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1 year ago
Senior Year Pilot Program Kids At The Yule Ball! I Think After All The Work They Put In During Their

senior year pilot program kids at the yule ball! i think after all the work they put in during their year and a half at Gowpenny, the yule ball is just a victory lap for them to look cute and crush it on the dance floor (also HC: K uses he/she/they, evan goes by E and uses she/they)

✨ kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous ✨

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5 months ago

Jammer: don’t worry Evan, I’ll sit in this hole with you

Sam: Evan I want to check in, how’d we get in this hole, how do you wanna get out?


Even Though Jammer Has Always Been Evans #1 Supportive Friend, Sam Has Been And Will Always Be Evans

Even though Jammer has always been Evan’s #1 supportive friend, Sam has been and will always be Evan’s #1 concerned friend.

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8 months ago

There are only three things that make me Proud To Be An American™®

1. Watching the US completely dominate every sport in the olympics

2. the sudden irrational patriotism I feel the second I hear any british or french person making fun of America

3. Every interaction between the magical misfits and the various britishy wizardy bullshit they have to deal with

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3 years ago

Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan Kelmp/Dream, Evan Kelmp/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Sam Black, Sam Black/Whitney Jammer, Sam Black/Dream, Dream/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Dream/Whitney Jammer/Sam Black, The Pilot Program Characters: Evan Kelmp, Dream (Dimension 20), Whitney Jammer, Sam Black Additional Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Poly Magical Misfits, Hair Braiding, self-care, taking care of each other, Holding Hands, Hugs, Touch-Starved, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Scars, Developing Relationship, Threatening violence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Friends to Lovers, Drabble Collection, some might be longer than others tho, Magic, listen. listen i don't care what aabria says they have BATHROOMS OKAY, Showers, POV Multiple, POV Alternating, POV Third Person, McDonald's, Can it be a magic and misfits fic without mentioning mcdonalds ya'll, Some Plot, Swearing, Sweet, Implied/Referenced Suicide attempt, Evan's backstory is not kind and neither am I, Sharing Clothes, Evan-centric, But will bounce around to everyone don't fret, Honestly Friends to Lovers Speedrun Edition, summaries are so hard, Summary may change, Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, Texting, Makeup, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Blood and Injury, Blood, Dissociation, Gender Issues, Gender Identity, Hair Summary:

A poly retelling of Misfits and Magic following the four American students at Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts learn about magic, mysteries, friendship, and each other.

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3 years ago

hey mismag fam can ya’ll?? help me out and link,,,to the blogger who did a post about their sun signs??? am working on a fic and talking about astrology and would love!! to ping ideas off of them if they’d like to,,,but i cannot find them )):

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3 years ago

Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan Kelmp/Dream, Evan Kelmp/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Sam Black, Sam Black/Whitney Jammer, Sam Black/Dream, Dream/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Dream/Whitney Jammer/Sam Black, The Pilot Program Characters: Evan Kelmp, Dream (Dimension 20), Whitney Jammer, Sam Black Additional Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Poly Magical Misfits, Hair Braiding, self-care, taking care of each other, Holding Hands, Hugs, Touch-Starved, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Scars, Developing Relationship, Threatening violence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Friends to Lovers, Drabble Collection, some might be longer than others tho, Magic, listen. listen i don't care what aabria says they have BATHROOMS OKAY, Showers, POV Multiple, POV Alternating, POV Third Person, McDonald's, Can it be a magic and misfits fic without mentioning mcdonalds ya'll, Some Plot, Swearing, Sweet, Implied/Referenced Suicide attempt, Evan's backstory is not kind and neither am I, Sharing Clothes, Evan-centric, But will bounce around to everyone don't fret, Honestly Friends to Lovers Speedrun Edition, summaries are so hard, Summary may change, Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, Texting, Makeup, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Blood and Injury, Blood, Dissociation, Gender Issues, Gender Identity, Hair, No Beta We Die Like Gilear, Not Beta Read, Emotions, Libraries, minor OCs - Freeform Summary:

A poly retelling of Misfits and Magic following the four American students at Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts learn about magic, mysteries, friendship, and each other.

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3 years ago
This Holiday One-shot Coming Up Makes Me Imagine The Misfits In Other Seasons, Maybe Even Back Home????
This Holiday One-shot Coming Up Makes Me Imagine The Misfits In Other Seasons, Maybe Even Back Home????
This Holiday One-shot Coming Up Makes Me Imagine The Misfits In Other Seasons, Maybe Even Back Home????
This Holiday One-shot Coming Up Makes Me Imagine The Misfits In Other Seasons, Maybe Even Back Home????

This holiday one-shot coming up makes me imagine the misfits in other seasons, maybe even back home???? Aabria?? Please??

Winter - I had way too much fun drawing Jammer’s sweater.

Spring - They were each other’s valentines :) (I’m a poly-misfits believer)

Summer - Evan is burning, but no one wants to wake him.

Fall - They all dressed as famous witches and wizards!

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3 years ago

it’s mismag holiday special time and i have missed,,,lou wilson,,,oh my. we love him. honestly the whole stuff is return of the monarchy because we have so many kings and queens among them. K using all pronouns? extraordinary. Love it for them. 

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3 years ago

K knitting,,,ohhh,,,K having a gift giving love language and knitting all her friends things is something i didn’t know i needed and i love that for them. 

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

man okay evan shyly asking the group for like? fashion and style tips and for expressing himself and they all sit down and jammer offers him his favorite jersey to try on and Evan hardly fills it out but it doesn’t swim on him like it would have before. jammer pulling out his phone and showing evan all sorts of shoes and just tell him what he likes so he can add it to his cart and transfigure it for him later. And Sam babbles excitedly about hair while showing him a more “fashionable” way of doing his hair half up, half down with a scrunchie from her private collection. Sam talking to him about doing his nails and offering to show him a whole bunch of makeup videos she’s done. And K offers the entirety of their wardrobe to evan (and their pronouns lol) and pulls out her makeup and offers to do it for him. who doesn’t bat an eye and answers without hesitation when he asks, shyly, if he’s allowed to wear it. evan finally in a place where he can start to think of himself as a person and be allowed to decide how that person presents themselves. 

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3 years ago

evan: [in reference to jammer and sam’s partners] you deserve better. the best, in fact

cannot wait for poly fics with that line and evan solemnly believing that whitney, sam, and k are worthy of each other and deserve each other, but not him 

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3 years ago

Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan Kelmp/Dream, Evan Kelmp/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Sam Black, Sam Black/Whitney Jammer, Sam Black/Dream, Dream/Whitney Jammer, Evan Kelmp/Dream/Whitney Jammer/Sam Black, The Pilot Program Characters: Evan Kelmp, Dream (Dimension 20), Whitney Jammer, Sam Black Additional Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Poly Magical Misfits, Hair Braiding, self-care, taking care of each other, Holding Hands, Hugs, Touch-Starved, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Scars, Developing Relationship, Threatening violence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Friends to Lovers, Drabble Collection, some might be longer than others tho, Magic, listen. listen i don't care what aabria says they have BATHROOMS OKAY, Showers, POV Multiple, POV Alternating, POV Third Person, McDonald's, Can it be a magic and misfits fic without mentioning mcdonalds ya'll, Some Plot, Swearing, Sweet, Implied/Referenced Suicide attempt, Evan's backstory is not kind and neither am I, Sharing Clothes, Evan-centric, But will bounce around to everyone don't fret, Honestly Friends to Lovers Speedrun Edition, summaries are so hard, Summary may change, Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, Texting, Makeup, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Blood and Injury, Blood, Dissociation, Gender Issues, Gender Identity, Hair, No Beta We Die Like Gilear, Not Beta Read, Emotions, Libraries, minor OCs - Freeform Summary:

A poly retelling of Misfits and Magic following the four American students at Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts learn about magic, mysteries, friendship, and each other.

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5 months ago

K actively neglecting the physical world in favor of being a borderline godlike presence online is the expected next step for most chronically online magical beings

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5 months ago

I’m not saying what K did is a direct reflection of their character. i am saying that K knew it was out of depth and still tried it because they couldn’t overcome the need to help. it’s a metaphor for something but i can’t quite put my finger on it

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1 year ago
Mess With The Goat, You Get The Horns My Ipads Broken So Pen And Paper Will Have To Do For Now @quiddie

mess with the goat, you get the horns 🤘 my ipad’s broken so pen and paper will have to do for now @quiddie

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5 months ago
More Doodles Bc Lou Really Hurt My Feelings
More Doodles Bc Lou Really Hurt My Feelings

more doodles bc lou really hurt my feelings

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