Rivendell - Tumblr Posts

Le guerrier victorieux remporte la bataille, puis part en guerre. Le guerrier vaincu part en guerre, puis cherche Γ remporter la bataille.
The victorious warrior win first the battle, then go to war. The defeated warrior go to war first, then seek to win the battle.


It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

and need of Vittles.
J.R.R. Tolkien
β§ Legolas + fireworks β§
I had the most realistic dream about Rivendell last night. The only thing that made me realise it wasn't real was Elrond wearing sunglasses.

Weariness fell from him soon in that house, and he had many a merry jest and dance, early and late, with the elves of the valley

Elf Valley Diorama Bookshelf Insert by LaCasaDelleTreBefane Β Β Β Β Β Β

It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing.
I'm late to the empiresona thing, but i really wanted to do it

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I'm painfully aware that alice looks like the wendy's mascot
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a redrawww of my old empires art :D
how do i feel homesick for the shire and for middle earth i have never been there
Hi, I have a sort of specific request. Could you please write a Frodo Baggins x Hobbit!reader who wants nothing more than to go on an adventure and is childhood friends with Frodo because she loved Bilboβs stories and none of the other children wanted to play with her because she was so un-hobbitish, then eventually found herself falling in love with Frodo and so when he leaves to go on his quest she is right there at his side, stubborn and extremely excited about it all. Not a hint of nervousness. Sort of being a constant for Frodo. Iβd love that very much.
If not no worries. Thank you<3
hi, @dinofromspac3! tysm for requesting! i'ma give this a shot. sorry if the wait was longer, i went to the gym last night and didn't have time to write this. but here we go! hope ya like it :)!
Frodo and I have known each other for a long time. We've known each other since he moved in with his Uncle Bilbo after his parents drowned in some freak boating accident. The poor thing was so distraught for the first few months, and I didn't blame him. I'd often go over with some of his friends so that I could hear Mr. Bilbo's famous, un-Hobbitish adventures. His adventures made me want to go on my own adventure. A lot of Hobbit children thought I was queer as I wistfully dreamed about my own adventures, and didn't really speak to me. But I was okay with that. At least I had Merry, Pippin, Sam, and, of course, Frodo.
Eventually, Frodo asked me if I wanted to go out and pretend to have an adventure like his uncle once did. Of course, we never ventured anywhere outside the Shire. It was not our business to know what the folks from distant lands were up to. Most likely, wars. And adventures, now to think about that. Apparently, Hobbits were nonexistent to the Men, Elves, and Dwarves, and didn't even bother coming to invade the Shire because they knew nothing about it. We were grateful for that, at least. But at the same time, life got a little boring, since we had nothing to do.
Eventually, I found myself falling for Frodo. I didn't want to, but my thoughts were on no one else but him. He was probably the sweetest human being on this entire planet. And I didn't like him because of the large fortune he'd soon inherit from his uncle. The only person who knew I had a crush on the Baggins heir was Rosie Cotton, my friend from the Green Dragon.
When Frodo had gone home with Sam, I went along with them. And soon, Sam and I found ourselves eavesdropping on Frodo's and Gandalf's conversation about a once-lost ring that he was currently in possession of. And soon, we found ourselves going on this adventure, which made me even more nervous than before. Because I knew that what Frodo was carrying was dangerous. I was scared for him, and his life. But so far, everything seemed as normal as it could be. That is, until we reached Weathertop.
I never left his side during that time when he was mortally wounded. I was there at his side the entire time, letting him hold his hand in mine. When a she-elf came to whisk Frodo away to safety, Sam had to hold me back.
"I don't want to leave him!" I exclaimed through tears as I tried to yank myself out of Sam's grip. But his hold was too tight on my arms. I couldn't do anything except to watch as Frodo was whisked away from me.
"I think she's getting him to safety, Miss y/n," Sam tried to reassure me.
Although it did comfort me slightly, I was still nervous about the fact that I could possibly lose my best friend. If I went back to the Shire without him, life would be more dull and boring than it had been before. I wouldn't have a reason to live.
Luckily, Frodo had managed to survive, and I hardly left his side, no matter how tired he was. And when he woke up, I was there to greet him, relieved that he was alive and alright. I stayed by his side before Sam had to pull me away from him so that I could get some rest.
Soon after the council was over, and the Hobbits and I had joined, I could hear Merry and Pippin complaining quite loudly amongst themselves in the garden about mine and Frodo's friendship.
"All they've been doing is giving each other googly, heart-shaped eyes to each other for years. And I'm getting kinda sick of it," Merry complained to Pippin.
"They should be together by now. I'm tired of them standing at a distance and not saying anything."
"You know what, Pip. I'm thinking the exact same thing. They should have confessed their feelings to each other by now."
It took me a moment to realize that they were talking about me and Frodo. I blushed brightly, and pretended to not hear what Merry and Pippin were saying.
Great, they noticed?
I turned and tip-toed away before the duo found out I had been eavesdropping. But not even an hour later, Merry and Pippin found me in my room as I was reading a book I had found from Lord Elrond's large library.
"You could knock next time, ya know," I commented without bothering to look up. I kept my nose buried in the book. "It's not that hard."
The duo ignored me.
"Tell us, y/n," said Pippin. "Do you have a crush on Frodo?"
That got me to look up in surprise, but I quickly recovered, trying to shrug the feeling off.
"No. Why do you bother asking?"
"C'mon, y/n! For years, you've been giving him heart-shaped, lovey-dovey eyes and you never say anything about it! I'm getting a little sick of it." Merry complained
"It's because I'm scared, alright?" I snapped in return.
"C'mon. You shouldn't be scared of confessing, y/n. He likes you, too," Merry insisted.
"You're just saying that so that my hopes can get up," I grumbled as I continued to flip through the book I'd found.
"No! Y/n, we swear to the Valinor, that he likes you back!" Pippin pleaded. I glared at him, not entirely convinced that he was telling me the entire truth.
"And we think that we may know where to find him," Merry added, winking at me.
"It's nighttime. Frodo's probably in bed, and I'm not going to disturb him just to tell him that I like him."
"Oh, come on! You're no fun, y/n! Can you please just trust us? Just this once?"
I glared at them and then sighed, putting my book down.
"Alright, since you asked so nicely." That got both of the boys to cheer. "But don't think that I'll let you off that easily!"
I got up and followed them, letting the duo pull me along. Almost immediately, I regretted letting them do this to me. But at the same time, I knew that I had to confess to Frodo at some point, because I had no idea what our future holds. Any of us could die during this quest.
They led me to the courtyard. Not the same one we'd had the meeting in, but a completely different one.
"Isn't about time that everyone was in bed by now?" I asked, clearly confused.
"Well, not everyone," Merry hinted mysteriously. He then shoved me in the shoulders, trying to get me to go. "Well, go on."
I knew exactly what he was doing. But I sighed and entered the courtyard. There, sitting on the stone bench of Rivendell, was Frodo. He gazed up at the stars. He was so immersed in watching the stars that he jumped when I finally approached him.
"Y/n," he greeted. He patted the empty space next to him, giving me room to sit. "What brings you here?"
"Uh. . . . I dunno. Couldn't sleep, I guess," I quietly replied. "And I guess that I needed some fresh air."
That was partially true. I couldn't sleep, so I had gone ahead and read the book I'd found in Elrond's fancy library. I turned my gaze to the sky, watching the little pinpricks of light twinkling overhead.
"The stars look beautiful tonight," I finally commented.
"Not as beautiful as you," Frodo unexpectedly commented. I turned to stare at him in surprise. He then realized what he'd said, and his eyes went wide. "I-I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that! Not this quickly, anyways β"
I only shook my head in reply, smiling softly. I pressed my lips firmly against his, kissing him softly. He tensed, at first, clearly surprised, before melting into the kiss. He wrapped his arms gently around my waist, bringing me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting him close to me.
He bit my lower lip, asking politely for entrance. I giggled and granted his request. He explored my mouth, and I explored his. The feeling gave me butterflies. I never wanted this moment to end.
"Gross! Get a room, you two!" Pippin complained loudly. His voice caused us to break apart.
"Quit ruining the moment, you fool of a Took!" I retorted.
"You know what? I think we will get a room," Frodo hastily replied. "C'mon, y/n."
He grabbed my hand and led me to his room, where we snuggled together for the rest of the night.
***Whew! I hope that this was alright! Lemme know if you want any more changes :)!***
I just watched the full LOTR trilogy and omg what I would give to live in Rivendell. Like, how gorgeous is this?

Why canβt we all just dress like elves and chill by waterfalls and sleep in canopy beds? Ugh Halloween needs to come sooner, I need an excuse to dress in my fantasy gear!!!!
I just watched the full LOTR trilogy and omg what I would give to live in Rivendell. Like, how gorgeous is this?

Why canβt we all just dress like elves and chill by waterfalls and sleep in canopy beds? Ugh Halloween needs to come sooner, I need an excuse to dress in my fantasy gear!!!!
I just watched the full LOTR trilogy and omg what I would give to live in Rivendell. Like, how gorgeous is this?

Why canβt we all just dress like elves and chill by waterfalls and sleep in canopy beds? Ugh Halloween needs to come sooner, I need an excuse to dress in my fantasy gear!!!!
Accountant AU where the reader works for a small town firm called βIstari Financial.β Making her living after coming home from college, looking after the books for the following local businessesβ¦

The local vineyard, βGreenwood Acresβ which has been around longer than anyone can remember, run by a single father as head of the business and a very dedicated team of young employees. Everyone from college hires to long time employees, but nobody in town can quite tell just how old anyone is.

A local business ring run by the Durinson Family who own nearly every business in town. The local brewery, the auto repair shop, the car dealership, the pawn shop, etc. They run everything as a family, but all answer to the head of the family, a bachelor whoβs yet to get married as heβs βmarried to his work.β Though, he secretly has his eyes set on someone in town. Who though? Nobody knowsβ¦

The bakery at the center of town, called βLorien Confectionβ where the man behind the counter greets customers, serves icecream and brags about his wife while the white witch in the kitchen rolls out goodie after goodie by the dozen of sugar-coated goodness. The baker earning the title of witch as she always seems to know what people want before they do.

The coffee/tea shop doubling as a wholistic whole foods store run by three best friends who rejected their respected posh lifestyles and struck out on their own straight out of college to bring clean, organic food to the town sourced from local farms. A store called βThree Hunters Whole Foods.β

A fish farming organization called βBard & Son Fishery,β that works hard to protect local wildlife conservation run by a father of three which provides clean, non-gmo fish, hydroponic-grown greens, vegetables and strives to teach young people about respecting the planet and sustainable farming on field trips for the local elementary school.

And who could forget the local bar/restaurant, run by the Baggins family, Uncle and Nephew, along with their friends who provide an atmosphere of home and hearth hospitality to any and all who cross their thresholdβ¦right up until somebody asks them to host a party that doesnβt involve their catering.

And last but not least, the readers worst enemy, βMordor Credit,β the local bank out to screw everyone over and take their businesses. The reader often times being the only thing standing between them and a hefty auditβ¦or worse, an evictionβ¦