Who Manage To Be Terrible People Making Terrible Choices On A Very Regular Basis In That Second Case - Tumblr Posts
6 months ago
I know this is the site of Edginess and Drama, but sometimes I really appreciate stories where characters are allowed to be in mutually supportive and fulfilling relationships. Where maybe both characters are kind of a mess, but at least they know they can rely on each other for love and support, and the story isn't afraid to let them own up to their own bullshit when one of them falls down on their side of the bargain.
Tags :
hobbit rambles
story things
this is not meant to knock anyone else's preference btw
just been feeling this one a lot lately
this is also not meant in any way to support any kind of anti nonsense about not shipping 'unhealthy' ships
some of the mutually supportive and fulfilling relationships i'm thinking of
include the addams family parents
and all the kids in the righteous gemstones
who manage to be terrible people making terrible choices on a very regular basis in that second case
and yet somehow still each found partners who are impressively perfectly matched to them
partners who are terrible in their own way
but all love their chosen gemstone
and can forgive them when they fuck up and then own it and apologize
itโs sweet ๐