We Didn't Go Through All Of This Just To Be Sad Again - Tumblr Posts

Oh, no. Oh, shit. Episode 7 gave me the same pain in my chest Good Omens episode 6 did. I'm freaking out. I swear if they reunite in the next episode only to part ways mutually, I won't survive it. Why can't gay people just be happy? Just let them be happy! We'll still go insane for a renewal, I promise! I can't handle another bittersweet ending. My mental health is hanging on by a thread!

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Oh, no. Oh, shit. Episode 7 gave me the same pain in my chest Good Omens episode 6 did. I'm freaking out. I swear if they reunite in the next episode only to part ways mutually, I won't survive it. Why can't gay people just be happy? Just let them be happy! We'll still go insane for a renewal, I promise! I can't handle another bittersweet ending. My mental health is hanging on by a thread!

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