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Can I please request headcanons for platonic Yandere Douma for a human child
Yandere Platonic Douma
a/n: I’m so sorry about the delay in my posting, I had some family stuff to take care of, but thank you all for supporting me and the content I have out!
tw: yandere themes, implied abandonment/neglect, cult themes, reader is kinda insulted by Douma, but not really, implied murder, cannibalism, Douma is his own warning tbh, reader tries to pull a Kotoha

•You met Douma on a cold winter night with a harsh storm blowing through the air. The Upper Kizuki had been out, hunting for a meal. That’s when he happened upon the body of a young child, seemingly frozen to death. Oh, how pitiful! The child had to die in such cruel and uncaring manner. Douma would have left if you didn’t make a sudden motion. Swiftly, Douma turned his gaze towards you. You were still alive? That peaked his interest. Such strength in such a puny little thing. How amusing!
•Even though Douma can’t feel true emotions, he can express small things such as admiration. And admire you he does- you’re such a tenacious little thing. You’d grow to become quite useful if given the proper care. Perhaps he could turn you into a demon to serve his master. If you were this strong as a young human, you’d be even stronger as a demon. Maybe even becoming an Upper Moon like himself!
•Douma then took you to his cult where he ordered the cult members to look after you. You remained in a coma for a few days, and then you finally woke up. Confused and scared, you started to panic. Where were you? What were you doing here? And more importantly— who were you? You began to thrash around at the cult members who were assigned to take care of you. Hearing the commotion, Douma went to the room you were kept. The moment he stepped in the room you fell still. Even though you were young, you could feel the intimidating presence behind his smiling face.
•Douma walked over to you and greeted you with false sweetness. You shrunk into yourself, avoiding his gaze. Douma noticing your shyness, found it adorable. Who wouldn’t though? You were so tiny, hiding in the soft sleep kimono you were wearing. Douma decided then and there to keep you by his side. Kind of like Kotoha’s situation, except he wanted to turn you into a demon. Plus, he’s always been fond of children, so this isn’t that unusual. Douma began to quiz you, unsurely, you answered his questions which allowed him to discover your amnesia. That was convenient, you were a blank slate. Someone who he could mold however he wanted.
•Thus, your life at the cult started. The cult members were instructed to treat you well, and they did. Your new life— not that you could remember your old one- was pleasant. All your needs were met, you’d never go hungry or thirsty, you were comfortable. But life there was also strange. You had ‘lessons’ in which you were taught about your apparent saviour, Douma. You were told that he was your life, your entire being belonged to him, and you must obey him. You didn’t really like those lessons, but you did enjoy one thing. Your training in the art of tessenjustu, overseen by a skilled member of the cult. Within, two months time, you grew accustomed to your routine, excelling in both your studies and training. Douma became intrigued with your fast improvement and decided to oversee your training himself.
•That day you’d woken up like normal, eaten breakfast, attended your morning lessons, eaten lunch, and attended your afternoon lessons. And then finally, you would go to your tessenjustu training. However, your excitement faded when you saw him, Lord Douma himself, standing in place of your usual teacher. Swiftly, you fell into a bow. His overly-false friendly attitude still unnerved you. Despite this, you maintained a cool face and behaved politely. The question of his purpose for being here danced on your tongue, but you withheld it. As if he sensed your inquiry, Douma explained that he would be training you as of now. Your eyes widened slightly in shock, then you quickly returned your face to its neutral expression. Douma noted your shock, allowing an uncertain silence to wash over you until he ordered you to attack him. You froze in surprise, he surely couldn’t expect to to attack him! Oh but he did, he then ‘asked’ you to demonstrate your abilities. Although, you both knew it wasn’t actually a request so much as it was a demand. You took a deep breath and got into the proper stance. Then, you launched your attack. You couldn’t penetrate his defence but you were quite good for a novice. Your moves were quickly, with some precision. Just not a lot of strength behind them. The session ended when you were doubled over, panting, trying to regain your energy. Douma was unharmed, the unnerving smile remained painted on his face. Normally, people would have felt ashamed or embarrassed, but you didn’t. Instead, you thanked him for the lesson and left. Your reaction interested Douma, who would train with you every five to eight days when he had time.
•Douma and your training sessions not only raised your skill level, but formed a bond between you two as student and teacher. You began to respect him, not worship him like other humans, or dismiss him as an annoyance like other demons, you simply respected him. The bond began to deepen and Douma found himself training you more often as his admiration for you turned into affection. Then, his affection turned into love. He realized that he loved you after your latest training session finished, you thanked him as usual and went on your way. Douma had decided to turn you into a demon a long time ago, but he didn’t want you to become a servant to his master, Douma realized. He wanted to turn you into a demon so that you would remain by his side forever. He felt elated at this revelation, he could feel emotions, all of which were spurned by you. His heart beat for you, he couldn’t let you go, not now.
•Yet it seems like your utopia was not destined to last long, as you noticed some cult members you were close too were disappearing. Which was totally not Douma killing them out of jealousy. You grew concerned and uneasy, and you decided to discuss the disappearances with Douma. However, the sight that greeted you halted all your thoughts. It was Douma, your teacher, your saviour, the man you saw as a father, eating a woman. You froze, stunned by his actions and questions formed quickly. He was a cannibal? How could he lie to you? Was he going to eat you too? You didn’t want to stick around long enough to find out. Douma then noticed your presence, but before he could do anything, you took off, running as fast as you could.
Huffing, you ran as quickly as your legs would carry you through the woods near the Paradise Faith Cult. Your lungs felt like they would burst, and every part of your body ached from pain and coldness. You couldn’t remember how long you’d been running for, almost an hour if you had to guess. But no matter how much your body hurt, you couldn’t rest. Not when he was chasing you. But your body told a different story.
You felt numb, for you’d been running barefoot in a sleep kimono through the snow-filled woods. The wind was harsh and howled as blew. A flurry of snowflakes whipped around, aiding in blocking your vision along with the dark of the night. Puffs of steam left your parted lips as you panted. You previously wanted to hit yourself for putting yourself in this situation, but this was probably a better punishment.
Honestly, how could be so stupid? You’d always been slightly off-put by Douma, but you let your suspicions go as you cultivated a relationship with him. Your lip quivered and you realized you were about to cry. You bit your lip to prevent from breaking into full-on sobs, but couldn’t stop the few tears that welled up. The tears froze as they fell, adding to the cruel cold that overwhelmed you. Still, you pushed yourself to keep going. You weren’t going to die here. Douma himself had said it, you were a survivor. So, no matter what, you wouldn’t die. You’d get out of this alive, you swore to yourself. The trees further up were more open, you noted, squinting to try and get a closer look. A clearing, you thought excitedly, a way out of here!
You sped up, aided by your new-found adrenaline. As you bounded up the snow, something about the clearing seemed off. But you couldn’t turn back now, not when you’d made it this far. Setting your suspicions aside, you focused on getting to the clearing. Finally, after what seemed like forever, you reached the opening. Your eyes widened in surprise when you realized what was at the end of it— a cliff! You skidded to stop and stared down to the bottom of it. Gulping, you turned you looked down below. Beneath the cliff was a rushing river. You clenched your teeth, unsure of what to do.
“My, my, (Y/N), you’ve gone quite far, haven’t you?”
You gulped in fear and slowly turned to face him, to face Douma. A rush of emotions flooded through you, ranging from horror to anger. Horrified because this monster had caught up to you, angry because he had betrayed you, sad because you loved him, and guilt because you could’ve saved yourself and others if you just payed attention and listened to your gut. There were so many things you could’ve done, should’ve done in that moment. Alas, you remained still as a deer in headlights.
Douma smiled that unnerving smile of his, but he couldn’t hide the anger in his eyes. “Come along now (Y/N), it’s time to return home.”
You shook your head slightly, then you took a small step back. The edge of the cliff crumbled, alarming both you and Douma. In that moment, Douma felt both fear and anger surging through him. He was angry at you for leaving him. But he was also angry at himself for being careless, he should’ve turned you into a demon sooner. And honestly, you’d be better off for it. Look at the state of you, pale and shivering from the cold. You looked sickly and would surely fall ill. Still, Douma was mostly fearful of losing the only thing he’s ever loved, the one person who made him feel.
“It’s alright (Y/N). You’re forgiven, I won’t hurt you,” cooed Douma, attempting to coax you from cliff. His efforts only caused you to back up further.
Suddenly, the edge cliff crumbled more and the chunk you had stepped onto broke off. You shrieked as you fell backwards. Douma rushed to catch you, panic in his voice as he shouted your name. And then you blacked out, the cold and tiredness having caught up with you. Douma managed to grasp your wrist in time and hoisted you up. He possessively held you to his chest, carrying you bridal style. Your body was almost as cold as his, Douma noted frowning with concern. Yet there was sense of relief that washed over him. You were back in his arms, and he would never let you go again.
Who is your favorite character to write for?
tw: yandere themes, very brief references to sexual themes, potential spoilers(?)
As of now it’s Douma. I’ve written him as both a platonic and romantic yandere, which got deleted, and I absolutely love writing him. The funny thing is he’s my least favourite character in the KNY-verse. Like, I utterly despise him, all I feel for him is pure hatred.
The main difference I see between platonic and romantic yandere behaviour is that platonic yanderes is the lack of attraction and desire for you in general. They want the things that you give them such as love or loyalty, they want to protect that and protect you. But romantic yanderes want to have you, own you, inflict whatever that pleasures them onto you. So generally, romantic yanderes are more harsher than platonic. Most importantly, platonic yanderes don’t want to break their darlings, they do not want them to become mindless creatures, and while there are romantic yanderes that don’t wang this as well, they tend to let it happen more than
And that’s where Douma comes in. Characters like Douma, that are emotionless, don’t have that difference in their views. Their darling is the one who gave them emotions, so your basically an extension of what they’re feeling. Although they do kind of differ the treatment.
For Douma the only difference is that there is no s***al gratification he gets from his treatment for a platonic darling, so it isn’t really done for pleasure I guess. More-so for peace of mind when it comes to his treatment of you. It basically cements your dependency on him, in his mind.