Wassily Kandinsky - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Digital illustration referencing Americana style Folk Art. It depicts a brown mouse with a scarf standing against two windows, one window shows the countryside where you can see the river, a cow, a windmill, a truck and trees. The other window shows the city, where you can see a car, a house, a train, and various tall and small buildings.
Digital illustration referencing Fernand Léger (cubism). Two mice, a brown one and a grey one, are sitting on top of two muffins, in the background you can see different foods. On the brown mouse side you can see corn, flour, tomatoes and eggs. On the grey mouse side you can see pizza, candy and baked goods.
Digital illustration referencing Kandinsky.  On the foreground you can see the top of the heads of 2 mice, peeking. The background is light yellow, on one side you can see the city, simplified as just lines and circles, a couple buildings, a zebra crossing, a semaphore. On the other side you can see a hill a tree and the night sky, clouds, the moon and colorful round stars

so an acquaintance of mine wrote a short story about 2 mice talking about the differences between the city and the countryside and I made these, 100% used it as an excuse to make studies of a couple art styles

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1 year ago

Wassily Kandinsky Art • Circles in a circle 1923 • The circle, the most elementary of forms, had symbolic, cosmic significance.

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2 years ago
"Yellow-Red-Blue", 1925. Olio Su Tela, 127x200 Cm. Muse National D'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou.

"Yellow-Red-Blue", 1925. Olio su tela, 127x200 cm. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou.

Vasilij Vasil'evič Kandinskij

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7 years ago
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944),White - Soft And Hard, 1932.Oil And Gouache On Canvas.

Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), White - Soft and Hard, 1932. Oil and gouache on canvas.

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