Yandere Leone Abbacchio - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Hi, I love your writing! Could I request for ‘Staring, watching, fantasizing’ from the prompt list for yandere Abbacchio? Thanks! 😊

i am so sorry for the hold up on fics! it was finals week and i was trying to balance the fine line of passing and writing away!! i hope you enjoy some good ol’ abbacchio cuz u sure know i do 💜✨

Yandere Abbacchio x Reader

Hi, I Love Your Writing! Could I Request For Staring, Watching, Fantasizing From The Prompt List For

🌌Staring, Watching, Fantasizing

It took just a simple encounter, maybe he does have worth after all.

Abbacchio had a secret, a secret he would never admit even to the almighty Capo of his gang. He looked up to him, yet couldn’t bear the dark secret and guilt he carried with him every step he took around Naples. 

When he joined Passione, he thought he lost everything. He had nothing left, Leone Abbacchio dying along with his partner who gave up his life for a piece of scum like him. His life didn’t mean as much as Bucciarati, a man who took others in and gave hope to everyone. Even Narancia had more worth if he thought about it, a young boy who had yet to learn and live life. Abbacchio already did and life consumed everything that was of him. He somewhat pitied Passione for having to work with such a worthless pathetic shell of a man. 

Although some of that changed, changed when he met the kind grocery worker who worked at the outlet Bucciarati would frequent. On the day he met you, Bucciarati was busy on a mission as well as Narancia was too preoccupied with Fugo beating the hell out of him after he also failed his literacy lessons. Mista was god knows where leaving Abbacchio to be the errand boy of the week. 

He remembered being pissed at the fact he was stuck with the responsibility of buying everyone their necessary items. All he wanted to do was spend the free time that he had in his room listening to his opera music that Narancia complained about. 

When he walked into the store, he immediately tried to hurry and quickly grab the needed items that were on the list. What he didn’t expect was smacking right into someone falling back against a shelf. The shelf's contents dropped onto him as all he could feel was the pricking pain of the box's corners hitting his skin. As soon as the last box fell, he stood right up going back to grab the groceries that fell out of his handbasket. Bringing his attention to the ground, was when he first saw you. Instantly trying to profile you, he came to the conclusion that you were probably about his age or even younger. You paid no attention to him as you were focused on cleaning up his strewn-about items. Rolling his eyes, he just stared at you expecting you to hurry up with her sorrowful babble. 

By the time you were done, you grabbed the basket and got up to bow at him. Your pathetic apologies rang through his ears as he continued to stare at you. Your voice sounded genuine and the bowing caught him off guard as well. The more he stared at you, the more he was somewhat entranced by the attention you gave him. When you offered to help him out for the rest of the visit, he initially declined yet you continued to bother him by following him around. 

Sooner or later he finished his shopping experience with you still hot on his trail apologizing about the accident earlier. Before he had the chance to yell at you to leave him alone, you cut him off by offering him a glass of wine of his choice. Immediately he rethought his next actions and reluctantly agreed. The others could wait, they didn’t really need these items at the very second? Plus he was offered practically a free glass of wine, it benefits both sides. 

While sitting down with you, silently sipping on his free wine. He got a load of mindless chatter. You tried being charismatic and friendly by telling him your name and who exactly you were. Apparently, you didn’t get the social cues he was sending you about not wanting to talk. 

Although the more time that went on, he started to get intrigued by you. You treated him as if he meant something, just like in the old days when he was Leone Abbacchio. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol hindering his thoughts or just the actual fact that you were just happy to be in his presence. The one-sided conversation later turned into a mutually enjoyed one from both sides. 

That night when he left the table, he couldn’t help but yearn for another conversation with you. You didn’t know him as the broken murderer he was, but someone who was just as normal as everyone else. He wanted to talk to you again… 

So he did.

When the hand-turned midnight, Abbacchio silently got out of his bed and made his way out of the house the gang currently resided in. Arriving back at a familiar outdoor restaurant which was now closed from it being so late, he sat down at the same chair he was six hours ago. Summoning his stand, it transformed into the person he wanted to see the most. You. 

He replayed it back to the moment you sat down beside him and tried to start up a friendly convo. Abbacchio regretted not listening to you in the beginning, but now he had another chance to. His hardened purple hues softened at the sight of you as you awkwardly fidgeted around with a small red hue on your cheeks. Leaning over, he brought his face just a few inches away from your look-alike's face. He tried to imagine the timer that was displayed on your forehead was not there. He just wanted to burn the image of you into his mind. His eyes focused deeply into yours as you continued to rant speaking towards his defined chest region. 

He wished he could see you again, wished he could sit down next to you and talk again like this with you. Not sitting here desperately using his stand just to feel and experience an ounce of you.

That was when things started to spiral. 

Being in the mafia did have its benefits, he easily found out where you lived and worked in one file on Bucciarati’s laptop. Making up some dumb makeshift white lie, it was no hassle in bringing up any citizens who currently resided in Italy. Foreign or not. 

It started out with wandering around Naples looking for you. He luckily ran into you at the grocery store, yet without you knowing. He followed you around as you just picked up some candy. He lurked behind you all day as you relaxed at the park later ending up at the peer enjoying the sparkling hues of the ocean. Although he couldn’t be with you every second of the day due to his occupation, he would just keep tabs on you with the little habits he picked up on you about. 

Immediately upon gaining the information of where you lived, he snuck his way over. Abbacchio wanted to deny the small tiggles he felt each step of the way towards your home. He saw your small empty apartment and grew a sense of comfort from the area that obviously looked like it would be from you. 

He noticed you weren’t present so he made himself at home. It smelled of you and he enjoyed every moment of it. Inspecting each and every little piece of furniture you had, a small smile grew on his face. 

By the time he made it into your bedroom, he felt like he was a kid on Christmas. Letting out a deep chuckle he made his way towards your bed. Abbacchio sat down on it just gazing around your room. His eyes landed on your hairbrush that laid messily on the countertop where some of your clothes were sticking out from. 

Abbacchio got up and walked over towards the counter. Slowly reaching down, he picked up the light item and eyeballed it. The strands of your colored hair rested upon the surface underneath all the little bristles. Using his left hand, he took his pointer finger and thumb jamming them between the little bristles. 

Getting a good grip on some strands of hair, he tugged them out. The other miny hairs clumped over the certain patch he had, giving some resistance. After they were separate from the brush, he brought them up to his eye level and gapped at them. A sudden urge to bring the small patch up to his nostrils took over. 

Bringing it up, all he could do was think of you and your untroubled smile. So naïve and innocent of the sinful world that surrounded you every day. The scent of the hair products you used flooded into his brain. Letting out a shallow groan, he closed his eyes and let out a shutter. Slowly he looked towards the door that he assumed was your washroom. 

He sauntered over towards the wooden frame and opened it. Your pristine bathroom stared back at him with your cosmetics and other hair or body supplies on the counter by the sink. Peering into your washtub, he caught sight of the hair products that you used. Mentally noting them down, he turned towards your hand soap and made sure to remember that as well. 

Abbacchio loved being a part of your life. Even though a part of him chastised him for being selfish for wanting that, he knew that you believed he had rights. You believed he had the right to be happy and accept the ghosts that haunted him in the past. 

The sound of keys being inserted brought him out of his mid daydream. Quickly stuffing the lock of hair in his pocket, he also pocketed your hazel-colored hairbrush. Jumping out of the window onto the fire escape, he shut your window and made an escape. 

Once arriving back to the shared home, he was greeted by the other members who were discussing plans about an upcoming infiltration. Bucciarati began to bombard him with questions on why he wasn’t there as Narancia commented on his disheveled form.  Grumbling in response, he went back to his current room and slammed the door. 

The mirror that was propped up by the door reflected his current appearance. His usual purple lipstick was smudged as if someone had tried to wipe it off with the bare minimum effort. The ties that kept his coat together were loosely tangled and knotted as a small glint of hazel shone out from underneath the humongous coat he wore. 

Letting out another groan, he stripped himself of his coat. The heavy piece of fabric lay on his bed leaving Abbacchio shirtless. His defined muscles overshadowed some parts of his body from the poorly lit room. He tumbled on his bed putting his orange headphones on as he started up his disc man. The relaxing blues soothed his nerves from his previous infiltration. 

His coat sat next to him, your fragrance seeping off of it. Averting his eyes towards his coat, he brought it to his chest and draped it over his relaxed form. The brush that was in his pocket was now in his hands as he thought about the many times this lucky item was able to sift through your glorious locks. Everything you owned was lucky, so lucky that they got to be a part of your everyday life. 

He mindlessly laid here thinking about all the scenarios of just you and him. You and him at a day in a café, or the movies. Maybe the new cinema that was added down a few blocks? Better yet, re-visiting the restaurant that became one of the best days of his life. At this point he couldn’t think about a day without you in his life, you were a hook that kept him grappled down to this measly world. You were something that gave him hope throughout this shitty place of a beautiful city that tourists nicknamed without knowing its true mannerisms.

He couldn’t lose you to it, or anyone. Just the thought of you with another man, blessing him with your smile infuriated him. You were made for him as he was a perfect match for you. Without you he would be nothing, so why should he share you with anyone else?

Turning his attention to the tablet that sat beside his bed, he looked at the crumpled photo of you taken in a vineyard. He remembered that day, you went out there to take some pictures of the scenery and just have a nice relaxing day off. There were countless nights where he would envision himself standing right next to you as you stared up into his eyes with love, the same love he had for you. 

When the album ended, he was left in silence to ponder his own thoughts. He hated when this happened as his subconscious would begin to eat him whole. Taking one more glance at your photo, he rose up from the bed. The setting sun peeked behind his curtains. 

Surely if you loved him as much as he loved you, you wouldn’t mind if he could seal the deal?

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3 years ago

Hey, I recently got dumped by someone, so is there any way that you could write headcanons for Yandere Giorno, Bruno, and Abbacchio helping the reader get over a tough breakup with someone who really hurt them and their self esteem? Sorry if this is too overly specific or too serious!

i’m so sorry for my short absence. i’ve been taking care of something else and letting the creative juices flow again mwehehe! anyway i’m sorry abt what happened bby and i hope you are doing better. it sucks but i’m sure you will be okay! 💜

Yan!Giorno, Bucciarati, Abbacchio x Reader

Reader goes through rough breakup and seeks the comfort of beloved friend.

Hey, I Recently Got Dumped By Someone, So Is There Any Way That You Could Write Headcanons For Yandere


-Giorno would silently sit and listen to you at first. It startled him when you ran or practically slammed into his office, with your face full of tears. You looked almost as if you were rolled over by a road roller and this was the aftermath.

-After hearing what had happened, he is quick to comfort you. He speaks very softly as he uses GER to place little flowers in your hair to reassure you that you deserved more.

-His calm exterior is totally different than the feelings of rage that continuously bubble up inside of him with every tear you shed. Giorno does his best to be comforting, but after a while, that smile that you love tends to not reach his emerald eyes. His touch lingers as he caresses your face whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

-He wants you to know that you are amazing no matter what and throws in little hints of his buried feelings for you. It’s up to you if you address them or not.

-He serves you some chamomile tea to help calm you down and in no time you finally succumb to sleep. Giorno places you on the luxurious bed that sits in the middle of his lavish marble bedroom. He takes a moment to admire how beautiful you look laying upon his bed. Fate had chosen this path.

-He takes it upon himself to get rid of your ex just in case there was any chance of them contacting you again. They already led you to so much pain, it would be best to rule them out.

-Giorno would take you out to a small bakery in a quaint part despite him being busy as the head of Passione. Any dessert you desire is yours as he makes sure to sit next to you taking hold of one of your hands. He gently holds your hand rubbing little circles on the back of your hand.

-Of course, seeing you so broken and sad hurts him, but Giorno would be lying if he said he wasn’t a tiny bit happy that now he has a chance with you. This time he will make sure your his, no matter what.

Hey, I Recently Got Dumped By Someone, So Is There Any Way That You Could Write Headcanons For Yandere


Bucciarati would get worried after not hearing from you in quite some time. (More like a few days because he always wants to keep tabs on you). His job being a mafioso stopped him from visiting you from the important mission he was sent on by Giorno, so he grows even more worried when he hears nothing from you.

-When he comes to your home, he is taken by surprise at your sulking and fragile form. He rushes in grabbing you and bombarding you with questions similar to what happened.

-After you explain what took place during his absence he is infuriated. I find it close to the expression he had when he was in the elevator with Trish after Diavolo took her and he was holding her severed hand. He sits there silently holding you in his embrace as he contemplates what to do next.

-It doesn’t really register that he can finally have you now only this unkindled fury of how you were hurt by someone so insignificant. He cradles you and does anything to take care of you.

-Afterwards, he gently lifts you up and wipes the remaining tears that cascade down your cheeks. He leads you to the washroom and grabs a fresh pair of comfy clothing of some sort and bathes you. You just sit there as he gently scrubs your head feeling the light scratches on your scalp. Little soap suds litter your body and Bruno’s forearms as the scent of lavender emits the room.

-Bucciarati will then make your bed and softly direct you into the fresh pair of linen. He will be off to your kitchen to make you some food. He may or may not spike your tea so you can be able to properly rest and relax.

-Before closing your eyes he promises you he will never leave you and that he will always be by your side. Now to take care of that little pest.

Hey, I Recently Got Dumped By Someone, So Is There Any Way That You Could Write Headcanons For Yandere


It was you who came to him as he was relaxing with his multi-colored headphones resting on his ears. He sees you rush towards him and fling yourself upon him. Abbacchio’s body goes rigid in surprise not hearing what you are saying. When he feels wetness on his bare exposed chest, he rips his headphones off and stares at you.

-Abbacchio isn’t really the comfort type, he would majorly be like “I knew that guy was bad news” or something like that. He can get quite awkward but he truly cares, the years of trauma and self-depreciation made it harder for him to express this. It’s weird for him because you are usually the one doing the comforting when he gets in one of his moods.

-If you try to result to wine or some type of alcohol or drug, best be sure he won’t let you. He doesn’t want you to be a broken shell of man he once was, he wants to keep you healthy and happy.

-He will just hold you to his chest and let you cry your eyes out. He would accidently let out those little remarks of “I told you so” which would make you even more upset. He would try to flip it around by hinting he could treat you better than your previous lover.

-Abbacchio would be the visually pissed pissed one about it. He wouldn’t try to hide it and would most likely end up with him going out to take care of the source of the problem.

-He would come back and would try to pamper you by Abbacchio’s standards. Watching a quiet movie with him, listening to music with him, doing makeup, or even just simply cuddling. He is a touch starved man so any physical contact with you melts him and somewhat helps boost his newfoundaccidentally confidence of making you his.

-Sure he believes he doesn’t deserve much in life, yet alone deserve the right to want something yet it’s hard every time your face comes to his field of view. This time for sure it was made to happen. Maybe this one time he deserved something for once.

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3 years ago

We all love some good yandere Leone, and yours was great! He seems a very obsessive but soft yan compared to the rest of the gang. Just wanted to say thay your writing is really good!

♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :💜💜💜: :;

We All Love Some Good Yandere Leone, And Yours Was Great! He Seems A Very Obsessive But Soft Yan Compared

Oh really? Why thank you so much! I really enjoy making Abbacchio a soft yandere a bit. I don’t really see him as a sadistic type yandere.

Abbacchio has already went through so much in his past and it still haunts him till this day. His past is a constant reminder of his failures and how terrible of a person he is.

He genuinely believes he has no self worth if we were to be honest. When he elaborated on how the higher ups just make the decisions and he just goes along with them is just another thing that adds into it. Abbacchio admires those who have that self perseverance and have that confident to tackle life regardless of what he or she went through.

When he meets that special person it really just goes down hill from there. He doesn’t want to be the scum to ruin his darlings life as they are so much happier than something like him their to ruin it. Don’t get me wrong, he will step in when something threatens his relations with them and is nor afraid to risk all that he has left.

Life gave them to him no matter how shitty of a person he was or what he had done in his past, and he would rather die than let them slip through his fingers.

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