You Bullied A Minor Off The Internet For Things That Could Have Been Solved With A Polite Dm - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I really do believe a LARGE portion of creator callouts are made by people trying to demonstrate their moral superiority over others by taking down whoever is currently in the spotlight. It’s not always about justice but about who can be loudest in condemning someone for the sake of boosting their own moral status. ESPECIALLY when said callouts are based around things like fictional ships, kink artwork, and idea theft. But even when its not petty, and someone actually fucked up...Social media isn’t great at nuance. If someone makes a mistake or says something out of line, the internet often reacts with such disproportionate intensity that there is no room for apology or growth. How is a creator supposed to see the wrong in their own actions, when the people telling them they are wrong, are DMing them gore and stalking their family members? This is why creators often immediately take on a cringe "fuck u snowflake I do what I want!" attitude and don't genuinely apologize.

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literally got callout mobbed on a pride post once because someone didn't like a brief description I'd used for the nb trans and ace flags bunch of people jumped on me for miss representing and taking advantage of those identities yall I'm trans non-binary asexual. I was misrepresenting myself I guess but they sure showed me whats what! had over a hundred angry comments harassment via notes and lost a lot of watchers cause I.. like... worded something in a way that wasn't even offensive? In the warrior cats animation community. The Cheetah-z maps. Yeah those there kept being minor things that came up that could have been solved by messaging him or one of the co-hosts to explain why something could be interprited wierd and then come up with a solution? Cheetah-z and all of the hosts and mods got harassed. A lot. publicly cheetah-z stopped making maps and withdrew from all warriors related stuff entirely as far as I can tell he was 17 good job dipshits you bullied a minor off the internet for things that could have been solved with a polite dm and yeah right before the last wave that chassed him off he blew up and started arguing and dismissing peoples concerns and shit and like I don't think I blame him? He'd been dealing with this off and on like clockwork every time a new map started for years supprised it took that long to loose his cool literal teenager. targeted long term harassment campaign hundreds of people I liked those AU maps. they were creative and fun and there isn't a lot of other stuff like them and they're gone cheetah-z was transmasc btw I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with it