Wip:fc - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A character with mommy issues can be something so ✨ special ✨ 😩🫴

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2 years ago

That's exactly why one of my wips has both

deep sea horror 🤝 deep space horror

the fear of the unknown and the unexplored coupled with the vast expanse that makes you feel so utterly tiny. the fathomless darkness that makes you wonder what could survive out there and if it could, what would it have to be like. and most importantly the sanctuary of your ship which creaks and sways and tries to protect you

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2 years ago

i love the narrative of things only being discovered after they are lost. Character development that is so slow and subtle that it is only noticeable after they regress to their old ways. Trust between people so guarded that it can only be revealed in a betrayal scene. Love that is realised after parting forever. They didn't get to cherish it but they get to mourn the loss of it. There won't be a second time and they missed the first.

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2 years ago

Five guys go fishing in a different location.

Describe your WIP in the most boring way you can imagine.

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2 years ago

Five Guys wanna fish but *the thing* wants them dead

Describe your WIP in the most brief way possible.

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2 years ago

Uhm uhm uuuuuuuuuuhm not to beeee like that about my oc ship but Taliono???? Tioni????TALO X GIONO!!!

really i think one of my favorite character dynamics is “i don’t actually like you but we’ve been through so much together that i’d trust you with my life and know that we will always back each others calls. but i still wouldn’t trust you with my car keys.” like “we aren’t really friends but we’ve been thrust into an intense situation where you are the only other person i know so now we’re besties.” and “if it weren’t for our years of history i would have literally nothing to talk to you about at this work dinner.” Enemies to lovers has NOTHING on general disinterest to begrudging acknowledgment to discovering that this person is now an inextricable part of your life

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2 years ago

i am okay with being put in a setting. but if it seems like it might evolve into a situation i’ll kill you

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2 years ago

if i died and got resurrected i would simply not come back wrong about it. not because i'm built different or anything i'm just already operating at maximum weird offputting little freak capacity.

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2 years ago

1. you've bitten every hand that has ever reached for you because pain is all you've ever known them to be capable of, and it's a lesson you won't suffer twice

2. they were warned not to stick their fingers through the bars of your cage, but not only did they not listen, they went and opened it up with their clever, gentle hands that not even your sharp teeth and terrible claws could deter from showing you what kindness could feel like, and crossed over the threshold to stand inside/on your side/by your side/all of the above

3. the difference between setting something free and setting something loose is a matter of definition

4. the definition of a monster depends entirely on where you're standing

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2 years ago

stooop ahaha stooop (pushes you to the wall violently, cracking your skull) I SAID STOP

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2 years ago

referring to my tits as "the boys" not because calling them girls would be dysphoric but because they are like goons to me. henchmen.

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2 years ago

better to have had gay sex and be doomed by the narrative than to have never had gay sex at all or whatever they say

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2 years ago

just because its a bromance doesnt mean you cant kiss him with tongue. follow for more nontoxic masculinity or else

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2 years ago

literally not going to argue with a man who’s covered in blood. whatever you say gorgeous

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2 years ago
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)
Twitter @peachprc // Tiktok // Man To Man By Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals)

twitter @peachprc // tiktok // Man to Man by Dorian Electra // Untitled (You Construct Intricate Rituals) by Barbara Kruger // Wrestlers by Unknown // @qannibalism // Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk // Dracula by Bram Stoker // Among Us // Hannibal 2x10 // twitter @uheeuhaha // Little Beast by Richard Siken // Succession 3x04

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2 years ago

I have a space wip. Haven't gotten far because I need to write a lot of information before I get to the juicy chapters and I am procrastinating

Wips acronym is FC and that's what I call it all the time

Space, deep sea, old metal mixed with organic stuff.

who out here has a space wip. i'm craving some more spaaaceeee

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2 years ago

yeah i’m shy but i’m not “☺️ 🥺” shy i’m “😐🧍” shy

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2 years ago

Posts that make me think of Talo

it's so funny how half of us are like "food is sacred and the kitchen is holy ground. to break bread with others is inherently sacrament" and the other half of us are like "my villain origin story is someone looked at me when i was in the kitchen"

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2 years ago

of course you have blood all over you. and pronouns

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