Were In A Garden - Tumblr Posts
Hunter Schafer for Sephora’s Identify as We: Gender campaign
“I’ve been dating someone. Another trans girl. She’s taught me like, everything I know about queer love.”

Hunter and her girlfriend, Massi Dee.
“Love in Color” a small project I did today about people of color in love. It’s not the best (because I’m no film editor) but I tried my best and like how it ended up.
**Warning there is some nudity about half-way through**
Song - Diamonds by Laura Mvula
Clips In Order Under Cut
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Then she said, If someone killed you would you want to come back for revenge? No, I said, I’d rather come back to the people I loved. What if you came back to someone and they’d forgotten you? she said I’d tell them I loved them anyway, I said,
Marie Howe, from Adaptation in “Magdalene: Poems” (via adrasteiax)
I again dreamt of you in flowers…
Alexander Blok - Ante Lucem (via angesirene)
I hope that if alternate universes exist, it will still be you and me in the end. I hope that there will always be an us. In every world, in every story.
Tina Tran, Let us always find each other (via absentions)

jenny slate / two, sleeping at last / an oresteia, euripidies (trans. anne carson) / the chaos of stars, kiersten white

what if we kissed under my duppatta… while it rains….😳 and we were both girls 😳😳😳

moonlight (2016) / you are jeff, richard siken

"There’s a part in the movie where you can see right through the acting, where you can tell that I’m about to burst into tears, right before I burst into tears."

Confession booth
Drew this for an upperclassman’s exhibition on spirituality/religion and LGBT
idk how to describe this properly but there is Something There with characters who show their love through devotion, through service… loving from a distance, and proving their love by looking after them, caring for them, keeping them safe… i’m thinking about “i can’t carry it, but i can carry you” from sam gamgee, i’m thinking about “til my dying day” from eliot spencer, i’m thinking about “not to me, not if it’s you” from pylades, “i’m with you to the end of the line” from bucky barnes… love through the act of Following, of swearing fealty. and the tender surprise that comes with it when their loved one adores them in return.

kiersten white / jeffrey mcdaniel, “the archipelago of kisses” / richard siken, “you are jeff” / phillip pullman, “the amber spyglass”

Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix in My Own Private River (2012) MOPI footage re-contextualized by James Franco