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1 year ago
Being Charles Xaviers Sibling

“Being Charles Xavier’s Sibling„

Being the sibling of the world’s strongest psychic has perks! Gn reader


Would be a great brother honestly

Always cheated in hide and seek

“No way you found me that fast!”

“I’m simply a great player.”

“You totally cheated, Charles!”

He’s support you in any of your endeavours

Likes to go on weekly walks with you and just talk about life especially when you guys get older and have your own separated lives

Probably goes without saying but you would be an advocate for mutants

Raven is basically your sister as well

Def favours you more than Charles when it comes to talking about her problems

Honestly i don’t think he’d let you tag along in the events of X-MEN first class

He’s so fucking soft

Mfs walk all over him and it’s embarrassing

You def would have to defend him in verbal scenarios

Idk if it’s true but he prob plays pool

He beats you more than not

Before he got his fancy wheel chair you would roll him everywhere

Like a little kid with a shopping cart only it’s two grown adults💀

No offence but his fashion sense is horrendous.

You dress him just for the sake of aesthetics


Still a great brother

You’ll most likely have similar abilities to him or Emma Frost

Can’t/won’t read your mind

That’s a lie he probably did/tried to once to get you to clean his room💀

Just sibling things

Y’all were low-key menaces as children

Absolute devious duo

He’s so nice but y’know how siblings get when they’re together

Yin and yang Fr

You still dress him bc his fashion sense is STILL terrible whether ur a mutant or not💀

“Why the fuck did you even CONSIDER putting that on, Charles?”

“That’s rather rude…”

Would def want you to be an Xman but would respect if you didn’t want to be

Plays chess with you like the old man he is

Going back to your sister kinda, Raven!

You guys def would get along more

If you had similar ideologies she probably trusts you/confides in you more

If you decided to become an x-men your brother would be ecstatic

While he wants to keep you safe simultaneously he is happy that you’ll help with his vision to have mutants and non mutants living together in peace

If you’re a teacher at the school for the gifted he’ll ask for your input in certain things involving school policy/architectural ideas

You’d help him with any unstable students and it’d get exhausting but worth it to help someone

Despite not needing to be pushed around in his wheelchair anymore you still do it for fun

Cracks jokes about his new bald appearance

You’ve def bought him wigs but he would decline using them

You guys are still hella goofy even as adults

And no matter how old you get you guys will always fight for mutant kind

“A girl I met once told me, mutant and proud.”

“That’s corny as hell, Charles.”

Being Charles Xaviers Sibling

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