Yyh Manga - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Sueños de yyh y yo

Buenos días, tardes o noches, si llegaste a esta publicación de este blog ¡bienvenido! En este blog se trata de YYH, dibujos que hago y sobre shifthing (el tratar de llegar a mi rd de yyh y poder contar experiencias de este), ahora sí ¡COMENCEMOS!

Sueos De Yyh Y Yo

Cada vez que estoy teniendo sueños en el que me vuelvo más consciente y que puedo sentirlo como en la realidad, o sea sueños lucidos. El tema de esto es que... no viaje todavía a mi RD de YYH (yu yu hakusho), a parte no solo lo siento tan real sino que a veces no puedo controlarlo ja ja.

Sueos De Yyh Y Yo

Muchos de estos sueños que tengo es con el elenco, Yusuke, Kazuma, Hiei y Kurama. Puedo jurar que en la mayoría de veces que soñé con ellos, no solo escuchaba sus voces en doblaje latino sino que pasaba el rato con ellos, riéndome o paseando por ahí.

Se que suena raro e ilógico, pero ya van varias veces que me encuentro números espejos en mi celu, en mi reloj... o esta clase de sueños, principalmente con Hiei (el visitándome a mi casa, que seria la casa Yukimura y pasando el rato con él). Todavía no terminé mi plantilla y espero llegar a mi RD.

¿Será una señal del universo? Pdta.: los gifs pertenecen al Tumblr @genkais-arcade Pdta.2: No viaje a mi rd aún. En mi rd me llamo Reiko Yukimura, soy hermana mayor de Keiko Yukimura. También puse que seria detective espiritual y que estoy en el Team Urameshi. Si quieren saber más solo pregunten que no muerdo :3

~ Reiko Yukimura~

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1 year ago

Dreams of yyh and i

Good morning, afternoon or evening, if you came to this blog post, welcome! This blog is about YYH, drawings I do and shifting (trying to get to my dr of yyh and be able to tell experiences of this), now LET'S BEGIN!

Dreams Of Yyh And I

Every time I am having dreams in which I become more aware and that I can feel it as in reality, that is, lucid dreams. The thing about this is that… I haven't traveled to my DR of YYH (yu yu hakusho) yet, besides, not only do I feel so real but sometimes I can't control it ha ha.

Dreams Of Yyh And I

A lot of these dreams I have are with the cast, Yusuke, Kazuma, Hiei and Kurama. I can swear that most of the times I dreamed about them, I not only listened to their voices in Latin dubbing but also spent time with them, laughing or walking around.

I know it sounds strange and illogical, but several times I find myself mirror numbers in my phone , in my watch… or this kind of dreams, mainly with Hiei (he visiting me at my house, which would be the Yukimura house and hanging out with him). I haven't finished my template yet and I hope to reach my DR.

Could it be a sign from the universe? PS: the gifs belong to the Tumblr @genkais-arcade Pdta.2: Don't travel to my dr yet. In my dr my name is Reiko Yukimura and my character, I am Keiko Yukimura's older sister. I also put that I would be a spiritual detective and that I am in Team Urameshi. If you want to know more just ask I don't bite :3

~Reiko Yukimura~

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1 year ago

-Reiko☆Yukimura☆ blog-

˚✯┊☪⋆✩☪⋆ ESPAÑOL 。˚┊˚✩ ┊┊⋆。˚. ੈ ✩ ♡¡Buenos días, tardes o noches!♡ ~¡Bienvenidos a esté blog!~

-ReikoYukimura Blog-
-ReikoYukimura Blog-

Soy ☆Tinirainboom☆ pero pueden decirme Reiko, en esté blog se va a tratar de mi proceso de shifthing y de tratar de llegar a mi rd de yyh (entre otros más). Algunos dibujos míos, fanfics y reblogs de yyh.

《Reiko Yukimura es mi oc de yyh , es como mi alterego ja ja, y mi nombre en mi rd de yyh.》

Soy un fanático de la animación de los 90 y de sus animes, los videojuegos(arcades, ps5, otomes y juegos 2d) y del tcg de yugioh.

˚✯┊☪⋆✩☪⋆ English 。˚┊˚✩ ┊┊⋆。˚. ੈ ✩

♡Good morning, afternoon or evening!♡ ~Welcome to this blog!~ I'm ☆Tinirainboom☆ but you can call me Reiko, in this blog it's going to be about my shifting process and trying to reach my dr of yyh (and another ones). Some of my drawings, fanfics and yyh's reblogs.

《Reiko Yukimura is my yyh oc, she's like my alter ego ha ha, and my name in my yyh dr.》

I'm a fan of 90's animation and its animes, video games (arcades, ps5, otomes and 2d games) and yugioh tcg.

-ReikoYukimura Blog-

" ¡Cómo segundo detective espiritual , mi existencia no será en vano!" YYH RD

"As the second spiritual detective, my existence will not be in vain!" YYH DR

~Reiko Yukimura~

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1 year ago

☆Yusuke and me☆


Yusuke And Me
Yusuke And Me

oh my gosh!!! I never thought I would dream about yusuke, I mean I had several dreams with the cast mainly with Hiei, but only with Yusuke it had never happened to me.


LOANDING ° ° ° ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ


The dream started that I was walking down the street and I saw that I was wearing the Sarayashiki junior high uniform and suddenly I saw Yusuke taking me by surprise scaring me from behind and then he smiled at me happily and said "Hey Reiko, don't you say hello to your best friend? You really are in the clouds hahaha", he was wearing his green uniform with his backpack carrying it hugging his arm, as he always does.

I wasn't 100% aware of the dream (meaning the being able to control it like I could with the dreams I had with Hiei) but I was really impressed by how real it felt, being able to hear him with the voice of the Latin dubbing, his grip on my shoulders when he wanted to "scare" me, but well I keep counting…

I remember that I had answered him "I'm sorry Yusuke, I hadn't seen you haha". Suddenly, the dream changes scenery and I start down a corridor that sounds like I've seen it and it was the labyrinth castle, of the city of demons and at that moment my uniform changes to that of Meiou Private Academy. For a moment I got scared and looked behind me and there were the boys, Yusuke, Kazuma, Hiei and Kurama. They looked at me a little confused by my sudden action of looking back and Kurama asked me first "reiko, are you okay?", then Yusuke said "what happened to you, did you get scared? stay calm, we're behind you" and the others nodded in response. And before I could answer I woke up.😭😭

When I woke up, I looked at my watch that I have on my wrist and I see that it is 06:06 AM. I saw a mirror hour and I had never seen that mirror hour omg and that means "You are indispensable to that person, but it is also time to make peace with you, it is time to see for yourself and feel self-love".

The master Oogway said "The coincidences/accidents doesn't exist" and is true, everything in this life happens for a reason. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Ending this long post in summary I was able to see all of them for a moment and be able to listen to them with their voices in Latin and to really notice their concern on their faces and in their voices. OMG! that is, in my dr Yusuke is my best friend from chilhood like Keiko. Everything in the dream felt so real that even when I woke up I felt a lot more tired than usual and my head hurt a bit from the exhaustion (as if I hadn't slept) lol.

♡Well have a good day, afternoon or night♡

~Reiko Yukimura~

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1 year ago

¡Me encantó tu post sobre los sueños que estás teniendo con el elenco de YYH! Es primera vez que conozco a una persona que tiene como RD esta serie tan maravillosa (y mejor que seas latina, así tenemos el mismo doblaje en mente xD). Me encantaría saber más al respecto. Yuyu es mi serie favorita y también siento muy cercanos a los personajes. Actualmente estoy escribiendo un fanfic que podría decirse representa esa RD que tengo en mi cabeza desde pequeña, así que creo entenderte muy bien <3

¡Buenos días, tardes o noches Rankoumoto!

Todavía no fui a mi rd de yyh, solo tuve estos sueños, y el último que tuve fue el de Yusuke y una pequeña aparición de los chicos. Aunque si puedo decirte es que clase de relación puse en mi plantilla:

En esa realidad soy Reiko Yukimura, hermana mayor de Keiko, y mejor amiga de la infancia de Yusuke. Después, conozco a Kazuma dentro de Sarayashiki jr high, ambos nos hacemos muy buenos amigos.

En la escuela siempre defiendo a Yusuke del profesor Iwamoto, para que no se salga con la suya, y que trate de amigarse con Kazuma ya que los dos son parecidos XD. Hasta que, ocurre la muerte de Yusuke...

Después de navidad, (basándome en un volumen del manga) la familia Yukimura me cambia de colegio, que seria Meiou academy (antes que sucediera eso, Keiko no esta en peligro por culpa de ningún pandillero, ya que eso sucede en el manga, y yo estuve ahí para salvarla y después de eso nadie la molestaría).

¿Por que me cambian al colegio Meiou? bueno... primero en el día del funeral de Yusuke, el se puso a reír y lo empezó a insultar...

(en un sueño muy borroso que tuve, pero pude recordar eso y me desperté muy enojada ese día jaja, bueno sigo)

Casi en un arrebato de ira, iba caminando hacía el para cagarlo a trompadas pero Keiko y la señora Atsuko me detuvieron. Y segundo, en una clase hizo muchas referencias a él diciendo que las basuras en este colegio ensucian el prestigio de la institución o algo así (en el manga hay un pequeño panel de eso) y me harté.

Ya estando en Meiou, me encuentro Shuichi y a Kaito. Al principio, me hice amiga de Kaito y fue súper cool. El problema era Kurama... porque en el día de la muerte de Yusuke me convertí en detective espiritual porque mis poderes habían despertado, aparte estaba pasando por el problema de la enfermedad de su madre y se notaba por su actitud dentro del manga y el anime que no hablaba con nadie a menos que fuera lo justo y necesario.

Aunque dentro del sueño que tuve con Yusuke que fue el último. Kurama ya confiaba en mí, y ya éramos mejores amigos, pude notarlo en su mirada y cuando me pregunto si estaba bien. Note preocupación en su voz...

Y Hiei... bueno en la mayoría de sueños que tuve con él, era muy afectivo conmigo. En uno de esos sueños, recuerdo que yo estaba usando la computadora en mi cuarto y Hiei apareció en mi ventana con una sonrisa. Después me abrazó y me dijo "ya deberías dejar eso, será mejor que pongas toda tu atención en otra cosa en vez de estar mirando la compu" y luego nos acostamos juntos a dormir.

Podría decir que la mayoría de los sueños que tuve con Hiei, fue después del arco del detective espiritual, ya que a partir del torneo oscuro para delante se vuelve más cariñoso conmigo porque así lo escribí en mi plantilla. No era rudo, sino que solo éramos solo amigos y era un poco cerrado conmigo ya que le cuesta confiar en los demás.

¡Bueno eso es todo! Por el momento, no soñe con keiko, botan, genkai ni siquiera con koenma, solo con el elenco...

☆¡Me alegra que te guste mi blog!☆

Pdta.: Espero llegar a mi RD, pero primero necesito ajustar algunas cosas en mi plantilla ja ja

~Reiko Yukimura~

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1 year ago
Hello YYH Fandom!

Hello YYH Fandom!

A reminder that next week we're celebrating Kuwabara! Tag for the event is: #sdf kuwabara week and please tag this blog if you're participating so we can share your posts. Like last time, all forms of creative expression are fair game (fanarts, fanfics, playlists, moodboards, videos, character studies etc. Anything that comes to your mind)

See you in a week! Can't wait to see what y’all come up with 🧡

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1 year ago

☆Compilation of dreams i had from yyh dr during this time☆

Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time

Good morning, afternoon or evening! I'm back after so long! Oh God, I have a lot to tell about these dreams I had about my YYH dr. I haven't traveled to my desired reality of YYH yet, but my goodness, they were quite real and so clear, as if I had already traveled there.

WELL , I'LL EXPLAIN FIRST HE HE LOADING ° ° ° ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ

DREAM 1 "Yusuke's concern and anger with the older Toguro":

Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time
Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time

The first dream could be called "Yusuke's concern and anger with the older Toguro." Why do I call it that way? There is context.

The dream begins in the Dark Tournament saga, already in the final against the Toguro team. The Urameshi team is in the third round which is against the older Toguro, Kazuma enters the ring and the atmosphere felt tense because Genkai had been killed by the younger Toguro, we all knew it except Kuwabara.

Well until then it was the same as the manga and anime, but then something changes.

Toguro the eldest begins to make fun of Genkai, using his power to copy the figure of Genkai in his hand (as in the manga/anime), Kazuma finds out about Genkai's death and I insult Toguro the eldest by telling him some truths that They made him angry, like: "You're a shitty coward who the only thing he knows how to do is talk and treacherously attack like a viper." At that moment, Toguro the eldest attacked me using one of his fingers as a dagger and hurt my left shoulder trying to silence me. The boys were surprised by that sudden attack and I heard Yusuke shout "Reiko no!" with a worried voice.

I could hear Yusuke's voice loud and clear in the Latin dub at that moment OMG!

Yusuke was the first to jump towards me because the older Toguro's surprise blow when he crossed my left shoulder caused me to fly backwards out of inertia, and Yusuke caught me and I could see his worried and frustrated face.

He told me "Reiko, don't die, please don't leave me!" The scene between the two was like in the Kunfu Panda movie when Shifu relaxes at the end of the first movie on the ground and Po thinks he died, well it was technically that, because I told him "I'm not dying you moron! The blow hit me on my shoulder Yusuke, don't worry." The rest looked at me worried as they approached me, except Kazuma since he couldn't get out of the ring because otherwise he would be disqualified, but he was still worried about me.

The entire Urameshi team looked angrily at Toguro the eldest, mainly Yusuke, it was evident in his voice and in his face that he cared so much about me that he held me carefully and protectively. 💖🥰

Then I was starting to wake up and saw that Kazuma turned around and angrily went back to fight against the older Toguro because he hurt my left shoulder. I saw my blood running in my left shoulder and it hurt very little, Hiei and Kurama were close to me, although Yusuke held me carefully and protectively.

That's as far as sleep goes, and that happened two months ago one afternoon when I was studying and I accidentally fell asleep!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ° ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DREAM 2 "Fighting and using the Reigan (Spirit gun) perfectly!":

Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time
Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time

okay! This dream was three weeks ago, and it was shorter T~T, I will still give context!

The dream begins that I am fighting and in a moment I fly away and roll on the ground. Then I returned to the battlefield and jumped against the enemy that looked like a demon and used the reigan (spirit gun) with all my potential and defeated the demon. Apparently he was on a mission as a spiritual detective, I think it was when Yusuke was trying to recover the artifacts of darkness and the place was blurry but it looked a lot like the forest where Yusuke first fought against Gouki.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ° ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DREAM 3 "Vacations in the mysterious beach" :

Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time
Compilation Of Dreams I Had From Yyh Dr During This Time

Finally, this dream that I had I think a week and a half ago, it all begins with me traveling to a beach in the style of the ending of yyh in the anime. Although I was traveling alone, because I felt like I had to meet someone, so I look at my cell phone and I get a message from Keiko that I should go to the beach. Then I took the bus to get to the place so I had to walk a little, and as I looked out the window I saw an orange butterfly that flew and turned blue. At that moment I realized that I was dreaming, because the blue butterfly inside the shifthing is a good sign that you are close to traveling to your desired reality! And then I got off the bus and went to the beach coast since I had to meet Keiko.

There the dream ends, and I remembered the dream very well.


Well that was all! *i sigh* I feel more and more motivated to want to reach my desired reality of YYH, it was the only one in which I had several dreams, I mean with these there are 6 dreams in total and there are several, in the last Dream I couldn't see Keiko but I knew I was going to see her.

♡Well have a good day, afternoon or night♡

~Reiko Yukimura~

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1 year ago

Surprised To Be Dead

Surprised To Be Dead
Surprised To Be Dead
Surprised To Be Dead


Good morning, afternoon or night. This morning I had a dream related to my YYH dr! and it is on the topic of Yusuke's death… when I saw it for the first time in my house that episode did not make me feel sad, and in all the times I saw it I never felt as sad as it has happened to me within this dream, she was really devastated crying her eyes out over Yusuke's death.

I will give context....

LOADING ° ° ° ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ

DREAM: "Suprised to be Dead! and my sorrow and sadness for Yusuke my best friend from childhood"

Surprised To Be Dead
Surprised To Be Dead

The dream begins when I left school, Sarayashiki Jr. High running desperately and as I ran I saw Yusuke in the distance with the boy with the soccer ball. At that moment, Yusuke's back was turned and he couldn't see me as he saw the little boy who had dropped the ball heading towards the street. I was afraid of what was going to happen and tried to speed up, but Yusuke just reacted to help the boy. I shouted "Yusuke!" He heard me and tried to get away so that nothing would happen to me. I wanted to save them both but the speeding car pushed Yusuke and me, we both went flying.

ok up to that point it happened the same as the anime/manga, with the only difference that I was in the scene and I saw everything in first person since sometimes in my dreams it changes to third and returns to first.

The ambulance arrived quickly, I didn't have any scratches, bruises, fractures or anything, it was as if nothing had happened to me. The nurses went to check on the little boy and he was fine, but when I approached Yusuke I started crying in my sleep, the nurses grabbed me and started to take me away from him while others left him for dead, I tried with all my might to make them leave me. at peace and be with Yusuke but… they dragged me away from his body. I remember him shouting "Yusuke, don't leave me! Let me go, I want to be with my best friend! Let me go!" Then the dream changes quickly after the funeral, I was at the Yukimura house crying and I was listening to "The Melody of God" by Tan Bionica with my headphones until I locked myself in my room so that no one would bother me and no one would come in either.

Surprised To Be Dead
Surprised To Be Dead
Surprised To Be Dead

I stopped the music and continued crying as I closed my eyes to fall asleep. When I fell asleep, I could see that Yusuke intervened in my dream (just like he had done with Keiko, but he did it with me!) I could see him in my dream and I ran to hug him, Yusuke hugged me back and started to comfort me because I burst into tears and it was a mess of tears. I could feel his hug and his comfort, I could hear him in the Latin dubbing telling me ""Reiko it's okay shh, I'm here, okay? Don't cry, it really makes me very sad to see you so sad for me. I intervened in your dream because I'm going to come back to life and I wanted you not to let them cremate my body because otherwise I won't be able to resurrect. Be strong Reiko, you already are but hold on a little longer, okay? Soon you and I will be together doing stupid things and joking again.""

Surprised To Be Dead
Surprised To Be Dead

"Goodbye Reiko, I know you can feel my presence and you will know that I will be with you through thick and thin."

Then he wipes my tears and hugs me a little more, to kiss me on the forehead as a farewell for the moment. Then, about the next morning, I saw that I had dark circles under my eyes and marks that I cried a lot. My parents (Keiko's parents) saw me and I told them determinedly, "I will become stronger to protect others! I am leaving for the moment and I will be well", then the dream ends with me closing the door of my house to go look for Yusuke's mother (Atsuko) and then to want to train with Genkai.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 🥺🥹😢😭 oh god this dream was very sad for me! It's the first time I have this kind of dream about YYH and it's sad, mainly about Yusuke. I mean, I knew he was going to die because I saw the anime and the manga, and when I saw those scenes I didn't get so bad that I was so sad, I was really in a flood of tears. Even when I woke up I was still sad but I felt a little better because I could feel Yusuke's affection and the way he comforted me was so sweet, it touched me a lot! I had put in my template that he is my best childhood friend like Keiko within my rd and he really fulfilled that attitude perfectly.

Then I turn on my computer and see the time which is 08:08, another mirror time just like I had the first dream with Yusuke but I had 06:06 on the clock! I haven't been to my dr yet, but I have faith that I will get there.

♡Well have a good day, afternoon or night♡

~Reiko Yukimura~

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