Warren Worthington X Reader - Tumblr Posts

😍 I AGREE !😍
Credit twitter : 90svalkyrie
Last Christmas - Angel (Warren Worthington III)
Warren x fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of torture
Word count: 1,411
Summary: Reader doesn’t particularly want to celebrate Christmas this year because of what happened last year but Warren doesn’t know that.
Authors Note: Title doesn't go with the song I got the prompt by - (It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas).
Side note anyone else notice that the Queen house in Arrow and the Xmen motion look the same on the outside and in the doorway? Cause I’m rewatching Arrow and I noticed this right away.
Holiday Masterlist

(is it just me or is there a major need for more gifs of him as Angel)
“Why the glum face?” Warren asked Y/n as he dropped on the couch next to her
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everywhere I go, candy canes, toys in every store, the holly on our own front door.” Y/n replied with a slight bitterness in her voice, as her eyes scanned the room.
“Well, it is Christmas.” Warren said in more of a question type of way.
“Yeah. . . and I hate it.” Y/n said looking her boyfriend in the eyes before standing up and leaving the lounge like room
“What's wrong with her? Why is she so pissed off about it being Christmas?” Warren asked looking around after some silence. No one in the room answered and they got up slowly and left, leaving Warren more confused than ever.
“Its because of what happened last Christmas…” Peter said moving into the room from leaning on the door jam. Coming to sit in the armchair in front of the man with Wings and a confused look on his face.
^ ^ ^
( Flashback )
“Hey mom, I’m home!” Y/n yelled as she entered her childhood home for the holidays. When no one answered she tried again. “Mom?”
“Looks like we missed one.” A tall man all dressed in black came out of nowhere.
“Stop fighting back you little brat. We know your part of the X-Men which is part of the reason we are doing this.” One of the men yelled and slapped her across the face.
“The other part is, well it’s just fun.” Another one finished giving a wicked smile.
“Hunny, we love you. Your father loves you, your little sister loves you, and so do I. Don’t let them tell you any different.” Y/ns mom yelled out to her giving her a reassuring nod and smile. Knowing that she wasn’t making this out alive and not knowing what they had planned for her daughter.
“Shut up you old hag.” the one looking like the leader said to Y/ns mom before shooting her.
“NOOOOO! MOM!” Y/n screamed out with tears streaming down her face. After hours of watching her dad, little sister and mom get tortured only for them to be killed right in front of her.
Then they knocked her out, taking her to their secret location to torture to her where they could do it for a long amount of time and in private.
^ ^ ^
“We have to go look for her.”Peter said after hours of looking for Y/n, not being able to find her using Cerebro.
Peter having been in a full-on panic when he returned. Since he was going to spend the holidays with Y/n and her family, but had to do a couple things for Xavier before leaving to join, only to find the house with body’s in it and Y/n missing.
“We will, once we can pinpoint her location-” Scott started but got cut off by Peter begging Xavier to just let him go out and find his best friend.
“You have an area let me and find her!” Peter yelled
“Peter, we can’t go without knowing where and what we are walking into! Believe me none us like leaving her in there with them but-”Xavier went to explained again that they needed all the information before just barging in.
“No buts! I don’t care about going in blind! And I REALLY don’t care about what you plan to punish me with later- I’m going out there now with or without you guys and I’m finding her and bringing her home! She already lost her blood family, which really sucks cause they were one of the few people that didn’t care there kid was a mutant. I WILL NOT LET HER FEEL ALONE- LIKE WE AREN”T HER FAMILY BECAUSE WE LEFT HER TO GET TORTURED!” With that said, Peter left the mansion to go rescue Y/n not caring if he might die in the process.
“PETER!” Xavier yelled after him but didn’t follow.
^ ^ ^
“Y/n?” Peter whisper yelled looking around the compound for Y/n.
“Y/n? Y/n!” He said entering a room that looked recently used. Yelling out her name when he saw her covered in blood, cuts, bruises, torn clothes, etc… It looked horrible she looked half dead to him in his eyes. Then he heard a slight cough.
“Peter? Is that really you?” She coughed out at a barely audible voice.
“Yeah, yeah its really me I promise. And I’m gonna get you out of here.” He rushed over to her breaking her chains and ropes, looking her over to make sure he wouldn’t hurt her when he runs her out of this horrible place. But he stopped when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Peter, thank you for coming to rescue me.” she said once he was looking at her with a small smile.
“No need to thank me I would do anything for you. Your family to me. Now can you wrap your arms around my neck? I’m gonna run us out of here.” he asked with concern.
“You go Speedy.” Y/n winked at him trying to smile but that pain caught up to her as she moved from the metal slab to his arms.
^ ^ ^
( Flashback End )
“Last Christmas she lost her family, got kidnapped and tortured. She not ready for it to be Christmas again after everything that happened.” Peter further explained after telling him the story.
“How do you know all of this? How do you know why she’s acting like this- thinking like this?” The blonde asked the silver-haired boy not understanding how he could say things that sounded like something actually going through Y/n’s head.
“Because I was the one that was there the most for her when her parents passed. . . and the one to rescue her from her kidnappers.” Peter said with a sad smile.
“Look Warren. . . we have been so busy with missions this past year that, the year seemed to just fly by and that makes it seem like it hasn’t been all that long since it all happened. I think she’ll feel a little better the closer it is we just got make sure not to overdo it. Its why the Professor isn’t having all the Christmas decorations put up this year. He’s been in her head he has seen what they did- just don’t push Christmas onto her and everything will be fine.” Peter finished, patting him on the shoulder and left the room.
After a couple hours of thinking and processing, Warren left to go find his girl. When he did find you were sitting with Erik talking about something that caused you both to laugh.
Eric pointed at him and said something about continuing their conversation later.
“Hey.” Warren gave a small smile
“Hi. Look sorry about earlier, I-” she started but he cut her off pointing to the table to tell her silently that they should sit.
“Hey, no don’t apologize. . . Look don’t get mad at Peter but he told me why you reacted that way about all the Christmas stuff.” he said approaching the subject gently.
“I’m not mad. I’m actually glad you know- and I wanted to tell you I did its just.” Y/n answered after looking down then back up at him with a small smile.
“I get why you had a hard time telling me. That didn’t sound like an easy thing to go through, and I’m sure it's not easy to bring up.” he reached for her hand squeezing it for comfort.
“It's not, that's for sure. You're being shockingly chill about it, did he really tell you everything?” Y/n looked up at him an insecure look in her eyes.
“He did. And I’m chill about it because I loved you before I knew, and I love you Knowing.” he grabbed her other hand too and leaned in to kiss her forehead.
“And I’m going to do my best to make this a good Christmas for you.” he added looking down at her in her eyes.
“I couldn’t ask for a more considerate boyfriend. I love you.” Y/n smiled. The first real smile Warren had seen from her since Thanksgiving.
“I love you too.” Warren replied with a big smile on his face. Happily knowing that he could make her smile even when she is going through being reminded about something like this.
When I say “eat the rich”, I mean getting a taste of those Warren Worthingtitties, leaving hickies all over him, and give him a good head 🤪🤤

Spicy!Angel/GN!Reader BET U DIDN'T THINK I WAS GONNA TURN THIS INTO A FIC DID YA? HEEHEHEEHHEEH. I've had this idea stuck in my head for days and ended up writing it while I work over some of the struggle I'm having with that wolverine fic! I've got one beta-reader (Kinda) so I'm using feedback from them and my drunk self to fix some things up! This is just a short little thing due to that, but it's food nonetheless!! It's WaTXM warren again sorry not sorry I'm obsessed. TWS: No explicit smut but this is fairly spicy. Sneaking off. Lipstick marks. As always, reader written while picturing Fem! But no pronouns mentioned. We smooch the rich boy. That's it. That's the plot. Warren is a switch and I stand by that.

Warren’s chest is heaving underneath you. He’s biting onto his finger to muffle his sounds as you continue to kiss, nip, and suck at this exposed skin. His camel coat is unbuttoned from the waist up, his vest and shirt similarly disheveled with his tie almost completely undone. His jawline, neck, and collarbones are all dotted with red lipstick marks and fresh purple hickies. You’re unbuttoning just a couple more of his shirt buttons to kiss just a little further down his chest, nipping and sucking another hickey onto his pec as he gasps sharply, his wings fluttering and twitching underneath the tan fabric.
“We really should… Get back out there…” Warren pants. You’re only halfway listening, too busy blessing his pale skin with evidence of your love and adoration for him. You slide your hands in between his inner layers and his coat, reaching behind him to bush your hands through the soft feathers of his confined wings.
“Can we just stay hidden for a bit longer?” You ask, leaning back up to draw him into a kiss, which he eagerly returns, chasing after you when you pull away. “-I know your dad is big on these galas and everything, but they’re just so…”
“Stuffy? Annoying? An excuse for him to raise money for his bigoted campaigns?” Warren scoffs.
“Yeah, that.” You giggle, leaning in for another chaste kiss. “And here I thought it was just me. I didn’t really grow up with these things, so it’s a bit of a culture shock.” Warren sighs at that, leaning his head against the wall you had him pushed against.
“Trust me, it’s not just you.” He frowns. He brushes a few stray locks of hair away from your face as his expression shifts into something a bit softer.
“I told you that it was okay if you didn’t want to come. Don’t feel like you have to be here for my sake.” Warren murmurs. His soft tone of voice leaves you feeling a little guilty, and you set your hand atop his own as you frown.
“I know… but I didn’t want to just leave you here all alone.” You say rubbing your thumb along his knuckles. “…Besides, who else was going to sneak off with you?” Warren smirks at that, mimicking your own mischievous smile. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you into him, stepping away from the wall as he straightens up his posture and leans over you.
“Well, we could always take it up a notch. Not go back at all- not that I really could in this state.” Warren chuckles, looking down at his chest. You can see where each mark fades into a lighter color, having kissed your lipstick off completely as you lavished him with the act.
“Sorry. I got a little carried away, didn’t I?” You say, only a little guilty about it. Warren chuckles again, cupping your chin in his fingers as he drags his thumb across your smeared bottom lip.
“It’s not like I wasn’t begging you for it.” Warren hums deeply. You swear your heart stops beating for a moment. He pulls you back into one last breathtaking kiss, one that leaves you just a bit unsteady when he leans away from you, just as gone as you are,
“Now come on, let's get going before my father notices we’ve left” Warren is tugging you further down the dark corridor, and you find yourself hoping that maybe the two of you would be leaving via the window rather than the door.