What Is This Year - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

hi gang what’s up no one asked for me but !! Here I am!! Ok let’s see hm hm

January - Scrawny by Wallows (oh?? This sounds super optimistic, since the song is about being confident about yourself in a crowd that seems cooler than one is. That sounds…?? Good?? Manifesting in it)

February - Remember When by Wallows (lmfao second wallow song in a row I see… ok this one doesn’t really make sense to my monkey brain since it’s about reminiscing about a past lover but fun fact yet being haunted by them. Fun fact! I don’t have a lover?? Lol?? But I really like this song though, to me it sounds like two childhood friends reminiscing over the past but they’ve grown distant because of distance. Sounds like someone I know… hopefully I get to see them soon? They were a cool person I miss them.)

March - Dirty Imbecile by The Happy Fits (oh dear, this song is about the 2 personalities a person presents to ppl, the insecure quiet voice and the loud and confident one. At the end, they combine together to make a whole person, who’s flawed. This sounds like a negative character arc from the January song LMAO maybe I lose my confidence then.)

April - She Wants Me (To Be Loved) by The Happy Fits (Oh GOD??? What is up with the romance songs?? Yknow I think the title of the song is enough to say what this song means,, uh I like this one girl so maybe it’s about that …? This month sounds particularly rough. Womp Womp ah well at least it’s a jam.

May - Cold Turkey by The Happy Fits (GOD WHY SO MANY HAPPY FITS SONGS…. This is what I get for listening to them on repeat every morning for a month lmao. Uh this song is about the bitter aftermath of a breakup..??? I’m worried what the hell…. Doubt I would get into a relationship but still, I’m a lil concerned but ok)

June - Fight or Flight by Conan Gray (not a happy fits or wallows song which is new?? Yay?? But instead a CONAN GRAY song which is about a BREAKUP. YEAH. What is future me UP TO???? Clearly I am. Going Through It. It’s about a relationship not ending on your terms and singing about the pain. Man looks like I’m going to go through a rough time? Maybe the relationship change and a breakup means change. And change is scary but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Just sounds like lots of high emotions rn.)

July - Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray (another Conan Gray song… lmao. Ok so this song is about your close friends. Like you’re so close with them that even if a conversation cuts short or a silent follows it’s not awkward, it’s comfortable because you know them THAT well. Pidge healing arc after uh what seems to be a couple months of breakup??? Yay W)

August - So Alright, Cool, Whatever by The Happy Fits (GODDAMN I THOUGHT WE WERE OVER THIS?? The song is about lingering regret and longing for a past partner. GODDAMN… it seems that I was really smitten with this person enough for a GOOD two months worth of heartbreak huh. And even continuing into this month! I mean it’s a good song at least. Sounds like a rollercoaster of emotions ASDFGHJKL)

September - Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums (Uh this song sounds positive for a change ?? It’s about having such an amazing partner that you’re scared that it’s too good to be true and they’re too good for you, hence “Out of My League”. Sounds like I found an amazing partner but insecurity is talking. Wow can you imagine /j but seriously I hope this relationship isn’t spoiled later on.)

October - Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown (Ok I actually don’t get this one. Like this song is about toxic masculinity and the pressure forced on men to conceal their feelings? And I’m not a man so this isn’t really applicable to me. But maybe it’s about someone close to me that’s going through it. But he’s graduating this year :( or could be about a new guy joining the guard and facing criticism for doing a “girly” thing?? Theorizing here but that sounds really rough for that hypo-guy. Ouch. BUT ALSO this song sounds really bitter in general. Like kit if meaning. Huh.)

November - Burning Pile by Mother Mother (At first I was worried. Like what. It sounds negative but maybe it doesn’t have to be that way? To me, it sounds like I’m really tired of everything and I’m throwing all of my problems to save for a future me. But rereading the lyrics, it could be about taking all of the anxieties, all of the worries, all of my problems and throwing them in a theoretical burning pile so I can have a peace of mind. Maybe I’m moving on from that rough relationship earlier, letting it go. Wow do I need that LMFAO.)

December - Moving by The Happy Fits (GODDAMN not another one! This song is about the fragile tensions of a relationship, maybe I’m going through a rough time with this partner yet I don’t want things to go to hell like it did last time so I’m begging them to stay?? I dunno I’m sick of writing my thoughts on a romance song PLS I’m tired of this romance arc what a year, what a year omfg…)

GODDAMN I wrote a monster ermmm I guess I Think Too Much but anyhow

@thegarlicthief @otterlydisastrous @birdwren @ariddesolation @causeofcharlie get over here gang I wanna see what your playlist cooks up

i wanna start a tag game so: let your spotify predict your 2024!

shuffle your on repeat playlist, and the first twelve songs represent your 2024

january- guns and ships- hamilton (idek what this could represent but okay)

february- we fell in love in october- girl in red (PLEASE)

march- say no to this- hamilton (…i have nothing to say about this)

april- castles crumbling- taylor swift ft hayley williams (damnit sad month then?)

may- you’re losing me- taylor swift (FUCK TWO SAD MONTHS?? breakup songs are even worse now that im actually in a relationship. please. better not be accurate)

june- astronomy- conan gray (please stop why am i having so many sad songs)

july- stoned- ed sheeran (oh fuck this)

august- new year’s day- taylor swift (hm okay. idk what to say about this)

september- heather- conan gray (i consider heather to be a happy song AND it’s mine and my partners song so i’m taking this as a good one)

october- 18- one direction (yessss we’re going okay now)

november- king of my heart- taylor swift (YESSS)

december- all too well (ten minute version)- taylor swift (i take it back ugh)

no pressure tags!!- @autumnleavesforwinter @weeping-in-the-willows @swiftieannah @felizusnavidad @jittyjames @anixknowsnothin (please help me get this off the ground, but also if this flops you saw nothing)

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