Yes I Hate It When This Happens - Tumblr Posts
I've seen more cases of guys condemming grown women who simp over/draw nsfw of underage fictional male characters than i've seen of guys condemming women who are actual sexual predators towards actual underage boys in real life.
Just this makes it clear what is their priority in this witch hunt in the name of defending some fictional character's rights; it is not about a genuine concern for minors, but rather an excuse to shame women over their fictional tastes. Take Erin Clover for example; she never did anything to be called a pedophile. All she did was simp over Bakugou, ship herself with him and make nsfw of him and her insert. She didn't groom any minor. As a matter of fact, she always made it clear that her account was 18+ and that she did not want minors following her. Yet antis think that drawing nsfw of an underage fictional character is equal to being an actual child predator. They do not care about logic; they just want to spreas hatred as much as they can.
When i see cases of women being actual predators to underage boys, there is always a big group of men who say things such as "Nice", "Lucky bastard", "When were these ninphos when i was a kid?", "I wish i was him", acting as if the victim should be grateful and making excuses for the perpetrator.
If fiction affects reality and liking certain things in fiction mean you want to do them in real life as antis claim, then why aren't these actual predators receiving the same treatment Erin received? Oh, that's right. Because antis don't give a fuck about actual victims. They're too busy defending pixels and putting dirt on a innocent person's name, acting as if she was a monster and they were the heroes. Though i'm not surprised, considering we're talking about the same group of people who exposes minors's faces on Tik Tok without their consent just because they're proshippers, tells a victim they deserved their trauma because they're proship, spreads misinformation about the profic/proship/comship community and its terms, tries to censor fiction, tries to police people's tastes, ignore actual therapists's advice etc.
These people are not heroes. They are the scum of every fandom. Erin (and anyone who went through the same as her) did not deserve to go through all that. Making nsfw of a drawing is not a crime. Harassing people is a crime. Antis are criminals.