Young Justice Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
Watching new episode of young justice now and oh shit they know. Y’all they know!!!
Glad that we get to see more of Zatana, especially her and Dick interacting since they were really smitten with each other in season one.
Why does Superman keep getting interrogated in the diner? Let this man drink his coffee in peace.
Oh shit-Conor thinks he’s killed Clark, he’s also kind of going back to his personality from Season right. Like right after he got out. It’s kind of weird, also why is Phantom Girl still passed out? We saw her wake up for a bit in the last(?) episode. So is she faking or did she go back to sleep.
Hey Tigers showed up! Is all of the og gang going to get together eventually?
How does Rocket know it was from a bio ship? Like, that’s kind of a leap? But they know where he is now so, yaay!! Ofcourse Dicks good at reaching, he’s an acrobat, it’s what he does.
This whole thing with Connor is going to be really awkward when they go back. Also hey Ghoust it’s up.
“Hey I know you’ve come to terms with Conner being dead, but guess what he’s alive!!”
Why the fuck are they freeing Klarion? I know he can get their but like, surely their are other people that can do it as well. But then again that would require them to introduce another character. Klarion giving no fucks about this situation is so funny. And we get to see everyone fighting as a team again. Which is cool cause we didn’t see much of that if the later seasons.
Oh I love the cat! Absolute best character and I love him. Same goes for Saturn girl. She’s just tearing into Dor-Zod. So their going to Oa and Dick has to look for the bus. Alright.
Wonder what up with the Kaiser Thral-WAIT THE FUCK!!!!!! That things a child??? What the hell happened to this kid??

Klarion being that guy on the zoom call who really needed a pee break but didn’t want to miss anything.

They broke him before his own send off. Brutal.
I hope so I actually like Klarion (teekl more though) despite him being a chaotic, psychotic, sadistic, child-looking, creepy jerk-face.
Calling it now: this arc will end with Zatanna and Fate bringing Klarion back

Why did they have to hurt me like this…

Exactly I love how everything on this show is so connected
Forget Conner being alive the biggest plot twist of Young Justice Phantoms part 1 is the fact that that screaming bus full of kids bounced around time and space for 10 YEARS
Like just imagine Dinah getting that first phone call once they all got back to their original time.
"Ma'am this is gonna sound crazy but I'm part of a group of people that bounced around time and space for 10 years because my school bus was possessed by a Chaos Lord after his familiar died."
Same dude same

yeah, my bad