(Lindir) Enchanting Siren
(Lindir) Enchanting Siren
A/N: This imagine was made up by me.
⚠️Warning ⚠️ : None
Word Count: 645
Lindir's POV
It was a quiet night in Imaldris. Lindir was completing some last minute work for Lord Elrond and a meeting they had just finished with another kingdom. Finally needing a break, Lindir laid his quill onto is desk and walked to his balcony for some fresh air. The moon was large and bright, like glittering silver resting in the clear night sky of Middle-Earth. Only when he had his eyes closed to listen to the crickets chirp and the slight dance of the leaves, did he hear an enchanting melody. It was the sound of a flute singing a calming yet mournful tune. With scrunched eyebrows Lindir opened his eyes and looked below him to see if he could find the source of the solemn song, but could not seem to identify where it was coming from. Lindir wanted to know who was playing such mournful yet beautiful music this late at night, so he walked back in his room, grabbed his dark crimson over coat, and left his room to find the source of the melody.
He searched the palace for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. He came to a two way corridor and stopped to listen for the melody. 'Left.' He thought to himself as he heard the flute once again. As he walked farther down the corridor the music became louder. Once Lindir reached the end of the hall he saw that it had led him to the meeting area where Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, Saruman The White, and Gandalf The Grey had a recent meeting about a blade Radagast The Brown had discovered in Dol Guldur. When Lindir stepped closer he saw an elleth in a (f/c) dress with (h/l), (h/c) hair. Of course he could only see the back of her. The mysterious elleth stood in the center of the platform surrounded by pillars playing her flute while unaware she had an audience.
When the song was finally finished Lindir applauded with amazement. The elleth jumped not expecting anyone to be up this late. She turned to face Lindir and when she did Lindir was astonished by her beauty. Her smooth (s/c) skin, her soft features, and her enchanting (e/c) eyes almost made him lose his balance for he had never seen such beauty before, moreover he had never seen this siren wondering around before. Finally for what felt like forever he spoke. "That melody was very lovely." He said quietly so has not to scare this majestic creature. She blushed and looked done with a shy smile. "Thank you my lord." She answered quietly. Lindir slowly walked forward. " what is your name my lady?" He questioned with curiosity while he now stood a foot away from her. "(Y/n), my name is (y/n)." She curtsied with her head bowed most of the time he had spoke to her. "I see that you already know I am?" Lindir smiled slightly at her shyness. "Yes my lord. You are Lord Elrond's steward." She answered while still looking down. Lindir chuckled while stepping closer. "Yes." He then used his index finger and thumb to lift her head up to him. 'So enchanting.' He thought. "Would you like to have a walk with me my lady?" He Asked while letting go of her chin and held his hand out to her. She looked at his hand and then to him, then smiled and replied with a yes.
A/N: Okay that was the first imagine of this book I hope you enjoyed. Also this was just a quick write so if the plot seems everywhere I apologize and if you would like to read more go to my Wattpad account. Link is in my profile, but anyways until next time my elves. N'i lû tôl.
Translations: N'i lû tôl- Until then.
(Source of translations: http://www.arwen-undomiel.com/elvish/phrases.html)
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I wasn’t tagged I just wanted to participate
1.) This Orient ~ Foals
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4.) Feel Good Inc. ~ Filous(cover)
5.) The Leaving Song Pt. II ~ AFI
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Tagged -> @goodomenssource, @hard-on-for-hiddleston, & @hobbitheart
thank you @martythevampire for tagging me sorry i'm late
rules: put your music on shuffle and write first 10 songs
1. for him - troy sivan
2. boys will be bugs - cavetown
3. padaju zvijezde - bijelo dugme
4. wake up - eden
5. looking like you just woke up - the front bottoms
6. oh ms beliver - tøp
7. pitala si me - hladno pivo
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9. i feel fine - the beatles
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i tag: @unexciting-houseplant @itsonlyburn @dancing-in-the-rain54