(18+) Author of books and writings from many genres. Information on them will be below. Go ahead and click the 'follow' button for notifications on updates.
105 posts
Okay I Need To Know: Bobby Or Paul? Whats The Verdict? Wheres The Receipts?
Okay I need to know: Bobby or Paul? What’s the verdict? Where’s the receipts?
It’s Bobby! There’s been a lot of mix up because of a fake wiki account saying his name is Paul, though it is Bobby!
Here’s the link to the actual wiki for him!

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Johnny Depp Live Wallpaper
Follow my tiktok for more wallpapers and feel free to make requests as well. Enjoy! 💛
Bright Burns and Lights
Jack Skellington x Burnt! Disfigured! Female! Reader

The pale moon hit Halloween town, lighting the odd place with a soft glow. The winds whistling to the townsfolk, and the spews of sound coming out of everyone's mouths, well mostly.
There was one person, a woman. With a burnt face, making her appearance unsettling to some. Though there was one person who thought the opposite.
His name you ask? Well Jack of course. Jack Skellington, The Pumpkin King.
He adored the shorter woman, even with her scars. He always had said it brought character to her and made her more unique.
Though the woman, Y/n, thought not. She believe she was the worst of them all. An outcast of monster society.
People would wave to her and be friendly to her, but deep down her felt as if it were a fraud, a ruse of false kindness.
Jack was always by her side, even when she pushed him away, just like now.
Jack carried his lover on his back, her laughing ringing throughout his skull. He laughed as well, the feeling of happiness waving throughout his bones.
He had always felt like that when he was with her, and visa versa. They were always smiling and being the most inner self they could be with one another. Just like this dark night.
Jack ran with his long bones, racing up to the top of the crescent hill, it was always their favorite place.
"Jack it's beautiful out tonight."
"That it is Y/n, that it is. But do you know what site is even better than this?
"What place?"
"Not a place, but whom."
"Jack, don't even play with me right now. I'm not the most beautiful site."
Putting her down he sat on the hill, as did she.
He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling up to her for a little bit of warmth.
"But my love, you see, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And you," He tapped her nose playfully, earning a small giggle. "are beauty."
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes, wrapping her own arms around the skeleton. She closed her eyes, a gentle smile caressing her burnt flesh.
The night watched as the star crossed lovers held each other. The pair being different, yet perfect. Like a new jigsaw puzzle.
With a yawn, Y/n got up from the ground, having unwrapped her arms from Jack.
"Baby let's get home. I'm getting tired."
With a bone smile, Jack arose from where he sat, nodding his head in agreement.
"Of course Y/n, but let me carry you. Knowing you, you might fall asleep walking home! Haha!"
Her tired giggles were carried by the wind as she let Jack carry her home.
And that my friends, is the end of this short story :)
I swear, stop motion is one of my favorite movie/film styles, and this only gives me more reasons as to why
Here it is! After 6 long weeks of planning, drawing, animating, editing and watching IT, I present to you my groups stop motion animation:
“Paper Boat”
With Death Comes Love
Pairing- Dean x Castiel
Triggers- Character Death
Summary- With Chuck defeated, Dean can finally be with his angel.

God, The Father, one humans looked up to for guidance and safety. Well that was all a lie; a lie Sam and Dean Winchester had to find out the hard way.
Through losing their loved ones, watching humanity and everything in it disappear right in front of their eyes. They watched as God, known as Chuck, destroyed everything they tried to fix and loved dearly.
But in the end, the Winchesters got the upper hand, they won.
As Chuck begged for Sam and Dean to kill him, to finish the untold story, they left with smiles across their faces, Dean wrapping an arm around his brother, but inside he was still hurting. Hurting because of a certain Seraph, Castiel.
The brothers had known Castiel for years, becoming family through all the fights, bruises, and multiple deaths. But to Dean, Castiel was much more than a friend. He wished with his whole being he could see Castiel one last time, but life wasn't too kind to him, so it was an unanswered prayer in the end.
Getting back into the infamous 67' Chevy Impala, Dean drove off with his brother, and Jack, Chuck's cries fading behind them. Giving a light, hearty laugh, Dean looked at Sam and Jack.
"We did it. We're free."
Sam smiled at his brother and patted his shoulder, nodding at his brothers words, Jack giving a shy smile as he sat in the backseat.
"Let's go home guys. We deserve a break; it's not everyday you defeat God." Sam spoke, his voice light, yet broad.
Dean didn't say anything, only putting the petal to the metal as he drove back to the bunker, safely putting away Baby as they went home, jogging down the stairs and taking off his cloth jacket, throwing it onto the map covered table, earning a huff from Sam.
"Can't you put that in your room or something? I just clean this place a few days ago."
"Come on Sammy, it's time to celebrate. Worry about the damned jacket later." Rolling his eyes, Dean started to walk away, the heavy steps of his books echoing, but he was stopped in his tracks as jack spoke up.
"Sam, Dean," He started, his baby blue eyes looking between the men he called his fathers. "I can't stay."
Sam and Dean looked at Jack, curiosity and confusion in their eyes.
"Why not? You're, well, you're him now, you don't have to leave." Dean retorted, furrowing his brows lightly.
Jack just gave a soft smile, shaking his head. "That's the thing. I am now God and I have work to do. There are many things Chuck broke that I need to fix."
Exhaling, Dean stood still as he looked down, knowing Jack was right. It wasn't like he could stay forever, he was his own person. "Okay kid. But if you ever need us, you know where we are."
Jack nodded, raising his hand, "Goodbye Sam, Dean. I love you both."
With that, Jack walked away, fading into the air as he took a step up the stairs.
Dean gave a sad smile, looking at his brother before continuing to walk to the kitchen. "Come on Sam we need a beer." Sam chuckled as he followed his brother, catching a beer his brother tossed. Untwisting the cap, Sam took a sip of the cool liquid, sitting down with his brother at the kitchen table.
"Who knew one day we would stop God. Remember when demons were our biggest enemy? Dad would be proud Dean, Cas would have too."
Putting down his beer, Dean gave an uncertain smile as he looked at Sam. "I know they would've Sammy. I just wish Cas was here." Sam nodded, watching as Dean got up from the wooden chair.
"Where are you going?" Sam asked, Dean just looking at his brother for a moment before speaking. "To my room. Think imma catch some z's."
Before Sam could say anything, Dean left the kitchen, walking through the bunker until he got to room 11, his room. Closing the door behind himself, Dean sat at the foot of his bed, taking a sip of his beer as he let the tears fall. Tears that hid behind his eyes, but were now free.
With his body shaking, Dean put his beer on the ground as he held his face in his hands, thinking of only one person.
"Cas....Cas I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you I loved you. But, but I waited too long." He sobbed, fighting the air in frustration as he collapsed on the ground, letting his emotions wrap around him like a blanket. "You stupid angel! Why couldn't you just stay! I need you Cas!"
It continued like that for days, Dean wrapped in sadness while Sam tried to help him. The younger Winchester knew Dean was taking his death hard, so he drove into research, hoping hunting could help his brother like it had many times before.
"Dean, so get this," Sam started, getting Dean's attention as Sam told him the details of the hunt, and Dean agreed to go. That would be his down fall.
Now with a large nail rod through his chest, Dean looked into Sam's tearful eyes, trying to comfort his brother. "It will be okay Sammy. I will be okay. I love you so much baby brother." Those would be his last words as he took his last breath, Sam holding Dean's body as he cried.
Looking around, Dean took a breath, dusting his jacket. "At least I made it to heaven."
"We all did Dean." a familiar voice said, causing Dean to look over and find Bobby. He walked over to Bobby, confused, asking how he was in free in heaven, believing he was still in heaven's cell.
"Your boy Jack got me out and fixed this place up, and not only this place, he also brought someone out of the Empty." Adjusting in his chair, Bobby nodded to the direction next to him. "Speaking of which, that someone is over there."
Looking over, time seemed to stop as Dean saw was him, his angel.
"Cas." He whispered, running over to the angel, enveloping him into a hug, which Castiel reciprocated, earning a large smile from the cosmic being.
"I thought I lost ya man. I thought....I thought you were gone." Dean spoke, searching Castiel's eyes as if he were just a hallucination. Castiel shook his head, laying a hand on Dean's shoulder, which fit right onto the same handprint he gave Dean many years ago.
"I'm here now Dean. Jack has a way of annoying The Empty."
Giving a breathless chuckle, Dean grabbed Castiel's face into his palm, his heart beating quickly, even though he was dead. "Cas, what you said before you were taken, they have stuck with me, and I just want you to know, I love you too."
Smashing his lips onto Castiel's, he held the angel tight, with Castiel kissing him right back as if it would be the first and the last time.
Even if it took Dean to die to see Castiel again, Dean would've died a million more to see his lover again just for this moment to last and thankfully, it would.