Wilbur Soot X Gn Reader - Tumblr Posts
[1400+ words]
Description: It's in the title. He's just a vamp, you made jewelry, what more can I say?
[Read the rest under the cut]
You brush your fingers down your coat, a thick fur coat Wilbur had gotten you especially for today, trying not to fiddle too much. Wilbur obviously caught onto your anxiety and took your hand in his, leaning down to press a kiss to your knuckles. His fangs ghosted over your skin, "No one will harm you, beloved."
"You will protect me, yes?" You asked softly, twisting to offer him your arm instead.
"Always," His teeth sunk into your forearm like butter, ice flooding your veins followed by a familiar numbness.
You relaxed back into the coach box's seat as Wilbur pulled back and your wound slowly mends itself back together. You bring your arm back to you and drag your fingers over where the wound had been. It's odd, you know you should be feeling something but your touch is dull and there is nothing but skin.
You remember the first time he had bitten you. It felt much different than it does now. His eyes much sharper, teeth puncturing twin holes into your neck. It hadn't been numb, then. It burned, like pressing you hand flat against an iron except through your entire body, a pain nothing could soothe.
It had been an accident the first time. He had gone mad in his hunger, devouring anything to satiate the gnawing desire to feed. You were just lucky that he had devoured a whole house of mice before he had found you. It's likely the only reason he didn't bleed you dry.
When he came to he had seemed so mournful, as if the life of a stranger had meant so much to him as to cry when it's gone. But, by some miracle, you had survived. He had spent months nursing you back to peak health, a better health than you'd been in before he'd attacked, and sometime between then and now, you had fallen for each other.
With your consent he had began feeding from you periodically. Twice a week, supplementing the rest with the animals that had taken over the abandoned house next door. And with this arrangement came a meeting with a witch named Niki, who had given you a few talismans to protect you. They had helped to make Wilbur's feeding easier too.
Now, almost a year after meeting Wilbur and 4 months since you started dating, he wanted you to meet his family. You had, quite honestly, presumed Wilbur had no family until then, as he had brought up not a whispher or mutter of any family.
You agreed to meet his family but now that you were truly on your way there, not simply speaking empty promises, you were anxious. Wilbur had assured you that everyone in his family had a proper control over their hunger but still, you couldn't help but worry. And on top of that, what if Wilbur's father didn't like your gift? Then you'd have made a bad impression on top of being dead, the horror.
Wilbur broke you out of your thoughts with a soft press to your hand. Being brought back to the present, you notice that the coach box has already slowed to a near stop. Your eyes drift to the beautiful five story house (if you can call it that) with a thick, gothic style stone archway, artfully decorated by a budding moss.
The door pops open and Wilbur is on his feet instantly, holding a hand out for you. You're almost mesmerized by the way Wilbur looks back at his home, with hair mused by the wind, a piece of his lip caught between his teeth.
Now it's your turn to press your hand to his, helping him find his footing. Wilbur's face softens and he offers his arm to you, "Shall we?"
"I suppose we shall," You go through the archway and the air instantly feels different. You can't place how but Wilbur just takes a deep breath in, like he's savoring clear air.
You can spot the three men from the steps, though you imagine they've been able to see you for a while. Two of them—the older blond and the well-built pink one— are eyeing you critically, the only one to look happy to see you both is the young, tall blond who's positively bouncing on his feet. Or, more accurately, happy to see your boyfriend.
"Wilbur!" They beam, "You look like shit."
"Watch your language around our guest, Tommy," The older blond tutts before looking directly at you and finally smiling, "It's wonderful to meet you, Wilbur has told us all about you. I'm Phil, his sire."
Sire. Basically his father then.
"It's nice to meet you too," You shake his hand. Apparently age doesn't detract from strength since this man seems to have it in spades.
"I'm Tommy, Wilbur's favourite," Tommy chirps out, already poking at Wilbur incessantly. He looks exactly like an annoying younger brother should.
"I'm Technoblade," The tall, broody pink-haired one drones out. "Wilbur's actual favourite."
"He's my vampire twin!" Wilbur excitedly ushers you towards the door. "We were turned on the same day, only he was turned a few years early. We're basically twins besides that."
"Not how it works, Wil." Phil sighs. He, Techno and Tommy step through the door, while you and Wilbur stop just before the frame. Wilbur hesitates and you take the first step, winding your hands together and pulling him through the door with you.
Wilbur relaxes when he makes his way inside without trouble, as if doubting that his home would ever stop welcoming him. You squeeze his hand when he lingers a moment too long at the doorframe and he smiles at you, pulling you towards the drawing room.
Phil absoloutely loves the jewelry you had brought him. The dazzling emeralds gleam seem to enchant the old vampire and he made quirk work of wearing them. After a jealous outburst from Tommy, you had promised the rest of the family matching pairs.
Dinner was going wonderful too. Even though none of them needed human food, they all were polite enough to share and eat along with you. No one (besides Tommy) complained and they seemed like such nice people, completely making you forget you had been nervous to begin with.
"So, what type of magical being are you?" Phil asked with a polite smile.
You and Wilbur froze. You glanced over at him, asking with your eyes how he'd forgotten to mention something so important in his letter. Wilbur winced and opened his mouth, only to instantly close it. Honestly, how had you fallen for such an airhead.
"They aren't—"
"They're a witch, obviously," Tommy snorted, as if Phil's question was truly that easy to answer. "Can't you feel the talismans on them. Quite high class too."
Phil rolled his eyes fondly, "Not all of us are sensitive to Magic, Tom." He turned to you, "So, a witch. I always knew Wilbur had a type."
"I do not have a type," Wilbur pouts. Then he looks back to you, tipping his head. You shake your head back and he just nods, trying to subtly mimick zipping his lips. He fails.
"That wasn't at all like how I planned it to be," Wilbur groans, but he can't keep the smile off his face. "They loved you."
"I wouldn't say love, but we certainly got along," You falter for a second, "but they still don't know I'm human."
"Well, what they don't know won't kill them," Wilbur offers. He frowns when you don't even smile, moving to kneel down, staring up at you. You can't look away as he reaches a hand up to smooth over your cheek. "It's not a big deal, beloved. I could always write Phil another letter, he won't judge you for it."
"And Tommy? He was so excited to find out I was a witch," You mumble, leaning heavily into his palm. "I just don't want to mess anything up."
"You could never, my moonlight, you are perfect." Wilbur fixes you with a strong gaze, every word coming out of his mouth like proven fact, strong and indisputable. It almost makes you believe it too.
"If you really want," Wilbur offers, "I can ask Niki to train any magic potential you have. Tommy saw something special in you besides the talisman, I know it's not displaced."
You melt into Wilbur, feeling pure warmth in your heart, "How did I get so lucky?"
"I should be asking you that," Wilbur leans up and kisses you, lips cold and warmth flooding your face.
[In a more serious manner, I'm going to post everyday (for the next week) leading up to Halloween following a self-made prompt list. On the actual day of Halloween I'm planning on making 3 posts, which is ambitious but I'm mentally ill so I'm going through with it anyways.]
[Anyways, I'm feeling dysphoric so another trans!male reader comfort fix will probably be uploaded soon. Take care of yourselves, you odd, odd folks.]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars