4 years ago

The Tweet

You were going to fucking kill that clown. Marvus had honked his last horn, you were actually going to end up in jail for killing a celebrity and it was this fool. All because he’d done the one thing you both agreed not to do. The one thing you swore up and down to his PR team that wouldn’t happen. Staring down at the tweet and watching the count of likes and retweets climb you could feel your blood pressure rise in sync with it. A simple dumbass selfie you had sent Marvus in pesterchum of all things was going viral. Alarmingly so. People were losing their mind over it. With good reason. Your anonymity had been tossed out the window like an empty can down a school hallway. Marvus was dead to you now. It was a pity because the caption he’d replied with was very sweet. The type of thing that you two teased each other with in private. And that was the key word wasn’t it? Private. 

You’d been doing your thing downtown when you spotted one of his new posters on display and because you knew Marvus would think it was hilarious you’d scribbled a mustache on it and posed for a selfie. One of you sticking your tongue out as he liked to in the majority of photos with the caption ‘I didn’t know you were growing a mustache’ and a little emoji heart. Lovingly mocking him because you knew you could. The type of shit you usually sent each other to make the other laugh. The problem was that he had saved the picture and uploaded it to chittr. Of course it wasn’t the first picture he’d ever uploaded of you or both of you doing something stupid. It was the type of content that was fairly common to see on both your timelines. There was an embarrassing picture of you brushing your teeth with toothpaste foam everywhere and a rats nest on his account he’d lovingly referred to as ‘rabid human free to a good home’. Only this time Marvus had confirmed the one question you both had agreed to leave well enough alone for your sake and the sanity of his PR team. You could feel the headache forming as you sat on your couch in your own house and plotted how exactly you were going to wring his neck when he towered above you. Surely his PR team would give you a boost in this hypothetical situation. Tagora would, of course, be your defense attorney when you went on trial. It’d be a short trial with you coming away claiming innocence and taking every penny that used to belong to Marvus as compensation. Only fair in such a situation. You’d even be benevolent and split the fortune with his team and sympathetic band mates. Taking a deep breath you picked up your phone again. Opening Chittr you avoided looking at the now famous tweet as you slid into Marvus’ private chat and stared down, unsure what the hell you were going to say. 

‘Hey Marvus what the fuck?’

‘ayyy bby whts up?’

‘Youre causing a scandal Marvus what the fuck.’


There was a moment of complete radio silence and you realized just at the same time Marvus did what exactly happened. 

‘oh fxck’

He’d meant to forward that to his band and had instead uploaded your selfie and ‘flushed as fxck for dis mean lil criminal mf’ to chittr. The disbelieving laugh that left you was hideous and heartfelt as you put your head in your hands and wheezed. The PR team and Tagora were going to kill you both. If Marvus’ rabid fans didn’t get you first. 

‘if your fans kill me I’m coming to haunt your ass’


Dear god you were actually in a relationship with this moron. You couldn’t wait to smack him and kiss his dumbass face when he inevitably showed up at your door.

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