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1 year ago
I Like To Imagine Olimar Buys Louie Low Maintenance (and Allegedly Difficult To Eat) Houseplants So He

i like to imagine olimar buys louie low maintenance (and allegedly difficult to eat) houseplants so he has something to do while olimar is at work. yes he kills most of them, yes he eats most of them. but they’re gifts from olimar, so might as well cherish them a little while he’s not here.

(lou will eat them in front of olimar and he can only watch)

I Like To Imagine Olimar Buys Louie Low Maintenance (and Allegedly Difficult To Eat) Houseplants So He
I Like To Imagine Olimar Buys Louie Low Maintenance (and Allegedly Difficult To Eat) Houseplants So He

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