybe, the hoodie is red and the jacket is blue.
What the fuck is in your weed?
Dear Jens,
When I finally become the greatest philosopher of this generation, you will have no credit in any of my works.
To answer your question, I don't know what's in my weed. My friend Jayden could probably tell you. I met him through Kes. He's funny but sweet. Best intentions kind of person, even if he is a little interesting. I think you would like him.
Utrecht is starting to feel like home. I know it technically always has been, but that was before I was fully immersed in my stream of consciousness. There is something familiar with everything. Whenever I sketch the parks, streets or buildings, I seem to get a recollection of memories. They're always a little faded, very much like a blurry dream sequence. But I can make some of them out. There are sounds too, sounds of a melodic giggle, soft words spoken and adoring smiles. I know they're from my family, you know, when my parents were still happy together. Before Mama had gotten sick.
I think a lot about my time in Antwerp. Sometimes it also feels like a distant memory.
I know it's been awhile since I've written to you. And by the time you get this, it may have been a month. I'm not sure.
Nothing much has happened. That's why I haven't written. Not much has happened and that isn't an exaggeration. I think the most excitement I get is heading to the mailbox to see if I have mail. Your replies are always much faster than mine. Sorry I make you wait for awhile. I don't mean too.
Lotte wants to adopt a dog. I think we might actually get one. Lies has a friend who's dog is about to have a litter of puppies. Maybe a dog will make things a bit more exciting. A little companion who chews on shoes. I know you would have loved that.
Dear Jens,
A dog! So you finally get something that could terrorize my shoes after I leave. Are you tormenting me? Maybe I'll ship you a pair of shoes and make your new little companion use it for teething. I'd finally be putting the shoes to use.
To be honest, I'm surprised you don't have much to tell me. I was expecting a lot of stories about parties and all of your dumb antics. Or are you just to embarrassed by them to tell me? if you have forgotten all the expressions on my face by now, just know I have a very sarcastic smirk on.
I do have something to tell you. I met this girl. Well, I met her awhile ago, during my first week of school. Kes introduced me to her. They've been friends for awhile. Her name is Isa. She's really pretty. Extremely. Her hair is short with light brown curls, and she's got the brightest smile. Everything about her is like the sunshine. Her laugh is bubbly and reminds me of the sounds at a carnival. Isa is like all the sparkling reflections off a diamond, when light gets refracted between them and you start to see a rainbow. She really is pretty, I'm sure you would agree with me. But she's not the only one I find pretty. I think Kes is pretty. He reminds me of the sultry hours of the night, eyes bright like the stars and shadows cascading like a mystery. When he's in a deep focus, you can see the way everything just comes to a still. It's quite mesmerizing. I didn't know I could feel this way.
We got the dog. It's a small fluffy black and white little guy. Lotte wanted to name him Converse. For the colour scheme. I thought that was kind of fitting, with your shoes and all. Though the dog is missing splatters of paint. Maybe I'll add those on.
Seems to me you've met some good people. I'm happy for you.
Dear Jens,
Merry Christmas! How I wish I was with you. There's nothing more depressing than trying to have a Christmas with my father. We pretend we like the gifts we've given each other and then head out to where we'd rather be. I had a Christmas dinner with Kes' family. There's a lot of them. I thought you, Lies and Lotte were a lot. Ha, what a play on words. But Kes has three brothers and a sister. That's, you can count on your fingers, four more siblings than I ever had. The dinner was really good, his family is Dutch, Somalian and Vietnamese so there was a lot of different things to try. I asked his grandmother what it was like to arrive in the Netherlands, a country so different from where she must be from. She told be the beautiful thing about the many countries in the world is that you will never run out of places to see and explore. And soon, enough, you will find a place that is so much more beautiful than the rest of the world and settle there. Bonus points if its with a person you have created a small world with.
We could see the world together, don't you think? Are you ready for that kind of adventure?
Happy New Years!
I would love to see the world with you.
Are you okay? I haven't heard from you for awhile. Converse is doing fine, he's finally house trained. Lotte is a little annoyed that he seems to have a liking to sleep with me rather than her, but that's not really my doing is it? I hope you're smiling as you read this. You feel so far away.
I hope you're okay. It feels rather lonely without your letters. I know I'm not the best with responses but I always did enjoy listening to you more. I loved hearing your every thought, even if I had no idea how you came up with it. Anyway, you don't have to say much if you don't want to. I understand. February is almost over and it seems like the last snowfall has happened. Valentines was rather lonesome, not like I had much planned out for that. I think the promise of spring arriving soon inherently means the promise of summer. And with summer, that means your return. I long for that day. Talk soon.
I miss you.
Dear Jens,
I'm sorry for my silence. It was actually because of a mess of other things. My head was loud. I hope I didn't make you worry so much. My silence was rather theatrical, wasn't it? I know you can sense my sarcasm.
I kissed Isa. And then I kissed Kes. The Isa thing happened during New Years. It wasn't serious, more like a simple friendly New Years kiss. But I was excited. I mean, I told you how pretty she is. How could you not be excited to kiss a girl like her? But then it happened. You know, the kiss. It happened. And it felt like it didn't.
I thought I liked her Jens, I really did. But the kiss was so absent, like it was like I was watching two actors kiss. Someone who wasn't me and her. I had no attachment to it and I felt nothing for it. And I don't know why. Maybe I didn't like her and just thought I did. Maybe it was like how you think about the flowers being beautiful or the city lights. Maybe Isa had just been a beautiful thing in my life that wasn't meant to be loved in the way I had thought.
And then I kissed Kes. It wasn't that deep. We had went to some Valentines Day party, for all us single people. Even Jayden and Isa tagged along. By that time, Isa and I had forgotten about the kiss entirely (though I had forgotten it the second it was over). And then we decidedly to play spin the bottle. You know how it goes, whoever it lands on you kiss. I think you know where I'm going with this.
We kissed. It was short, the shortest kiss I've ever had in my life. Shorter than Isa's. But it was the first kiss I understood why it was such a romantic gesture. How you could feel bursts of sparks and a rushing amount of affection through such a simple touch. I felt that. So much. And when Kes looked at me afterwards, I realized that maybe I just liked kissing boys more than girls. A lot more.
I know what you're thinking. That I'm dramatic. Just because I did kiss a boy doesn't mean I like boys. But I keep thinking about kissing a boy. I never intentionally think of anyone in specific, but a certain figure always appears at the end of my daydreams. And I really think I like this boy.
You were right by the way. Isa and Kes are good people. I told them both about this. They pinched my cheeks and hugged me, saying that it was okay to still be navigating love and all that. That was apart of life, they said.
I guess I haven't really written back because I was scared to tell you. You know everything about my life because you lived almost everyday with me. And now, our distance has forced us to live two separate lives. I couldn't think about my new life and my old life not working out again. I didn't need to lose someone else. Being taken away from my mother was a lot, but Jens, being taken away from you was like having my heart ripped out of my chest.
That was a rather dramatic way to say I miss you.
You could never lose me. Don't even think about that. I'll be apart of your life as long as you let me.
Dear Jens,
It's finally spring in the Netherlands. You know how I can tell? The flowers are in bloom. There's this flower shop I always walk by on my way to and from school. And they had the most beautiful tulips. An assortment of colours. I wondered how they were so bright and vibrant, their bulbs so perfectly shaped. I wondered how they could have grown so early into the season. Naturally, my curiosity led me to go inside the shop before school and ask. The florist appreciated my seeking of knowledge and told me her secret. She said that the trick is to remember that even with the change of seasons, we are allowed to grow for the season that we will soon blossom in. Turns out all autumn and winter, she nourishes the soil right before the first centimetre of stem can appear. And when spring finally rolls around, all the care and nourishing has paid off. I thanked her and she gave me a tulip as her own thank you.
I thought about people as I walked home that day. How we always identify with a certain season because that's when we feel flourished. I always thought of you as the summer. Even though I know you would argue and say summers are not meant for boys like you. But you are summer. The hour of the summer when you know it is not quite day or night. The time where neither the sun nor moon rule the sky and only boys who are not meant for this world do. Boys like me and you. Boys who are apart of a whole other world. An whole other universe.
Seasons may come and go Jens, I know you know this. We need to keep that cycle. Some seasons are to grow and some are to live life because this is the youngest we will ever be.
P.S. In the envelope are some dried petals from the tulip. Unfortunately, I'm not as good as taking care of plants as I thought. They're blue by the way, the florist said it matched my eyes.
If I am summer, I am not summer without you. You are what makes summer.
Is that poetic enough for you?
P.S. I kept the petals. They sit in the small box you painted for me once. I didn't know what I would ever use it for, but I guess I found out.
Dear Jens,
You have always been enough for me. More than enough.
Converse tried to eat the edge of the paper which is why the corner of this letter is missing. I know what you're thinking. You should have sent him your shoes. YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT. I keep giving him things you've left behind for him to smell. So when you come, maybe he'll be completely familiar with your smell and who you are. I think he's excited to see you soon. The weeks go by so slow and fast at the same time. How can one thing be two completely different other things? The mysteries of the universe.
I'm starting to sound like you.
Dear Jens,
There's something I should tell you.
You were who I thought about kissing. Who appeared at the end of all my dreams and disappeared when I woke up. It was you. And it's always been you. I don't even know how to be poetic about this so I just want you to know, that everything in my world is entirely yours. Everything I want to do is with you. You are who I want to create a small world with.
I once told you about the people I found pretty. The ones I could see in the small details of the world that surrounds us. But you are beautiful. You are what I see in everything around me. You have become the universe in all my parallel ones. And when I see you next, I hope we can start exploring this world together.
Love, Lucas
Where would you like to go first?
Love, Jens
P.S. I wish I was there to kiss you right now. So you know this life is not just a dream of yours. That it's all real.
Dear Jens,
By the time you get this, I will be with you. Wherever we decide to open this last letter, well, that is a mystery we have yet to find out. But I have a feeling it will be in your room, where we spent most of our days. Maybe you'll be on the bed with a guitar in your lap as I sit on the end of the bed, watching you read this. Or maybe I'll be laying next to you, as one hand gently plays with my hair. Or maybe, you're chasing me around the room, as I read this out loud, the words intelligible between our running and laughter.
But I do know one thing. That we will be together. Just like it should always be. In this life, world, universe and whatever else is beyond us. Me and you. Never apart.
This train should speed up a bit. My seat hardly has any leg room and I'm feeling confined. I know, ironic. Isn't it funny how some things turn out? At least I know this seat on this train ride home was meant for me. That's a second thing I know.
Love, Lucas
P.S. A third thing I know. That I will be getting a kiss from you after you finish reading this. I'm waiting. Don't give me that look.