Youkai Au - Tumblr Posts

Hey hey hey! Sorry for the lack of updates! But have no fear, Mod isn’t leaving the fandom nor giving up on this blog/AU! In fact, that’s what Mod wanted to talk to you folks about!
This AU has been going on for a good while, so you’re all rather well-acquainted with Heartslabyul at this point. However, not all the asks for them have been answered, and if the recent times are any indication, it’s unlikely they’ll get done any time soon… Apologies, for that!
But! Despite all this, you folks have remained invested in this AU! So to kick it back into gear, Mod has a suggestion!
How do you all feel about finally bringing in Savanaclaw?
Of course, that means reopening the askbox to send them asks and such! But while the focus will be on the new group, it will be fine to send asks to the previous group as well!
If you folks don’t like the idea, then Mod will do their best to continue with Heartslabyul! Please give your opinion in the comments/tags, or message Mod privately if you want!
Familiar Feelings - 8 - Your Very Pretty Coworker
Word Count: 3k
A/n: Are you surprised? I’m alive, nobody expected that one. Also I spent thirty minutes looking for the banner and in the end I had to download it from my past posts. I swear I’m more organised these days…

You sigh as you close up shop, the small convenience store’s lights switching off and only the glowing “7/11” sign remaining. You’d convinced them to go back home, only Grim remaining to stand guard outside the store. Riddle had been unhappy about it, but you’d insisted you’d survived this long so far, so you’d be able to work a shift without all of your new supernatural roommates breathing down your neck.
You look around, your eyes peering into the darkness. You couldn’t spot Grim anywhere, the grey cat fading into the night easily. You wonder if he left you. Eh, probably not, from what you’d seen so far your familiars were… focused? to say the least. You still didn’t get it, why fate had chosen you for these monsters of the night. You didn’t get fate at all, never had, never will. And especially not now.
You hear your name called out, and you turn to the sound, your philosophy session cut off early. Ah, you’d know that gorgeous face anywhere, a boy with pale skin and black hair runs up to you, his breath ragged. It seems your coworker ran all the way here.
“Neige? What are you doing back here?” you ask, blinking down at him as he bows over, breathing heavily. Neige’s shift ended over an hour ago… wait did he-
“I- I forgot my keys!”
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“We’re your second set of familiars–Savanaclaw. Did we keep you waiting?”
Masterlist || Askbox
What would the familiars do if they realised their master had gone to TW to escape them?

Why would you do such a thing..? They’ve waited so long to meet you, to serve you, to love you, and yet... and yet... You ran away?
(an incredibly long answer under the cut!)
The situation: They meet you again in Twisted Wonderland, but you tell them you came here to escape them. They don’t take it well.
Heartslabyul is absolutely heartbroken, but they’re the most understanding of your decision to run. They were your familiars the longest, so taking care of you came naturally to them. Even now, your safety and happiness is the top priority to them.
Ace seems like he’ll shatter if you touch him, the shock rendering him frozen. After all he did to find you again, you tell him you don’t want him? Deuce digs his nails into his palms, wide-eyed, but takes a breath and manages to give you a wobbly smile. He gently pulls the trembling Ace away, whose desperate cries are starting to escape his throat.
Cater laughs, breathless and unbelieving. Relief and grief rush in like torrents, and it doesn’t take long before his laughter turns hysteric. Tears keep pouring out and it takes Trey yanking his hands away from his face, where his claws almost dug into, to pull him out of it. Trey’s face is twisted in deep sorrow, but he’s keeping his own tears in as he murmurs something to Cater. At his words, they both snap their gazes to Riddle, whose expression hasn’t changed.
Riddle’s face is carefully blank, like your declaration of wanting to escape didn’t hurt him at all. He’s staring intensely at you, trying to burn the image of you alive and well into his mind and then... he turns away, barking orders out to the others. “Let this be our final service to you,” he says to you, voice breaking. “Let us take care of you one last time.”
After all, the rest of your familiars won’t take the news as well as they did. Heartslabyul gathers themselves as best as they can, their sobs fading into shaky breaths. They’ll have to force the others back into the mirror. It’s the least they can do for you now.
Savanaclaw’s reaction is particularly explosive. Their group is made up of strays with nowhere to go, who found a home in you, and now even you don’t want them.
Jack is snarling, trying to bite off Ace’s head for stopping him from moving any closer to you. He doesn’t get it, he doesn’t understand why this is all happening. It just doesn’t make sense. Why would you abandon them too? What did they do wrong? Why didn’t you tell them they were wrong?! Cater grabs him by the neck and pushes him away, his anger morphing into howling agony as the grief sets in.
Ruggie is being held back by Deuce and Trey, but his hands are reaching out to you. His words are incomprehensible through his tears, as he claws at empty air and digs his feet into the ground. Why are they forcing him to leave? He just got to see you again! Why won’t you meet his eyes? What’s wrong? Why won’t you look his way anymore..?
Leona glares at you, betrayal etching itself on every bit of his body language. Riddle stands firm in front of him, tense and ready to put him down if takes a step towards you. Leona’s hands twitch, as if wanting to tear you apart, and Riddle nearly attacks him before he just... closes his eyes. When Leona opens them and looks at you again, there’s nothing but resignation left. He seems soulless as he leaves, having lost everything that mattered to him.
Octavinelle doesn’t believe you at all. They keep talking like they haven’t heard you or Riddle’s commands to go back through the mirror, as if this really was just a happy reunion. The way their eyes glaze over gives away their denial, if Azul’s shaking hands didn’t already.
Heartslabyul can’t risk anything with Jade and Floyd. As soon as their smiles turn too sharp, they’re trying to restrain them and force them back. Floyd is immediately kicking and screaming, his voice shrill and desperate as he claws at Cater and Deuce. He’s threatening to destroy the entire place and their original world too, if you don’t come home and stop him, if you keep refusing to return! The last glimpse you get of him as he’s forced into the mirror is the promise in his eyes that he will follow through on his threats.
Jade is just as violent, though his voice is leveled as he unblinkingly meets your gaze. Ace shoves a hand over his mouth, to muffle his increasingly descriptive threats to everyone you used to know in their world. Trey hisses in pain as Jade’s nails scratch him over and over, but they manage to push him into the mirror, Ace pulling away his bitten hand. Jade’s eyes never leave you as he goes.
Azul crumples to the ground all on his own, falling to his knees as he begs you to come back, to come home. He’s a complete wreck, as the sounds of the frantic twins fade away, his wailing sobs louder than even Floyd’s screams. He grovels, head pressed to the ground, for you to please please please please-- You can’t even make out what’s he’s asking of you anymore, as Riddle drags his limp body into the mirror.
Scarabia can sense something’s off as soon as they arrive. Kalim’s smile crumples at the sight of Heartslabyul looking so resolute, Jamil tensing behind him in response.
The two of them hear you out, Kalim interrupting more and more as you talk. Eventually, he won’t let you speak anymore as he begins to ramble about all the things you’ve missed since you’ve been gone. He can’t bear to hear you talk about wanting to leave them. It’s too much. Kalim can’t stand still, his entire body buzzing with nerves and pent up sorrow, eyes darting everywhere. When he reaches a hand out to you, as if to test the validity of your claims, and Deuce grips his wrist with a grim expression, he breaks. Ace catches him when he falls, curling into himself as sobs wrack his body.
Jamil is silent and motionless up until Kalim breaks, where he then suddenly snaps his gaze from you to the Heartslabyul boys. His voice is low as he begins to speak, before it rises in volume the longer he goes on. He’s blaming the Heartslabyul group for forcing them back, for letting you leave them, for being cowards--but not once does he blame you, unable to turn the brunt of his anger on you even now. He leaves with Kalim, giving you a last, longing look, and another scathing glare for the others.
Pomefiore is grief-stricken before you even have the chance to say anything to them. Vil looks like the world is ending before his eyes, causing Rook and Epel to both pick up on the severity of the situation instantly.
Epel’s expression gets worse and worse the more he hears, torn between erupting with anger or crying his eyes out. He ends up doing neither when Cater scoops him up, who didn’t want to risk keeping him around any longer than they need to. Epel’s furious demands to be put down are desperate pleads for a little more time with you by the time he reaches the mirror.
Rook hasn’t said anything the entire time, choosing instead to give you a deep bow and a flawless smile, before he departs. Judging by the stern, disapproving look Rook gets from Trey as he passes by, he has no intentions of letting things end here. However, instead of loudly announcing his plans like the twins did, he says nothing, leaving a chill in your spine and a terrible omen in the air.
Vil watches you quietly through it all, studying your expression. If there was even a slight chance that you would want to return, to come home to them, he would’ve pushed relentlessly for it. And yet, seeing you now, standing tall and firm on your decision even through all their tears, he can’t find anything to say. The resignation that slowly consumes his gaze looks eerily similar to Leona’s, that loss of purpose to continue living. Still, even as his heart shatters, he wishes you the best, his walk to the mirror slow and unsteady.
Ignihyde seems like they expected this from the start. Idia isn’t at all surprised by your decision, even if Ortho is frantically looking between the two of you in a panic.
Ortho is gentle as he questions you, prying for answers for how it all ended up this way. At your every response, he whips his head around to look at Idia, watching for a reaction. When the most he gets is a sneer, he turns back to you and presses you again if you really, really, want to leave them like this? Isn’t this... too cruel? When Idia walks forward, Ortho is pulled back by Deuce, then Trey draws them both close for a hug.
Idia’s march towards you is halted by Ace and Cater, both of whom are already growling. Idia eyes them for a moment, then turns his attention to you and Riddle behind them. Recognizing that they won’t let him get any closer, he starts his rant there, blaming you for ruining him, for ruining every single one of them, and then just running away from it all! That you can’t just leave after everything you’ve done! They’ll never be the same anymore! How are any of them supposed to live past the fact that you don’t want them?!
Cater and Ace force him into the mirror before he says anything worse, his words abruptly cutting off as he’s pushed through. Ortho looks to you like he wants a final hug before he goes, but he hangs his head, and leaves without another sound.
Diasomnia is full of mixed reactions. Half of them are smiling, the other half is devastated. The Heartslabyul boys can’t decide how to divide the work, the response from Diasomnia being too strange. They cautiously surround you, extremely on edge with Malleus grinning at them.
Sebek is absolutely dismayed. Words are failing him, and he can’t gauge what to do based on Malleus’ face either. He settles for his own honest reaction, which is to start bawling and begging for another chance. Whatever they did to upset you, they can fix it! Everyone treasures you so much, you must know that, right? You know they’d listen to whatever you say! So why..? Lilia holds a hand out, quieting him instantly as he turns his attention elsewhere.
Silver isn’t faring any better, realizing how serious you are about this. He’s completely crushed, frankly, and he just wants to go lay down and fall asleep and never wake up again. Then the fear seeps into his expression as Malleus laughs, and Silver turns towards him, disbelief evident in the way he breathes a barely audible no.
Malleus and Lilia are both watching you like you’re just throwing a tantrum. Lilia coos, delighted over how resolute you are. He nods at your every word, as if he’s simply indulging your whims. When you demand he go back through the mirror, how proud he is at your display of courage comes through in the way he claps enthusiastically after your speech. He herds a shocked Sebek and a worried Silver away into the mirror, smiling all the way.
Malleus hasn’t stopped grinning since he caught sight of you, but his expression melts into something softer, more fond, as the other three leave. He gestures at the world around you, your “Twisted Wonderland”, and he asks you how much you know about it. When you can’t come up with the answer he’s looking for, the pure delight on his face is a sight to behold.
“You’ll be home soon, then,” Malleus purrs, his heavy, burning adoration for you flooding his gaze. “Grim does not disappoint.”
And with that, he’s gone. The Heartslabyul boys don’t seem to know how to react, wearily looking around for any signs that someone else was still around. When their search comes up empty, they turn to you, waiting for you to take it all back and come home with them. When you say nothing, Riddle nods, and pushes the rest of them through the mirror.

There’s no other way to describe it other than “fate”. Maybe it’s how the universe balances itself, by binding such impossible creatures to mortal masters to keep them under control.
Either way, it has always been for the best. Don’t underestimate the world’s matchmaking services!
(under the cut: a long, long scenario of meeting your familiars + some world-building!)
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When a youkai first meets their master, a rope magically pops into existence to show that the youkai is now bound! It seems to be the physical proof of their loyalty, so overwhelming it became tangible. (Love at first sight, more like.)
A fun extra detail is that it’s tradition for a youkai to have their master tie the rope onto them, as a show that their master has accepted them as a familiar!
Another tidbit is that once bound, a youkai is incapable of doing any harm to their master. They also can’t seriously/fatally harm their fellow familiars, but minor injuries are… fair game.
(under the cut: details about grim! in bullet points!)
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To accompany the last piece, your good boys!