Whb Levi - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Beleths omg I can die peacefully now he’s so…

May I request headcanons for WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, and Mammon with shy gn s/o please?

Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Valefor, Beleth with shy g/n s/o

May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

Notes: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this, and I do apologize for making this late. I had a lot of ideas so I kinda made it too long LMAO. I'm not sure if I made this correct, but if I didn't, send me another ask. I apologize in advance because I'm not really used to writing Leviathan's up until now. Thank you so much again and keep playing WHB~


May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

🩸PDA!!! He LOVES showing public display of affection, much to your dismay. He loves to put his arms around you and sometimes he'd suddenly kiss you and make out (he always makes sure no one sees). Sometimes, when he's feeling a bit spicy he'd becomes a bit touchy (with consent of course), which never fails to make you red as a tomato.

"S-satan! N-not in public!" you close your eyes while blushing so madly "Kek. It's alright babe, no one can see" Satan grins as he wrapped his arm around your waist and and kissed you, Sitri and the others not noticing, or do they?

🩸Satan is so straightforward, it always make you flustered; bonus is he does that on occasions that you're with others! "What do you mean you're on a diet because someone said you're fat? C'mere!" Satan whisks you up and puts you down in the nearest chair, his arms still wrapped around your waist. "You're never fat in my eyes, alright? You look good as you'll ever be. Hot stuff." He began to make out with you "Satan!! Mmphhh!!!" "Yea, that's right sweet cheeks"

🩸He always acknowledged your strengths and weaknesses. He's always proud of you, that's why he picked you as his s/o. He would boast you whenever he's with others if given the chance, which always make you blush. "Satan, what made you like y/n hmm? They're your complete opposite, they're shy" Beelzebub asked "Hah what do you mean? They're the best person anyone can ever have! They do their best, they look good, they're nice, and much more. I think being shy is one of their best trait..." Satan looks at you with a smirk in his face, while you were blushing. "See?" He adds. "Satan!!!" he grins when he saw you covering your face. He grabs your wrist and he kissed you to make you shut up, which made you blush even more.

🩸You know those trope where one person is shy enough to tell the waiter they got their order wrong, and their partner bluntly tells the waiter that they got the order wrong? Yeah that's Satan.

Both of you were in Gehenna's bar ordering food. "Uhm... I'll take the 666 Devil burger please..." "And I'll take the House Steak, and a glass of Devil's water (alcohol)" Satan proudly grins as he hold your waist. "Coming right up!" One of the waiter says, you both went to the available sofa seats. Both of you sit at opposite sides of the table, and talk about your day. "The burger here is top tier I'd say, it was a good choice kek" At Satan's remark, the waiter came with all of the ordered food. The server gave your food last however it was not what you ordered. "O-oh... Thank you..." you replied as you stared at the burger. Satan saw your hesitation and immediately looked at the food. "You ordered a burger right? The 666 Devil Burger?" Satan grins as he saw you hesitate. "Y-yes it's okay I can eat this, I wanted to try a different meal...." "But still, it's not your order right?" Satan grins even more as he knows where this was going "B-but I can-" "Heya, waiter! They ordered the 666 Devil's burger not this one" Satan grinned and told the waiter as you blushed, tried to hide in the table as if you made a crime. "Oh! My apologies your majesty Satan! I'll bring them the burger, I apologize for the mistake" "W-wait its-" you were too late to say 'it's alright' as the waiter already took the plate of food and went to the kitchen. "T-thank you" you meekly said, head down facing the table

🩸Satan is observant whenever you're hesitating or feeling insecure. If you somehow came across demons with good body like muscular or sexy bodies, and if you feel down, Satan knows you won't admit it so he oftens pulls you and put an arm on your shoulder or waist and kiss your forehead. "Hey" Satan said as he noticed you looking at the devils with skimpy clothing. You look up at him, pretending to be clueless. "I know what you're thinking, just so you know you're hot in your own way, which I like more than devils with skimpy fit" "...are you sure you're okay with me?" your head lies low. "Hm..." He grins and makes out with you "Of course I am!" He grins proudly as you were looking disheveled from him making out with you.

🩸Always slaps your ass both in private and in public. You were talking with Sitri in the hallway of Satan's Palace, while Satan was walking. He saw a glimpse of your luscious booty jiggling as you talk and make gestures with Sitri, he made a beeline towards you and slapped your ass, loud slap echoing in the Palace corridor. "SATAN!!!" You said as you blushed heavily, Sitri blinking and pretending nothing happened as if he can hear both of your beating heart; one is nervous while the other is excited. Satan ran for it and somehow you ran to him, trying to catch him.


May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

🪙Unlike Satan, he respects your comfort zone a bit more, so he's a bit neutral on PDA. If you feel that you wanna hold his hand or arm, he'd get closer to you. Most of the time he won't initiate into PDA with you.

The back of your hand comes in contact with Mammon's more frequently than it should while walking in the streets of Tartaros. Mammon looked at you and noticed you were nervous, he decides to hold your hand. His harm brings comfort and warmth to you, as you looked up at him. His lips curled up, smiling warmly at you, and whispered "It's okay, treasure. I'm here, don't worry." Which in turn, made you slightly flustered but comforted.

🪙Mammon is very sharp whether you're feeling uncomfortable or a bit out of your comfort zone.

Bimet was a bit loud, mocking you, and kept asking too many questions, much to your discomfort. "I could not understand what his Majesty Mammon sees in you! You're so...meek!" Bimet scoffs as he eyes you. "Uh... I don't kn-" "Bimet! You're getting a bit rude don't you think? What do you think his majesty will say?" Valefor cuts you. Mammon comes in, scanning the area as he answered Bimet's question "They're humble, they're gentle and soft... I want to protect them and make them mine in which I failed because they got me first. Now if you'll excuse us..." Mammon smiles as he escorted you out.

🪙He doesn't really care what others think especially if it has something to do with your shyness. He'd love you all the way.

🪙You sometimes get too flustered whenever Mammon buys everything you have once just talked about.

"Hello delivery for Mx. Y/n. This is from his Majesty Mammon. Please sign here..." A delivery guy came. "Oh thanks" As the delivery guy left, another came... "Delivery for Mx. [First name] [Last name]! Deluxe Delivery of Sushi and Milk tea from Devil Cuisine! His Majesty Mammon didn't know what you want so he got everything from the menu. We'll help you get these inside" "Oh God... Thank you that's a bit too mu-" while the other delivery guy puts the food inside, another delivery came "Good day, you're Y/n right? Delivery sent by his majesty. The latest clothing made from Devil's Diamond Co. has arrived" The delivery guy came with a truck ton of clothing hanged in gold clothes rack with acrylic casing. All you can do was gulp and be shy, all the delivery demons were coming in and out. You can see your neighbors whispering and gossiping about the deliveries. You have your head lowered and muttered a "thank you" As if it wasn't enough, Valefor and Elgios came delivering a message and a gift from Mammon. "Y/n!" Valefor waves. "Delivery from his Majesty! He said he forgot to give it to you this morning...Oh..." They saw the delivery guys going in and out unloading the deliveries to your place. "Busy day huh?" All you can do is be flustered and say "Yea... Thanks"

🪙He thinks you're so cute being shy all the time, he sometimes tease you to make you blush

"Y/n?" "Hm?" "You know you're really cute whenever you're shy, you look soft... Like a bottom... Like a peach...." "Excuse me?! Are you saying I'm a bottom...that I'm similar to an ass cheek?" you protested as you blushed heavily "You're really soft... Like this" he slapped your ass "Mammon!!!"

🪙Speaking of slapping the peach, similar to Satan, Mammon gropes your ass more frequent in private, as it is in public. He likes it more than slapping your ass cheeks, which he only does to tease you.

You were cooking Lunch in Mammon's palace, you thought you were alone as Mammon was away in a meeting. You were chopping some bacon until you felt a large hand in your rear and squeezed it gently, making you squeak. You turned around, pointing the knife (accidentally) to whomever touched you. "Mmmm sweetie, no need to get offensive, you know how I love your peaches" he smiles as if he hasn't done anything wrong. "Y-you!! I thought you were in a meeting with Bimet?" You scrambled as you put down the knife with a hand in your ass. "It was finished early, sorry if I scared you with my touch. I just missed touching your peachy babies." He laughs and smiles while you still blush as his grope still lingers on your ass.


May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

⚰️Doesn't like PDA. Nope. Don't even TRY to touch him. Because he doesn't like PDA and you're shy whenever there is PDA, you two somehow make a great team.

⚰️However if there's a time you really wanted some time together, he'd let you. You would mostly initiate rather than him.

One cold morning in Hades, you woke up at your room and went to Leviathan's office because you were bored (and lovesick). "Levi, are you busy?" you peeked from the door "Don't call me that. Yes, I'm busy. What do you want?" He glared as he still did some paperworks "Well it's been a while since we had a date...I was wondering if we could have a date...but if you're busy I'll go ask others sorry...." you said as you were flustered "How dare you say that?! I envy people who get to say and do what they want all the time...." He broke his pen and glared at you "Sorry... I'll just go it seems I bothered you..." "Leave and I'll hang." He glared at you "Does that mean you'll go on a date with me?" You were happy "I envy people who are too happy with little things. Change clothes and stop bothering me. Ill meet you in 10 mins." when you left a small smile and blush appeared on his face.

⚰️Doesn't really care if you improve (getting out of your comfort zone) or not. What's important is you do his orders, and maybe bask him with attention.

"You...Why did you talk to Beelzebub more than necessary?" Leviathan glares at you "W-what do you mean? I just did what you said, I gave him Pandora's Box!!! He asked some questions and I answered it...I left quickly as I could! He was asking intimate questions a-and I don't wanna answer something you don't consent me telling..." you kept stammering knowing so well he's jealous but you were also a bit flustered "I'm so jealous you were with him for a long time compared to me...let alone let him to ask you private questions! Hang!" He was glaring at you "NOOOO! I won't be able to choke you anymore if I die" he froze and stared at you "Were you trying to threaten me? How dare you Hang!!" he glared "Kngh!" You were hanged but immediately put down "Hmph. How dare you threaten me..." You saw a glimpse of his sad eyes and decide to hug him, despite it crossing your comfort zone. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it okay? And sorry for talking to Beel. You know you're the most beautiful and handsome King that I love" you hug his back "That's right. I am the most beautiful King." He didn't admit it but he was scared of losing you, especially if it was because of him. Good thing you didn't see, but the both of you were blushing.

⚰️He tried to fluster you, but it felt horribly wrong to him.

You were with Foras roaming the Palace garden, until Leviathan came and gave you a rare jewel shaped like a rose. "Levi, this is for me?" you blushed. "Haven't I told you already that Ignorance is a sin? And I told you don't call me that!" he was somehow blushing and Foras looked away almost laughing but soon pretended like nothing happened. "Y-you shouldn't be allowed to be happier than me" Leviathan tried to protest, but you didn't say anything but you were fidgeting. Both of you were a blushing mess that time.


May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

🕶️A bigger PDA than Satan (surprised? Not really). You think Satan is worse making out with you while with the gang? Get ready for Beelzebub. He will literally go full PDA on you whenever he sees you, which makes you flustered a whole lot.

Amon is guarding you when roaming the streets of Abyssos, looking for a place to eat dinner. Suddenly someone hugs you from behind, their arms enveloping your figure and their chin on top of your head, while you look at Amon, who looked bewildered with a longing look. "Y/n!!! I missed youuu~" their voice all too familiar, and when you face them, it was none other than Beelzebub. "I missed your scent....hmm? Smells like you missed me too!" Beelzebub shamelessly smells you in different places, your neck, armpits, and somewhere down there. "Beel! Don't smell me there! There are people!!" You blushed. True enough to what you said, the people were all looking at the both of you, shocked, while one said "IT'S MAJESTY BEELZEBUB, GET HIM!!!" "Woops, forgot the spell...come lets go!" Beel hugs you from behind and began dashing. When the both of you are in an alleyway, he put a spell on both of you so no one will notice you. "I missed this so much~" he began cuddling you and peppers you with kisses as he sniffs you. "B-beel not too much" you protested against his grasp "Mmm okay!" He stopped peppering you but his arm is still in your waist and his body is too close to you. You blush at the contact. "You're really cute y/n~ I wanna eat you already hmm but maybe after dinner or are you the dinner?~" he leads you to the nearby bar, while shamelessly saying stuff out loud, which made you blush further.

🕶️ He isn't like Satan or Mammon who observes to see if your uncomfortable, he SMELLS if you're uncomfy.

While having hot sexy time with beel, he smells that you're not feeling it. "Hmmm" he stops sucking your dick/eating your pussy out. "Uhm..." "I smell what you feel. It's okay if you don't want today~" he goes on top of you, and embraces you instead, your head below his chin, facing his sweaty chest. "Sorry..." You meekly said. "Mmm it's okay sweetie. Did you have a bad day? You smell more ... Different today than usual" Beel traces circles on your back while still embracing you. "Um just some stupid co-workers... Sorry I know you really want it... it's okay..." "Hmm no use if you won't enjoy it~ Do you want me to give a small gift to your co workers hmmm?~" Beel smiles while a black aura surrounds him. You cup his cheek despite your hesitance, "No... It's alright, thank you" you slightly smile, and he embraces you. "But I can try to make you feel bett-" "NO!" The night was full of fluffy cuddling and spooning with a mix of Beel trying to turn you on.

🕶️He supports you whenever you're hesitant in getting out your comfort zone. He might be horny and hungry all the time but, he knows when he needs to be serious.

"...should i...no maybe not ill make a mess..." Beelzebub sneaks up on you "Y/n~ what are you doing?" You jumped at his presence. "I...uh.." you scratch the back of your head. "I wanted to bake a cake with devil ingredients but I think I'll make a mess" Beel soften his smile and his hands were in your shoulder "The first step is always the hardest, babe. You can do it, I believe in you~ I can be your taste tester if you want~ no wait, I'll help you! We can put angel organs in it and-" "NO! This is for someone special! No angel remains!!!" You pushed him out of the kitchen "But thank you for your words..." You actually made a cake for his birthday the next day and you were really shy to tell him.

🕶️ He is so happy and proud of you whenever you make the first move or go out of your comfort zone.

"Y/n? Ready for our dateee~" He bursts in your room, a bit shocked. "Oho Y/n? You're not gonna go with your usual hoodie?" He eyes your clothing "No...I wanna try something new" you blush slightly and look down "You look good in that" he nods in approval "Really? You don't think it's not my style or ugly?" "Mmm it compliments your figure... I like it" you blushed on his comment.

🕶️He always ALWAYS teases you and talks dirty, whether in public or private.

As you both walk across a adult toy store, one mannequin on display with obscene undergarments with strap-ons. "Ooooh~ that's their latest model, wanna try it out? I bet it looks good on you while you take me hmmm? All fours in the bed while you whimper and mo-" Beel coos, as he eyes the outfit and your body, fitting it in his imagination. "Shhh not in public!!!" You cover his mouth as you blushed. He smirks under your hand covering his mouth.

🕶️Since you're in Abyssos, it's common to see people with skimpy or too fitted clothing. You never told beel that you were jealous of the body figure of most demons you see, but he can see (and smell).

Both you and Beel passed by a bar with demon men and women with hot, fitted, skimpy clothing. While they greet his Majesty and you, you somehow had a sad look in your eyes. It wasn't your destination so both of you walked by but Beel noticed your insecurity when he saw you looking down at your body and holding your baby fats. "Hmm~ You don't need to be insecure, babe. You have your own assets! See you have this!" He points your chest "And this!" He points your thighs "Also this!" He playfully slaps your ass "And especially this!" He kneels in front of you and pats your genitals and licks his lips. "BEELZEBUB!!! We're in public!!!" you pulled him to stand up while blushing so madly.


May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

🛡️Neutral on PDA. Doesn't like it if you feel uncomfortable because of him. He values your personal space. However, like Mammon, if he notices that you're a bit uncomfortable, he'd come closer to you.

You were travelling with Valefor and the Tartaros Demons. Somehow a shop caught your eye and stopped your tracks, making the group walk further than you. One female demon (a saleslady) came close to you, offering her products. "Ah no sorry, I just saw something in your display, thank you." You responded hurriedly. "But sir/ma'am, wait I haven't gotten to the good part yet~" her touch sent shivers down your spine. You backed off and politely decline, but the demon continues to touch and flirt with you. Somehow, Valefor noticed you were gone and found you and heard the conversation. "It seems you have good wares, but we have to go, my s/o is a bit tired. Thank you" Valefor skillfully butts in, smiling with golden aura, while holding your hand and back and escorting you away from them. You shyly thanked Valefor while blushing, and catched up with the group before they notice where the both of you gone.

🛡️He mostly initiate things, but ask for your consent first. He will mostly initiate dates in places you're comfortable with.

"Good morning sweetest prince/princess. Would you like to go to on a movie date with me today? I got tickets for Demons: the Last Journey." "How'd you know I wanted to have a movie date?" You shyly said "Hmm I may or may not have seen your phone open looking for tickets while you were asleep" he rubs the back of his neck, not wanting to actually say it.

🛡️Likes it when you're flustered whenever he does something/gets you something you'd like.

You arms and hand rubs your torso as the both of you were walking in the streets of Tartaros while on a date. Surprisingly, it was also the day that Valefor's clothes are more casual than what he usually wears (armor). "Hm..." He noticed you were shivering and he put his jacket into your shoulders. "I'm not too sure if you'd enjoy PDA but... I know that would at least make you warm, prince/princess." He smiles as you were flustered and thanked him.

🛡️He comforts you using physical touch when you feel sad, upset, or anything negative, especially if it's about frustration about your shyness.

He notices that you were feeling extra down when you were staring at the window from your bed.

"Mmm sweetest, everything alright? You can tell me if you want..." He held your hand

"It's alright... I'm fine" you looked at him, and formed a smile with all your might "....My dear prince/princess, I know I'm pushing your buttons here but... I know you aren't... It won't hurt to tell me, I'm always here...but if you don't really wanna tell me then it okay" he kissed the back of your hand "It's just....well it was just work... I wanted to volunteer for a project but... Shyness got ahead of me and...when I got a hold of myself the slots were already filled....I waited for that project to have a need for volunteers but... It's all because of this stupid shyness... I know I'm overreacting a bit... But I really hate it when shyness takes over me...and overthinking... I'm sorry this is so stupid..." you look at the sheets, ashamed to look at him. "Look at me, sweetest. It's alright. Your feelings are valid, you should ask them later if they can possibly squeeze you in or wait if someone backs out okay? I know shyness sometimes becomes a pain for you, there are times when the mind is your greatest enemy..." He hugs you and kisses your forehead. "Sometimes you need to just...do it you know... Don't think of what other people think or say... I know it's hard, especially the first step in doing it" he cuddles you, traces circles in your back "I know you can do it" he kisses the back of your hand once more as you slightly blush. He gave you a confidence plushie with a "you can do it" sign, it was a mini Valefor with a confident expression.

🛡️In rare times when he's feeling romantic, he'd bunny kiss you if no one is looking. Or ask if you want to listen to music with him when both of you are making plushies, he'd lend one of his earphones connected to his phone.


May I Request Headcanons For WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, And Mammon With Shy Gn

🚬Neutral on PDA, similar to Mammon and Valefor. He respects your personal space and doesn't like it if you're uncomfortable because of him. Like when you're walking together, he's a bit close but not too much. He won't put his hand in your waist or shoulder unless you want it.

🚬Like a cat, he seems to get along with everybody. He maintains order in Nilfheim, so he is known by everybody. Sometimes whenever you two go out, you get greeted by a lot. Too much greetings, it sometimes makes you overwhelmed.

"Sup, Beleth and Y/n!" A group of demons wave at the both of you "Oh hello" "Hello Beleth oh and hello y/n!!" A duo of Demons come across you "H-hi" "Beleth my man!! Oh hello y/n! Beautiful day isn't it?" A buff demon greets the both of you "Heya" Beleth notices how you were getting tired smiling and greeting demons here and there. "Hahaha. Sorry babe, I didn't expect we'd get greeted by a lot today, you can just cling to me if you're too shy to say hi back, don't worry, they'll understand" He rubs your back. "It's fine, I just got overwhelmed by a lot of greetings here and there, I'm just not used to it, even until now..." You sheepishly said "Hahaha. You'll get used to it, babe. I know it" He kissed your forehead and made you slightly blush.

🚬He teases you and laughs whenever he make you blush. He always likes it whenever you're too shy, he sometimes make you sit on his lap because you're too cute, he like cute things after all.

"Mmmm...new fit for the date?" Beleth eyes you and comments with a proud smirk "Yeah, I tried some new style, I guess you'd be pretty bored of my previous outfits so I tried a new style! I hope it's not too bad..." You explain sheepishly. "You look...soft and cute. Hohohoho just what I like! C'mere, kitten" he grabs your waist and sits you on his lap "Hmm but don't worry okay? Dress for yourself. I won't get tired of your style...because what's important is what's inside...and I'm the only one who gets to see what's underneath..." He whispers huskily on your ear. Which in turn, made you blush so hard you were covering your face. "Hahahaha. Now atta boy/girl" he pats your head.

🚬Similar to Satan or Mammon, he'd sometimes slap or grope your ass. But he'd do it when no one is looking (mostly on public just to tease you, he likes seeing your flustered expression).

You and Beleth discovered some ruins, and began exploring with Bathin and Gusion. Bathin and Gusion were in another room while you and Beleth were in another. Somehow you were looking over some ruin scripture in the walls. Beleth was roaming around, until he saw you looking at some ruin writings, rear exposed. He went over, a bit nonchalant like nothing was up and slapped your ass, enough to make it jiggle. You jumped and yelped, surprised by the sudden peach slap. You were flustered but your reflex was faster and punched Beleth's arm. "Hahahaha It's was worth it!" He said rubbing his arm. "Beleth! What if they see!" you were flustered with your arms crossed, trying to look mad. "Hohoho relax, kitten. I promise no one will see our lil shenanigans." He pats your head as you were still flustered.

🚬He enjoys it if he sees you're with Harumon. Gusion or Bathin sometimes see him with a lovesick expression on his face which irks them.

Beleth sees you scratching Harumon's belly, Harumon purring and you were smiling. He somehow had a longing look, with a lovesick expression on his face. "*Coughs* A bit weird seeing you like this, I'll pretend I didn't see anything" Gusion adjust his glasses. Somehow you notice someone staring at you, which was Beleth. You somehow blushed a bit, but still played with Harumon like nothing happened. Beleth noticed this and smirked.


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