Woah This Is So Pretty - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
gaeilge: fánas faolchú bóthar tar éist fia buí a fiach, tá a corp ag lí i brúach abhann ag loit an uisce le folla ó a gorta agus tá beirt fánas ag ithe é, le cheann eille ag feachant timpeall 

english: diggerhorns after hunting a fallow doe, the body is laying on a riverbed as blood from its many wounds pollutes the water, two fauns have started eating while one looks around

Féasta de bealtaine/ May's bounty

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Diego And Squiddly! (Watch Your Pockets )
Diego And Squiddly! (Watch Your Pockets )

Diego and Squiddly! (Watch your pockets 🗡)

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1 year ago
Yk I Think These 4 Are Pretty Awesome As A Team

yk i think these 4 are pretty awesome as a team

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11 months ago
Sleeping Arrangements....

sleeping arrangements....

i have an ac0 AU where Cipher is a birdman. he's got wings and feathers etc etc. yeagh.....

full img (plus more)

Sleeping Arrangements....
Sleeping Arrangements....

(i Did Not want to continue the really nice paintover style i did for their faces bc it took FOREVER BLEEHH) more xtra stuff under cut

Sleeping Arrangements....
Sleeping Arrangements....

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