Yuts - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago


Sees YUTS Update.

Makes Happiness noises.

Reads YUTS Update.

Torn between “Thanks I hate it” and “This is delightful, more please”.

Bless you Pit Viper.

This is the ideal reaction, honestly.

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7 years ago


Just read chapter 35 of Yesterday Upon the Stair by @pitviperofdoom and holy shit.

Like I knew it would be good. It's been beyond amazing and soul investing since day 1.

But yikes.

I spent the first half of the chapter fighting back tears, and the rest of it with my stomach in knots, visibly shaking, heart pounding, and still wanting to cry. I literally feel sick with anticipation and worry. I am just all around shook.

Well played @pitviperofdoom, well played.

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5 years ago

I need someone to write me a reading/watching the story fic for YUTS. I need it more life. I don't care if it is cannon characters or the in universe characters, but I want it so bad.

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3 years ago

Oh My God!! I finally found one for YUTS!! It is called Of Ghostly Futures and a Goddamn Kindle by bubblebellarina and I am so excited to read it!!

I need someone to write me a reading/watching the story fic for YUTS. I need it more life. I don't care if it is cannon characters or the in universe characters, but I want it so bad.

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7 years ago

@pitviperofdoom Is this YUTS canon?

okay when I think about dorm YUTS!Izuku I just can't help but picture all his classmates growing confusion when he does things like look towards noises before they happen and like, his catlike behavior of looking and seeing shit that isn't there is just gonna be amplified with an actual cat living in the dorms to compare it to. Like my siblings used to say a place was haunted because our cat would stare in empty corners for long periods of time and then run the hell in the opposite direction.


y e s

dont you know all cats can see ghosts.

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5 months ago
So Like, I Had To Redo My Entire Account Again So I Have To Repost My Artwork Again. This Art Piece Is

So like, I had to redo my entire account again so I have to repost my artwork again. This art piece is fanart of a fanfic called Yesterday Upon the Stair by @pitviperofdoom and is actually the reason I got a tumblr account! Anyway I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a long fanfic to obsess over ;)

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4 months ago

Day 4, Eyes

Yes, this is Midoriya from Yuts and I will never and I mean NEVER stop raving about it

Day 4, Eyes

Here is the prompt I used for Inktober by @astarionsknife

Day 4, Eyes

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6 years ago

I Love this Fic So Much

This Was My First Time Drawing Midoriya, So Im Sorry If It Sucks! (thats Gotta Be A Sin Right? Not Drawing

This was my first time drawing Midoriya, so im sorry if it sucks! (that’s gotta be a sin right? not drawing the boy)

An excellent boy!

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2 years ago

I made fanart for Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom!

I Made Fanart For Yesterday Upon The Stair By PitViperOfDoom!
I Made Fanart For Yesterday Upon The Stair By PitViperOfDoom!
I Made Fanart For Yesterday Upon The Stair By PitViperOfDoom!

Okay here's my older ones too TwT

I Made Fanart For Yesterday Upon The Stair By PitViperOfDoom!
I Made Fanart For Yesterday Upon The Stair By PitViperOfDoom!
I Made Fanart For Yesterday Upon The Stair By PitViperOfDoom!

@pitviperofdoom YUTS is my favorite story I've ever read! If you see this I really hope you like my drawings!

I might make more at some point :3

Tysm for this amazing fanfic<3

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