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8 months ago

WIP Acrostic Tag!

Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet (here),and @thecomfywriter (here), as well as a few others I know tagged me but that got lost in my tags <3


Your Word: ADORE

I'll go with my WIPs Supernova Initiative and Scrapyard Boys for this one! (:

H (Supernova Initiative)

He knew that wasn’t technically ‘asking nicely’- but as far as he was concerned, adding a ‘please’ to a sentence directed at Kye was as close to being civilized as it would get

O (Supernova Initiative)

“Of course there’s blood, have you seen this shithole of a moon?”

P (Scrapyard Boys)

Panting in discomfort, he tried his best not to look away, feeling his recent answer being scanned.

E (Supernova Initiative)

Eldora growls, striding forward with thundering steps that send a shiver down Kye's spine until she's standing over Damen.

C (Scrapyard Boys)

"Can you enlighten me as to how is that any of your goddamn business? ”

L (Supernova Initiative)

“Look, I’ve gotta get our new friend some help, I’ll explain that to you better a bit later, alright? Go on. Lead the way!”

E (Scrapyard Boys)

“Eh. You seem to forget that deals change, 'Ametrine.'"

V (Scrapyard Boys)

Valen rasped through bloodied teeth, before laughing bitterly, "If it wasn't for these stupid cuffs," He tugged against the metal digging into his skin, though knowing it was in vain, "I'd have fried your ass to a crisp by now, fucker." 

E (Supernova Initiative)

Every step sent a stinging jolt of pain up his leg, so much that at one point he almost tripped, and had to bite his lip to avoid making a sound.

R (Scrapyard Boys)

“Real cheeky coming from someone who still owes me 10k, huh?”

Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit

@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers

@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid

@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG

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