You Bullied A Minor Off The Internet For Things That Could Have Been Solved With A Polite Dm - Tumblr Posts
I really do believe a LARGE portion of creator callouts are made by people trying to demonstrate their moral superiority over others by taking down whoever is currently in the spotlight. It’s not always about justice but about who can be loudest in condemning someone for the sake of boosting their own moral status. ESPECIALLY when said callouts are based around things like fictional ships, kink artwork, and idea theft. But even when its not petty, and someone actually fucked up...Social media isn’t great at nuance. If someone makes a mistake or says something out of line, the internet often reacts with such disproportionate intensity that there is no room for apology or growth. How is a creator supposed to see the wrong in their own actions, when the people telling them they are wrong, are DMing them gore and stalking their family members? This is why creators often immediately take on a cringe "fuck u snowflake I do what I want!" attitude and don't genuinely apologize.