World Building Resources - Tumblr Posts
Resources For Worldbuilding

Culture & Society
Creating Fictional Holidays
Music For Your Fantasy World
Creating Religions & Belief Systems
How to Design Your Diabolical Cult
Historically Accurate Sexism in Fantasy: Let’s Unpack That
Debate with the Squirrels: Sexism in Fantasy
Using Politics In Fantasy Fiction
Mythic Justice – Crime and Punishment in Your Fantasy World
Government Worldbuilding
Realistic Political Strife
A Politics Of Worldbuilding
Creating a Language
The Language Construction Kit
The International Phonetic Alphabet – Audio Illustrations
Fantasy Name Generator
Geographic Names
Medieval Names Archive
Squid Name Generator
Model Languages
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Encyclopedia Mythica
The Ancient History Encyclopedia
Using History as Inspiration for Fantasy
Victorian Era Family Day Life in England
Peasant Life in the Middle Ages
Everyday Life in the Middle Ages
English Monarchs
Feudal Japan
The Story and Structure of the Iroquois Confederacy
Science + Geography
Solar Bodies
Planetary Geography
Water Geography
Cartography, Maps, Star Charts, and Writing
Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Dating of Middle-earth events, using Precession of the Equinoxes and Tidal Friction
Orbital Operations in Science Fiction
Planet Designer
Artificial gravity calculator
Natural gravity calculator
Selden’s Catalogs of Objects for Celestia
Medieval Technology
Defining the Source, Effects, and Cost of Magic
How to Create a Rational Magic System
Fantasy World Generator
SciFi World Generator
Focused Ambiguity: Using Metaphor in Fantasy Writing
Space Engine
The Five foundations of Worldbuilding
Setting the Fantastic in the Everyday World
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i just found this website that can randomly generate a continent for you!! this is great for fantasy writers

plus, you can look at it in 3d!

theres a lot of viewing options and other things! theres an option on-site to take a screenshot, so you don’t have to have a program for that!
you can view it here!
ps alternatives.
the arguement that one must be incredibly talented to use photoshop is pathetic. graphics, in a better sense are a visual way to see into the world of ones creation and mind. you don’t need the most over-the-top visuals to get your message across. simplicity can do just the trick. for those of you who don’t have photoshop or money to afford the progam should have a look at these websites!
gimp - a bit rough around the edges, but gimp has a wonderful toolbar and various adjustment levels. one can also edit gifs on this free software.
pixlr - a free online photo editor with various effects and filters to use.
sumopaint - a free online Flash-based image editor similar to Adobe Photoshop.
lunapic - is a free and easy to use online photo editor.
photoshop express ( find in play store )- is a free image editing and collage making mobile application from adobe.