Wednesday Agere - Tumblr Posts
Oh here’s an idea: Auntie Bianca and Wednesday go out together so Wednesday can buy mommy and daddy their Christmas presents 💖
Christmas Shopping <3
The holidays were just around the corner, and Wednesday had been bouncing around the house practically all week, wanting to go out and do something. Enid and Yoko had already purchased most of their presents for both each other and Wednesday, but they had conveniently yet to go shopping for Bianca’s gifts, so they informed the little raven that they’d be going into town to do so.
It took a good amount of time bundling up the little raven, not only due to the amount of layers required but also the excited squirming that slowed down the progress, but once done the three were out and about, both the vampire and raven holding the little seer’s hands to keep her steady under her thick paddings.
The day was long but fun, and the three were able to browse through several shops, picking out a couple things here and there. Whilst Yoko and Enid purchased a couple peices of jewelry as well as some clothing they thought the siren would like, Wednesday specifically picked out some sparkly blue earrings, and a fish puzzle (with many more pieces so that she could spend more time doing it with Bianca together). Although at first Wednesday demanded on carrying the bag herself she was quickly distracted with catching snowflakes middair and feeding them to raven instead, allowing Yoko to hold the bag in her free hand as they headed down the streets.
After some coffee for Enid and Yoko, as well as some hot chocolate for the little raven (let me tell you, Wednesday would NOT handle caffeine well when little 😭), and only a few pitstops such as a pause to watch some of the christmas displays in store windows and a quick change before that, the three were able to head home right around when it was getting dark and the christmas lights on lampposts and trees around town began to turn on; Enid easily scooped Wednesday onto her back, piggybacking her easily as the sleepy little raven rested her head on the werewolf’s shoulder, tired eyes able to look up in quiet awe at the pretty colorful lights while the snowflakes fell around the two.
Definitely a magical moment that the three were able to share that day!
And yes, on Christmas when Bianca opened her presents both she and Wednesday started on the puzzle together almost immediately ^^
(Wednesday also got Raven a little scarf for Christmas 😭)
Gathering motivation with an umbrella, send me cg Wednesday related asks :>
Send me asks if something else 🤭

Alr Alr I see yall. I’ll get it going, I’ll need names for the fic/series in case I ever make more of these

Little with You
Summary: Cg Wednesday to the rescue after Xavier says some insensitive shit. Warnings: language, anxiety attack, heavy agere themes, blood Word Count: 2.1k A/N: uhh first time writing stuff like this, bear with me please T_T this is all completely sfw and non sexual stuff! Click away if this isn't your kind of thing :))

The hallways felt too crowded, too rough. Tight even. All you could hear was the mingling sounds of talking, laughing, shoes scraping against the floor, sounds that you didn’t usually pay attention to. now it was as if they were all you could hear. As you passed, rain pattered against the windows, a constant drum that no longer felt soothing.
Your mind felt fuzzy; like cotton candy was forming a solid barrier around your brain. It made sense after all; you hadn’t been little in at least a week. What with exams coming up you couldn’t afford to take the time to do so. Unfortunately, that was most likely what was causing you to be late to class. Again. Shouldering through purple uniforms you felt your mind fighting to release from its clutches and to sink into the comforting haven of littlespace; you couldn’t do it. Not here. Not now.
When you turned the corner into a less crowded hall, you paused and pressed your back against the wall, taking deep breaths in an attempt to ground yourself, blocking out every single thought that wasn’t anything close to a big thought. Focused on the feeling of your hands gripping the material of your backpack straps. It helped. A little.
Turning away from the small hall you headed into class; psychology. You would never know why they taught psychology at a school for exceptionally gifted students. Knocking on the door you were greeted by your professor; Mr. Hedgeworth.
“Late again, Y/N?”
Those stone gray eyes that fell on you made you shudder as you spoke up hesitantly.
“I’m sorry, sir- it won’t happen again.”
The man didn’t speak but you let out a soft sigh of relief inwardly as he stepped back, allowing you entrance to the class. You briefly scanned the room and felt yourself frown when you saw the only seat open next to Xavier. He was looking at you too; his frown almost matched yours. No, you didn’t want to sit next to him; it was always occupied by him going on and on about his artwork, how he’d gotten accepted to an apprentice program in town for doing wall art in some cafe. How lucky he was to have gotten the position.
Reluctantly you dropped your bag under the desk, sliding into the chair beside him. You didn’t make eye contact as your head fell into your hand, watching the professor scribble across the chalkboard. The silence was too short until he leaned over, muttering in your ear.
“What’s up with you? You’ve been late three times this week.”
You couldn’t help a soft roll of your eyes as you mumbled in response, “Just a lot of studying for exams; nothing special.” You felt your fists clench with irritation as he gave a soft chuckle, which came off as somewhat condescending to you.
“Come on, Y/N, be real with me. You don’t study that much.”
“Xavier just drop it.”
You kept your eyes ahead, focusing on Mr. Hedgeworth and nobody else. Your whole body felt too tense, your grip on the desk turning your knuckles white. The temperature of the room felt too hot; were you going to throw up? You wished, oh you wished you could be less obvious with your discomfort but Xavier noticed. He was leaning even closer. His shoulder was touching yours. You didn’t want him touching you.
“It’s not…your…your thing?”
You couldn’t help a scowl from crossing your face as you forced out through gritted teeth, “I’m not on my period, dumbass.”
“Okay, geez! Look, I’m just trying to help you, but you’re not giving me anything to work with. Don’t make me guess.”
You didn’t respond feeling your chest getting tighter. It felt as if all the air was crashing in around you and pushing in on your lungs, demanding faster breaths, and Xavier sure as hell wasn’t helping. You grimaced slightly, feeling the walls you’d built around your mind start to crumble as you fought to stay in your right of mind.
“Ohhhh…. Oh.” Xavier’s tone morphed into something akin to irritation; maybe even disgust. You felt yourself stiffen just at the sound of it. “It’s not that baby shit you told me about last year, right?”
The hands found each other, and you automatically began picking at your skin as you tried to pay all of your attention ahead of you. You didn’t want to talk about it. Especially with Xavier. Maybe you were imagining the breath you felt on your shoulder, tickling your neck. Taking your lack of a response as confirmation, he snorted and leaned back in his chair with disbelief, scoffing at you.
“It is, isn’t it? Y/N I thought you were over that.” He leaned his elbows on the desk as he tilted his head, frowning. “You get how gross that is, right? It’s a fetish.”
Your breaths were coming faster and faster; you weren’t gasping for air but it sure as hell felt like you were. You could barely put together a retort to snap back at him as he continued, stating his disapproval loud and clear.
“I mean, what, you can’t handle the big bad world so you act like a baby-? Everyone has to deal with it, that’s so sensitive of you.”
You stood, raising your hand and muttering a quick excuse about having to use the bathroom as you grabbed your backpack and stepped out quickly, gasping for air at this point as you ran for your dorm, trying to get your head to quiet. The hallways were thankfully emptier than usual so you were able to go faster than you normally would’ve.
Slamming open the door to your dorm you threw your backpack aside and slowly slid to the floor, drawing in rapid breaths as you tried to remember your breathing exercises, to ground yourself and calm down, but everything was so muddled you could barely form a cohesive thought.
Frantic tapping interrupted Wednesday in class as she felt the familiar hand on her shoulder. She briefly glanced over at Thing before muttering through gritted teeth.
“What is it now?”
The raven had a bit of trouble understanding his muddled mess of frequent signs and sighed with irritation. “Slower.”
When the hand finally managed to get a sentence through clearly Wednesday’s eyes narrowed slightly in thought, as she paused. Eventually, she raised her hand, speaking coolly. “May I use the restroom?”
Once her permissions had been granted she was quick to gather her belongings, boots echoing against the floor as she hurried out the door and towards your dorm hall. She had known this would happen; you’d been pushing yourself too long, too far.
Arriving at your dorm rather quickly she knocked a couple of times, calling out your name. Met with no response her eyebrows furrowed and the raven pushed against the door, surprised to find it unlocked. A glance around the room proved to be fruitful as she spotted you, curled up in the corner, weakly gasping for air. Crossing the room in seconds she took a seat in front of you, hesitating for a moment as she watched you grip at her sleeves for some semblance of comfort.
Wednesday reached out, gently cupping your chin and lifting it to meet her gaze. She spoke quietly, trying to calm you.
“Focus on me. Only me.”
She watched as your scared eyes, swimming with tears, met hers and you nodded shakily at her. “In. Out. Slowly.”
Your breathing began to deepen and Wednesday let out a soft sigh of relief as her attention turned to your hands; blood streaked around your fingernails, leaking down your fingers in trails. You’d been picking at your skin, no doubt something you did when you were stressed. Oddly, she didn’t like how blood looked on you.
“Stay here.”
Wednesday stood, not making any comment on the soft whimper you gave as she did so. In a moment she returned with some wet wipes, kneeling at your side and taking your hands in hers, giving them a good gentle clean and removing any traces of blood from your skin. Once done she placed the wipes aside and leaned forward, giving you a quick and small kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s get you out of this dreadful uniform.”
With her guidance she helped you to your feet, working with you on untying your tie and unbuttoning your blazer; she did her best to keep you from doing most of the work, occasionally glancing at the quiet expression you had on your face. You were close to slipping, that she could tell. As she worked on your belt she muttered casually.
“You know I’m perfectly comfortable with you regressing around me, Y/N. There’s no need to pretend.”
When you shook your head she gave a quiet sigh, her hands pausing as she looked at you directly, eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“Did something happen?”
Your little nod confirmed her assumption as she huffed slightly, snaking your belt from your pants and folding it. “Who?”
You didn’t respond, seeming to hesitate. Narrowing her eyes, Wednesday cupped your chin softly to have you look at her. “It is acceptable to sign instead of using your words.”
You hesitated, but she felt a small twinge of satisfaction as you signed “Xavier”. Of course. Sighing in annoyance over the idea of him insulting you she released you and headed for your closet, speaking as she went in an irritated tone.
“Ignore him. Whatever he said is wrong. Especially regarding your regression.”
She promptly returned from your closet, two outfits in hand. One was a plain white shirt and jeans, an outfit she’d seen you wear regularly outside of class. The other was a black onesie with a space pattern on the front, accompanied by some fluffy socks. Raising an eyebrow she watched your eyes dart between the two.
“Take your pick.”
When eventually you picked the onesie she felt her gaze soften just slightly. Oh, how your weakness softened her sharp edges; it was repulsive how she behaved around you. Stepping forward the raven wordlessly helped you into the garment, a hint of amusement filling her as she helped you with the snaps on the bottom. “There.”
Taking your hands the raven gently sat you down on the floor, trying to ease your drop comfortably. She could tell you were well in littlespace at this point; you were quiet, shy, and squirmy. It was quite amusing. Wednesday knelt by your bed, retrieving the bin where she knew you kept your little gear. Finding the dinosaur pacifier you seemed to favor she raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for your nod before slipping it into your mouth. When you began to suckle she felt her gaze soften even more. The raven could’ve gone on for hours about her dislike of children but when it came to you being little… it felt different.
After clipping your pacifier to your onesie to prevent losing it she gave your hair a little ruffle, this time unable to suppress a smirk as she felt you melt into her hand. You were always so fond of touch in this state. “I assume you wouldn’t mind a bottle?”
Wednesday saw your eyes light up and she rolled her eyes softly, heading to the small makeshift dorm kitchen you possessed. A quick search of the cabinets was met with a few choice bottles you kept on hand. Choosing a simple fish patterned design she retrieved the carton of strawberry milk you kept in the minifridge, filling the bottle to a reasonable amount; if she had any hopes of getting you to bed later she did not want you having a sugar high.
Returning she handed you the bottle, watching you let the pacifier drop from your mouth to be replaced by the nipple. She took a seat comfortably on the rug, thinking for a moment about her next move; should she offer a bit of playtime or try to calm things down further?
Her thinking was interrupted by a warmth at her side and she looked down in mild surprise to see you snuggling up against her, looking up at her with big eyes. The raven only hesitated a moment before gently pulling you into her lap despite her small frame, wrapping her arms around you and murmuring into your ear, “good bambina.”
The rain drummed against the window of your dorm as she sat there with you, perfectly content watching you nurse from your bottle, holding you loosely to give you whatever comfort she could. She would stay the rest of the afternoon with you if you wished.
Hey y'all I'm making a headcannon list for little Enid and passive career Wednesday, any ideas/request?
I've been thinking about the wenclair friendship and adding a sprinkle of projection to it ❤️🐕🦇🖤
Enid is an older toddler regresser 3-5 AND a puppy regresser
Her fav cartoon is Bluey
She loves to lay on her bed, colouring in a book while Bluey is playing in the background on her laptop
She gets frightened easily from storms/loud sounds and the dark
She tends to hide under her blanket using her phone as a nightlight and a distraction
On everything, her hair, her nails/claws, her fingers, pens, markers, straws, basically anything that's hard-plastic and fits in her mouth.
Wednesday is the first one to see this and not freak out and/or try to get her to stop. Kids gonna chew what the kids gonna chew ┐(´ー`)┌
That was Wednesday's reaction to a lot of Enid's behavior while regressed. She's not harming anything so why not?
Enid was so worried when Wednesday walked in on her watching Bluey for the first time and Wednesday didn't even notice or care 😭
I like to think that Enid didn't start regressing until after the events of the show, she just needed an escape and she already vaguely knew about regression from all her time on Tumblr
You thought Enid was a hugger before?? Now she's traumatized AND sometimes Wednesday hugs back??!?!!?
Yea she will never deny cuddles.
Wednesday just never acknowledges the random hugs or grabbing of the arm in public, not in the sense that it makes Enid feel rejected but she just doesn't pause the conversation she's in to put attention to it. (Not sure I'm explaining it right but it's sweet in my brain okay 👍)
Enid usually only gets really deep into puppy-space near the full moon, once she turned while in puppy-space and Wednesday just took her to a space where they could play fetch.
There's not much of of difference between her regression and pet regression but some notable ones are; less words more just noises, she will melt and any physical touch on/near her head, and when she gets super excited she forgos the tail all together and does a happy but wiggle/dance.
That's all I've got for now, sorry theirs not much Wednesday in there but I'm just in a huge Enid mood :))
Stay safe bubba's! <3
I've been thinking about the wenclair friendship and adding a sprinkle of projection to it ❤️🐕🦇🖤
Enid is an older toddler regresser 3-5 AND a puppy regresser
Her fav cartoon is Bluey
She loves to lay on her bed, colouring in a book while Bluey is playing in the background on her laptop
She gets frightened easily from storms/loud sounds and the dark
She tends to hide under her blanket using her phone as a nightlight and a distraction
On everything, her hair, her nails/claws, her fingers, pens, markers, straws, basically anything that's hard-plastic and fits in her mouth.
Wednesday is the first one to see this and not freak out and/or try to get her to stop. Kids gonna chew what the kids gonna chew ┐(´ー`)┌
That was Wednesday's reaction to a lot of Enid's behavior while regressed. She's not harming anything so why not?
Enid was so worried when Wednesday walked in on her watching Bluey for the first time and Wednesday didn't even notice or care 😭
I like to think that Enid didn't start regressing until after the events of the show, she just needed an escape and she already vaguely knew about regression from all her time on Tumblr
You thought Enid was a hugger before?? Now she's traumatized AND sometimes Wednesday hugs back??!?!!?
Yea she will never deny cuddles.
Wednesday just never acknowledges the random hugs or grabbing of the arm in public, not in the sense that it makes Enid feel rejected but she just doesn't pause the conversation she's in to put attention to it. (Not sure I'm explaining it right but it's sweet in my brain okay 👍)
Enid usually only gets really deep into puppy-space near the full moon, once she turned while in puppy-space and Wednesday just took her to a space where they could play fetch.
There's not much of of difference between her regression and pet regression but some notable ones are; less words more just noises, she will melt and any physical touch on/near her head, and when she gets super excited she forgos the tail all together and does a happy but wiggle/dance.
That's all I've got for now, sorry theirs not much Wednesday in there but I'm just in a huge Enid mood :))
Stay safe bubba's! <3