Welcome To My Gay Agenda - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
okay we know that like. k was kind of a weeb. like. they were on the internet for a long time. now please imagine k listening to the vocaloid song magnet and pining over sam.
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thats all folks
welcome to my gay agenda
listen can you IMAGINE the fucking pining between sam and dream?? because oh boy i certainly can
imagine sam getting a boyfriend and dream is just CRUSHED
sam and dream having mutual feelings for each other but dream isn't necessarily comfortable with her like? queer identity yet
but they're both PINING and accept that they will not have each other and are glad to just be friends
and then and then and then they drift apart
it's no ones fault sam is busy dream is busy but in a very different corner of the internet
maybe they were neighbors or went to the same school but one of them moved? extra food for thought
it's been a handful of years and they're grown now and just
these two being in love is giving me brainrot
thakn you for listneing
dimension 20
magical misfits
misfits and magic
magic and misfits
Dream (Character)
dream dimension 20
k tanaka
used dream in tags because it's been a hot second
k has so many names. all the pronouns. its what they deserve tbh