Will Share Soon In Sha Allah. - Tumblr Posts
Social media is extremely scary...so many quotes ascribed to Ibn al Qayyim Jawziyyah RahimahuAllah, and other Salaf-us-Saliheen aren't found anywhere in any of their books. SubhanAllah. So many ayat translated whimsically and so many fabricated ahadith, stories taken from people of scripture (Allahu Aalam how reliable those are)
Always.. ALWAYS refer to the books and the authentic texts. Do not share or believe anything that's posted on social media
(I saw a Twitter account with 42k followers named after Ibn al Qayyim and many quotes ascribed to him aren't found in the reference given there, found yet another Instagram account with huge followers above 100k and the person has zero qualification and pastes content from other telegram channels without verification :/)
Sucha World of copy paste and tale carriers we're living in. Allahu Musta'an.