8008sworld - Liquidity

A place where I can convey my thoughts / Degenerate / Bay Area, CA

11 posts

Happy Weds!

Happy Weds!

Happy Weds!

So I was upset I let 3.4k go because I didn’t sell on time and held a bit more…. But it is what it is. We up 1k+ on the week. Continuing this grind back up!

More Posts from 8008sworld

7 months ago

So I’m getting back in the grove of just taking base hits on trading. I know I can trade. I have the skill set… mentally I am consumed on making a lot of money. I touched a lot of money trading and lost it all. This is really my get back. The process….. loading

7 months ago

Welp sucks today I blew my account but thankfully it’s only like 180 bucks… so I’ll be starting fresh prolly Friday or going into next week.

7 months ago
Street Fighter II (1992)

🕷️Street Fighter II (1992)🕷️

7 months ago


Yesterday was so emotionally draining. I find it very hard to be myself because it is taken as for being rude. I am blunt and honest. I don’t have to maliciousness or ill intent behind anything I say. So what do you then? I question myself every time especially being a man trying to be in tune with my feelings, trying to express… but this doesn’t make me want to anymore. This constant idea of “try” makes it seem like I’m doing the same thing expecting a different result. INSANITY. I’ve come to the conclusion that I must disconnect my humanity for the sake of myself. It honestly doesn’t make any sense nor do I want to know. Is it because I’m just tired? Or am I knowing the effects of it so I am just preventing future pains? I think during this process I can get a better understanding of myself. Being alone mentally is a place I’m familiar with so there could possibly find the answer. Or maybe there isn’t an answer and I just do not like feelings.

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