Writing Well - Tumblr Posts

13 years ago

How to overcome Writers Block - part 2

Ok, this is the second instalment of how to overcome writers block. In the first part we discussed how you could use meditative principles to help you overcome your blockages. Now I want to take things a little further. Personally, I feel that we block ourselves and for the most part, this is because our minds become overloaded with everyday mundane tasks and issues that covet our lives. Exercise has its many benefits to health, but did you know that a good walk in nature could spark the creative juices again. What you have to realize though is that you are not walking to get anywhere in a set time or to finish a route, you are walking to cleanse and purify your mind in order that you can sit down and allow your creativity to flow into your written work. Go to nature; drive to a local forest or even a shoreline. Anywhere that you can feel the power of nature around you for she is a great healer and can help you in so many ways. When you arrive at your chosen destination, notice the wonder of nature around you and feel the energy of Mother Nature permeate everything in your surroundings, listen for the sweet song of the birds or the gentle rustle of leaves as the wind passes through. Think of nothing more than the wonder of what is around you and be thankful that you have the opportunity to experience this. Touch nature by feeling the trunks of trees or even holding a fallen leave and begin to wonder about its natural life cycle. What you are doing is having your mind concentrate on one natural thing, and you are raising your inner vibration to become harmonious with your surroundings. Now do not think this is some kind of new-age thing, native American¹s and indigenous tribes of all kinds have used similar principles for thousands of years. What you may find to further aid you is to carry a small notebook and a pen. Find somewhere peaceful you can sit and enjoy the natural surroundings. Sit quietly for a moment and ask in your mind to let information flow naturally to you. You can then write any new thoughts you receive. You may find that your blockages have gone and your mental imagery is what is flowing to you in order that you can write more. Remember: · Don¹t walk deliberately to get somewhere, enjoy a slow peaceful walk in nature · Notice the wonder of nature around you · Touch nature and think about it · Relax in nature and take any notes that come to you · Sit peacefully and take notes · Go home after feeling relaxed and begin writing again. This is just a simple method of unblocking you and an approach I use with some success.

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