Why Are My Teachers So Weird - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

collection of things I’ve overheard in some of my classes


guy to my teacher-‘you know woody from toy story’s bi?’ ‘really? well there always was a vibe between him and buzz’

‘I thought Carlisle was near Newcastle’ ‘No, it’s on the other side of the country’

‘Emily, would you ever kill someone?’- shouted across the classroom

‘I don’t even know what a citizen is! Am I a citizen?!’


‘sir, you are not a perv!’

‘oh my god! what an absolute ledge!’

‘why are punching holes on the cover of your book?’

‘no Ethan, you can’t add me on snapchat’

‘god, how did you not hear what i said? are you deaf or what?’  ‘umm i’m deaf in one ear’ 


‘while watching Romeo + Juliet - ‘wow what a turn out’ 

‘ohh Romeos’ such a lad!’

‘woah bit extreme there’

‘they’re complete drama queens!’

‘well, you see this guy just nicked a boat, went to the middle of a lake and had his sexual awakening because he saw a mountain’

‘here’s me sitting on a toilet with no walls or roof while i was in Australia’


‘i asked a girl why her hair was like that (it was a weird style) and she turned around ‘i have alopecia’ God i wanted to die!’

‘waiit, you have the same birthday? thats mental!’

‘go see if he’s in the bathroom or SSC’  ‘i think we’ve lost him miss’

 ‘so did he really just stab himself in his hand? you didn’t do it?’  ‘well simply, yeah’

i’ll probably to them later if i remember or if more happen

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