Emotions - Tumblr Posts

Answer to How can empaths control their empathy if it becomes too much for them to handle mentally? by Free-Thinker-of-a-Broken-Heart https://www.quora.com/How-can-empaths-control-their-empathy-if-it-becomes-too-much-for-them-to-handle-mentally/answer/Free-Thinker-of-a-Broken-Heart?ch=18&oid=1477743683599651&share=47ae3bf5&srid=hZ0uUt&target_type=answer

How can empaths control their empathy if it becomes too much for them to handle mentally?
Free-Thinker-of-a-Broken-Heart's answer: Empathy is not a vacuum cleaner for emotions.😅🤣 Empathy is easy to control. You just shift your fo

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I'm Learning To Love The Sound Of My Feet Walking Away From Things Not Meant For Me.

I'm learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.


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9 months ago

i love the genderfluid riley theory and ik its most likely cuz shes the main human so her emotion character designs get to be diverse in gender and appearance but like. genderfluid riley. she just doesnt know it yet 👀👀

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"The Moment We Cry In A Film Is Not When Things Are Sad But When They Turn Out To Be More Beautiful Than

"The moment we cry in a film is not when things are sad but when they turn out to be more beautiful than we expected them to be"

Alain de Botton

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"I Don't Want To Be At The Mercy Of My Emotions. I Want To Use Them, To Enjoy Them, And To Dominate Them"

"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them"

Oscar Wilde, "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

"I Don't Want To Be At The Mercy Of My Emotions. I Want To Use Them, To Enjoy Them, And To Dominate Them"

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5 years ago
And The Sky Was Made Of Amethyst ...

And the sky was made of amethyst ...

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3 years ago

One Day - Adam Stanheight / Reader

A/N I heard the song Gonna Love Ya - by Avicii on the radio and I thought of a story immediately. I know it’s an old song, idk what it was doing on the radio. Also this story is long!!

Winter was harsh this year. The snow was piling up outside the door, the wind was shaking the windows, and the thunder roared overhead violently. Your lights flashed and flickered every once in a while and the chill outside was seeping through your thin walls. You shivered, and clutched your blanket closer. Your hot chocolate was still sitting on the counter, where you had forgotten it a long time ago. It was probably cold by now.

Adam Stanheight was your roommate. He had left to get groceries about an hour and a half ago when the sky was still clear. You’d insisted on going with him, but he was determined to go by himself. You understood his need for alone time. He usually did the grocery shopping by himself.

But something was wrong. It never took him so long to get the groceries before. You were concerned. Shaking your head, you muttered something about being more firm with him.

Adam walked through the door at that exact moment. His arms were full of grocery bags, but that was the least of your concerns. Adam’s face was white, and his eyes were red. He was shaking from the cold as he dropped everything onto the counter, and slumped back against it.

You folded your lips nervously, as your heart started pounding a little. Leaning against the counter like that, giving you a side view, made Adam look so much more attractive than he already was. He huffed out in fatigue, and closed his eyes.

You had always had feelings for Adam, but you didn’t do anything about them. Mostly, you were too shy to make a move, but… you were also scared of ruining the good relationship you had with him right now. Hesitantly, you stood up and went to him. “Adam…” you whispered.

After the severe events of Jigsaw, you could understand his emotional issues, but it hurt every time you saw it happening. But Adam was recovering well from that due to the therapy and some extra precautions. You could guess that this was something else.

“Adam, what’s wrong?”

Adam didn’t look at you. Now that you were closer, you could smell the strong scent of smoke. He’d been smoking. That meant his life was really shitty right now.

“Would you like to talk about it?” You asked.

“What’s wrong with me?” He wondered miserably. “I thought the therapy would help?”

You looked at him up and down, stunned a little. “It is. It IS helping. You’re being helped.”

Adam looked into your eyes. “Then why do I feel like this? I’m not like you.”

His words hit you, and you frowned. “That doesn’t matter. If everyone was the same, life would be boring.”

“No,” Adam added instantly. “I’m not… normal… I’m not happy anymore. I was different before Kramer took me for his twisted game.”

You felt your heart break. Hastily, you replied, “You ARE normal. You’re just lost… Your therapist and I are trying to help redirect you.”

“ ‘Redirect’ me? You make it sound like a good thing.”

“That’s because it is a good thing. It’s okay to feel like this. You are okay.”

“No,” Adam insisted, glaring at the floor.

“Yes,” you assured Adam firmly. You grabbed his hands in yours.

“No.” Adam tried to get past you, but you blocked his way. “Why do you care?”

“Because…” Your mouth was dry, and your throat was tight. It surprised you how quickly the words, ‘I love you’ wanted to escape your lips. But… you weren’t even dating. That would be weird. “I care about you a lot…” you said vaguely.

Adam cast you a dubious look, and let out a scornful snort. “Yeah. Yeah, like I believe that.”

“It’s true,” you grumbled under your breath. Adam didn’t hear you, which was the point.

But this wasn’t about Jigsaw’s game, and you knew it. Adam was dealing with a difficult breakup at the moment. He had been with another woman, she hadn’t been one of the nicest people. She always tried to take advantage of Adam’s trauma instead of trying to help it. She’d lied to him all the time. She cheated on him.

That woman had never loved Adam and it had been painstakingly obvious to you, and to everyone else around you. Just not to Adam. She didn’t love him, not like you did.

“That’s not what’s bothering you,” you told him.

“How do you know?” Adam asked bitterly.

Because I study everything you do? Wait, that’s creepy! Not what I meant!

But it was partly true. Due to your little crush on Adam Stanheight, you had become very observant of him; you noticed things about him, and spotted patterns in his behavior. Not to mention, you’d been living with him for about two years now - things were bound to start calling out to you.

“Because,” you said quietly, unsteadily. “I know you.”

Adam sighed heavily, but didn’t answer your question.

“Is it about HER?” You pressed.

“Yeah,” Adam responded eventually.

“Want to talk about it? Have you talked about it with your therapist?”

“No,” Adam answered blatantly. “I mean, no, I haven’t talked about it with my therapist. But yes, I would like to talk about it.”

“Well, go on. You know I’m here for you, right?”

Adam looked out the window sadly. “I just thought… we had something…” he stammered halfheartedly. “I thought she was who I thought she was. And you know… I feel like I deserve what she did to me.”

“You don’t deserve that!” You exclaimed defensively. “Nobody deserves that. You of all people! There’s no need to be so harsh on yourself.”

“Then why did she leave me?” Adam shot at you. “It must have been my fault she’s gone. Probably my trauma scared her away. I fucking hate that about myself.”

You stared at him helplessly. You didn’t like hearing Adam talk about himself that way, but there wasn’t anything else you could think of to say. “That’s not true,” you mustered. “She was using you. She didn’t sleep with you because she didn’t love you, not because she was disgusted by you. There’s a difference, you know. But there ARE people who care about you. Many people care about you. You just have to look around.”

“Who?” Adam asked bluntly. “And saying my therapist doesn’t count. My therapist is SUPPOSED to care about me.”

“And do they?” You questioned.

“Yeah. I guess,” Adam said begrudgingly.

You gazed at Adam, your cheeks hot and your mind numb. Standing so close to Adam was definitely not good for your mental state, but… you were holding his hands… That was pretty big!

“Well, let’s see. Your friends care about you. Your doctors care about you… You know, the barista at Starbucks cares about you because you guys are like friends now.”

Adam stared at you miserably. “Is that all?”

“Of course it’s not all. I’m sure your family cares about you.”

Adam didn’t seem satisfied with those answers. He raised an eyebrow. “What about you?”

You felt very self-conscious, but didn’t look away from Adam’s curious gaze. You didn’t know what to say to that. “I care about you,” you said slowly. “Of course I do, because you're my roommate. You’re my best friend.”

“Hmm,” Adam grunted. “Is that it?”

“I-I don’t know… I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”

“You don’t want to talk about what you think of me? That must mean you don’t like me.”

“No,” you growled. “That’s not what it means. I just care about you, I don't have a reason.”

And Adam seemed to fill in the blanks. “Oh…” he mumbled. “Does this make things awkward between us?”

“If you think it does,” you said offhandedly.

It was dead silent in the room, and you stalked back over to the couch, and flipped on the TV. After some scrolling through the crappy shows and movies, you turned it off again. Adam was still standing by the counter, a distant look in his eyes. His face was still white, but at least his eyes looked normal now; not so much like he’d be crying.

You picked up your phone and turned on the pop radio. You didn’t know what it had in store. The first thing on the list was a song you didn’t recognize, but the heavy beat and the loud synthesizer were both very appealing.

Adam looked at you when he heard the music. “What’s this?”

“I dunno.”

He came to sit next to you, as the lyrics started, and you bit your lower lip nervously. This was the song that had to play, wasn’t it? This one. Among every song in the universe, this one was the coincidental song that decided to play? You listened to it anyway, letting the meaning resonate within you. It felt good. A little bit, anyway.

“I’m gonna love ya…”

You put your head in your hand, and looked the other way. Oh this is a love song…

“I know I could. I’m gonna love ya, like no one could.”

This song isn’t even that great… No… It’s alright… I suppose.

You were self-conscious of yourself suddenly. This wasn’t what you had been expecting. While the song wasn’t TERRIBLE it wasn’t AMAZING either, but what got you really feeling nervous was how much you related.

“Make your heart feel the way it should. I’m gonna hold ya, when no one would.”

Adam’s physical presence was making you uncomfortable. You could now feel him pressing against you. It was only lightly, but you’d been the one to start the cuddling thing between you both. You could remember that fateful day.

“ ‘Cause I swear you deserve so good.” That was the breaking point. You felt those words within you greatly, and you wished you didn’t. But Adam was wholesome, and didn’t deserve the things he’d been put through. You wanted the best for him entirely. You muttered aloud unintentionally, “Shit.”

Adam glanced over immediately. “What’s the matter?”

You didn’t answer though. The song was coming to a close, and you still felt very unsatisfied.

“I’m gonna love ya, I know I could. I’m gonna love ya, like he never could. ‘Cause I know you deserve so good.”

“Oh, shit…” You breathed, your mind feeling slightly overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts all colliding into each other all at once. It made it hard to concentrate.

It was like this song was MADE for this situation. It made you think of your relationship with Adam all the way. You did love Adam… or at least your feelings for him were strong enough to be love. And you believed that you were good for Adam, you hoped to be, you wanted to be; and you were certain you could love him much better than his ex did. And you also believed that he deserved a better life than he was living. He was worth so much more than this.

“What?” Adam asked, a smile on his face. “Are you okay? Are you going to tell me what’s up?”

You reached for your phone and stopped the music. That was enough. Your mind was fried now. “Y-Yeah. I think so. Why don’t we go to bed? We can do something fun tomorrow. I’m really sorry you had a difficult day.”

Adam nodded gloomily. “Yeah. I guess. But, you never answered my question-”

You shrugged him off of you. “-I am really tired. Sheesh.”

“You know we should put the groceries away, right?” Adam reminded you from behind.

You turned to look at the counter, and stared. “Uh… Oh yeah… Do you want me to help you with them?”

Adam sighed. “You want to go to bed, don’t you?”

“Do you want my help? I’ll help.”

Adam thought for a moment, then said, “No. It’s okay. You’re really tired, you should go to sleep. I don’t mind. It’s only one bag anyway.”

“Oh…” You wandered off to your bedroom, and closed the door behind you.

In a few quick sweeps and swooshes, you had a pair of your most comfortable pajamas on your body. You leaned back into the bed, feeling your heart beating heavily in your chest. It was slowly starting to calm down, but you still felt a little agitated from the earlier situation. You had leaned on your pillows and were getting ready to fall asleep, when Adam peeked inside. He appeared quiet and uncertain, with a look of worry on his face.

“Am I interrupting?” He inquired calmly.

You looked at him. “No. What’s up?”

He came to sit on the edge of the bed. “You never answered my question… I’m concerned about you, you know. You’ve seemed a little off lately.”

You listened thoughtfully, then said, “No. I’m okay. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“So, you’re allowed to pry into my life, but I’m not allowed to pry into yours?”

I never forced you to open up. You did that. I would have left it alone, if you said ‘no’. But you didn’t.”

“Well, talk to me anyway. I’m not the only one who needs support sometimes.”

You considered his words for a minute, then finally you mustered stiffly, “It hurts me to see you hurting. I like you a lot, Adam, and I want you to see that you deserve better than your ex. That’s why I’m acting different, because I don’t HOW to act.”

Adam’s expression was blank, which disconcerted you very much because you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Was he going to judge you for your feelings? If he did, then would it be in a positive or negative light?

Your heart and nerves were starting to act up again. It didn’t help that Adam was sitting next to you. All you wanted was to cuddle up next to him, or hold him, just holding hands would be enough. But you didn’t know if you could handle the pressure.

“I understand,” Adam breathed somberly. His voice was quiet and empathetic.

You grit your teeth awkwardly. “So… what does that mean?”

Adam laid down next to you, so close to you that your bodies were touching. You let out a breath and closed your eyes. “You’re a really good person, Y/N. I’m glad you’re with me, but… I can’t be in a relationship right now. But maybe one day.”

You shuddered when you felt his words vibrate through your shoulders, but didn’t say anything. You didn’t know WHAT to say.

It got darker and darker in your small bedroom, as the light dipped away from your long window. Twilight had passed a long time ago, but everything was at peace. You didn’t feel hurried, or anxious. You didn’t feel worried or scared. You didn’t even feel happy or excited. You were just present.

For once you felt at ease. And for the first time the urge was being satisfied. The urge to be as close to Adam Faulkner Stanheight as possible was finally becoming true. But would it remain that way? That was the real question.

“Mind if I stay?” Adam’s low tone was gentle, and echoed a little through the dim room, setting a kind of metallic air to the situation but not quite unsettling it.

You pressed yourself into the mattress, pushing into Adam, and sighed contentedly. Nothing could be better than this. You calmly responded, your voice soft and full of emotion, “No. Please.”

And that was all he needed. He relaxed into you, warming you with his own body heat, keeping you secure against his chest and lulling you sleep.

It was silent after that, all for good reason of course, and encouraged a perfect sleeping atmosphere, allowing an unconsciousness to sweep you both away.

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bro do you ever think about that feeling you get when you’re in school and excused in the middle of class and so you walk around and watch as a handful of bored students in their classrooms, too hot or too cold, notice you outside their windows and stare at you, envying your brief moment of freedom, and so you hold your head high and walk through the empty halls, nodding in solidarity at the few students who pass, and you just breathe in the sounds; the muffled voices of teachers presenting and students laughing and especially the way your shoes break the quiet with every step, tap tap tap, until you return to your classroom, the ribbon of serenity that once wrapped around your neck yanked off the second you dive back into the loudness of the space, whether it is a buzzing chatter or a resounding silence, the feeling shattered completely the second you lower yourself into your uncomfortable plastic seat? yeah no me neither bro

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3 years ago

I’m still frustrated at my last therapist because she really insinuated that asexuals don’t have feelings. She was trying to explain the difference between romantic and platonic relationships and kept saying it was about the sexual attraction, but I brought up that asexuals can still have romantic relationships, and then I had to explain what that was and then she was like “oh yes, I know about that” and I was like “clearly you don’t”. But she continued and said “If a person brings their partner flowers, their partner will like it, but asexuals won’t have that same feeling.”

“What if the asexual likes flowers? Wouldn’t they still be happy with it?”

“Asexuals wouldn’t be able to feel that because they can’t feel like normal people do. They don’t have emotions.” Or something along those lines. I repeated it slowly back to her, and she quickly backtracked but it didn’t seem like her response was very different.

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1 year ago

There’s this feeling I don’t know a name for but experience often. I feel it as a weight in my chest, rising up into my face. It’s sort of a sharp feeling and it’s something i feel whenever I’m like hyperfixations on something to to an overwhelming degree. Best way I can describe it is this image

Theres This Feeling I Dont Know A Name For But Experience Often. I Feel It As A Weight In My Chest, Rising

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7 years ago
Remember That All The Pain, All The Sadness And The Anger Can Be Channeled To Give You An Incredible

Remember that all the pain, all the sadness and the anger can be channeled to give you an incredible strength. But pay attention: don't let these emotions take control of you. YOU have to control them. #innerpower . . . . . . #magic #spiritual #power #psychology #mind #emotions #body #backmuscles #backmuscle #gay #instagay #gaygym #gayguy #gayback #quotes #instaquote #motivationalquotes #motivation #underwear #menunderwear #shoulders #shredded #muscled #ripped #gayfit #fit #fitness (presso Fribourg, Switzerland)

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7 years ago
You Feel Bad? Embrace Your Emotions. Address Your Malaise. Channel Your Energies. Focus . . . . #psychology

You feel bad? Embrace your emotions. Address your malaise. Channel your energies. Focus ⭐️ . . . . #psychology #emotions #strength #eyes #thoughts #beauty #motivation #muscular #handsome #muscle #sexy #torso #chest #fitness #strong #model #attractive #me #cute #photooftheday #gay #instagay #gayfitness #fitfam #fashion #instagood #love #swag #hot #smile (presso Maroggia, Switzerland)

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7 months ago

Her - "I'm not your fucking girl.

Him - Look me in the eyes when you talk to me. I need to see the lies when you say you are not mine.

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9 months ago
An Ambulance, Lights

an ambulance, lights

dancing shadows across the wall

the clock strikes 3AM

as Grim makes a house call


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7 months ago
Every Damn Time I Want A Specific Art Meme They Never 100% Fit What I Want And I End Up Being A Dumbass
Every Damn Time I Want A Specific Art Meme They Never 100% Fit What I Want And I End Up Being A Dumbass

Every damn time I want a specific art meme they never 100% fit what i want and i end up being a dumbass and going to the extra trouble to just make one myself to fit my own needs and wants

anyways color pallet meme! most of the pallets come courtesy of my own ocs/designs so thats a lil fun touch

Send a pallete+emoji+character and ill draw them in reply!

[Commission Prices]  [Etsy]

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