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the world is cruel, but i still love you

summary: it dawns on them as they sing these words that this part of their life is coming to an end. the series is over, but they can’t be. they mean too much to each other.
word count: 1.4k
pairing(s): eren jaeger x mikasa ackerman
genre | includes: actor!au, slight angst with a happy ending, pining, songfic kinda, sfw, kissing, not proofread, inconsistent tone
author’s note: i was supposed to be writing a scholarship essay and then this happened. this was originally supposed to be a headcanon, but i got unbelievably carried away which is why youll see a shift in style. im too lazy to do anything about it. i’m kind of happy wrote though, i’ve been in a severe writer’s block since I posted messy handwriting months ago. this is my first time writing for aot so i hope you enjoy. listen to the s4 pt2 outro while you read! that’s what they’re singing :)

another aot actor!au
but imagine for the last episode of the series, they have eren and mikasa sing the outro (akuma no ko) so it’s like they’re singing to each other.
and bc mikasa is half-japanese and probably speaks japanese with her mom, she has to spend hours helping eren remember the lyrics and get the pronunciation right. for weeks, the words just wouldn’t come out right. he doesn’t get the inflection and the drawn out vowels. it reminds him of why he stopped learning the language in the first place. german was so much easier.
but mikasa is patient. she’s the greatest teacher he could have asked for. she facetimes him for hours at a time and placates his worries as the recording date comes closer. he picks her up every other day so they can sing in the car and she gives him a piece of candy for every time he makes it through the lyrics without stumbling. it’s bittersweet. ending the journey they spent more than half their lives on in the exact same way it started: sitting in each other’s company and rehearsing their lines, fearful of what comes next.
eren dreads the recording day. not because he’s afraid he won’t get his part right, no mikasa made sure he sounds good, but because of what it symbolizes. when the episode airs and the public hears them sing this song for the first time, it will be the last time he will don the role of eren jaeger, doctor’s son from shiganshina, titan shifter, savior and destroyer of the world. if he doesn’t get his act together, it will be the last time he will don the role of mikasa ackerman’s lover. he’s not ready. mikasa isn’t either.
as he stands next to mikasa in the recording studio, headphones secured over his pulled back hair (she likes it more that way, “i like being able to see all of your face” she said) he reminisces on the first day he asked mikasa for help. when she translated the lyrics for him. his heart was stuck on the chorus. they were the first lines he memorized, having spent hours outside of mikasa’s company trying to get them right so he could say them to her over and over. so his feelings made it to her somehow. even if they weren’t his own words. even if she didn’t know he meant every bit of it.
he locks eyes with her as he sings them with her, both of their voices low, gravelly, thick with something the other wasn’t sure they wanted to believe.
the world is cruel, but i still love you
she wanted to stop there. mikasa wanted to yank the headphones over the silly pigtails on top of her head (he likes it more that way, “you look like that one picture of you as a kid, the one you tried to delete from sasha’s phone so she couldn’t post it on your birthday. you still get cake all over your face just like you did in that picture” he said) and turn the microphone off. she wanted to hold eren’s face in her trembling hands and say the words for real. she doesn’t resent much about herself, but she does regret not being more like her on-screen counterpart. mikasa ackerman the soldier never hesitated. she made sure eren knew she loved him. mikasa ackerman the actress hasn’t yet mustered up the courage. she would go to the ends of the earth for eren, she would. and if she had the chance to tell him, she knows she would never stop. she would never stop the waterfall of i love yous directly into the shell of his ear and don’t leave mes into his neck and it’s always been yous into his lips that she’s only ever released in her dreams.
no matter what you sacrifice, i will still protect you
their voices both crack, in the way that musicians make seem intentional, like they’re choked up on their emotions and their hearts are clawing their way out of their chests while they sing.
never once do their eyes leave each other. can you hear me? they want to say. did my voice, have my words, has this message, reached you? they want to cry.
when they finish their eyes are wet. neither willing to blink lest they shed the first tear. they hardly register the staff on the other side of the glass congratulating them, telling them to come to the other room and listen to the recording again.
eren reaches for mikasa’s hand as they walk out. she grips it tightly and squeezes once. is it really over? he squeezes back. it is.
at the emmy’s months later, they stand on the same stage they’ve walked across dozens of times since they were small. back when they were terrified of the possibility of tripping over their feet on live tv, back when they were terrified of being on live tv, back when there was so much left of their story, back when this wasn’t the last time. they stand in front of the cameras, the audience, their oldest friends, hollywood legends, and novices alike, microphones in hand. the orchestra in the pit below them swells with their voices as they confess to each other once again. unknowing of the validity of the other’s words. their eyes stay locked on each other the same way they did in the studio. the millions of eyes on them forgotten. it is just mikasa and eren. eren and mikasa. just as it always has been, just as they hope to god it always will be.
when the piano trickles out at the end, mikasa loses the battle with her tears. and eren pulls her in before she completely gives into her sorrow and sinks into the floor. the applause is deafening, but eren hears nothing but mikasa’s whisper.
“it’s really over,” her voice is hoarse from proclaiming her love at the loudest volume her throat would allow.
the curtain drops.
“it is,” his voice is hoarse from proclaiming his love at the loudest volume his throat would allow.
backstage, after they’ve changed, ready to go sit with their castmates, their old castmates, in anticipation for the remaining awards, mikasa pulls eren aside. maybe she feared being too much like mikasa ackerman the soldier because she knew it would be hard to separate herself from her alternate persona and would lose a part of her true self. but she has reconciled, in this moment, that there was no point. she would always be mikasa ackerman the soldier as much as she was mikasa ackerman the actress. so she would no longer resent her hesitation because her hesitation would be no more.
“i have to say this to you” she begins slowly, trying not to regret her hastiness, trying not to regret not having prepared for this ahead of time, “i have to say this to you before i lose you. this will be the first time in 13 years that I haven’t seen you regularly on set or had an excuse to show up at your apartment or hotel room or trailer under the guise of rehearsing lines and sharing gossip. you are my best friend, have been for my whole life, and i don’t know why we fear that this will change because we no longer lead our double lives, because we both know it isn’t true. but i know that with every day that we don’t spend time together we’ll grow apart and i can’t live with that. i can’t live with that because i love you, eren. more than a best friend should. more than a castmate. more than anything. i love you so much that i think my life might fall apart that you aren’t there. i meant every word i sang up there and you don’t have to believe me, but i couldn’t live with myself if i let this chapter of our lives end without setting up room for a sequel. i’m sorry if this is sudden and out of nowhere, but god, eren, i love you.”
she didn’t have the chance to catch her breath before he was leaning forward, loose wisps of his hair tickling her forehead, large, rough hands from years of doing his own stunts cupping her cheek (she could feel the scar on his right hand from biting it so intensely for so many years), and capturing her lips with his own. they kiss with over a decade’s worth of resolved fear as fuel. they would never lose each other, not after this.
they didn’t know how long they stood there, i love yous directly into each other’s ears, don’t leave mes into their necks, it’s always been yous into their lips.
the world is cruel, but i still love you

© mamasbakeria 2022. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
Feminists say that if they walk around naked and get raped, it’s not their fault. Let me ask you this, if you owned a bank and left the doors wide open with no security and you got robbed in the middle of the night, is it the robbers fault or yours?