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7 years ago

Books you should consider

Often on all these book recommendation lists I see going around, they are all books about Witchcraft or Wicca or Paganism, which is awesome because that’s what we are doing, but I rarely see books that can be used by Witches (using a generic term here) that aren’t Magical. 

So here is a list of books that I think need to go on every witches shelf alongside the texts from Witchy publishers

A Rocks and Minerals Guide- These are the sciencey side of the stones. How to identify them in the real world, their levels of hardness, what they are made of. This thing is great for the rockhounds in all of us.

An Herbal book that contains medicinal information NOT written by a witchy source. This one is my covens go to guide for drug interactions and warnings on dosages. (try out this one too if you don’t mind dropping $$)

How about an herbal and plant guide on how to find what you need in Nature? Find the one for your area and region and get out into the wilderness!

How about a good old Farmer’s Almanac? These things can help you so much year to year with your spell work and weather witching.

How about an Earth Science brochure for your 3-Ring BOS? Or one on Astronomy? Rocks and Stones? Botany? Meteorology?

All of these aren’t meant for purely Witchy people, they are educational, and offer a balance to our studies. To allow us to see many sides of what we do!

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