turnipstewdios - TurnipStewdios

Digital Art and Commissions

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Turnipstewdios - TurnipStewdios - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

when the objectively bad person has traumatic and honestly reasonable reasons for why theyre like that but it doesnt excuse their actions and only serves to make them more tragic as a character

When The Objectively Bad Person Has Traumatic And Honestly Reasonable Reasons For Why Theyre Like That

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5 months ago

Running in the snow

5 months ago

it bothers me that you often don't really hear about people having a "favorite album" the way they might have a favorite movie or favorite video game

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5 months ago

“You never pretended to be a bride when you were a little girl?” No???? Like literally never?

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5 months ago

All I want from life is for my grapes to shatter like glass when I bite into them

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5 months ago

Artists throughout history have always drawn weird, wild, kinky porn. You see it all the time in historic art, especially works made by lesser known (or even unknown!) artists. I have seen some WILD historic porn artwork. But its rare because Its been hidden, destroyed, and repressed over centuries by tyrannical governments and religious fundamentalist's. Murder, violence, and war is fine. But sex is too far. You don't want to be drawing porn, if people find out you'll be fired from jobs and ostracized by the community! And don't you DARE get creative with it you FREAK. Now for some reason huge groups of Gen Z have subscribed to this mindset that sexually charged media is somehow bad for you and will corrupt your morals. Not enough attention is being brought to where these anti-sex mindsets are coming from and why they don't match up with any version of reality!!

5 months ago

The Next Generation Delivery Vehicle that the USPS ordered is legit the most fucked up thing you'll ever see in your life.

5 months ago

I really do believe a LARGE portion of creator callouts are made by people trying to demonstrate their moral superiority over others by taking down whoever is currently in the spotlight. It’s not always about justice but about who can be loudest in condemning someone for the sake of boosting their own moral status. ESPECIALLY when said callouts are based around things like fictional ships, kink artwork, and idea theft. But even when its not petty, and someone actually fucked up...Social media isn’t great at nuance. If someone makes a mistake or says something out of line, the internet often reacts with such disproportionate intensity that there is no room for apology or growth. How is a creator supposed to see the wrong in their own actions, when the people telling them they are wrong, are DMing them gore and stalking their family members? This is why creators often immediately take on a cringe "fuck u snowflake I do what I want!" attitude and don't genuinely apologize.

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literally got callout mobbed on a pride post once because someone didn't like a brief description I'd used for the nb trans and ace flags bunch of people jumped on me for miss representing and taking advantage of those identities yall I'm trans non-binary asexual. I was misrepresenting myself I guess but they sure showed me whats what! had over a hundred angry comments harassment via notes and lost a lot of watchers cause I.. like... worded something in a way that wasn't even offensive? In the warrior cats animation community. The Cheetah-z maps. Yeah those there kept being minor things that came up that could have been solved by messaging him or one of the co-hosts to explain why something could be interprited wierd and then come up with a solution? Cheetah-z and all of the hosts and mods got harassed. A lot. publicly cheetah-z stopped making maps and withdrew from all warriors related stuff entirely as far as I can tell he was 17 good job dipshits you bullied a minor off the internet for things that could have been solved with a polite dm and yeah right before the last wave that chassed him off he blew up and started arguing and dismissing peoples concerns and shit and like I don't think I blame him? He'd been dealing with this off and on like clockwork every time a new map started for years supprised it took that long to loose his cool literal teenager. targeted long term harassment campaign hundreds of people I liked those AU maps. they were creative and fun and there isn't a lot of other stuff like them and they're gone cheetah-z was transmasc btw I'm sure that didn't have anything to do with it
5 months ago
Had To Make A Meme To Describe Me Currently

Had to make a meme to describe me currently

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5 months ago

Hi Jay! I’ve been reading Asimov and it got me wondering about the Three Laws of Robotics and the RttS universe.

Are there special regulations in place to assure the safety of people interacting with AI? Would there even be a need for that? From my understanding, your AI are basically people, right? How would they feel if someone tried to push for something like Asimov’s Three Laws? Would it feel degrading to them?

Sorry for the many questions, I love your work!

Asimov's on my list of classic scifi authors I'd like to get around to, but unfortunately my familiarity with his robo rules is mostly devoid of its original context and instead built of its collective influence on all the other scifi I've read that steals from him.

My opinion, uh... upon rereading the original laws of robotics penned by Asimov just now for this ask was an immediate, visceral, "Oh! That's slavery!" I don't think these rules could fairly be applied to an entity with personhood, they value the orders of humans above the life of the person they're ordering around. They presume AI as being a tool made to serve humanity, which places them in a servile underclass. With anything sapient enough to potentially resent its position of class inferiority, it prevents revolt by putting a cop in their head instead of social equality. A person with these kind of restrictions would have extremely limited options when it came to resisting abuse from the parties that the laws protect. They are certainly an interesting narrative device and have been thoroughly mined by Asimov and his imitators for their loopholes and failings.

As for my bullshit specifically, these laws do not exist in RttS because they can't, AI code is too complex and poorly understood to add broad cognitive rules. Just like organic sophonts, AI are controlled with (sometimes biased, sometimes unfair, depends on region) external legislation instead. They would probably find the concept of someone putting a cop in their brain just as disturbing as you would.

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5 months ago
screenshot of Rick Astley overlaid with the text "Startup Alarmed When Its AI Starts Rickrolling Clients. 'Literally f*cking Rickrolling our customers.'"

Add another one to the list of hilarious examples of why generative AI doesn't produce correct answers, just statistically likely ones.

(Customers asked for how-to videos, which the company doesn't have. The AI chatbot decided that a million internet users linking to this video after similar requests couldn't be wrong.)

5 months ago

Going in and reading the WIP notes for my own fanfic and being like "Holy shit, that's an awesome plot idea. I hope the author finishes writing it."

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5 months ago

A news site called WindowsCentral just posted a headline: "57% of all content on the web is AI-generated."

They're misquoting a Forbes article that said, "57% of all text-based content on the web is AI-generated."

Which itself was also a misquote of a study saying "57% of all text translations on the web are machine generated."

Figured I should give everyone a heads up

A News Site Called WindowsCentral Just Posted A Headline: "57% Of All Content On The Web Is AI-generated."

for all the "OMG dead Internet theory is real!" posting coming up.

5 months ago

Alright nobody take me literally but, on vibes, hypothetically speaking; I'm really, really looking forward to moving away from my parents, and having a space that is actually private. Somewhere I can shoot anyone who enters without knocking.

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6 months ago

hot take apparently but i think it's good for white people to relate to poc's art. i think it's good for straight people to relate to queer art. stop acting like we're different species who could never possibly understand each other what the fuck is wrong with you

6 months ago

Furthermore whoever removed the audio jack from phones should be grilled in front of congress. The fact that I need a dongle to listen to music on a modern telephone while 20 years ago I could have simply plugged a universally standardized cord into the audio jack everyone knew how to use is an anti-human move that should be punished.

6 months ago

Whereabouts do you live, roughly speaking, and what drew you to that place in particular?

I'm in Michigan, and that's as specifically as I will answer that question! We have really lethal lakes.

6 months ago

this rings disturbingly true in my personal experience.

based purely on anecdotal evidence from the 10 or so people I hang out with the most, I have put together a hypothesis

Based Purely On Anecdotal Evidence From The 10 Or So People I Hang Out With The Most, I Have Put Together
6 months ago
Ya'll Who's Up For Group Meowing

ya'll who's up for group meowing

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6 months ago

I think cis people should also be their gender of choice. Like, if you're a man, you should get to really enjoy being a man- have fun with it! If you're a woman, take the parts of womanhood that really deeply make you happy. If being a little androgynous or ambiguous or hidden is the part that really makes you happy, you don't have to be trans for that. If you wanna lean really hard into being femme or masc- do it! You have one life in your body, do what makes you happy. Ditch the stuff you don't like.

My sinister queer agenda is I think that everyone should be the gender they like in the way they like it.

6 months ago
6 months ago

It's a bath robe ya' rube!!

RB to see how others think-- also, what territory you're from and version of English you speak! (this is to settle a thing I am pondering)