Yeji Fluff - Tumblr Posts
hiii can i req a yeji fluff where she picks you up at the bar since you drank with your friends then you didn't recognize her, thinking she's a random girl flirting with you trying to take you home so you refuse telling her you have a girlfriend and how your girlfriend will kick her ass and such. and yeji and your friends are very amused and she's coaxing you reassuring you and everything until you recognize her, and you tell her how a girl flirted with you and such and she's just going with your flow finding you cute when drunk hwhwhw thank uuu
tbh I’ve had this thought before and now I have an excuse to write it cuz this is so frickin cute!! enjoy!
yeji x drunk!fem!reader

You don’t usually get drunk. You don’t drink very often, and you know your limits. However, you make exceptions on certain occasions, this one being your best friend’s birthday.
She had arranged an open bar at a club, and you and your closest friends were all invited. Yeji, knowing you were in good company, bid you off and told you to have a good time.
The moment you arrive at the club, a drink is immediately shoved into your hands. Not wanting to be rude, you drink it and go over to the dance floor with your friends. You sway to the time of the booming music and sing along to the songs you know.
After some time, you get the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. You turn around and see a man looking at you from the bar. You shake it off and ignore it, thinking it’s nothing, until, a few moments later, he taps you on the shoulder.
You face him, immediately repulsed by the smouldering face he’s trying to pull off.
“Hey,” he says, leaning uncomfortably close to your ear. “You look beautiful tonight. What’s your name?”
You make a face and back up.
“I’m taken, sorry.”
That doesn’t deter him, however, and he soldiers on, making a show of looking around the club.
“I don’t see your man anywhere.”
You raise a brow, unimpressed.
“That’s because I have a girlfriend. Anything else?”
He at least has the decency to look embarrassed, and he leaves you alone after that.
A few songs (and drinks) later, you stumble off the dance floor, needing some fresh air. You ask the bartender for some water, and as he passes a glass to you, someone slides in beside you at the bar.
It’s a woman, dressed in a short (too short, you think, with some distaste) black mini dress.
“Hi,” she greets you with a charming smile, and you nod awkwardly. “You’re stunning. Can I buy you a drink?”
“Thank you,” you say, wanting nothing else but to exit the conversation. “But I have a girlfriend.”
The woman shrugs, and leans closer. What was it with these people and their lack of respect for personal space?
“That’s alright. It’s just a drink.” She cocks her head. “She doesn’t have to know.”
You frown at her implication and stand up, taking your glass of water with you.
“No thanks. I’m not drinking anyway.”
You walk away, deflating as soon as you slide into the booth your friend is sitting in.
“Woah,” she says, laughing. “You don’t look too good. What’s up?”
“Why does everyone keep trying to hit on me?” You whine, making her laugh harder.
“You’re complaining about people trying to pick you up? You should be flattered, if anything.”
“I don’t like it if it’s not Yeji.” You grumble, burying your face in your hands, and your friend chuckles.
“You guys are so cute.” She snaps her fingers, as if in a eureka moment. “I know what will make you feel better.” She grins, and you get a bit nervous. “Shots!”
Your friend orders a round of shots, and calls everyone from your group to join.
You play rock paper scissors, and whoever loses has to take a shot. You’re terrifyingly awful at rock paper scissors, and, to no one’s surprise, you keep on losing.
You’re on your fourth shot when you begin to slur your words and struggle to sit up straight. Your friend calls for an end to the game and asks you if you’re okay.
“I miss Yeji,” you pout, your eyes watering as you thought of your girlfriend, probably alone at home. “I miss herrrr,”
“Okay, you’ve definitely had too much to drink.” Your friend plucks the shot glass from your hand and dials Yeji on her phone.
She’s at home, getting ready to go to bed, as she knows you’ll probably be back late. So she’s surprised to see your friend’s caller id light up her phone, and she picks up at once, worried something might have happened to you.
“Hello? Is everything okay? Is Y/N okay?” She asks, already pulling on her coat and shoes.
“Yeah, yeah, she’s fine,” your friend reassures her. “She’s just very drunk, and I think she wants you to come get her.”
“I’m on my way,” Yeji says, halfway out the door.
She starts up her car and drives to the address of the club you had sent her. Luckily, it’s not too far from your place, so she gets there really quickly.
Your friend had passed her an invitation, which she shows to the bouncer, who lets her in, though a little confused at her attire, a simple hoodie and sweatpants, topped off with a cap.
She speed walks through the crowd, sidestepping people as she makes her way to you. When she finally sees you, she breathes out a sigh of relief, and approaches you with a smile.
“Hey, baby!” She chirps as soon as she’s in earshot. “You ready to go home—”
“Don’t call me baby!” You interrupt her without even looking at her, holding up a finger. She stops, surprised. Were you mad at her? For what?“I’m not yourrrr baby. I,” you point at yourself, swaying a little in your seat, “have a girlfriend. So I am not going home with you, understand?”
Yeji gapes, her mouth opening and closing several times.
“But, babe, I have the car outside—”
“Stop insisting!” You cross your arms with a huff. “My girlfriend is beautiful, and kind, and selfless, and she’s the best person in my life. She’s strong too, and she’ll kick your ass if she sees you talking to me this way. And I love her a lot, so don’t even try to win me over, because it’s not going to work.”
Yeji’s face splits into a wide smile, and she shakes her head fondly before tucking a finger under your chin and making you look at her.
You go from confused to elated in a split second.
“Yeji!” You throw your arms over her shoulders and pull her into a tight embrace. “When did you get here?”
“I just got here. I was trying to—”
“Well thank god you’re here. There was this girl that was flirting with me and trying to take me home, can you believe that?”
Yeji swallows down a laugh and bites back her smile.
“Really? It’s good I got here on time then. Can’t have anyone that isn’t me taking my girl home, can I?”
You interlace your hands and try to stand up, but stumble a bit. Luckily, Yeji catches you and holds you up. You both say goodbye and wish a happy birthday to your friend and she leads you out of the club, a strong arm around your waist.
She helps you into the car and buckles you in, and you unexpectedly kiss her as she’s leaning over you, checking your seatbelt.
She smiles and pecks your lips a couple more times, and you trace her jawline with your finger. She truly is beautiful. The perfect balance of her handsome and pretty features makes your heart skip a beat.
“You okay?” She asks you, and you realise you’ve been staring into space. You nod and stretch in your seat, your tiredness catching up to you.
You yawn and grab her free hand as she pulls out of the driveway of the club and starts on the road home.
“A lot of people tried to flirt with me tonight, Yeddeong.” Well, perhaps ‘a lot’ is an exaggeration, but you’re drunk and sleepy.
Yeji’s hand tightens momentarily on the wheel.
“Yeah?” You nod and tuck a loose piece of hair behind her ear.
“But nobody was as pretty as you.”
She blushes, and relaxes her grip on the wheel. She doesn’t say anything, but you smile at the knowledge that you flustered her.
“I love you, Yeji.”
She looks at you, her eyes crinkling as she smiles.
“I love you too, baby.”
When you get home, she helps you out of your uncomfortable clothes and into some pyjamas, and wipes off your makeup too. She tucks you into bed and curls up beside you, her arms wrapping around your waist as she kisses your shoulder. You start snoring the moment your head hits the pillow.
She definitely teases you about it in the morning, how you were so drunk you couldn’t recognise her, and you flush red with embarrassment, on top of the pounding headache you have.
She doesn’t torture you about it though, and presses a warm kiss to your temple as she slides a bowl of haejangguk across the table for your hangover.
This just randomly came to mind but headcanons of Yeji with a muscled masc gf? Idk why but I feel like she’d be an absolute sucker for people fitting that description🎀
omg this ask got me out of the gutter at first I thought it said “Yeji AS a muscled masc” and I was like fuck yeah and then I saw it was “Yeji with a muscled masc” and now I might need to write two versions bc 😩
as a muscled girl who’s always been self conscious about not being “feminine enough” this was healing to write, so thanks for the ask! sorry it’s so short :(
yeji x muscled!fem!reader hcs
Fluff, Suggestive

-you have a habit of wearing baggy clothes in general, just because they’re more comfortable to you than short or slim fits
-so yeji doesn’t actually know how ripped you are until you guys are a few months into your relationship
-she knows you’re strong from the way you squeeze her when you kiss and how you can pick her up with ease, and she loves it
-influenced by chaeryeong, she decides she wants to start going to the gym
-you already have a membership somewhere, and offer to go with her for the first few sessions to help her out
-she agrees, elated to do something she knows you’re passionate about with you
-you wear your usual attire, a hoodie and shorts with a sports bra underneath
-but for some reason, it’s warmer inside the gym than it usually is, which prompts you to take off your hoodie a few minutes into your workout
-you finish a whole set of pull ups before you notice yeji is staring, mouth agape
-“what?” you say as she walks over to you from her station
-she reaches out a hand and runs her fingers over your bicep, and then squeezes it
-“I didn’t know you were so…muscular.” she blushes, staring in awe
-after that, she insists on you wearing less covering clothing
-goes FERAL for muscle tees
-like you only wear those if you’re purposefully trying to rile her up
-tbh also loves it when you wear tops, she’s a sucker for your abs and will poke them whenever she gets the chance
-will 100% stare openly at you, only a little embarrassed when you catch her
-“are you checking me out?”
-“am I not allowed to appreciate that my girlfriend is the hottest person alive?”
-buys a gym membership, but she’s barely getting any training in, considering the only time she goes is with you, and she just spends the whole time checking you out
-likes to trace the veins on your hands and arms
-thinks it’s the hottest thing when you pick her up effortlessly or pull her in by the waist
-she squeezes your biceps a lot, esp when you hold her by the waist
-absolutely refuses to let you wear anything more than shorts and bra at home (honestly she would prefer you without anything on, but she’ll settle for this for now)
-overall she just loves your muscles
-because she loves you!
sometimes (it's okay to act)
ITZY - Hwang Yeji/Shin Ryujin - 2035 words

It’s 7:54 AM when Ryujin steps out of the elevator and into the basement of the JYP Entertainment building. Baggy sweats, a loose hoodie, and a pair of worn-out sneakers play the role of her wardrobe for the morning. A well-loved canvas bag hangs over her right shoulder while the two iced coffees in her hands jostle with every step.
When she arrives at the door to the practice room, she pushes it open with her shoulder. Instantly, she’s greeted with the sound of squeaking soles and music. She wasn’t expecting anyone to be there yet – the first rehearsal coming out of a weekend usually meant everyone lagging behind for one reason or another, but it all made sense when she saw who it was.
As always, she finds herself instantly captivated by the sight of Yeji dancing. Her eyes trail down the orange locks pouring out of the black baseball cap adorning the taller girl’s head. A small intake of breath accompanies the bellybutton peeking out from beneath the edge of a frayed white shirt with every pop and lock. Following down a matching pair of sweats – Yeji had thought it’d be cute if the both of them owned the same pair – Ryujin’s eyes land on a pair of sneakers that are even more run-down than hers.
It reminds her of how far Yeji has come.
How far the both of them have.
It’s 8 years earlier and they’re in the same spot they are now – a hopeless Ryujin staring at a clueless Yeji from the safety of a doorway. She remembers the night her anxious fingers typed out dozens of introduction texts before finally settling on one. She remembers the day after, how one moment she was looking at Yeji and the next she had her arms wrapped around her.
But mostly, she remembers everything after that. The gasp coming from the girl at the sudden embrace. The way Yeji tilted her head down to look at her and the way her lips curled and how readily she relaxed into the younger girl’s arms when she realized who she was.
Ryujin remembers her name falling from Yeji’s mouth a moment later.
She remembers how she started falling the second after that.
And then, in real time, she watches Yeji fall right in front of her.
It happens fast – Yeji’s foot hits the floor at a weird angle, sending her body careening down to the rigid surface below – all of it punctuated with a loud thud and a sharp groan.
Ryujin doesn’t remember running – she just knows that one second she was standing at the doorway and the next she was kneeling on the ground beside the other girl.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She’s frantic. Words, eyes, and hands launch an uncoordinated assault to figure out what had just happened.
“I’m fine.” Yeji grimaces as she sits up. Her hand goes to rub her hip, the part of her that hit the floor first and hardest. There’s a moment when she’s just massaging her side, as if she doesn’t believe the words she had just uttered, but then she continues on. “It’s nothing, I just–” Her teeth clench and her mouth hisses as Ryujin’s hands reach for the traitorous foot that caused all this.
Ryujin’s eyes widen and the grip around Yeji’s foot loosens just so, making sure to stay secure enough as to not let it fall. “Is it your foot? Your ankle? Is it twisted?” She brings her face closer to inspect for any possible bruising or swelling.
“No,” Yeji shakes her head in response, though a frown is displayed prominently on her face. “It’s just that your hands are really cold and wet.”
Ryujin stops what she’s doing to look down at her. She looks at the two hands cradling Yeji’s foot. Then, she looks back to the iced coffees on the counter that she’s thankful she didn’t drop before rushing over.
“Do you think you could help me up now?”
The words snap her attention back to what is going on – Yeji lying not-so-helplessly on the ground in front of her.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She removes her clammy hands from Yeji’s foot and Ryujin can see her discomfort disappear before her very eyes. “I can probably find someone to help or–”
Yeji silences her by placing a hand on hers and squeezing. “I’m fine, Ryujinnie. I wouldn’t hide anything from you.” She smiles an honest smile and offers another earnest squeeze of her hand. “I just wasn’t being as careful as I should.” She chuckles warmly. “I mean, that’s why we practice, right? So stuff like this doesn’t happen.”
Ryujin doesn't answer immediately. Her heart is pounding and telling her to keep pushing the subject, that this cursory examination isn’t enough and that Yeji needs a CT, MRI or maybe even JYP.
But that same heart is having its strings tugged on by the way Yeji looks at her and holds her. The small scrunch beside her eyes when she smiles brings Ryujin home and the pad of Yeji’s thumb rubbing a familiar spot on the back of her hand makes it feel like it.
It’s that part of her that ultimately wins out.
Ryujin sighs and looks down at the hand on top of hers. Yeji’s is slightly bigger and she likes how they fit against each other. “Okay,” she says with a small, defeated nod. Ryujin flips her hand upside down so that she can weave her fingers with Yeji’s and gives her a squeeze in return. “I believe you.”
Yeji’s smile widens and her eyes scrunch just a little bit more.
That makes it worth it.
Slowly, Ryujin rises up from the floor and carefully pulls Yeji up along with her. The moment they’re both on their feet, she pulls Yeji close to her until their waists are kissing. The hand that was enveloping the other girls tugs it back until it’s resting on Ryujin’s hip, while her other hand snakes around Yeji’s midsection to keep them close. It occurs without conscious intent, the memories in her muscles too loud to say otherwise.
This gives Ryujin another moment with her, one where they trade the panic of seconds earlier for quiet breaths and longing looks.
Her eyes stay as scrupulous as they were previously. However, instead of looking for the odd scuff or scrape that might have possibly marred Yeji’s face, she’s simply taking a tour on the pale expanse she’s traveled a thousand times before.
Yeji’s own gaze is nowhere near as sturdy, her eyes flitting away every now and then due to the intensity of Ryujin’s stare. Her cheeks redden at a particularly embarrassing instance – when Ryujin lingers on the mole near her jaw and parts her mouth to wet her lips.
“It’s not like I landed on my face or anything,” Yeji says, breaking the silence. “I think I’m fine.”
Ryujin looks up from Yeji’s mouth to her eyes and she smirks. “I’d say you look a lot better than fine.” She raises her eyebrows as well, just in case her message didn’t come across.
The rouge on Yeji’s cheeks deepens, accented by an exaggerated roll of the eyes. She pulls back from Ryujin just a bit, just enough so that she can lean back in and bunt their foreheads against each other’s.
“Is that why you came here so early?” Yeji giggles. “To flirt with your unnie?”
The sound of Yeji’s laughter makes Ryujin smile and she loves how she can feel her body vibrate when she laughs. “If I wanted to do that,” she said with a chuckle, “then I would’ve given myself more than 5 minutes, unnie.”
“What do you mean? It’s only–” Yeji turns her head to look at the clock on the wall and Ryujin can feel the air between them grow just a bit heavier. “Oh wow…” Her smile falters. “I must have lost track of time.” She turns back to Ryujin and tries to lighten the mood with another laugh, but all that does is make Ryujin suspicious.
“Yeji.” She’s squeezing the older one’s hand as she speaks. “How long have you been here?” The accusation is hard to hide, so Ryujin doesn’t even try. She knows that there’s no one more demanding of Yeji than Yeji herself, that sometimes what she thinks is best for the group comes at the cost of overworking herself and ignoring her needs.
And Ryujin hates that as much as she loves her.
“Not that long.” There’s no conviction in her voice. Yeji’s a terrible liar, and so she never lies. But that just makes it all the more obvious when she’s trying not to tell the truth.
“You know we have that comeback show next week.” Yeji goes to take both of Ryujin’s hands in her own, as if this is some desperate plea or admission. “I just wanted to make sure I had everything–”
The distinct growl of Yeji’s stomach fills in the rest of her sentence. It says that she’s been here since before the sun had risen. It gives away that time better spent on breakfast was maybe spent on perfecting choreo instead. But most importantly, it reveals that the stumble from earlier wasn’t due to a freak accident or uneven floor, but carelessness.
A sigh tumbles out of Ryujin.
No, not carelessness. That would bely all the hard work Yeji’s done to drill into them how important a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast was. This was negligence – through and through.
Ryujin’s not surprised, but that doesn’t mean she’s any less perturbed. Yeji’s looking at her with the slightest lilt in her eyes and tiniest hint of a pucker on her mouth – a sign that she’s sorry for ignoring her own basic human needs, but that it will also totally happen again.
The thing is, if she forgives her now, as she always has, then Yeji will just keep on running herself ragged when there’s a deadline on the horizon and Ryujin is not okay with that. But before she can look into Yeji’s eyes and tell her that she forgives her and that everything is completely fine, the door swings open and reality comes flooding in.
“Morning everyone!!” It’s Yuna, bright and brash and bold. Unlike the two of them, she looks more ready to go shopping rather than dance practice.
Ryujin spares the girl only a quick glance before looking back to Yeji. There was a time when the two of them would’ve flown apart the moment the door opened, but their friends have come as far as they have.
It’s no longer a surprise to see either of them in each other’s laps or with their arms wrapped around each other. And as for anything a bit more intimate than that, they’ve also all learned what it means to knock on closed doors and lock them if need be.
But this time Yeji does pull away. She takes the first chance she can to get out of the conversation she was just in and Ryujin can do nothing to stop it. The switch inside of Yeji’s head flips from “her Yeji” to “ITZY’s Yeji” and Ryujin is left alone in the dark.
“Good morning, Yuna.” Yeji approaches the youngest with a practiced smile and instantly launches into a new topic about the cute jacket she has hung around her shoulders. It does everything it needs to do, leaving Ryujin standing at the sideline by herself.
Absence fills Ryujin’s arms and concern starts to pool in her stomach. She continues to watch the back of Yeji’s head until Chaeryoung arrives and they can all officially begin their day. They start with stretching – though Yeji doesn’t need it – and then go to talk about what their plan is for later. It’s the same schedule Yeji had sent them in the group chat the day before and the same one she talked about over Facetime the week before that.
The entire time, she sees Yeji avoiding any chance she can to look at her.
So Ryujin watches her instead.
And she worries.