Well This One Can't Die And Heals Really Fast! - Tumblr Posts
The banner for a Tsams au ask-blog I wanna do. Will post more about it soon.

It's called @asksunpool
A Marvel themed TSAMS au.
I'm sorry, I just love that picture of Sun dressed as Deadpool so much I had to do something with it.
Also, if it looks rushed and not that great... it is. I made this at 4 am. instead of sleeping.
Hope you guys enjoy what I have planned.
*Please note this au is still in it's early stages and I may ask you guys for ideas on who should be who in this universe I already have a few ideas for who is in who's boots but I also need to fill a few more roles. I'll let you know who doesn't have a role but so far the characters who have been marvel-ified are
Sun as Sunpool. (Thank you for that drawing Kiwi.)
Lunar as Cosmic-spider (Miles Spider-man)
Moon as Moon-spider (Peter spider-man)
Eclipse as Polaris (Magento)
Ruin as Loki <- (The name didn't change. He's Loki in this universe)
Bloodmoon as Bloodsolider (Winter soldier)
Monty as Captain Britain (a mix of Captain America with a tiny pinch of soldier boy from The Boys)
Foxy as Wolverine <- (I need to think of a hero name for him. I don't just want to call him Wolverine. If you have a suggestion, please comment it.)
F.C. as F-23 (X-23 mixed with a bit of Daken, Wolverine's other kid)
Jack-o-moon as Jack (Groot)
Dazzle as Dazzlepool (Ellie, Deadpool's daughter)
Puppet as The Purple witch/The Puppetmaster (Scarlet witch)
Golden Freddy as Dr.Strangefate (Stealing that name from Amalgam comics. It's a cool name, plus it makes sense for Golden)
The only characters I don't have roles for yet are Solar, Earth, and Neuxs
Earth will either be Thor, Storm, or hulk
Solar will either be Starlord or Ironman <- (I'm leaning towards Ironman)
While Nexus could be Dr. Octopus or Venom <-( I am leaning towards Doc Ock but am open to whatever.)
So let me know what you think and who should be who?
I have always wanted to do an ask blog. It's one of the sole reasons I got Tumblr. So, I hope you'll enjoy it and let me know what you think.